Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 16, 1901, p. 14

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x 14 THE MARINE RECORD. May 16,. Igol. Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. IVI. A. HANNA & Co. LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T.. CONNERY, Manager. | ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt- COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. MAIN OFFICE: 1238-3242 va 10,tA SALLE ‘STREET. ged \O one Pig Acn Eel =PHORS: 2 at Sp4 ort 110 Fuel scow with elevators and discharging FUEL DOCKS: Nor 1, Michigan piip and Basin. Paone go46, Main: Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, spouts. "Storage of 630 ton Discharge d with 125 2-ton Buckets for Large Supplies of Best Quality. oad E L LI G H 1. E R: : raat i Fueling anywhere in Harbor ae PP unloading cargo. WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL LIGHTER MINERS AND SHIPPERS. : AN D GUARANTEE QUALITY. coh bid grades wnkoase Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0, PickANDS, MATHER & C0, | THE W.L. SCOTT COMPANY PIG IRON. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN aoe a cee Pn OR ah? GOAL Shamokin - Wilkesbarre ANTHRACITE at BUFFALO, At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG Fu FL | IGHTERS - ASHTABULA Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL, frnahe at any | WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. , COA Bey VESSEL FUELING MAIN OFFICE: THE.. A SPECIALTY * .. Scott Block. Long Distance Phone 440. FUELING OFFICE: ReaviAren Eynon-Korrine (GoMPOUND [NJECTOR,| _s"%trssttt cam pat tom bstunce one With One Handle. [iy The BEST for Stationary, Marine or — Locomotive Service. Takes water at a temperature of 150 degrees. SHERIFFS MFC. CO, ESTABLISHED 1854. Will Lift Water 24 Feet. Has a Greater Range than any other Injector. Send for General Cutalogue - covering the Specialties. WATER THE EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO. New York Office, 107 Liberty Street 15th and Clearfield Streets, ‘Boston Office, 42° Oliver Street. PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. No Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Varying frem 15 to 300 Lbs. Compass Adjusters. CLAREN CE E LONG; | _MILWAUKEE, wis. Compasses Adjusted For deviation, and deviation - Scienttic Compass Adjuster. tables supplied. Great facilities MILWAUKEE, WIS. G eas ected Badal Dediatt for doing the work by day or ' , ) ompass Compensation, Tables of Deviation ee ; oie Residual. Errors for Wooden, Iron Fe PEAAHH AANA AAS ; ‘ and Steel Vessels by Azimuths of the e _ Sun, Stars, Moon and other Planets. John Tlaurice. One Cent a Mile | SERVICE—DAY OR NIGHT. : ; ; All Adjustments Promptly and Accurately | Office, 24-26 Market St., CHICAGO, st vt to the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, SHIP C ARPENTER, executed. Estimates and Prices given upon | Residence, 1213 Albany Avenue. via the Nickel Plate Road, on May 15th and CALKER and application. All work guaranteed to be ab- : agth. ‘Train leayes Bellevue O., at 12:15 an solutely first-class. : midnight, leaving Cleveland at 2:06 a. m. and SPAR MAKER. arriving at Buffalo at 7:35 a.m. Tickets are - good returning within 3 days‘on any one of our Peerless Express Trains where scheduled »to stop. For rates and time of train at inter- mediate stations see bill, call on nearest agent or address C. A. ASTERLIN, T. P. A., Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. | ‘PHONES { MAIN 523. 63 Main St. WEST 6808 F. Res. 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0. j) FOR INDUCED DRAFT jipgggy | Eaceuithsr BA as OPS POWERFUL. ECONOMICAL. | ' | 67 in Use. 50 to 200 Ibs. Pressure. ld Cut on the right shows section of Jet Castings which | i Cottage Grove Lake Resort If U Want a PUMP or SYPHON are attached to Spider in stack as shown in cut on } aan. on'C:: big & V. R. R. will be opened for the Write to the B.W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- log 76.) They give you facts and figures about their Steam Jet Pumps, Syphons and Barge Pumps. A postal will bring fall information by return mail free of charge. THE EB. W. VANDUZEN.CO., Cincinnati, O the left, 15 to 25% increase in power guaranteed. y) it -All-sizes 12” to 8 ft. have been installed. season ‘Igor, about May 15. Thoroughly renovated and. greatly improved. Good (3 ey hotel accommodations, nice cottages, tents, ete. Church picnics ‘and summer outing : H. Bloomsbu rg & Co., ING parties will be given special rates on appli- é 112 35th Street, Wi cation to nearest C., T. & V. agent, or Section pang NEWPORT NEWS, VA. a non ning GALBRAITH, Traftic Manager, Cleve-

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