Drenachin 6, 190. THE MARINE RECORD. | ee a BUILDERS OF ROBERT ee MONTH C- 13Ua | . arenes,” “SAT Md JaU3 Senp FOR CircuLaR. si OO wate Bipg.; BUEFALO; Nk Y. ONAMES) OP STHAMERS ON THE LAKES _,,USING THE, BUFRALO FEED WATER»: ‘HEATER AND PURIFIER : ' |. Zenith Transit Co.'s: stéaniers mpire City, >) Crescent’ City. Zenith City, ‘Superior City, * Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W. Gates. The Republic Iron Co ’s steamers America, Brazil, Thomas Maytham and Chili. ./Mitchell Transportation Co.’s steamer Hendrick S. Holden. Minnesota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle, American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex. McDougall, | Lake Michigan & Lake, Superiér rane portation Co.’s steamer Manitou., Bessemer Steamship Cos steamers ‘s Fe B. Morseand Douglas Houghton. American Transportation Co.’s steamers John Harper and Alex: Nimick, Réd Star Line’s steamers Robert Mills and Wyoming. Wilson Transit Line’s steamers Ww. ‘D. Rees vA and Andrew Carnegie. And the as WGliam R. Linn. THE Cunee Macuine. Company, ! ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE petals OF Fog Whistle Machines, _Hoistin: Bagines, Steering Pagid Automate Towing Engines, Power and Diop Hammers, and other [achinery. Engineers’ Supplies and General Jobbing. 111 ELM STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994, GLEVEEAND, O. Chicago Pauticar School. 1612 Masonic Temple, ars nce Compound and Triple Expansion ENGINES, Boilers, Surface Condensers, Propeller Wheels, Etc. Baul: taken fof yachts and tugs complete. Send for photographs of En- gines and descriptive pamphlet. Works on Delaware & Raritan Canal Basin, TRENTON, N. J. oes — . na é é i: bs “i oy =: fs < ss THE KENNEY SYSTEM. FOR FLUSHING WATER. CLOSETS. _ NO CUP LEATHERS OR. SPRINGS. ; The. Best se bah eae? anvented fer Use on} ‘essels ay “Owners and constructors of Steam- -ships, Yachts and Steamboats have found it indispensable. Used by the U. S. War and Navy Departments. ~~ Transports Grant, Sheridan, Burn- + side,;Terry, Hooker} Thomas, Logan, ) Sherman and others: -Alse. _Albany Day. Line Steamers ; Norfolk and Washington S.S. Line; Steam Yachts Neéaita, Aphrodite and Loando, and “‘new-Lake Steamers Illinois, Pennsyl- venta; Angeline and others. *: - If you contemplate a trip either west or east you can secure advantages not found] ; -FLUSHO OME. I 2 R elsewhere if you will write, wire, ‘phone or eS fe : ‘CHICAGO. “ | ne 07 : "TRADE MARK. call at the Cleveland Office of Nickel Plate COR. 3. WILSON, fae: ie? SEND. FOR ILLUSTRATED P AMPHLET. : Road, 189 Superior Street, *phone Main 218 (Late ‘Lieutenant U. §. Navy), zh or Ticket Agent Euclid Avenue Station, ‘Principal. Showing application of: i ; : ‘ 2 Flushometer. THE KENNEY CO., 72- 74 Trinity: Place, NEW YORK. phone Doan 817. Rates and tickets, first] 4 ¢4) ang complete einiics of tnsteneton or second class to any point authorized east}in lake and ocean navigation. Also special or west at any station on the Nickel Plate} branches taught those. desiring to qualify = lied t ts d PRACTICAL 3? pli 19, the requirements Road. 245-52] themselves for better positions in the marine : : Kenzie. Illusttated; 12 ne ; service. Students taught by correspondence, : cloth, $1.50, by mail, prepai 2 : ; MECHANICS, ‘The Marine Record, Western circular. may, begin. at any time. pene for : Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, O. ; Cee ‘ ‘ fees os it Bae JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres, _ H, B. FOLGER, Treas, Pine as JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vick Pres. THOS. DONNELLY, Seo’y. “THE DONNELLY SALVAGE = | | == moderate cost. ~ LIFE BOATS “fos AND WRECKING CO,, Ltd.| |<coss) eee is Reser Re rae Tt ties, and raises KINGSTON, ONT. (see eo SOF ; i — A ig | il pipes. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS; STEAI1 PUFIPS, ETC., Pa | Vers irl, SUPPLIED ON. SHORTEST NOTICE. sabe and Is easily repaired . All parts interchangeable , made of g the best bronze, and the workman- " NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. ~|”’ oh is Bere a ins ine IN STOCK. VIGHIGAN YACHT & POWER GO. DETROIT. 1540 JEFFERSON AVE. ae Warranted 24 Ib. "Buoyancy and full Weight of pe as tequired by U: S. Inunedtote Consolidated Cork JEN KINS: BROTHERS, Selling Agents Preservers. Superior toallothers. Rings Buoys and Fenders, SAREST CHEAPEST. Pre . Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of gage A Inspectors. New York, Boston, PHILA. Cnicaco Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as “the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied. Send for Catalogue. .. Awardad four medals by bh ee Sean Exposition. «). METALLIC: a Compasses Adjusted : brid A.J. MOR a py deviation, ‘and. deviation WOODEN.” aa: = tables supplied, - Great facilities LIFE ks for doing the work by.day or ‘BOATS. aces ni Rf aad ' ak sae es asbeebeae f Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. : r) a ~~~ Maniifacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the lightest, JO! ni 1au rice. yi * aaa and most compact Life Raft Known. end for illustrated cata- ELE = logue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere. d ae Residence, 1253 Albany Avenue. D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS, 437 Pearl St., New York City.