J4 | THE MARINE RECORD. JUNE 13, I9OL. Steamboat Fuel at Chicago. IVI. A. HANNA & Co. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [lanager. 1. ARCHIE’ J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt- COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 segs ORASALLE STREE ‘ Long Pistence PRIERHODE, Pein bib i Fuel scow with elevators and discharging FUEL DOCKS: 822.8 iititccR"nage, enone 7s, North Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, spots. -Stokagi'at Seaton: laelge 150 tons an hour into steamers while FU E L L| G ro T E R: a Equipped with 125 2-ton Buckets for aieritinccdwormnitio x i Supplies of Best Quality. unloading cargo. WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL LIGHTER © MINERS AND SHIPPERS. AAD COR ANTERS ies” ee Man Ornce, Perty-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0, PickANDS, MATHER & CO, | THE W.L. SCOTT COMPANY PIG IRON. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN said ik td oe ft eDiets Shamokin - Wilkesbarre ANTHRACITE at BUFFALO, AE DETOUR, MICH®, A FUEL DOCK etalppet wit Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG ; Shute capacity of 600 Tons. FUEL LIGHTERS seams, me mn Senn coh mt we COALS , WESTERN RESERVE “BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. VESSEL FUELING MAIN OFFICE: salt A SPECIALTY Scott Block. Long Distance “hone 440. by steam lighter or car dump, FUELING OFFICE: at all hours. Electric light. Canal Dock. Long Distance ’Phone 320. Eynon-Kontine QOMPOUND [NJECTOR. S= EVERY ENGINEER who wants to get to the top of his profes- sion wants this book. It is the latest and STARTED, REGULATED, STOPPED With One Handle. = The BEST for Stationary, Marine or Locomotive Service. Takes water at a temperature of 150 degrees. | r) BEST Will Lift Water ESTABLISHED 16654. AMERICAN | 24 Peet. PRACTICE. Fully illustrated, Cloth, $1.co. Has a Greater ‘Copies mailed post- paid on receipt Send for General Range than any _, Catalogue other Injector. of p ice. .. covering the any SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, No Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Publishers, Varying frem 15 to 300 Lbs. 12 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK, U.S. A, Specialties. WATEB THE EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO. : 15th and Clearfield Streets, New York Office, 107 Liberty. Street t Boston Office, 42 Oliver Street. PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. Com pass Adjusters. a CLARENCE Ee RONG, Compasses Adjusted i ; MILWAUKEE, WIS. : : For deviation, and deviation MILWAUKEE, WIS. Ere et ee ed Seientific: Compass Adjuster. tables supplied. Great facilities Ss for doing the work by day or Compass Compensation, Tables of Deviation night. sett st st tt Ut Ut ot Ub ot Us ’ aud Residual Errors for Wooden, Iron 1 h rl e | and Steel Vessels by Azimuths of the ; Pius Sun, Stars, Moon and other Planets. : 0 nl : aurice. SHIP CARPENTER _ SERVICE—DAY OR NIGHT. Mahopac : CALKER and ANA aerate Promptly and Accurately Office, N. W. Cor. Randolph and Market Sts. ‘xecuted. Estitnates and Prices given upon | Residence, 1213S, Albany Ave. appl cation, All work guaranteed to be ab- *Phone, Canal 767. solute first-class. : EPR ‘SPAR MAKER. Jobbing of all.kinds promptly attended to. ‘PHONES { MAIN 523. 63 Main St. WEST 608 F. Res. 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0. Coach Excursions to Buffalo, . If U Want a PUMP or SYPHON via the Nickel Plate Road, at one cent a mile traveled. Tickets on sale June 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, good returning for three. days, including date of sale. Write, wire, ’phone or call on nearest agent, or, HE. A. AKERS, C, P. & T. A., Cleveland, O. 82-26 Edwards Marine Air Buaie. FOR ‘LICENSE TO MANUFACTURE THESE WELL-KNOWN MARINE AIR PUMPS APPLY TO _ WHEELER CONDENSER & ENGINEERING C0, 12) LIBERTY STREET, NEW ‘YORK. Write to the B.W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- log 76. They give you facts and figures about their Steam Jet Pumps, Syphons and_ Barge Pumps. A postal will bring full information by. return mail free of charge. Ay. THE B. W. VANDUZEN CO., ae Cincinnati, O. SEND FOR PAMPHLET, Sr ORNS a ee ee ———