NOVEMBER 22; 1900. THE MARINE RECORD. FOR THE COAST TRADE. This week the steamer Asuncion, built by the American Ship Building Co., to the order of A. B. Wolvin and others, left for the ocean to engagein the coasting trade. Her com- -pletion at the yards at Lorain marks an epoch in the history of lake shipbuilding. Lorain is becoming known all over this conntry as the point where steel can be made the cheap- est, and whose harbor is one of the best on the chain of lakes. Shipbuilders along the Atlantic scarcely dreamed of the shipyards on the lakes competing with them in the con- struction of ocean craft, yet they realize now that such a fact’ is only too true. That vessels of 3,000-tons capacity have been built for the ocean, and that larger vessels to be built in two sections and joined after passing the St. Law- rence system of canals, is benig considered, is causing persons all over the country and especially, along the coast, to look on the map for Lorain. It is the same little place where two of the largest boats on the lakes, the Gates and the Hill-were built, which caused the city to be much spoken off “The Asuncion and the Paraquay were built especially for salt water service and will find plenty of work at fair rates in the coasting trade. Other boats have been built at Lorain to do ocean service, but none of them have been so well fitted out for the work as these two boats. The Asuncion cleared in charge of Capt. L. A. Rand and Chief Engineer Ostrandt. Joseph Hays, master mechanic Woods, of the shipyard, and John Coleman, of the Babcock & Wilcox Co., accompanied the boat on her maiden trip. The work on the boat the past two weeks has been the most remarkable ever done at the Lorain yards. Boilers were set, machinery placed, carpenter work, painting, electric wiring and any amount of other work was done on the boat in'that time. Night and day men worked getting her in shape for departure. ' The Asuncion, as well as the Paraquay, is 256 feet long over all; molded depth, 26 feet and six inches; molded breadth, 42 feet. The engines were made by the American Ship Building Co., and are of quadruple expansion type, having cylinders 15, 23, 35 and 54 inches in diameter with acommon stroke of 36 inches. They are of 1,500 horse power and are furnished steam from two Babcock & Wilcox boilers with a steam pressure of 250 pounds. The ship is lighted by an Ellwell & Parker generator, made in Cleve- land, driven by a W. D. Forbes & Co., of Hoboken, dynamo engine. The switch-board was tee in Newark by the Western Electric Instrument Co. while the electric telegraph service between captain and. engineer is of Chadburn make, of Liverpool. The boat has Wheeler condens- sors and circulating pumps and air draft supplied by machinery made by B. E. Sturtevant, of Boston. Blake pumps, of New York, supply the boat with a full water works system. A Globe steering. gearisin use. She can carry 2,600 gallons of fresh water for drinking and cooking purposes. . About 1,300 gallons of water can be purified daily by a Reilley evaporator made in New York. The crew consists of 29 all told and they have been given excellent accomodation. ANOTHER ENGINEER OFFICER FOR LAKE SERVICE. : The recent appointment of Maj. Fitch as an associate of Col. Lydecker in Great Lakes engineering work in this dis- trict will “again establish two separate engineering depart- ments with headquartersin Detroit, says the Detroit Journal. Maj. Fitch'‘who is now in an important department on the New England coast, will have charge of the engineering work on the smaller rivers and all harbors on the east coast of Michigan, a work which during the edrlier;regime of Gen. Poé in this'district, wasin charge of Col. Ludlow. Gen. Poe at that’ time gave his entire attention to the problem of deep _ waterways. In 1893 Col. Ludlow was succeeded in his de- _ partment by Col, Lydecker and upon the death of Gen. Poe, _ the'deep waterways work being practically complete to what was considered a good depth, the work of the two offices was combined ‘and Col. Iiydeckér placed in charge of the entire : district. ‘Since that time the consideration of propositions _ to deepen and widen the chanriels has ‘(greatly increased the 5 work: of Col. Lydecker’s’ office. Since the begining of the ‘Spanish-American war the'staff of the’ engineer executive Officers has been stnall; and ~ Col. Lydecker was obliged to shoulder the entire executive work his district. Maj. Fitch wilPhhave a separate office and force of assistants and the problem of i improving the through deep waterways so as to make'a 600 foot channel, 21 feet deep, will engage the en- aad time of the present engineer and assistants. A. B. Wolvin’s chief engineer, | ping and transportation business. -was in port Capt. McNeil accepted the invitation of a num- TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAFFIC. Through service for passengers and freight from New York to Asia is the proposition said to be involved in the combination of the Hill and Morgan, lake, rail and | ocean, lines. There will be two routes. for this. One. ‘will be from. New York to Buffalo over the’ Pehigh o: or Brie, from, Buffalo, to Duluth by the Northern Steamship ) Company boats, to St. Paul via the St. Paul and Duluth: railroad, recently pur. chased by the Northern Pacific railroad, ‘and then on to the. Pacific coast by either the Northern Pacific or the Great Northern. ‘The other route “would be from New York to. Chicago via the Erie railroad, on to St. Paul via the Wiscon- sin Central, and then by either of the two western roads to the coast. At the Pacific ports the business will be taken on to the orient in the transpacific steamers that are being built by J. J. Hill in the consummation of his fifteen years’ at- tempt to build up the Asiatic trade. —————— ee OS NOT AN INDIAN. A good story is told in the Duluth News-Tribune this week anent @ well-known lake shipmastet. The yarn is spun in this way. Among the Bay City crowd in Duluth, permanent residents and transients, there are some good story tellers and many practical fader’, “Of course the stories are all true, but if anybody refuses to accept them as such, they will at least admit most of them are good. A well-known Bay City man tells ‘the following on Sa John McNeil, of the steamer Cranage: “Some ten years ago Capt. McNeil was on the steamer Leuty. At that time Bay City was still a big factor in the lumber shipping industry, and the town was one of the live- liest and best in Michigan. In Bay City at that time was a German whose first name was Otto. His Christian name was: known only. to:Otto, I guess, for I never heard anybody try to pronounce it. Well, Otto kept a fine saloon, much patronized by vesselmen and others connected with the ship- One day when the Leuty ber of his Bay City business acquaintances to drop into Otto’s to splice the main brace. He is a man who seldom drinks anything stronger than coffee, but he did not want to appear unsociable,.so he joined the party. Now Capt. McNeil is a big, powerful man of dark complexion. years ago he was clean shaven, and his face was covered with a beautiful bronze produced by the lake winds and ex- — posure to all kinds of weather. His face as he stood at the bar was in striking contrast to the white-faced land lubbers ranged up alongside of him. Otto was behind the bar and served the drinks with smiling obsequiousness. A local wag named Bill Bridges was a member of the party. He noticed the bronzed face of Capt. McNeil and it gave him an idea. . When the captain and his friends started out Bridges lingered long enough to tell Otto that McNeil was an Indian and that the German saloonkeeper was be sent to the peniteniary for a violation of the law against selling liquor to Indians. “Ach, mein Gott,’? exclaimed Otto. already yet?” “Bridges placed | his fingers warningly to his lips and hur- ried out after his friends. He said nothing to any of them about what he had told the German saloonkeeper. In the course of half an hour Bridges contrived to steer the party back to Otto’s. Nobody except Bridges noticed the search- ing, frightened look that Otto gave the unconscious vessel- man. Drinks were ‘ordered and Otto placed glasses for everybody except Capt. McNeil. “Don’t forget the captain here, Dutchy,” said one of the party, jerking his thumb toward Capt. McNeil. A pained | but resolute look came into Otto’s eyes. ‘‘I can’t sell him noddings,” said Otto desperately. “Why?” demanded Capt. McNeil, with surprise, and just a trace of sternness in his voice. “Because you are an Indian, and—Help, help, stop him!”’ yelled Otto as the stalwart form of Capt. McNeil shot half over the bar, and would. have gone clear over if his friends had not caught hold of his coat and held him back. It took the whole party to keep Capt. McNeil from taking swift and dmple revenge for the insult, which Otto had unwittingly given the big sailor. Explanations were made after Capt. McNiel could be quieted. Bridges made a clean breast of it. He wasvafraid that. he had sprung a bigger joke than he could take; care;of, and was in.a hurry to call it off.’” oro Ice, is-forming, according to reports from Houghton, in Torch Lake cut... Canal improvement work there has been suspended. “Vat haf I done Ten , REPORTED BY THE LOOKOUT. ree Good sleighing is reported at all of the northern Michigan ports and snowstorms are so frequent at the north ae of the Jake,as to: seriously, impede navigation, - cotsner. Charles Caughlin, for many years marine: “itor of the Toledo Blade, died at his home in Toledo, Ohio, after a sickness of six weeks. He was 65 years old and well known to vessel men. The Anchor liner Conestoga reached Escanaba Monda ay, and landed, her captain in the hospital. He is Hem pps suffering from’ an’ attack of typhoid fever. Capt. G Thompson, late of the car-ferry Muskegon, was ea to proceed to Escanaba from Milwaukee, and take the Cones- toga through to Chicago. It is possible that Capt. Thomip-? son may continuein command of the steamer until the’close) of the season. The order for the new yacht to defend the Ameri es Rig in the month of August next against Shamrock placed with the Herreshoffs on Wednesday, Nov. ah the contract required in the case being signed in New York on that day. Now the work of building will be carried on as, fast asitis practicable. An early launching of the ‘boat will be required because of the early date of the races,’ sovit- is probable that the new craft will be afloat the latter part of April or the first of May. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. awarded to the Bertram Co., of Toronto, the contract for a new steamer for the route from Toronto to Quebec. This vessel, which will be a floating palace, will be 340 feet long, or about 60 feet longer than the new vessel Toronto, on the upper route, 4 and will have about double the capacity of the steamer. Que- ec, now running from Toronto to Quebec. The R. & O. Navigation Co. seem determined to keep up with, if nota little ahead of the times in so far as their tonnage is is con- » cerned. i M.A. Hanna & Co., of Cleveland, will handle in the United States the Michipicoten ore which is being mined by F.. H.,,, Clergue in the name of the Algona Iron Company. T he ore: : is said to be equal to the best Minnesota hard ore, and is-- ‘therefore of the quality tostand the duty of 40 cents per ton and compete with the domestic ores. The rail haul at Mic- hipicoten is very short, and the water haul is also much~ shorter than fromthe Minnesota mines. Much of the Mic- hipicoten ore has gone to the furnaces on Georgian Bay, but the Hanna furnaces will work up all that comes to the United States. . ee eee NOTICE TO MARINERS. OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-Housk INSPECTOR, NINTH DIsTRICT, CHICAGO, ILL., November 21, 1900. STURGEON Bay CANAL. Notice is hereby given that a scow, loaded with stone, ‘is oe) LicHt-Housk ESTABLISHMENT, i: ! sunk in Sturgeon Bay canal, abreast of the light-house-- keeper’s residence, and is an obstruction to navigation, By order of the Light-House Board. F. M. Svmonps, Commander, U. $. Navy.’: Inspector 9th Light-House District. oe ooo oon MARINE PATENTS. ey erat Patents issued November 15, 1900. Reported especially pe the MARINE RECORD. We furnish complete copies of patents at the rate of 10 cents each. 661,520. Automatic steering device for torpedoes. ; ee a D. Haskins, Newton, Mass. eB Lid 661,535. Torpedo. HE. Kaselowsky, Berlin, Germany. 661,573. Buoy. Chas. I. Berg. New York im as 661,663. Means for towing canalboats. C. A.B. D. Kott- gen, assignor to the Siemens Halske Co., 661 Cae Chicago Il. Motor Controlling Device, B. N. Dickerson,” Stovail, N ni Oe ot a I aaa 44 LETTERS AT DETROIT MARINE POST OFFICE.. November 21, 1900. To get any of these letters, addressees or their aienoriey agents will apply at the general delivery window or write’ to: the postmaster at Detroit, calling for ‘‘advertised” matter, ‘giving the date of this list and paying one cent. Advertised matter is previously held. one ‘week awaitin delivery. g Letter Office at Washington, D. C. Artress, H. E. Hackett, Art, Stansukneres Bassett ,Wm., Hanaford Hall, J. W. Burton, Jay Jacobson, Capt. J. E. Howland. Bell, Thos. J. Johnson, Olov, Stephenson * Boomsliter Peter—2 Steph- Mercier, Gec., Bermuda enson Martin, ‘Harry Campbell, Wallace—2, Sen- McFaelder, D. A. ator O’Connor, John, Senator Crockette, Will, Maritana Ryan, Jno. Corrigan, P. J., Dunsmore Papp, Wesley, Duvall’ Foster, Chas. Reed, S. E. Ferris, Dave, Duvall Forrester, Johu H. Goodman James, DeWolf Genau, Rano, Ida E Goodwin, Andrew Ryor, Chas. D. Simonton, Andrew, Starucca _ Simimons, Fay, Maritana Tuz, James S. Ward, Charles Godin, Jas. White, John Grandsire John Wilson, Geo. B. Hall, Hno. H., Ross Wing, Geo. Hall, Max, Lycoming F. B, DICKERSON, P. M. 7 It is held two weeks before it goes to the Dead ™