THE MARINE RECORD. MAY 30, Igor. Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide Metal. on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet "water on sill. = Wooden .~Repairs to Metal and piaiae se: we ee Ship Builders. a Sovecialty. JUST PUBLISHED ) | Picnic Resorts along 8vo. Cloth, 428 Pages and 136 Plates. $6.00 net. : Lake Erie. Linwood Park and Shadduck’s Grove at Modern Seamanship Veron, Ome Point Beach, Dover Ba By AUSTIN M. KNIGHT, Lieut-Commander, U. S. N. Plate Road. Excursion rates every day. Te att es a by th nore : ider field th i+ that : For rates and particulars inquire City Ticket n attempt has been made by the author to cover a wider fie a at, : : covered by most of the existing works on Seamanship. } [ Office, 189 Superior ‘street, telephone MEM 218; or Euclid avenue station, telephone CONTENTS. Doan 817, Cleveland, O. : 22 Chapter I. The Hull and Fittings of a Ship. Chap. Il. Rope—Knotting and Splicing. Chap. III. Spars and Standing Rigging. Chap. IV. Sai's and Running Gear. Chap: V. Mechanical Appliances on Shipboard. Chap. VI. Blocksand Tackles. Chap. VII. Handling Heavy Weights. Chap. VIII. The Compass, Log and Lead.’ Chap. IX: Boats. Chap. X. Handling Boats in a. Surf. Chap. XI. Ground Tackle. Chap. XII. Carrying Out Anchors. Chap. XIII. The Stee ing of Steamers. Chap. XIV. The Rules of the Road. Chap. XV. Maneuvring to Avoid Collision. Chap. XVI. Piloing. Chap. XVII. Handling a Steamer Alongside a Dock. Chap. XVIII. Placing a Ship in Dry Dock. Chap. XIX. Weather. and the Laws of Storms, Chap. XX Handling Steamers in Heavy Weather. Chap. XXI. Towing.” Chap. XXII. Rescuing the crew of a Wreck. Chao. XXIII. Man Overboard. Chap. XXIV. Stranding. Chap. XXV. Making and Taking in Sail. Chap, XXVI. Maneuvring Under Sail. Chap. XXVII. -Get- ting Under Way and Coming to Anchor Under Sail. ; Adopted as the Text Book of the U. S. Naval Academy. SHIPMATE RANGES. We make vessel ranges of various sizes, from the large two-oven Shipmate Range down to the two- hole Yacht Range. Sent to any address, prepaid, on receipt of price. The Marine Record Publishing Co. Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Tinnerman Steel Range Co., 797-803 Lorain Street, Cleveland, have a full assortment of these ranges, and can fill orders for any size. They are sold also by Coach Excursions | Frisia BiaiviGas bctwater Otc capes Atle Soo Hardware Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. to Buffalo, THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, STAMFORD, CONN. via the Nickel Plate Road, at one cent a Established 1830. mile traveled. Tickets on sale June 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, good returning for i eae three days, including date of sale. Write, » bat cesar wire, phone or call on nearest agent, or, j ae B. A. AKERS, C. P. & T. A., Cleveland, O. . | ara : . 82-26 ae PRICE. $1.50. 4 i For SALE BY THE MARINE RECORD, WeEsTERN RESERVE BLDG., CLEVELAND, O. | W.S, JENKS, President, i pa O.L, IENKS, Vice Pres. and Treas. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’l Mgr. % The Jenks Ship Building Co. ae oa Steel and Wood Ship Builders. (23% : $4¢4| Port Huron, Mich. Marine Engines and Boilers. = |gp4 ‘Office and Machine Shops Fourth Street. i F hy ey Yards Foot of Lincoln Ave.