AUGUST 9, Ig00, THE MARINE RECORD. SSS TREASURY DECISIONS. ORDERS FOR TRAVELING AND ALLOWANCE FOR TRAVELING EXPENSES. Inspectors of the Steamboat-Inspection Service, so far as their respective districts are concerned, exempted from the provisions of Department Circular No. I14, that orders for traveling and allowance for expenses be signed by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, except in emergency cases. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 26, 1900. Sir: It is hereby ordered that inspectors in the Steamboat- Inspection Service be, and they are hereby, exempted from the provisions of Department Circular No. 114, so far as their respective districts are concerned, which requires that all orders for traveling allowance for traveling expenses be signed by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, except in emergency cases. Respectfully, I. J. GAGE, Secretary. Hon, JAmEs A. DUMONT, Supervising Inspector-Gen. Steamboat-Inspection Service. OBSTRUCTION TO NAVIGATION. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 28, 1900. Collectors of customs and others: This Department is advised that on receipt of a report that part of a wreck was seen near New York Harbor, search was made by a United States vessel, which found that a tim- ber or spar had been attached by a wire rope to rocks on the bottom, probably as a guide to fishermen, a few miles from Sandy Hook light-ship, in such a position as to endanger navigation. Severe penalties are provided by Congress for the creation of any obstruction not affirmatively authorized by law to the navigable capacity of any of the waters of the United States; and it is made unlawful to “‘float loose timber and logs * * * in streams or channels actually navigated by steam vessels, in such manner as to obstruct, impede or endanger navigation,”’ etc. You will please take measures for the enforcement of any penalty or penalties incurred in any case brought to your attention in which obstructions may have been unlawfully placed in the path of vessels entering or leaving your dis- trict. H. A. Tayvror, Assistant Secretary. Rules and regulations fixing salaries of inspectors of steam vessels under act of Congress approved March 1, 1895, con- cerning the regulation of steam vessels. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 24, 1900, To supervising and local inspectors of steam vessels: Under the provisions of section 4414 of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States as amended by the act of Congress approved March 1, 1895, it is provided that the salaries of the local inspectors of steam vessels shall be regulated in proportion to the number of steamers inspected in each of the various districts as follows: In districts inspecting 100 steamers and less, toa salary : of $1,200 per year each. In districts inspecting over 100 and less than 150 steamers, to a salary of $1,500 per year each. In districts inspecting 150 and less than 200 steamers, to a salary of $1,800 per year each. In districts inspecting 200 and less than 300 steamers, toa salary of $2,000 per year each. In districts inspecting 300 and less than 500 steamers, to a salary of $2,250 per year each. In districts inspecting 500 steamers and upward, to a sal- ary of $2,500 per year each. ! The act further provides that the basis of salaries from the date of approval of the act of March 1, 1895, shall be on the report of inspections for the preceding year, and there- after according to the number of steamers reported inspected at the end of each fiscal year, which shall regulate the sal- aries for the following year for each local board, as reported by the Supervising Inspector-General. Therefore, in accordance with the report of that officer for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900, the salaries of local in- spectors of hulls and local inspectors of boilers from July 1, Igoo, to June 30, 1901, inclusive, are hereby established, as follows: For the districts of Evansville, Ind.; Louisville, Ky.; Memphis, Tenn.; Nashville, Tenn.; Cincinnati, O.; Galli- polis, O.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Burlington, Vt.; Bangor, Me.; Galveston, Tex.; Apalachicola, Fla., and Toledo, O., at the rate of $1,200 per year for each local inspector. For the districts of New Haven, Conn.; Savannah, Ga.; Charleston, S. C.; Dubuque, Iowa; Pittsburg, Pa.; Portland, Ore.; Superior, (Marquette,) Mich.; Mobile, Ala., and Jacksonville, Fla., at the rate of $1,500 per year for each local inspector. For the districts of St. Louis, Mo.; Oswego, N. Y.; New London, Conn.; Duluth, Minn.; Portland, Me.; Detroit, Mich., and Providence, R. I., at the rate of $1,800 per year foreach local inspector. For the districts of Puget Sound, (Seattle,) Wash.; Al- bany, N. Y.; Grand Haven, Mich.; Port Huron, Mich.; Juneau, Alaska.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Cleveland, O.; Chicago, Ill., and Norfolk, Va., at the rate of $2,000 per year for each local inspector. For the districts of Philadelphia, Pa.; Boston, Mass.; Baltimore, Md.; Buffalo, N. Y.; New Orleans, La., and San Francisco, Cal., at the rate of $2,250 per year for each local inspector. For the district of New York, N. Y., at the rate of $2,500 per year for each local inspector. I. J. GAGE, Secretary. oo or or ONTARIO RIVER AND HARBOR WORK. Finance Minister, of the Dominion of Canada, W.S. Field- ing, has announced that the expenditures upon river and harbor works in Ontario during the current fiscal year would be as follows: Port Burwell, improvements of harbor............. $30,000 Bort Stanley whats wie ik nea ee en es we 8,000 Kingsville, repairs and improvements to wharf and break Water seco r sy esos eb east ene ee 15,000 Point Pelee Island, wharf (re-vote)................ 6,000 Weamington; plen.mrcnc ws oot snes ees eee 15,000 Sydenham river, dredging (re-vote)............... 5,000 Bayheld; extension of piers 2 22..5.. este ae ok, 5,500 Goderich harbor, re-construction of breakwater, etc. GEEHV OLE) eres Mest Aue pages ccc lente sas sae ay 20,000 Goderich harbor, dredging to complete (re-vote)... 11,000 BosteAlbert dredoing 64 300 ei rar anaemia 1,000 Goderich harbor 335 oe ete ey ee ok 5,039 Goderich harbor, blasting and removing rocky shoal insvicinity of elevaton ste ss oy. ce. sos ens sees 4,700 Goderich harbor, repairs to northern entrance pier. 2,100 Depot Harbor-breakwateriye cess. ccc s ose ee ews 50,000 Satna redoing a ees cw ss ata ce es 11,250 Port Hope Harbor dredging ($5,oco,) repairs to DIET, (H2; OOO) sik eek eeanhe ons ovens eeug ew cee 7,000 Lancaster wharf............... ACOH Hee Sel ANN ce 5,000 Cobourg, repairs to pier and dredging............. 5,000 Severn and Black rivers, improvemeuts in. connec- tion with regulation of waters of Lake Simcoe and @ouchichiige oe oe arama e tetas 2,500 Beaverton, repairs to wharf... . 2.2... sce secs se eee 1,000 Oshawa, repairs to pier (re-vote $8,000) ........ +++ 10,000 Pickering harbor, repairsto breakwaterand dredging 4,000 Toronto harbor, work at eastern entrance (re-vote) 40,000 Toronto harbor, diversion of Don and dredging in the -Warbor (resvote) fen acne) seus. cis entero Bronte, harbor improvements.............. Patines 5,000 Oakville, repairs to west pier at mouth of harbor, CLC Palate sb a elas een a witch oe dem aie cae 5. 5,000 Burlington channel, repairs to piers (re-vote)...... 20,C00 McGregor’s'@reek i. os... 2. Os eee ,000 Rondeau harbor (repairs $1,500, dredging $3,907)... 5,407 Port Elgin, breakwater (re-vote $3,c00)............ 3,000 Port. Elgin; dredging)... cos g dae ee I,500 Kincardine; dredging’ ©). 322509. .3 ee ee 2,500 Kincardine, harbor improvements................. 5,000 ‘Wiarton; landing pier 5.2 82). 10,000 Southampton, dredging) 10. 2,CO0O Saugeen River, improvements, etc................. 5,000 Colpoy’s Bay, extension of pier...............-.... 600 Lion’s Head, repairs to pier.......... 00.0. eeeeeee 1,000 Lion's: Head, dredging. i 5, et ge I,500 Owen Sound harbor, dredging and extension of pile protection works (re-vote $9,0cO)................ 30,000 Oxenden; addition to wharf)... 2...:....2........ 4,000 Meaford harbor, dredging and pile work........... 30,000 Thornbury, repairs to harbor works............... 1,000 Collingwood harbor, improvement, (re-vote $30,000) 50,000 Barrie, works of re-construction and repairs on pub- lic “wharves. ic... asses eee ee ee een (00.5) Hawkestone, wharf (re-vote $1,500)............... 2,250 Midland harbor, dredging. 72 .4..., 2...) 3 3,300 Bruce Mines, wharf (re-vote)..............00...-5. ,00O Providence Bay, wharf (re-vote)..................-. 5,000 Sheguindah, landing pier.................... ge ge 22,300 Sault Ste. Marie, harbor improvements............ 10,000 Little Current, north channel improvement........ 1,000 Port Findlay, wharf (re-vote $2,500)............... 5,300 Port Arthur. dredging. ¢ \ se ee 3,500 Desbarats, to complete wharf............0.0....00- 1,000 Hawkesbury, dredging 2) 2022.) se 4,000 North: Bay, repairs 20% oes scne ten ee ot ee 2,300 Scugog River, dredging channel (re-vote).......... 4,000 Fenelon River, piers regulate descent of logs....... rr VESSELS CLASSED. Vessels classed and rated by the American Bureau of Ship- ping in the Record of Ameriean Foreign Shipping. Screw, City of San Antonia, screw Hudson, three masted schooner Helena, three masted schooner Emily F. Northam, barken- tine Hancock. British schooner Demozelle, schooner Benefit. oo THE Navy Department has been recommended to purchase the submarine torpedo boat known as the ‘‘Improved Hol- land’’, the disposition of which was left open by Secretary Long when he bought the ‘“‘Holland.’’ Thisorder has no effect upon the previous action of the department in decid- ing to build the five submarine boats provided for in the last act of Congress. and British three masted PROPOSALS FOR PATROL BOAT. The Ohio Fish and Game Commission will receive bids for the construction of a patrol boat for Lake Erie. Plans and specifications may be had on application to the Secretary of above Com- mission, Athens, Ohio. Sealed bids will be received up to 12 o’clock noon, Chittenden Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, September 4th, 1900. All bids should be mailed to the Secretary Ohio Fish and Game Commission, Chitten- den Hotel, Cclumbus, and any other corres- pondence to same address, Athens, Ohio. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 32-33 5.F.HODGE &C MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. @ 312 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. | Chas. E. & W. F. Royal Insurance Building, Chicago, III. C. T. BOWRING & CO. 58 William Street, New York City. 5 and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., - Insurance BROWN&CO., - - - J. G. KEITH & CO., - 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A. A. & B. W. PARKER, 15 Atwater St., W. Detroit, Mich. 138 Rialte Building, Chicago, lll. LA SALLE & CO., Beard of Trade Building, Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to make rates on all classes of [Marine Insurance on the Great Lakes, both CARGOES and HULLS. Peck, Victor Signal, London, England. Marine Valve Oil, Eldorado Engine Oil, Renown Engine Oil, Atlantic Red Engine Oil, Mineral Seal Oil, Arctic Cup Greases, are trade mark brands manufactured by the The best goods are most economical. Standard Oil Company and found on sale at ail lake ports. Remember the names.