oa ia rennet ee TS EE ES . Johnson, Knudson & Co., shipbuilders, are 80 short a period after the captain’s decease. DECEMBER 13, 1900. THE MARINE RECORD. CHICAGO. _ Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. The whaleback steamer John B. Trevor left here Monday morning at 4 o’clock with the last cargo of grain for this season. The steamer Thos. W. Palmer left here light for Mil waukee last Thursday morning. Sheis to receive alterations and repairs there. The L. M. & 1. S. Transit Co.’s whole fleet of steamers; comprising the Peerless, City of Traverse, Jay Gould and Osceola, have gone into winter quarters here. The schooner West Side, Capt. M. I. Edwards, arrived here last Thursday with a cargo of 16,000 bushels of pota- toes from Traverse City, Mich., for winter storage. » The steamer Arthur Orr, Captain John Massey, which _ arrived here light from Depot Harbor last Friday morning, made the round trip from this port in about 5% days. The steamer Tampa when going through the east draw of 18th street bridge on Saturday afternoon carried away sev- eral poles and stanchions and knocked over a platform. J. B. Bates & Co., shipbuilders, are putting new fore- masts on the barges Middlesex and Robert L. Fryer and doing some repairs and deck calking on the barge Halsted. doing repair work on the steamers W. M. Egan, Plankinton, J. P. Fitz- gerald, St. Paul, Lockwood, Thos. Cranage, John Owen, Tampa and Hadley. . The Northern Michigan line steamer Illinois, Capt. Wm. Finucan, left here Tuesday morning, Dec. 11th for Man- istee, where she will gointo winter quarters. She has had a very successful season. The Anchor line steamers Susquehanna and Codorus arrived here with large cargoes of merchandise Tuesday, Dec. 11th. Those steamers and the line’s steamers Lehigh and Conestoga will go into winter quarters here. The Del- aware and Clarion went to Milwaukee to lay up and receive repairs. The steamer Merida met with considerable trouble Sat- urday afternoon when going up the river. She was coal laden and was drawing 18 feet of water, and the water in the river was at a low stage. She went aground on the La Salle street tunnel and remained about two hours. She stuck in the draw of the Northwestern R. R. bridge at Kinzie street nearly an hour and about the same time on the draw of Indiana street bridge. Captain Thomas Williams of the schooner Libbie Nau celebrated his silver wedding Saturday evening, Dec. 8th, at a large hall corner of 48th and Lake streets. The celebra- tion was attended by relatives and friends and nearly forty vessel captains and officers and their families. Speeches were made and many valuable presents were presented to the captain and his wife, after which an excellent turkey supper was served, with plenty of refreshments, and the celebration was kept up with dancing and good fellowship until the small hours of the morning. _ Engineer George McDonald, aged 41 years, died at his residence, 1057 West North avenue, Chicago, Sunday, Dec. gth, from cancer of the stomach, after several months ill- ness. He was president of Licensed Tugmens’ Protective Association No. 2, Chicago, and a member of the Knights of .Pythias, and was held in high esteem by his comrades and friends. He leaves a widow and one daughter, 12 years old. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by the L. T. P. A. and the K. of P. and was largely attended. The interment was at the Forest Home Cemetery. The ceremony of unveiling the monument dedicated to the late Captain John W. Gillman, superintendent of the Goodrich Transportation Co., took place on Sunday after- » noon, December 9th, at 3 o’clock. He died on January 31st last on a Chicago and North Western train while on his way to the Goodrich line shops at Manitowoc. In spite of the cold day there were over a hundred friends present, besides some relatives of the deceased, and there was among others the officials and many employees of the Goodrich line. Mr. H. W. Thorp, general manager, Capt. D. M. Cochran, superintendent, W. S. Willard, agent, W. E. Elliott, chief engineer, W. J. Wood, naval architect, Secretary Reynolds and Agent Herbst of Milwaukee, and agents from other ports, U. S. local inspectors Capt. C. A. Richardson and Stewart H. Moore, Captains G. H. Sager, P. T. Weimar, and many others. The unveiling address, which was brief, was delivered by W. H. Cochrane, assistant passenger agent, who in a few well chosen remarks eulb- gized the late captain and commented on the fine work of the sculptor’s art, being subscribed for, cut and erected in closed by calling on Mr. W. J. Wood, naval architect, who was the trustee and the moving spirit in the undertaking to unveil the monument. The monument was carefully in- spected and the design and finish of the same met with the approval of all those present. The work is a capstan, ») *anted on an old fashioned ship capstan bed, which is re- © Sérted by ship knees and the base is 6 feet long by 4 feet "5824 “stands over 8 feet high. It is cut from Barre, -vidbiut, gtanite, by Sherman & Glavin, Chicago, from a evn by their architect, John D. Meyer, who was in- _ Structed and received the idea from the Goodrich people. _ The fact that the money has been subscribed from business _ associates only, and the monument erected in such a short Mr. Cochrane © time after the captain’s decease shows more than anything the high esteem in which he was held. Mr. Wood, the trustee, placed a small copper box in a niche in the monu- ment under the capstan. The box contained a list of the names of 187 subscribers written in medeival type on sheep Skin and a copy of a paper containing the captain’s obituary, also the cards of a few of the most intimate friends. It would be interesting to know if that casket shall ever be seen by the light of day again, cemented into the heart of the stone as itis. This isa novel idea in monument dedi- cation, but’a common practice in laying a corner stone for a building’ structure. The idea was first suggested by President A. W. Goodrich. ———— DETROIT. Special Correspondence to the Marine Record. The tug J. F. Higgie, belonging to Hawley Bros., which burned at her dock Saturday night, will be a total loss. The tug was valued at $2,500 and was partly insured. Jerry Dono- van, a fireman who was sleeping in the engine room, barely escaped with his life. The cause of the blaze is unknown. The following report for the period from October 16 to November ‘15, 1900, inclusive, of vessels passing through Detroit river was furnished by courtesy of Postmaster F. B. Dickerson, at Detroit, Michigan: Number of vessels passing through during the day, 1,212; during the night, 1,339; total 2,551; total for the season since April 26, 1900, 21,081. Col. Lydecker, the United States Engineer whose head- quarters are at Detroit, has reported adversely upon the proposition to deepen the American channel in the Detroit river so that vessels of deep draft from Lake Erie may touch at Trenton and Wyandotte. He says the improvement would benefit the local commerce only, and that the federal government would not be justified in making the necessary expenditure which would be extremely heavy. The colonel’s report was transmitted to Congress by the War Department. There is no longer any doubt about the identity of the’ woman cook who was drowned on the schooner Charles Foster. She was Mrs. Morse of St. Clair, Mich., wife of E. C. Morse, who is himself a vesselman. He has been work- ing on the steamer Madagascar and returned to St. Clair last week, expecting to meet his wife there. He is nearly heartbroken. The couple were married at Buffalo on June 25 last, and Mr. Morse had on last Saturday rented a house at St. Clair, where his fatheris a customs officer. Mrs. Morse had one daughter, Bernie, about eight years of age, by a previous marriage. The tug W. H. Brown was built at Wheeler’s shipyard in the fall of 1897 for W. Harry Brown, a Pittsburg coal dealer. She was a duplicate of the Wilmot, built for use at New Orleans. The Brown was said to be the most powerful tug in American waters. She was intended for towing coal out into the Gulf of Mexico, There was delay in her construction in consequence of a strike and she started so late that she was overtaken by winter at Montreal. Brown was making the trip and died on board. The tug was thrown back on Wheeler’s hands and he has now disposed of her to the United States government, who converted her into a gun- boat. All her machinery was designed for use on salt water. The yards of the Detroit Ship Building Co., at Orleans street, at the old Clark docks, and at Wyandotte, are filled with boats for repairs. There will be more passenger boats in Detroit for the winter than in many years. The ship- building company will have in its yards the States of Ohio, State of New York, City of Erie, City of Buffalo, City of Al- pena, City of Mackinac, City of the Straits, City of Detroit, City of Cleveland, Pennsylvania ,Tashmoo, Greyhound, City of Toledo, Arundel, Frank E. Kirby, Wyandotte, City of Marquette and the freighters Roumania, Tacoma, Cumber- land, Massachusetts, Elfin Mere, Forest City, R. J. Hackett and Seattle. The labor and material to be expended on this immense fleet will produce a large sum before the boats clear next spring. | Norman McDonald, a watchman on the passenger steamer City of Erie, was drowned here Tuesday night. He slipped off a gangplank at the D.&C. dock.’ The body was recovered. McDonald was one of the most thrifty employes in the service of the C. & B. Line, and one of the engineers of the City of Erie, who knew McDonald, said only a few days ago that he had nearly $1,000 in the bank. “I don’t know where he kept his bank account,” said Capt. McAlpin, ‘‘but I know he had $500 saved up last season, and I believe it was in a Cleveland bank. I know that when we tied up here McDonald drew more than $100 and if he had only $21 in his possession last night I cannot account for it unless he deposited the rest. He was not a man who was given to drink or to spending his time away from the boat.’’ The twenty-fourth annual dinner to the heads of depart- ments was given on Tuesday evening, by the D. & C. line, and it was Scotchman’s night aboard the City of Detroit. Scotch tartan and pictures of the Scotch thistle were to be seen on all sides in compliment to the many sons of Scotia who fill important positions in the company’s service. Chief Steward Thorn supplied a menu to make a gourmet smile, and the various dishes were’prepared by master hands. Over sixty were present, the largest number that has ever attend- ed one of these happy reunions, and the only guest outside of employes or ex-employees and newspaper men was John J. Barlum. The only speech of the evening was by Commo- dore Carter, delivered just after the guests had seated them- selves at the dinner table. It was as follows: ‘‘Gentlemen and co-laborers: It gives me great pleasure to meet you again around this tebtive board, at the close of another suc- cessful season of the D. & C., and I wish to thank you for the aid and co-operation you have extended me in the,ma n- agement of this company’s great business. Upon calcula- tion I find that the steamers under our immediate charge have traversed 210,000 miles during the past season without the loss of a single life or any appreciable loss of property handled by our different lines. Let us all be thankful together that we have been spared to again partake of the good things prepared by our chief steward.”’ Concerning the sinking of the schooner Foster the Detroit Free Press says: James Corrigan will probably remember the year 1900 as long as he lives. He began the navigation season with the foundering of the schooner R. Hallaran under similar circumstances, on Lake Superior, with the loss of several lives, She was a smaller boat than the Fos- ter, and insured for part of her value. The capsizing and foundering of the schooner yacht Idler, off Cleveland, with Mr. Corrigan’s wife and several daughters, was one of-the noted disasters of the year in this country. About the same time he got an adverse verdict in a lawsuit against John D. Rockefeller for $1,200,coo he claimed was due him on some. mining property. Several of his vessels, other than the two. mentioned, have gone ashore and been otherwise injured during the season, The demon of disaster has scarcely left him this year. ce re LETTERS AT DETROIT MARINE POST OFFICE. — December 12, I900.. ois To get any of these letters, addressees or their authorized. agents will apply at the general delivery window or write to the postmaster at Detroit, calling for ‘‘advertised” matter, giving the date of this list and paying one cent. ; Advertised matter is previously held one week awaiting delivery. It is held two weeks before it goes to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C. Allen M. J., Str. Glidden Monnett F.B., 2, Str.J.E.Owen Andres Edw. Martin Capt. J. J., Str..May Barnes Chas. E. Richards. Benkie Otto Monroe Jas., Str. Pontiac, Best Harry, Str. Thomson. Meldrum Alex . Campbell Robt., 2, Str. McKinnon John , Corsica McIntyre Cowie A., 2 Coleman Jos. Conklib C. R , Str. Lenty / Coles Burt, Str. Maunaloa Conniff F. M., Str. Maytham Donahue J. G., 2, Str. C. E. McNeil John McLarty A. J. Neill D. C. McLead Jack, Str. Carnegie : ‘ McCabe F. J., Str. Fitzgerald O’Malley Jno., Str. May ee Bolton Richards nee Donahue C. E., Str. C. E. Prendergast V. F., Str... Bolton : Spokane 5 panes Duncanson Jos., Str. City Randall John, Str. J. EK. Owen Genoa’ Robinson Wm., Str. Reynolds Doner Hugh Rolf Alton* Bartek Eby Frank, Str. Spokane Reesor Robt., Str. LaSalle - Easter Wm. Summitt Fred, Str. Corsica - Eaton Robt., Str. Cambria Frankfelter H.L., Str.Glidden Saunders Annie P:’ 2 Gaunderson Chas, Serette Capt. Paul Goodwin H. Graham T. W., Str. Frontenac Greening Geo. Halsted F. A., Str. Black Hutchison D.C., Str. Siemens Williams Moses, Str.J.E.Owen’ Instant Earnest Welch Chas. W., Str: Glidden Johnson Ralph Wilson A. H., Str. Sparta’ Keough Daniel, Str. Nebraska Warren W. E., Str. Siemens Kenney Geo., Str. Maunaloa Waswurth F. J. . Lawler W. T. : Leonard Henry H., 3, Str. Tampa Grover Vallat Frank, Str. Clarion F. B. DICKERSON, P.M. ————$ re Considerable information as to the new cup defender’s. hull has been given out at the Herreshoffs’ shops. The keel will not be laid for some weeks to come. The plansof the keel mold as shown by figures of dimensions indicates a shorter and deeper keel than on the Columbia, and for it an ©’ order of 95 tons of lead has been placed in New York. The Tobin bronze plates for the yacht’s sides have been ordered’ in Ansonia, Conn., and the steel angles for the frame are - The work on the hull of:ther* being molded at Steelton, Pa. rk on I new cup defender must follow the stiffening and repairs: upon the hull of the 70-footer Rainbow in the south shop. There is yet so much work to be finished on this big sloop that it will take about four weeks to put her in shape for’. launching. By that time the keel for the new defender will be ready on the floor. The running of the lead keel. will come two days later or on about ‘Thursday, Dec. 27. The working plans for the new craft are being printed. Another important decision recorded is the adoption of. all steel spars with the exception of the bowsprit and spinnaker.- pole. The introduction of a steel topmast will be a feature, especially if that spar is to be of the telescoping variety. i oo The German government has been paying a subsidy of $225,000 to mail steamers to South Africa, and is so well Tinney Capt. M., 4, Str. M. B. Smith John, Str. Olive Branch : Whitbeck Claude, Str. Corsica’ satisfied with the result that the subsidized lines will be — extended and the amount increased to $337;500 a year. “A” bill recently passed authorizes the Imperial Chancellor to * entrust to a suitable German contractor the establishment and maintenance of a fortnightly mail steamer communica- tion on the above terms for a period of fifteen years—all to be paid out of the imperial funds. ;