14 THE MARINE RECORD. NOVEMBER 29, I900, Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [lanager. ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt: MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242. Chicago Stock Exchange Building. Long Distance Teléphone, Main 5049. 110 LA SALLE STREET. No. 1, Michigan Slip and Basin. ’Phone 3046, Main. FU E. L DOC KS: . No.2, N. Halstead St.Bridge. | Phone 773, North. a Equipped with 125 2-ton Buckets for : FU E . LI G + I E. Fueling anywhere in Harbor WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. PicKANDS, MATHER & CO. PIG IRON. IRON ORE AND COAL. At DETOUR; MICH.,-A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any time during Day or Night. at BUFFALO, ERIE, ASHTABULA, Fue LIGHTERS — 2in0u WESTERN RESERVE “BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. THE... FYNON- ¥ ort (OMPOUND luscevor. The BEST for Stationary, Marine or Locomotive Service. STARTED, REGULATED, STOPPED With One Hanile. Takes water at a temperature of 150. degrees. Will Lift Water ; 24 Feet. Has a Greater Range than any other Injector. Send fer General Cutalogue covering the s<lp> Specialties. Neo Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Varying from 15 to 300 Lbs. WATER THE EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO. 15th and Clearfield Streets, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. New York Office, 107 Liberty Street Boston Office, 42 Oliver Street. For Heating and Circulating the Water in Steam Boilers. ™* EQUILIBRIUM CIRCULATOR AND STEAM HEATING ATTACHMENT ' Saves coal or increases steaming capacity 5% to 15%. Prevents foaming or priming or pitting. OTE AMC CE Reduces repairs. Saves leaks. Prolongs life of boiler, 106 IN USE. 50 ORDERED. H. BLOOMSBURG & CO, 112 35th St. Newport News, Va. ‘ ‘eoncipa of pares in Boiler. emma em a G. G. JACOBS, PRESIDENT. H. G. THOMPSON, SEC’Y-TREAS. J. J. CHAMBERS, MGR. AND SUPT. CHAMBERS, THOMPSON & 60, DEALERS IN HARD“ SOFT COAL, - Steamboat Fuel ° A Specialty. 21 Malin Street. Tel. Maln 523 F, CLEVELAND, O. M. A. HANNA & Co. COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, Large Supplies of Best Quality. spouts. Storage of 6s0 tons. Discharges 150 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. MINERS AND SHIPPERS. man ornce, Petry-Payne Big, Cleveland, 0,. LIGHTER carrying different grades at all times. THe W. L. Scott Company, ERIE, PA. @WHOLESALE BEALER iN Shamokin- Wilkes Barre ANTHRACITE. Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG. Vessel Fueling a Specialty by steam lighter or car dump, at all hours. Electric hight. Scott Biock. Lona DISTANCE ’PHONE 440. MAIN OFFICE: CANAL Dock. ‘%oNG DISTANCE 'PHONE 320. PUELING OFFICE: SHERIFFS MFG, GO. ESTABLISHED 1864. JOHN MAHER, TREAS. GEO. HIRSCH, GEN’L MGR. CUYAHOGA BOILER WORKS, 139 WEST RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, - OHIO. IMPORTANT NOTICE. lowing change of schedule will be made. MILWAUKEE, WIS. m.; 3:25 p. m. instead of 3:35 p. m. For Pittsburgh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Vork 3:10 p. m. in- stead of 3:25 p. m. lf U ot a PUMP or SYPHON Write to the E.W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- log 76. They give you facts and og} 2 2] | I{ figures about their Steam Jet} For Chicago 9:35 p.m. instead of 9: 40 Bi m. fm (is Pumps, Syphons and _ Barge ( Z Pumps. A postal will bring fei | All other trains remain the same. information by return mail free of charge. THE EB. W. VANDUZEN CO., Cincinnati, Oe Independent Ship Building and Repair Company, CLEVELAND, O. A. |. JACOBS, MANAGER AND SupT. Special attention given to Steel and Iron Work. Plates Reset and Riveted. Office and Works 21 Main St. TEL. CLEVELAND, M. 523 F. CUYAHOGA; C. arr Residence 137 Franklin Ave. TEL. CLEVELAND, M. 813 J. CUYAHOGA, A. 1067. \ All night calls answered from residence. ALSO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL’ DEALERS IN SHIP TIMBER. Fuel scow with elevators and discharging _ ...Coals Change of Time C. T..& V.—B, & 0. R, Re : Effective Sunday, November 25th, the fol-; Leave Cleveland for Akron, Canton and, Valley Junction 7:15 a. m. instead of 7:25 @ ~ Repair Work Promptly Attended to. Fy SHIP. CARPENTERS AND CALKERS FURNISHED. .