AUGUST 2, I900. THE MARINE RECORD. 13.5 WRECK AND GCASUALTY REPORT FROM JUNE 16 TO JULY 15, 1900, INCLUSIVE. Twenty-five casualties were reported entailing damage to the amount of $20,900 and the loss of 15 lives; 9 lives and $17,000 of property were due tothe gale of July 6 and 7. Fog isreported to be responsible for the loss or damage of $3,900 worth of property, according to the meteorological chart for August published by the Weather Bureau. In addition to the items following there were many minor accidents during the period of which no record is made: May 30.—Steamer H.C. Frick stranded 6 miles west of Whitefish Point. Released next day. Not seriously dam- aged. Estimated damage, $500. June 11.—Steamer City of Rome and schooner Vienna collided during dense fog, 4 miles northwest of Thunder Bay Island, Lake Huron. The City of Rome was uninjured. The Vienna had her sails carried away and bow stove in; 4 feet of water in hold. The City of Rome towed the Vienna to anchorage, then proceeded on her way. Damage to Vienna, $500. June 23.—Steamer Nyanza went hard aground abreast of Point Abino, Lake Erie. Damage, $5,000. June 27.—Steamer Empire State ran ashore, during the night, ata puint 8 miles south of Little Sturgeon, or abreast of what is known as Sugar Creek (Sturgeon Bay ), Lake Michi- gan. Released June 30. Damage to hull, $2,000; cargo, $2, 500. June 27.—Steamer Iron King, stranded at Whitefish Point, Lake Superior. Released June 28. Damage, $2,500. June 28.—Steamer Maryland stranded at Whitefish Point, Lake Superior, during heavy weather. She released herself. Damage, $1,000. June 29.—Schooner Picton foundered in Lake Ontario dur- ing gale, all hands lost, consisting of Captain Sibley, son and four others in crew. Loss, $1,200. Total loss. July 1.—Steamer John Craig stranded during fog and smoke, opposite Chequamagon lighthouse. Released next day. Estimated damage, $500. July 4.—Pleasure passenger steamer Idlewild grounded at Big Point Sable, St. Clair Flats, during heavy fog. Re- leased July 6. Damage, $1,000. July 4.—Steamer Riverside grounded at Grand Island, Niagara river, during dense fog in river. Released same day. Damage, $500. July 5.—Steamer Gladstone ran aground at Toledo. leased July 7. Damage, £500. July 6.—Steamer Merida grounded at Toledo during gale. Damage, $250. July 6.—Steamer Fritz dragged anchor and drifted against a pier in Cleveland harbor during the gale. Damage, $500. July 6.—Schooner Sardinia foundered in Hedgehog harbor, Lake Michigan, during gale. Damage, $500. Reported total loss. July 6.—Tug Marion Teller sprang a leak and foundered during gale on Lake St. Clair. Three of crew drowned. Damage, $1,500. Will probably be raised. July 6.—Schooner John C. Bauer stranded at South Fox Island during gale and fog. Total Joss. Estimated value of vessel, $3,000. July 7.—Schooner George Boyce stranded at Bois Blanc Island, Lake Huron, during the gale. Released next day. Damage, $4,000. 5 July 7.—Schooners Simmons and Monitor were in col- lision off Sutton Bay, Lake Michigan, during the gale. Damage to each, $250. July 7.—Schooner Mary E. Packard caught in gale off Manitowoc, Lake Michigan. Damage, $500. July 7. - Barge Racine, while off Sand Beach, Lake Huron, was caught in gale. Damage, $500. : July 7.—The pleasure schooner Idler, when 6 miles off Cleveland harbor, was capsized in heavy squall and sunk. Six lives lost. Damage, $2,500. Re- July 7.—Schooner Henry J. Johnson, when ina gale on Lake Erie, had deck house, etc., damaged, amount, $500. 5.F.HODGE & CB Chas. E. & W. F. Peck, Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, lll. C. T. BOWRING & CO. London, England. 58 William Street, New York City. g and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., . Insurance BROWN &CO., - - - J.@. KEITH & CO., - 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A. A. & B. W. PARKER, (5 Atwater St., W. Detroit, Mich. 138 Rlalte Building, Chicago, III. LA SALLE & CO., Beard of Trade Building, Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to make rates on all classes of [larine Insurance on the Great Lakes, both CARGOES and HULLS. July 8.—Excursion steamer Pearl stranded during gale when at or near Crystal Beach, Lake Erie. Released same day. Damage, $1,c00. July 8.—Steamer Ida stranded on Kelleys Island, Lake Erie, during gale. Released next day. Damage, $1,000. June 11.—The James Parker went on the South Manitou island during dense fog. The vessel isa wreck. Estimated value not given. eo LITERARY AND BOOK NOTICE. Meteorology, or the science which treats of the air and its phenomena, has received due attention from those who navigate the ocean. It is a study which may be carried on to an indefinite degree, and the lessons to be learned by the comparison of notes and experiences are of the utmost value. The up-to-date commander studies the weather con- ditions in the light of former observations, and is enabled to make safe and quick voyages. Fortunate is he who has constant access to the valuable pilot charts issued by the United States Hydrographic Office, the information con- tained in these being of the greatest possible benefit. Speak- ing of this special kind of work in this country the author of ‘‘A Manual of Marine Meteorology,’’ Mr. William Alling- ham, says, in the preface to his new book: ‘‘It would be dif- ficult, if not impossible, to improve upon either the matter or the manner of these American aids to safe and rapid navi- gation.’? In the book just issued there are nearly 200 pages of information on this subject, the study of which would well repay any master or seaman. Mr. Allingham explains the instruments in use at sea for the purpose of taking meteorological observations. The author, after giving the reader the main facts of the work, passes on to consider the subject from another standpoint than that which strictly be- longs to it. In this way, he says, the horizon is extended, and the student is perhaps led to become an observer of meteorology, physiography and natural history. Such a study includes a knowledge of atmospheric pressure, the temperature of the air and of the sea, the salinity of the oceans, the winds, the law of storms, hurricane seasons and tracks, ocean currents, icebergs, weather charts, phenomena due to moisture, and electrical indications. These are all dealt with in this book in a popular, and yet thorough and trustworthy way, without requiring from the reader any considerable technical or mathematical knowledge. Al- though written by an Englishman, the author dedicates the book to a well-known naval man in this country. The dedi- cation page bears the following: ‘‘This little volume is dedi- cated to my friend, Commander Richardson Clover, U. S. Navy, who, during his term of office as United States hydro- grapher, did very much to make marine meteorology popu- lar among navigators of every nation.’’ \ The book is one of the greatest value, and should be in the hands of every ship master. $n It is widely heralded that general manager Crapo, of the Pere Marquette road, was in Cleveland recently and it is stated that arrangements were then completed and the con- tract closed with the American Ship Building Co. to build for that road a ferry for use.on Lake Michigan, to be the fastest in the world and furnished with palatial accommo- dations for a limited number of passengers. The ferry will carry several more cars than the Pere Marquette now in use and while it will be built upon much the same general plans, the road has profited by experience and will make several changes in the construction of the new boat. The new steamer will cost $400,000, or about $50,000 more than the Pere Marquette, and nothing will be spared to make her the finest boat of her kind in the world. This story reads all right but I can’t find that any order has yet been placed, although, the plans for such a boat has been in the air for over a year. Victor Signal, Marine Valve Oil, Eldorado Engine Oil, REPORTED BY THE LOOKOUT. The Simon J. Murphy carried this week 247,000 bushels of wheat. On her first trip the Edenborn carried 7,100 tons of ore into Ashtabula. Immense quantities of half grown fish are floating on the surface of Lake Erie near the mouth of the Detroit river. Frank Macomb, first mate on the three-masted schooner _ Maumee Valley, was drowned at Kelley’s Island last Tues- day night. It is surmised that he was asleep standing and was pitched overboard when the vessel lurched. The schooner Howland, which sank off Windmill Point this spring, and which was raised and repaired, left Buffalo, Friday, for Cheboygan, in tow of the steamer Britannic. Capt. Jacob Jacobson, her old master, is still in command. A suit was decided in Buffalo a day or two ago which de- clared that one vessel at a dock may overlap another dock. The question of compensation, however, was not decided, the court saying that it should be raised in other than in- junction proceedings. When the Rutland liner Haskell arrived at Ogdensburg, Friday last, her master reported a collision in the Welland canal with the British steamer Monkshaven. The foreigner found it difficult to steer in the narrow canal and both boats cite together. The damage done was not heavy on either side. Lorain wants a life-saving station. She now depends on the Cleveland crew, which has all it can attend to at home without having to look after Lorain as well. It is a four hours’ trip from Cleveland to Lorain and back with a tug, and Cleveland is left unprotected for that time whenever the crew goes to Lorain. The government officials are making it lively for vessels that carry passengers without a license. Of late tugs have been tied up to the dock and fined the full $500, a number of them having been caught. Steamers are also being watched closely to see that they do not violate the law. This is making the tug men and the vessel masters cautious. Tugs have beenin the habit of carrying men back and forth and not asking anything for it. Big steamers, too, have been carrying passengers up the lakes as the guests of the owners. All of this is set down as in open violation of the statutes governing such a case, and is the subject of a fine, which the officers of the government are now trying to make the owners pay when a violation occurs. A curiosity in this bay Thursday was the Lu Lu G., one of the old-time stern-paddle Mississippi river steamers. She came from New Orleans, which port she left June 4th, com- ing up the Mississippi to the Wisconsin river through the canal at Portage, thence to Lake Winnebago and up the Fox river to Green Bay. She will:go to Chicago and pass down the Illinois and Desplaines rivers to the Mississippi and back to New Orleans, which place she expects to reach about the middle of September. The craft is in command of Capt. O. E. Hogobum, an experienced coast and lake pilot, and on board is G. W. Wicks her owner, who is likewise interested in marine property quite extensively on the Gulf. The object of the trip was pleasure, experiment and business combined, Mr. Wicks being engaged in selling patent rights en route. As the craft draws but. 14 inches of water she is well suited for the purpose of navigating the rivers through which she was obliged to pass, as Capt. Hogobum states that the water at some points was extremely low. He says the trip has been an enjoyable one, the scenery along the route being very interesting, and the cities, towns and farms looking prosperous all the way up. The boat laid in port over night continuing on her way south this (Friday) morn- ing.—The Advocate, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. @ sie ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. Renown Engine Oil, Atlantic Red Engine Oil, Mineral Seal Oil, Arctic Cup Greases, are trade mark brands manufactured by the The best goods are most economical. Standard Oil Company and found on sale at all lake ports. Remember the names.