DECEMBER 6, 1900. THE MARINE RECORD. dredging in that port. Atall other timesit has not been necessary to dredge away a bar that formed with great pet sistency at the mouth of the river. He explains this by the action of the waves. the west or the northwest, which drive the sands right di- rectly across the mouth of the river, where they sink and are foruted intO a-bary'The seas ‘from the east are'few. The ing-of the west. arm of that breakwater, he thinks, Has’ whe|formation of a bar by making it impossible to be deposited. Colonel Smith algo shows Pe ‘5 » » Ws, with 432 feet of the new breakwater built, BEETS aby less;dredging in three years than: they used pia gp tt AY rari: +: is cis rola oo © tN, . * q “) part ere) * ’ 1. ah. tv river did harbor work at ports in Col. Mans- ‘atl’ gg cormerly ColsSmith’s} ‘district, are: At Cleveland, yiuv,000 for breakwater extension, and $160,000 for harbor dredging; at Ashtabula, $210,000; at Lorain, $150;000; at To- ledo, $250,000; at Conneaut, $210,000; at Fairport, $210,000;' at Huron, $50,000; at Port Clinton, $9,000; at Sandusky, $125,000, Estimates for some of the other important pro- jects along the lakes are: For completing light and fog sig- nal station at Toledo, $62,500; for constructing light-keep- er’s dwelling at Port Clinton, $3,000; for constructing light- | house the Tenth district, which takes in Clevland, $120,000; for constructing tender for use in St. Mary’s river, $60,000; for improvements and new water supply at Cleve- Jand Marine Hospital, $12,000. A dispatch from Chicagosays: The recent sale.of around one dozen of. steel freight steamers to the American Steel & Wire Co., is causing a deal of exciting talk among stock- holders of the company. Statements have been boldly made that the steamers were.old, out of date and not equal to the performance of carrying ore as cheaply as the improved boats now being turned off the stocks. The above state- ments are absolutely incorrect. Of the fleet the steamers John W. Gates, William Edenborn, Isaac Ellwoood and James J. Hill are perfect types of the modern monster car- riers of the Great Lakes. They are longer, larger and have more power than any of the celebrated Rockefeller fleet, and aré fully equal to the recently constructed Carnegie-Oliver fleet. The remainder of the fleet, Superior City, Crescent City; Empire City, Zenith City, Palmer, Wolvin and Gilbert are yessels of smaller capacity, but well built, of great power and.fully equal to any steamers built previous to 1899. This much for the character of the boats. The wire company stockholders, however, appear to have cause for complaint in regard to the price paid for the fleet. made to-day to duplicate the fleet for figures somewhat less than $4,000,0co. It appears, however, that although ship- building yards would take contracts to build the fleet at the above figures, no guarantee will be given for delivery of ahy of the boats until late in 1901. This delay would cause the losing of next season’s carrying business. It also appears that many of the stockholders of the company selling the vessels are growling and raising objections to the sale, not so much on account of the price paid for the fleet, which is $5,250,000, as because ‘they are compelled to take their pay in atwenty-year 5 percent. bond. All in all, considering that the fleet is available for next season’s tonnage, and. the long terms of payment, the transaction seems to have been- afair one to the wire company. Capt. A. B. Wolvin, of Duluth, under whose specifications and superintendence the - fleet-was constructed, is spoken of on all sides as an expert of high standing and great experience. or or CHICAGO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Capt. Alex. R. Sinclair, vessel and insurance agent, of Duluth, was in this city on Tuesday. . The Holland. & Chicago Line have closed their season’s work. Their steamer Soo City having left here on her last trip Sunday night. Sasi Of the Rutland liners the Haskell, Prince, Frost and McVittie will winter at Chicago and the remainder of. the fleet at Ogdensburg. Grain freights were brisk Monday and Tuesday at 3 cents on corn and 3% cents on wheat, and a large quantity of corn and wheat tonnage was chartered. . The Northern Michigan Line steamer Illinois, Capt. Wm. ° Finucan, which arrived here Monday with a full cargo of merchandise, will make one more trip before going to Man- istee to lay up. ; herrea } 43 ae Capt. Henry Stines, the well known commander’ of the nee inia, went into commission again on nee ist, on ia steamer Iowa, vice Capt. Raleigh, who-went home to spends; : ; ees ; ’ : : pee oo asSpecial Correspondence to The Marine Record. The steamer Alice Stafford, which may be regarded as’ the winter on his farm. good as sold to the Barry Bros., is being laid up for the winter. The price for which the steamer will change hands is either $35,000 or $40,000. The lightship from Eleven-foot shoal was taken into Es-, Canaba on Wednesday. ‘It is thought that this.js too early aremoval of’ a prominent aid to navigation, however, the Same’kick comes in every season. Users of. ropes in power transmission will be especially interested in a new preparation being placed upon the mar- ket by Somers, Scott & Co., of Chicago. ft is a liquid com- Pound which under the influence of heat/becomes sufficently « fluid to be reeadily applied with a brush to the surface of the rope. The ingredients used are chosen because of their known value for preserving, strengthening and prolonging Most of the winds come from either, Contracts could be. _ to will be the stamps on the policies. the life of rope fiber. It is waterproof and renders the rope supple and pliablé.. ‘Its fluidity permits of ‘an even applica- tion as well as of .great economy, in its: use. The packages are convenient for. shipments, ity roth Ge At the close of last week Chicago public and private ele- vators contained 27,195,000 bushels of. grain, as follows: Wheat 17,304,000 bushels, corn 2,655,000 bushels, oats 6,286, - 000 bushels, rye 653,600 bushels, barley 297,000 bushels. The Gtaham & Morton Line will close the season of 1900 on Tuesday, December 11. Their steamer City of Louisville will leave here for St. J oseph and Benton Harbor on her last trip this year, on Tuesday night and will go into winter quarters, we : : . Some Milwaukee shippers have expressed their opinions freely as to the condition of the coal supply there, and say that if coal does not arrive any faster by lake they will be obliged to have anthracite all-rail by Jan. 1, to supply the local trade. The Firemen and Linemen Tug Boat Association of Chi- cago will give their first ball and reception at Brand’s Hall, Erie and Clark streets, Saturday evening Dec. 22nd. The Association intend to pay a death benefit of $100 for all: members in good standing at the time of their decease. Capt. James Hogan left here Monday afternoon with the steamer Albert Soper, for Sturgeon Bay, where she is to re- ceive a general rebuild from below the shear strake un, by Reiboldt and Wolters. The same firm also have the steamer Philetus Sawyer at their shipyard for a thorough rebuild. The steamer F. and P. M. No. 1 was taken off the Chicago- Muskegon route, on November 30th... The F. and P. M. No. I was put on the Chicago-Milwaukee route on December Ist, ; in the place of the steamer State of Michigan, which steamer has since gone into winter quarters. She is to receive a gen- eral Ebates and an additional. upper cabin during the winter ' months. Lire xt & James A. Calbick & Co., vessel agents, sold the barge S. M. Stevenson, for. Bigelow Bros., to, Capt. James. Sanford and others, of Muskegon, consideration $8,000. The Steph- enson is to be converted into a steamer by Burger & Burger, Manitowoc. She is to receive the machinery and boiler of the steamer Cleveland, also her cabin, The Stephenson and Cleveland will be towed from this port to Manitowoc this week, by. the steamer Matthew Wilson. The Goodrich Trans. Co.’s steamer Sheboygan went into cwinter.quarters Nov. 30th, at Manitowoc, where the com- pany’s steamers Virginia, Christopher Columbus and Chicago ‘ winter quarters. The company have the steam- ers Indiana, City of Racine, Iowa and Georgia running on the West shore route, and the Atlanta on. the East shore route. The last trip to Green Bay City will be made this week, but one of their steamers will run to Marinette, Me- nothinee and Escanaba so long as the weather will permit. The Atlantic will disteontinue to run on the Kast shore route . on December toth, and wiil be put on the West shore route, and one of the company’s other steamers will go into winter quarters. ‘ The underwriters are doing fairly well in insuring Decem-' ber grain cargoes. With the rate at 1 per cent. the ship- ments, have been heavy and the.premiums have mounted up : to a large figure. On.the Rensselaer’s cargo: $1,140 was paid. On the cargo of the. Australia the excess insurance which the owner must pay, ‘amounted to.about $900. Thus far there has not. been a:single loss on’any of the grain ¢ar-' goes, and the outlook is that with the continuance of favor- able weather, the only expense the underwriters will be put mps Of course, the risk is always possible until the delivery of the cargo at its destina- .tion, and. it takes a good many premiums to pay or cover a large total loss! The steamer Nicaragua, which will probably have the dis- . tinction of taking the last cargo of grain out of this port . this year, is having considerable difficulty in getting fairly started.. She was delayed in loading at the elevator while the question of the grade of grain in her cargo was being settled. The steamer finally got started on Wednesday even- ing, but when Washington street tunnel was reached she came to a sudden stop owing to the lowering of the water in the river by the ,west wind. Additional tugs were immedi- ately ordered to try to, haul her over the obstruction, but up to a late. hour she was stillstuck. The tugmen expect, how- ever, to get her clear by Thursday night. There are, how- ever, several other cargoes chartered for; and no doubt freeze over. ; a 4 4 —— ‘DULUTH-SUPERIOR. _ other boats will be loaded here before the Straits of Mackinac ’ ‘It “is stated here that arrangements are now being com- pleted for the construction of steel ships on the lakes on a large scale for ocean service. These ships will not be limit- ed in size to the length of new Canadian canals, but will be of any. length wanted .by. buyers. = Six: orseven large anid: completely equipped. yards: on.the Jakes: are in the scheme. The lake shipbuilders, haye; now |drawn:plans for ships of from 350 to.650-feet in- length, but:bf no-greater width than" 43 feet, which they have submitted to ocean shipowners. They have also submitted their designs to the, bnreau,.of, navigation, and it-has beéh approved. ’, The plan is to. build ships of ‘a greater length than the present locks will carry, . in sections, join’ them ‘temporarily in the ship yard, run thenr down the Great Lakes’ and’'to Montreal, and then put. them together.- Orders for sevéral vessels, it is said, have already been placed for construction this winter. | service at the Buffalo exposition. ‘which the American Steel & Wire Co. propose ft ‘on the lakes. - A marine gasoline engine of the kind manufactured by the Lake Shore EngineWorks,‘of:*Marquette, Mich, will have a place in the exhibit ‘of the’United States life-saving seers ne ; This engine has prov i ‘successful in tests of; life-boatsin the ropghest iki of weather. A6 horsepower tang ata. ed Marquette Co,, is-carried- by-small sailing icrdtt*for't - pose!of avoiding tughbi i eer ap and Jeaving-port.” This engine will undoubtedly com emia lefal use for tenders. . Certain stockholders of thie“American Steel & Wire Co. are much dissatisfied with the proposed purchase- of-the= fleet of the American Steamshi Co.-on the lakes chiefly be- cause it is proposed to iad $2.8 000 of bonds for the payment of the same, and: that this. would operatesto make the preferred stock of the company a second obligation and reduce the value of the common stock'to merely.a nominal, figure, For this reason a bill‘has been prepared and an in- junction will be asked ih New Vork in behalf of these stock-. holders to restrain the American Steel and Wire Co, and its - board of directors from purchasing the property of the Amer- , ican Steamship Co., which. operates a line of steamers on. the lakes, and ‘to restrain the American Steel & Wi re Co.* and its board of directors from issuing bonds. for, $5,00 proceeds of ; o ‘take over all the shipping interests: of the American Steamship Co. | Ha Parte Y ayers Pog) yar i : s : nee so Relie Be LETTERS AT DETROIT MARINE POST OFFICE. .. _ December 5, 1900. : amountiof the American’Steamship Co, with the ih neat To get any of these letters, addressees or their authorized ~ agents will apply at the general ‘delivery window or write to the postmaster at Detroit, calling for “‘advertised’” tatter, _ giving the date of this list and paying one cent.) 77) Advertised matter is ‘previously held oné ‘week ‘awaiting . delivery. Itis held two weeks’ before ‘it’ goés Letter Office at Washington, D.C... 5.5 9 Arnold Wm. S.°> = at Aberyard Robt., Maxwell « : Bols Theodore. |.) 3) Bentley Frank | : Bissebois Art, Yankee Blaine T. J., Choctaw: . Brant Stewart © ney Blauvelt Clark, Sitka Brown Rose D., Bissell .- Coates S. D., Dunbar PUT eey McDonald Geo.) Adtiral McIntyre Geo. 214! [0 McCarthy Wm. ©. O'Connor M. Hs: Priest Hattie, D..R.' Martin ©.’ Pringle Capt. W. Jui-2 #° : 000, - yt WR es Et) ooo and from guaranteeing an issue of bonds of the same. to’ the" Dead Myers Frank, Tozen) Gv ous McLain M.J., Sch. Donaldson: O’Connor Michael; Donaldgon : _ Irvine L. H. Carr Arthur, Peck *-:! : Campbell Donald Coleman Jos. E,, Choctaw .. Christofferson Olaf Durfey Samuel, 130 Erwin Jno. A., 2, Uganda : Ellisson Chas., Blanchard’ Hayes Wm., Pontiac Jones Henry, Arabia Kearns Chas, J. Ryan Wm., J. B. Wilber. © Rossman J.'J., 2; Liberty un inoree Stark Will Spaulding Will, Iron Age Smith Robt., Adamis iss > SA i att Stockwell:Amos 9-0: Ss 90 Strong Jno, - e25CL Smith Ralph T. . Sterrett B., C., Boscobel='- Shelby Aug. J..B. Wilbor Spencer Harty, Doud-iss Tallman. A. tac te Towne:Geo, Ric vosni' «Titus Burrell, js:iuezsax VanKuren Chasi. co mt Wright Samuel “4 . Wilson. Thos. rotts Wills Geo. . Kendall Wm. A. Lowels Sidney Lambert Bert = Leith Capt A., D. R. Martin Mulloy Wm., Ogemaw Morrill J: V., Pontiac Monroe Jas,, Pontiac Merrill-Oren Moose Mrs. EH. C., 2, Washburn, Jno. 5 Hiawatha .. ,, White Chas,, Glidden. ; Martini, Walker Frank : . : ; +, 53 COAL DUST AS FUELS’ "* vo Experiments were made in Switzerland on. the use of coal dust as fuel for steam boilers in 1896 at the Berne small..arms factory, under the superintendence of the, Swiss Society of » Boilerowners. The boiler used, was of the Sulzer-Cornish:» form and the‘‘Mehl]’’ grate and Wegener system of firing were both tried... The report of the ‘society showed’ that the* dust could -be burnt smokelessly with a thermal efficiency of 20.93 per cent:, and:'a saving incost of steam of 15.5’ per’ cent.: The grinding of the coal to form’the dust was- found’. to be the mostiexpensive part of the process. F. B. DICKERSON; -P. M. PE At the Polytechnic; at Zurich, the ‘Wegener system was ‘ ° used for a time:in-an old boiler, but ‘was given up; as it was feared the excessive heat ‘produced ‘would injure the fur- naces. Theoboilets require'to. be specially adapted for dust burnings; For:isuccessful’ results. the-dust must be in the form of’ very fine ‘powder, ‘and ifthe *coalbe damp it is” difficult to grind: os A table has béen prepared based upon the results obtained at the cement works at Ehingen as.compared with firing in a Ten-Brink furnace, and‘the cost of the former appear very... favorable, as the dust firing. enabled a very cheap kind of coal to be used.’ It appears, however, that the coal-dust fir- ing has been subsequently given up, not, however, owing to inherentdefects’ in'the system, but becatse the excessive heat ‘produced by the dust was localized so much that, it., caused‘daimiage~to the furnaces of the Ten-Brink boilers, which ‘Had ot been specially designed for the use of dust, | but merely temporarily altered for the purpose. i b5 r OR 1S 3 i : If any decent freights are offered tonnage will See 4 ill, moving, although insurance has been withdrawn on hu cargoes and freight.