Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships a Spvecialty. THE MARINE RECORD. MAy 2, Igor | Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide _ on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet water on sill. Metal and ‘Wooden _4e—Ship Builders. (iovernment Proposals. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Custom House, Cincinnati, O., April 9, 190%. Sealed pro- posals for one 30-foot length, flat-bottomed, steel-hulled, stern-wheeled steam launch complete, will be received here until 2 p. m., May 14, IgoI, and then publicly opened. Elementary Seamanship. By D. Wilson Barker. Illustrated; 12 mo.; cloth, $2.00 by mail prepaid. THE MARINE RECORD, Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, Ohlo. Anywhere and Return for $1.00. 'The Nickel Plate Road announces to the public that on Sunday, May 5th; it will in- augurate its usual summer Sunday excur- sions for parties of five or more traveling to- gether on one ticket between any two stations on its line within a distance of 100 miles; the cost for which for each individual will be but $1.00. Organize your parties of | five or more and enjoy a Sunday outing on the Nickel Plate Road. Write, wire, phone or call on nearest agent, or address E. A. AKERS, C. P, & T. A., Cleveland, O. 57-19 Information furnished on application. Wm. H. BrxBy, Major, Engrs. : 16-19 U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Custom House, Cincinnati, O., April 24, 1901. Sealed pro- posals for hire of one or more dredging plants, each consisting of one dredge, one towboat, and three dump scows, for use on Ohio river, will be received here until 2 p m., May 29, 1901, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Wm. : H. BrxBy, Maj., Engrs. 18-21 SHIPMATE RANGES. - We make vessel ranges 9 jf of various sizes, from the 3 large two-oven Shipmate Range down to the two- hole Yacht. Range. The Tinnerman Steel Range Co., 797-803 Lorain Street, Cleveland, have a full assortment of these ranges, and can fill orders for any size. They are sold also by Robt. C. Bialy, 923-925 Water St., Bay City, Mich. © Soo Hardware Co., Sault Ste. Matie, Mich. THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, STAMFORD, CONN. ~ Established 1830. ae | SCOTT'S COAST PILOT FOR THE LAKES, PRICE $1.50. © a FoR SaLe By THE MARINE RECORD, WESTERN RESERVE BLDG., CLEVELAND, Oo. O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres, and Treas, A. M. CARPEN TER, Sec. and Gen’l Mgr. *~ ‘The Jenks Ship Building Co. SPS Tbbh Soo} Steel and Wood Ship Builders, (PP? a oe : tock 8 be} Port Huron, Mich. ote Marine Engines and Boilers, = os a W. S, JENKS, President. Office and Machine Shops Fourth Street. Yards Foot of Lincoln Ave. i 7 —STEAM WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS——