16 THE MARINE RECORD. DECEMBER 13, 1900, Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO. 7 Pe aa WE Wy New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide ‘ Me = =} on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet. i) water on sill. 4 and Wooden Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships fe Ship Builders, =o Re a Snecialty. STEEL ; The Born 2: Marine RANGES | eenerar samnsny. | gf SOHN C-JOLL : FRENCH J : Pp: =< :Ship Carpenter, Calker and By D. Wilson Barker. Illustrated; 12 mo.; ras Spar Maker. s Wa) ‘They are good and strong, and cloth, $2.00 by mail prepaid. There’s None So Reliable. being just right for the purpose, N So Hand are the recognized STANDARD | THE MARINE RECORD, BaCnuRe ae 523l. 45 Main St. dabei y: among Vesselmen. Western Reserve Bldg., . . Cleveland, Ohlo. WEST 808 F. i“ a a | 5 oe oe : (i i Residence, 3 Franklin Ave. | CLEVELAND, 0, « | Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. ~ » SHIPMATE RANGES. The:.U..S, Gover @ ‘ment; railroad compa- nies having large float-_ ing equipments; the ‘owners of the largest — schooners built; yacht — owners; ship, bark and — brig owners; and own- — ers of almost every — other kind. of vessel, © use Shipmate Ranges. Sold by Robt. C. Bialy, 923-925 Water St., Bay City, Mich. Soo Hardware Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, STAMFORD, CONN. ve Established 1830. ; SCOTT’S COAST PILOT FOR THE LAKES. PR 1. a The: Born Steel Range and. Manufacturing Co. ahs ICE, $ "it ° For SALE BY THE MARINE RECORD, WESTERN Reecaic B.ipa., CLEVELAND, QO. So CLEVELAND, OHIO. : f ie large illustrated iatige with full description sent on sdelicenon: W. S, JENKS, President, O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres. and ‘T'reas. A.M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mgr. q 6 air FH > ee. Jenks Ship oe Co. eae Office and Machine Sh =. eee : Rit iC ; Mac ’ » apa ‘ pall bal ee Fourth Strect. soe ben $o3 | Steel and Woot Ship Builders, ‘\gee| Port Huron, Mich. 4 aa au _ Foot of Lieanl Are. ; toe Marine Engines and. Boilers, e pees 1 ——STEAM WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS——