NoVEMBER 8, 1900. THE MARINE RECORD. : BUFFALO. Special Correspondence to the Marine Record. There is no change from the rate of 30 cents to principal ports and 35 cents to Portage Lake. The shipments of coal by lake have begun to brisk up, though all in anticipation of the coming supply, for there will not be anything in for some time yet. The amount shipped last week was 24,710 tons, considerably more than fcr any week since the strike began: The distribution was as follows: Milwaukee, 9,800 tons; Duluth-Superior, 8,000 tons; Chicago, 4,000 tons; Hancock, 1,250 tons; Lake Linden, 1,050 tons; Port Col- borne (soft), 610 tons. _ The Black Diamond of Chicago and New Vork sums up the local coal situation as follows: Buffalo advices are that there is some stir in hard coal circles.on account of the end- ing of the strike in the anthracite fields, and as evidence of this the shipments by lake are more than treble what they were the week preceding, amounting to 24,710 tons, dis- tributed as follows: Milwaukee, 9,800 tons; Duluth- Superior, 8,000 tons; Chicago, 4,000 tons; Hancock, 1,250 ‘tons ; Lake Linden, 1,050 tons, and 610 tons soft coal to Port Colborne. Freight rate, 30 cents. It is remarkable how well the shippers have taken care of the local and lake trade, considering there was little surplus coal. After a careful review of the testimony’ they have taken, the local steamboat inspectors have revoked the license of Capt. Thomas Brennan, of the tug Comet, which recently stranded on Hoover’s Point, in Lake Erie, and subsequently became a total loss. The inspectors also report that the certificate of inspection for the Comet gave her the right to run on Niagara river and Buffalo harbor and that: at the time of the accident she was being navigated on waters other than those named in the certificate. In addition the tug was not equipped with a life raft, as is necessary for a craft sailing on the wide waters of the lake. At the time of the accident the Comet was bound for Depot Harbor. oe DULUTH—SUPERIOR. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Shippers from the head of Lake Superior are making a hard fight against paying $3 on lumber from the head of Lake Superior, and no charters are being reported. There isa fair demand for tonnage and some business has been done at $2.75. teas The Dunn mine, Crystal Falls, Mich., which was operated by the Corrigan & McKinney interests, has suspended oper- ations. The old shaft caved in some time ago, and the work of sinking a new one has been in progress since the early part of the season. The mine will be closed for an indefinite period. ' The mines of Minnesota are shipping slowly, and vessel men are complaining of the delay. This has been especially noticed in vessels chartered for $1.25 a ton for the season, some of which lost a full trip in October. The present rate is little more than half the contract price. Shipments for the season close this week with many mines. James Smith, who has been connected with the Superior ship yards for several years, has gone to Toronto, where he has obtained a position with John Inglesand & Son. Mr. Smith will have charge of the construction of the engines of . the steamer now under course of construction for Captain Mc- Dougall at. Collingwood, which will be patterned after the North West and North Land, and which will ply between Duluth and Sarnia. The new mines of the Michipicoten district suspend ship- ment for the season this week, with a total of 50,000 tons to their credit. The mines have been developed entirely with- in the past 15 months. The Algoma Commercial Co., which operates the mines will bring over from England four 3,000- ton steamships and a like tonnage in barges. ‘These with the four foreign-built vessels already in use will give a ca- pacity in 1901 for handling about 1,000,000 tons. - The Duluth & Iron Range railroad has received about 60 or 75 of the new steel ore cars and they have lately been ut in service. The new cars are giving entire satisfaction. he Duluth & Iron Range road ordered 350 tons of the steel cars for delivery in June. About 200 cars of the order have been shipped to the road and others are now on the way. The new cars have a capacity of 130,000 pounds. The standard size of Iron Range ore cars in the past has been 57,000 pounds. There is much speculation here as to the price of lake ores - next year, says the Duluth Dispatch, and mining men in general look for a lower scale by at least $1 to $1.50 per ton. Mesaba producers who have this year sold at from $4.25 to $4.85 are figuring out that if they get $3.35 to $3 50, they will be satisfied. All this reduction will not come from the mines. The lake freight will absorb about 70 cents of it. Miners haye been let out at a numberof properties on the old ranges. Efforts are being made at many lines to get rid of stock of ore on hand and there will be less on the surface at the close of navigation than has been expected. _Harly in the spring it was figured that Minnesota would have at least four iron mines. which would each ship 1,c00,v00 tons or more, says the Duluth Tribune. The Fayal. was Scheduled for 1,500,000 tons, and the Mahoning, Mountain Tron and Biwabik were expected to forward at least 1,000,000 fonseach. But none of these expectations will be realized. The Fayal will probably take the record by shipping some- _ What more than the Mountain Iron last year. The Moun- _ tain Iron’s record for 1899 was 1,137,000 tons. The Fayal was prepared to ship 1,500,000 this season, but the demand for the ore did not warrant the movement. The Mahoning mine will probably come within 100,000 tons of the amount aimed at. The Mahoning Ore Company sells to the various interests which control it, and if the ore is required, it will be forwarded to the amount of 1,000,000 tons. The Moun- tain Iron mine produces an ore of such fine formation that it cannot be used to as good advantage in the furnaces as the coarser classes of soft ores. The Oliver Iron Mining Co. will not begin to ship as much froin that property this year as last for that reason. The Mountain Iron, Oliver and Ohio combined may ship 1,200,000 ‘tons, Se NOTICE TO MARINERS. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE LiGHT-HousE Bonn, | WASHINGTON, D. C., October 29, 1900. HIGH POINT BEACON LIGHT STATION.—Notice is hereby given that on October 17, 1900, the fixed white lens-lantern light was re-established, on a temporary structure, at this station, at High Point, easterly side of Portage river. - The light is shown atthe same height as heretofore, viz, 42 feet. St. Marys Faris Canary (S. PreR) Lien? Sration.— Notice is hereby given that on November 1, 1900, the fixed white lens-lantern light was permanently discontinued at this station, on the westerly end of the south pier at the westerly entrance to St. Marys Falls Canal. Two red lights, one vertically above the other, 35 feet and 15 feet respectively, above lake level, the upper light electric, the lower oil, are maintained on a pole, on the westerly end of the south pier, by the officials of the canal. In case of the failure of the electric light an oil light of the same color will be shown, in its place. ONTONAGON PIERHEAD LIGHT-STATION.—Notice is here- by given that on or about November 6, 1900, a fixed red light of the fourth order will be established in the tower re- cently erected-on the) west pier, near its outer end, at the entrance to Ontonagon Harbor, southerly shore of Lake Su- erior. . The focal plane of the light will be 31 feet above lake level and 26 feet above the base of the structure. The structure is a square, white, pyramidal, skeleton, iron tower, the upper part inclosed. ‘On the same date the temporary fixed red lantern light near the outer end of the pier will be discontinued. SANDUSKY BAY INNER RANGE LIGHT STATION.—Notice is hereby given that on or about December 1, 1900, the fol- lowing changes will be made in the lights at this station, on the northerly side of the entrance to Sandusky Bay from Lake Erie, and on the northerly prolongation of the axis of the straight channel in the bay. Front Light.—The color of this light will be changed from white to red, and the arc of illumination will be re- duced from 270° to 180° of the horizon, to the westward of N. 33° W. (NNW. 18 W.) and S. 33° E. (SSE. 15 E.) Vessels entering the bay from the lake on the Sandusky Bay outer.range line should begin the turn into the straight channel as soon as this light becomes visible. Rear Light.—The color of this light will be changed from white to red, and the arc of illumination will be reduced from 270° to 90° of the horizon, the light to be visible from the direction of Sandusky through an arc of 45° on either side of the range line, or between N. 27° 56’ W. (NNW. 5 W..) and N. 62° o4’ HE. (NE. by E. 4 E.) ee Notice is also given that on the opening of navigation in Ig0I, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the color of the keeper’s dwelling and the two towers will be changed from yellowish drab to bright yellow, and the foundation cribs will be painted red: By order of the Light-House Board. FRANCIS J. HIGGINSON, Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, Chairman: OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE INSPECTOR, IOTH DISTRICT, BuFFALO, N. Y., November Ist, rgoo. The light-house tender Haze will leave Buffalo, N. Y., about November 15, 1900, for the purpose of taking up the buoys in Lake Erie and the Detroit river.. All important buoys will be replaced with winter buoys. The buoys at Dunkirk, N. Y., will be taken up about No- vember 15th. The buoys at Erie, Pa., will be taken up about November 16th. Those at Sandusky, O., and the islands, about November 2oth. Those in Maumee Bay about November 25th. Those in the Detroit river (excepting the gas-buoys) about November 30th. The gas-buoys and light-vessels in the Detroit river will be left in position as’ late as circumstarices will permit, prob- ably until about December roth. The position of the Bar Point light-vessel, after its removal will be marked by a black spar-buoy. Waverly Shoal buoy and the Niagara river buoys will be kept in position as late as the season will allow. The St. Lawrenee river and Lake Ontario buoys will also be left in place as late as possible. By authority of the Light-House Board, A. DUNLAP, Commander, U. S. N. Inspector 1oth L,. H. District. LicHt-Housk ESTABLISHMENT, FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. The wet corn in the cargo of thesteamer John Duncan turned out to be 4,925 bushels, considérably more than the first estimate. The Pueblo -had.470 busbel of wet corn. So far this fall these are the only damaged cargoes worth men- tioning. i The astern Ship Building Co., is mentioned as among the firms that will receive specifications for the new government cruisers, bids for which will be opened on December 7. The Bath Iron Works and the Fore River Engine Co., are among the other New ingland concerns cerns mentioned. _ The schooners E.R. Blake, Horace Tabor, George A. Marsh, and Jessie L,. Boyce have been engaged to carry po- tatoes from Door county to Chicago, Messrs. O. J. Vander- hoof and J. R. Ryan are now engaged in picking up 50,000 bushels of the tubers at different points in the county, and they will be loaded onto the vessel as fast as possible. The American schooner Fred. I. Wells went ashore, four miles east of Oswego, N. Y., on Monday night, in the norther. The crew was taken off the wreck by life-savers from Oswego. The rescue was attended with great difficulty and much danger from the heavy seas. The lost boat was bound from Sacketts Harbor to Oswego, and was running light. She will probable be a total loss. : Joseph Gilchrist, of Cleveland, who is building eight steel freighters of 5,000 tons capacity each, says there is much more advantage in building that sized craft than 500 footers or anything over 7,000 gross tons capacity. The 5,000 ton boat is considered a better all-around business craft. They must carry coal, grain or ore, as the freights may offer. If engaged in the regular ore trade the big boat would be the best. it Names for the six new Holland submarine boats for the navy have been decided upon. The places of construction and contract time for the new boats are ‘as follows: Adder; nine months, Crescent Shipyard, Elizabethport, N. J.; Gram- pus, eight months, Union Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal.; Pike, nine months, Union Iron Works; Moccasin, Crescent Shipyard; Porpoise, ten months, Crescent Shipyard; Shark‘ eleven months, Crescent. ; ? It comes out now that the report that a sale of the Union dry dock was on, was well founded, but it is now held that the announcement made recently is premature. It is said that there is no sale yet, but that Superintendent Gaskin and two New Yorkers, known merely as Warfield and Sample, and supposed to be promoters, have an option on the dock, but will have to raise some funds before they can complete the purchase. Likely they can do this, for the Brie Railroad Co., which owns the dock property is supposed to be anx- ious to sell, It seems that new records are established every season in carrying iron ore on Lake Superior. The latest big cargo reported was taken down by the steamer Maricopa and two barges for the Minnesota Iron Company. The barges were towed by the steamer, and the three vessels together car-. ried 22,635 tons of iron ore, which is claimed. to be the greatest quantity ever moved on Lake Superior by a single engine. The average speed made by the tow was 11 miles. an hour, and the crews numbered 41 men, of whom 25 were on the steamer and 8-0n each barge. At the season con- tract rates this great cargo would bring the vessels $27,956 for the trip. It would certainly be difficult to exceed this in the way of transportation.—Engineering and Mining Journal. . The New York Ship Building Co. have practically com- pleted their new plant at Camden, N. J., in the harbor of Philadelphia, where they have adequate facilities for the construction of war vessels, ocean liners, cargo ships, yachts and coasting steamers, as well as engines, boilers, hulls and joinery work. The plant covers an area of 130 acres, having a frontage of 3,600 feet on the Delaware river. The floor space of the building is 22 acres. The building slips can accommodate hulls of 700 feet in length at present, and are capable of extension so that any length desired can be con- structed. The entire plant is fire proof and all machinery is new. The company has already under contract one ship of 4,200 tons burden, one of 11,00¢ tons, and one of 5,500 tons. These are cargo ships of slow speed. R. L. Mead, secretary of the Risdom Iron Works, of San Francisco, was in New York, last week, en route to Wash- ington, and asa result of his visit to the east it is reported that the San Francisco company contemplates the establish- ment of a shipyard near New York. It is said that the Ris- don officials have negotiations under way for a tract of land comprising about 100 acres, and which is located on the New Jersey coast within an hour’s ride of New York city. As the San Francisco company has been acquiring additional land of late, and now has 1,700 feet water frontage on San Francisco bay, with a very large dry dock under construc- tion, the report of another works near New York is probably doubtful, but Mr. Mead would neither confirm nor deny it. His visit to Washington is in connection with the contracts soon to be let by the Government for 11 vessels of war—five battleships and six armored. cruisers. Under the law not more than three of these ships may be built on the Pacific coast. These may be two battleships and one cruiser, or’ two cruisers and one battleship. Mr. Mead says that the Risdon Iron Works intends to submit bids for the construc- tion of the three Pacific coast vessels in competition with the Union Works, of San Francisco, which has built all the vessels of war thus far turned out on the Pacific.