May 9g, Ig9o01. THE MARINE RECORD. BRITISH SHIPBUILDING RETURNS. FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, IOI. From the returns compiled by Lloyd’s Register of Ship- ping, it appears that, excluding warships, there were 444 ves- sels of 1,303,116 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom at the close of the quarter ended 31st March, rgor. The particulars of the vessels in question are as follows, similar details being given for the corresponding period in 1900 for the purpose of comparison: gist March, Igor. atst March, 1900 Description. G G No. Tonanwe, te Todhane: STEAM g SS BRS eS iS 410 | 1,293,071 | 459 | 1,238,555 BRON cca acccsikels tics I 190 49 9,564 Wood and Composite... 4 go02 3 980 Ota Ais 25. eee 415 | 1,294,163 | 511 | 1,249,099 SAIL, WiCee ee o e 9 7,120 16 8,350 COM etose css vis Ret aR eA ee ANE SRE Med care unos dle's | Lae es Wood and Composite... 20 1,833 27 2,973 PROB es ate oh cee che os 29 8,953 43 11,323 Total steam and sail....| 444 | 1,303,116 | 554 | 1,260,422 The present return shows an increase in the tonnage under construction of about 33,000 tons, as compared with the figures for last quarter. As compared with the return for December, 1898, which is the highest on record, there is a reduction of 98,000 tons. The total displacement of war- ships under construction at private and government yardsis 423,702 tons, 45 vessels of 236,362 tons in the former and 19 vessels of 187,340 tons in the latter. or or oo NOTICE TO MARINERS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS—OHIO. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD, WASHINGTON, D. C., May 3, 1901. ToLEDO HARBOR LIGHT STATION.—Notice is hereby given that, on or about May 6, 1901, the construction of this station will be begun by sinking the crib foundation at the site. On the same date the site will be marked by a fixed red post-lantern light, about 20 feet above lake level, illuminating the entire horizon. The light will be exhibited from the highest point of the structure during the construction of the station, until further notice. During thick or foggy weather a large ship’s bell will be rung at short intervals. The station will be located in 21 feet of water in the west- erly end of Lake Erie, off the outer entrance to Maumee Bay Straight Channel, about 400 feet north-westerly of the east- erly prolongation of its axis, and about 56 mile lakeward from Maumee Straight Channel Entrance Gas Buoy, No. I. Bearings and distances cf prominent objects, as taken from the above-named chart, will be: Turtle Island Light-House, S. 77° 33’ W. (W.S.W. % W.), about 3 ;°; miles, Monroe Light-House N. 1° 12’ W. (N. % W.) about 9 miles. Bzarings are true; miles are statute miles. ST. MARY’S RIVER StTRIBLING Pornr GAs Buoy, No. 35 —Notice is hereby given that, on or about May 20, 1991, a black conical buoy, surmouated by a pyramidal lattice work supporting the lan- tern, showing a fixed white light during periods of Io sec- onds separated by eclipses of 10 seconds’ duration, and marked ‘‘Stribling Point, No. 35,’’ will be established, in 20 feet of water, on the edge of the westerly side of the chan- 13 ET RINT ecprso Sopra TTT EL ERT nel in the northerly end of Little Mud Lake, St. Mary’s river, at the beginning of the turn into Hay Lake Channel, and opposite Stribling Point. ares and distances of prominent object from gas buoy will be: Harwood Point Range Front Light, N., about 3,500 feet (% mile). Hen and Chickens Range Rear Light, S. W. by W. 3/ W., about 3,600 feet (44 mile), The gas buoy will take the place of the float light now privately maintained. Little Mun LAKE UppER Buoy, No. 35.—On the same date this black spar buoy, stationed close to the intended position of Stribling Point Gas Buoy, will be permanetly discontinued. Bearings are true; miles are statute miles, By order of the Light-House Board: W. MAYNARD, Captain, U. S. N, Naval Secretary. FRANKFORT PIERHEAD LIGHT STATION.—Notice is here- by given that, on or about May 11, 1901, a blower siren, operated by compressed air, will be established at this station on the outer end of the south pier at the entrance to the har- bor of Frankfort, easterly side of Lake Michigan, to sound, during thick or foggy weather, blasts of 3 seconds’ duration separated by silent intervals of 3 seconds, thus: Silent Silent Blast int2rval Blast interval 3, sec. 3 sec. 3 sec. 3. sec. The signal is located in the tower. If the siren should be disabled the bell will be sounded as heretofore. By order of the Light House Board. N. H. FARQUHAR, Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, Chairman. a al a VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. As compiled for THE MARINE RECORD, by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade. CITIES WHERE WHEAT.| CORN. Oats. RYE. BARLEY STORED. Bushels. | Bushels. |-Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels, 1,189,000 254,000 IBZ O00 cts 25,0C0 LOB\OOO} ie scale cnaclien spencer ae | Re Airs eemer: APH Reece sree 10,III,000} 5,781,000] 2,962,000 387,000 178,000 543,000 842,000 TA OPOOO| ios. cdveiis ells wisteiarelesiere p 219,000 335,000 1,070 14,000 7,000 10,151,000] 5,226,000] 1,365,000 420,000 75,000 138,000 | ie-<% inte's sine] Vaccesties : eavons ani cl Semen Fort: William, Ont...) 2,147,000] 5: fas ore |G thistee |e acass's cage. sete Milwaukee.......... 678.000 725,000 310,000 1,000 15,000 ATLOAG ious cawiins 66,000 228,000 Bai OOO isis. Giaeteta Sraillcke sho nia eae Port Arthur, Ont.... B5OLOOO| isis aiastonsiai|iriere er aleve acetal |ercumaiomiseanie oa OI@A Gis sv ncasinets acs cue 631,000 448,000 226,000 2,000 2,000 MPOTODLO rahe iscsi 49,000] eek chicos TO00|Syaeeva gen 40,000 On Canals IO}000)|2\..5/.eh ss oe 100,000 16,000)... 0.0 osc On Lakes 1,886,000} 1,580,000] 2,488,090]' ........'. 184,000 Ou Miss. River...... T2000) Gsscceicns |ecenamenee aie stake. ell WORE, cea Grand Total..... 46,668,000] 18,665,000] 12,526,000 946,000 695.000 Corresponding Date, TSOO Ses cant eos est: 49,825,000| 18,137,000] 7,037,000] 1,143,000] 1,195,000 Nye Cent Te aA aoianiddl NCieRa SCONE R-GIDOR: saricka 162; OOO|i eis eas ean eee Decrease ......5..... 1,684,000 630,000]........ 24,000 1,009 While the stock of grain at lake ports only is here given the total shows the figures for the entire country except the Pacific Slope. OO Oo eelel VESSELS CLASSED. Vessels classed and rated this week by the American Bureau of Shipping, New York, in the ‘‘Record of American and Foreign Shipping,’’ are as follows: American screw Esperanza, American schooner J. C. Strawbridge, schooner Martha P. Small, schooner Clara Bar- ton, bark Carrie Winslow, three-masted schooner Susie B. Dantzler, British screw Zeeland, British schooner Zeta, Brit- SHIPPING AND MARINE JUDICIAL DECISIONS. (COLLABORATED SPECIALLY FOR THE MARINE RECORD.) Passenger’s Baggage—Loss by Negligence.—The loss of a passenger’s baggage is presumptively by negligence of the carrier, it having been delivered into the custody of its proper agent, and no excuse being given for its disappear- ance. The Priscilla, 106 Fed. Rep. (U.S. ) 739. _ Admiralty—Appeal—Review of Findings of Fact.—Find- ings of fact by a court of admiralty are presumptively cor- rect, and, while reviewable on appeal, where they are made on conflicting testimony given in the presence of the judge his conclusion will be treated with great respect. The Ana- ces, 106 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 742. Maritime Liens—Services as Watchman.—A watchman em- ployed for a vessel by the master by the day for no definite period is not entitled to alien on the vessel for wages on account of services rendered under such contract after the vessel. has been taken into legal custody. The Northern Light, 106 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 748. Requisites and Validity of Bond.—A bottomry bond, which does not purport to create any personal liability, and which is payable five days after the arrival of the ship at her port of destination, expresses a contract by which the debt is subject to the maritime risk essential to support such a bond. The Northern Light, 106 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 748. Admiralty—A ppeal—Correction of Record.—A party to an appeal in admiralty is entitled to a writ of certiorari to require the clerk of the district court to include in the record, and properly certify, documents which were used-in evidence but have been ommitted from the record. The Margaret B. Roper, 106 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 740. Admiralty—J urisdiction— Maritime Contract. A contract by which a steamship company agreed to reserve space 4 certain cargo for foreign shipment, and the otherparty bound itself to furnish such cargo at a specified rate of freight, is maritime in its nature, and an action to recover damages for “its breach is within the jurisdiction of a court of admiralty. Baltimore Steam-Packet Co. vs. Patterson et al., 106 Fed. Rep. (U.S. ) 736. MARITIME LIENS—Demurrage—Sufficiency of Libel.—A libel which alleges that libelant hired a lighter to persons engaged in furnishing a cargo of lumber to be loaded ona vessel, and that the lighter was detained by the master of the vessel, not on account of the hirers, but for the benefit of the vessel, for fourteen days after the expiration of the time allowed ‘by the custom of the port for unloading it, but which contains no averment as to whose duty it was to unload it, and avers no contract with the vessel or her master, is insufficient to state a cause of action in rem against the vessel for the demurrage. Dunwody vs. The Campbell, 106 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 542. ST ap aaa cae pe ee ae i Wie GS. 2 ii Jit iA tlic MARVELOUSI# THE NEW ge BAUSCH & LOMB-ZEISS STERE rl ] ve wy: fH be ae FRR em SAC a w= Pe on =< af » A if 4 Used by the Armies and {| & Navies of the World. I Invaluable for Tourists, | @ Sportsmen and Every-day; 4 Use. Booklet Free. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. New York. Chicago. For sale by all dealers. ES 2 OS show asthrod a ee 3 read P “ay ge pS aS eT Encm aaAbE Te tra Dmama ERIE atten ot NY 5.F. HODGE & ish schooner J. B. Martin and Swedish bark Karuna. < « MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. @ 312 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. ° THE —_—~ ——_———3 a LIQUID (iit COMPASS and i pass Made in seven sizes by JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, New York, is finely finished sensitive, accurate and durable. Moves quickly s extremely steady. Is the best Liquid Com- ever made in this or any country. For sale by ship chandlers generally.