MAy 9, Igor. THE MARINE RECORD. Nautical Schools. IN PRACTICAL USE ON THE BEST AND LARGEST LAKE STEAMERS: Using all Types of Boilers and all Pressures of Steam. ; Fical Senoot Capt. Samuel UW. Goutd, | ‘Pull Marae ene a sein or Sa Forig Susan ve syd ape i MARCY AVE., CLEVELAND,” i " : ROBERT LEARMONTH, PATENTEE, CHICAGO. vt SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 100 Wuite BLoc., BUFFALO;,N. Y~ W. J. WILSON, Gives instructions in Ocean f : i | (Late Lieutenant U. S. Navy), Navigation and prepares TRC IEL ELS ‘op Were Principal. candidates for the examina- EED WATER : % tions for Master and Pilots’ A full and complete course of instruction Licenses, before the Local in lake and ocean navigation. Also special Steamboat Inspectors wt uw branches taught those desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the marine HEATER AND PURIFIER: 4 Zenith Transit Co.’s steamers Empire City, Crescent City, Zenith City, Superior City, ee Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W. Gates. u —TAKE— _ The Republic Iron Co ’s steamers America, service. Students taught by correspondence. Braz; ere Maytham and Chili..-- ---~- Students may begin at any time. Send for Mitchell Transportation Co.’s steamer circular. Wade Park or Payne Ave. Car. Hendrick S. Holden, Minnesota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle, American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex. McDougall. Take Michigan & Lake Superior Trans- portation Co.’s steamer Manitou. Bessemer Steamship Co.’s steamers S. F. B. Mcrse and Douglas Houghton. American Transportation Co.’s steamers John Harper and Alex. Nimick. Red Star Line’s steamers Robert Mills and Wyoming. Wilson Transit Line’s steamers W. D. Rees and Andrew Carnegie. ) And the steamer William R. Linn. Standard Books ON MARINE SUBJECTS. NAVAL ARCHITECT’S AND SHIPBUILDER’S POCKET BOOK. Clement Mackrow. Formulae, rules and tables, and marine engineers’ and surveyors’ Handy Book of Reference. Fifth edition. 700 pages; pocket-book form. $5.00. A MANUAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING. A. E. Seaton. Designing, construction and working of marine machinery. $6.00. ens NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: \A MANUAL ON LAYING OFF IRON AND STEEL ae H E {; H A Ss E. Vi AC H | N E. Co Mi P A N vy ; eleven ge. H. Watson. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners SINGLE, | Jonn E. Turopr & Sons Co.., TRENTON, N. J., U.S. A. COMPOUND CONDENSERS. AND TRIPLE EXPANSION BOYER SECTIONAL ENGINES. WATER TUBE BOILERS. PROPELLER WHEELS. SE MACHINERY COMPLE LEASURE YACHTS, TUG BOATS AND LIGHT DRAUGHT PASSENGER BOATS. $5.00. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS. By William F. Durand, Principal of the MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF School of Marine Construction, Cornell University. 431 pages, 116 figures. $5,00. 5 i i A tic Towing Engi f sae 5 3 Fog Whistle Machines; Wolsting Engines, Steering Engines Automatic Towing Engines, | PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR MARINE ENGINEERS. This is a valuable litle book, with 64 illustrations. By Charles W. Roberts. $1.00. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS. N.M. Hopkins. New methods of engine and boiler making; ship design and construction; fifty illustrations. $1.25. 111 ELM STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. CLEVELAND, O. ‘ : Sent to any address, prepaid, on receipt of price. Applied to the requirements : , PRACTICAL oe the sailor. By Thos. Mc- K ocuamies Soty Si.ce, bY mall’ prenei The Marine Record Publishing Co. — Reserve Bldg. Cleveland, 0. | Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO. JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. H. B. FOLGER, Treas. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice Pres. THOS. DONNELLY, Sec’y. | Sellers Restarting Injector | THE DONNELLY SALVAGE s (ee moderate cosf. LIFE BOATS AND WRECKING CO., Ltd.} joes) jee ties, and raises KINGSTON ’ ONT. a | : water promptly (a) with. hot or cold Hi ids |= fil pipes. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAI PUIIPS, ETC., a a) Very simple, has few parts | MIGHIGAN YAGHT & POWER 60. SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. and ie celly ———— All parts interchangeable, made of DETROIT, the best bronze, and the workman- 1540 JEFFERSON AVE. IN STOCK. NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. art dal ezeglie of in ject. Warranted 24 1b. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork : Life Ge csevera. Ripevio to allothers. Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPEST. : Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied.. Send for Catalogue. JENKINS BROTHERS, Selling agents New York, .Boston, Puita. Cricaco Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition. METALLIC AE ; 4 and ar THE NICKEL PLATE ROAD. WOODEN mS Is the shortest line to Buffalo and the Pan” BOATS. ———— American Exposition. Rates are effectiv® April 30th, 1901, on any one of our Peerless Trio of Daily Express Trains either going or returning. Write, wire phone or call on nearest agent, C. A. Asters T oa ‘ Ind., or E. A. Akers, C. P. cA, : p4 : Bieveland, O. 36-22 D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS 437 Pearl St., New York City. Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the li htest, S cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. Send for illustrated cata- -_. logue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere,