42 THE MARINE RECORD. A TRUSCOTT BOAT SIMPLE, SAFE, RELIABLE, SPEEDY. It may be possible to build better and_ safer boats. but it hasn’t been done yet. We send a completely illustrated cata’ogue and price list f ee, which tells * you all about boats and WHY TRUSCOTT BOATS EXCEL. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co., ST. JOSEPH, MICH. from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles. ...... Aucust 8, Igor. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys. Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting. Over 1,000 gas. buoys and gas beacons in service. - Burn Continuously . oe Controlled by THE SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING CO. 160 Broadway, New York City. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LAKE COMMERCE. THROUGH CANALS AT SAULT STH. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO, FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, Igol. EAST BOUND. Articles. U.S. Canal. Sc Total. Copper, net tons.......... 12,319 1,542 13,861 Grain, bushels............ 1,582,655 58,170 | 1,640,825 Building stone, net tons... 4,786 Sune 4,786 Miour, barrels. oss... se 916,489 I 6,136 | 1,092,625 Iron ore, net tons......... 3,185,575 16§,719' | 3,351,294 Iron, pig, net tons........ 4,070 1,736 5,806 Lumber, M. ft. B. M...... 182,228 1,616 183,844 Silver ore, net tons........ 8 ass Pane Wheat, bushels........... 3,695 791 518,161 | 4,213,592 Genl. Mdse., net tons..... 5,153 2 204 7,357 Passengers, number....... 3725 3,045 6,770 WEST BOUND. Coal, hard, net tons. ..... 77,875 Sines 77,875 Coal, soft, net tons....... 604,030 53,655 657,685 miour, barrels 4.050.335 2 ae es nee Grain, bushels...:..7..... 2,000 14,000 16 000 Manf’d iron, net tons..... 14 399 70 14,469 malt barrels: 2.350.555. : 42,223 I 685 43,908 Genl. Mdse., net tons..... 53.947 12.265 66,212 Passengers, number...... 4,401 3,630 7,43 Freight: Hast bound, net tons...... 3,747,832 210,137 | 3,957,969 West bound, net tons..... 756,616 66 487 823 103 Total freight, net tons.....| 4,504,448 276,624 | 4,781,072 Vessel passages, number.. 2,644 567 B21 Reg’d tonnage, net tons...| 3,783,585 308,024 | 4,091,609 Compiled at St. Mary’s Falls Cana], Michigan, under di- rection of Lieutenant-Colonel G. J. Lydecker, Corps of En- gineers, U. S. A. Joseph Rip'ey, Assistant Engineer and General Superintendent. oo or oo Tue submarine bell signal for ships and buoys is a win- ner, according to Boston men who have perfected: the ap- paratus to the useful stage. The first buoy to be equipped will be placed at the mouth of the St. Lawrence river for the Dominion Coal Co., to warn its colliers of the many dangers. harbor that a bell’s tones can be recognized ten miles from the buoy to which it is attached, and as the danger signais will be rigged to ring out different tones the captain of a ship can tell where he is by listening to the bells through his telephones attached to a receiver that he drops over- board. The bells are to be kept ringing by a wire attached This bell buoy beats the automatic ' to a dynamo on shore. bell signal patented some years ago, and which General B. F. Butler had a tussle to get congress to adopt for the coast service. The surface bell buoy still does ‘duty along the coast in places, but its warnings cannot be heard in severe weather far enough to keep vessels off the danger places it marks. Weather does not affect the new bell’s warnings, the inventor’s claim. Re ate ———— —————————— THE typical Mississippi River steamer illustrated in this issue has her houses and decks covered with H. W. Johns’ asbestos roofing. s It is claimed, after experiments made in Boston - NOTICE TO MARINERS. LicGHt-Housk ESTABLISHMENT, OFFICE OF THE LIGHT- HOUSE INSPECTOR, 11TH DISTRICT, } DETROIT, MicH., Aug 5, Ig90I. St. CLAIR River, MicH.—Notice is hereby given that the 13-foot shoal near midchannel and to the westward of the center of Squirrel Island, St. Clair river, Mich., having been dredged away, Squirrel Shoal Red Spar Buoy No. 4, which formerly marked the western edge of the northern end of this shoal, has been discontinued. ST. CLAIR RIVER, MicH.—Notice is hereby given that the . piles recently driven to mark the remains of the crib on the shoal at the head of Russell Island, St. Clair river, Mich., have been carried away and the position of this crib is now marked by a red and white horizontal striped buoy moored close to the northerly edge of the crib in 13 feet of water. The crib has but 8 feet of water over it and vessels are warned of the danger of passing over this shoal between the red and black horizontal striped buoy on the extreme north edge of the shoal and the red and white horizontal striped buoy which marks the position of the crib. By order of the Light-House Board: J. C. Wizson, Commander, U.S.N, Inspector 11th District. feet to the southeastward and the fog-signal house about 130 feet to the northward of the tower. The approximate geographical position of the new tower, as plotted on Chart No. 1 of Apostle Islands, of the United States Survey of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, is: Latitude, North, 47° 04’ (46”). Longitude, West, 90° 43’ Sh the same date the présent temporary fixed red light of the fourth order, in the wooden skeleton ‘tower, will be dis- continued. By order of the Light-House Board: N. H. FAarQuHar, Rear-Admiral, U. S. Navy, Chairman. DOMINION OF CANADA.—ONTARIO. © SouTtHEAST SHoAL Licut-sHip.—A light-ship, established and maintained by the Lake Carriers’ Association, has been moored in 38 feet water, one mile southeastwardly from the southern extremity of the Southeast shoal, Pelee passage, Lake Erie’ ~Late Neva? yo" ar”. - Longs W. 822227! 107. The light-ship is a schooner-rigged vessel, with the hull painted red, and “Southeast shoal light-ship” on the sides in white letters. TYPICAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER STEAMER. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—-NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS— WISCONSIN. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OrricE oF THE LicHt-Hovuse Boar», Washington, D. C., August 1, Igor. _ Devits Istanp Licur Sration.—Notice is hereby given that, on or about August 15, 1901, a light of the third order, flashing alternately. red and white, interval between flashes 10 seconds, will be established in the structure recently erected at this station, at a point 200 feet north and 325 feet west of the present wooden skeleton tower. The station is located on the northerly end of Devils Island, the most northerly of the Apostle Islands, south- westerly part of Lake Superior. The focal plane of the light will be 100 feet above mean lake level, and the light should be seen about 19 statute miles in clear weather, the observer’s eye 15 feet above the level of the lake. Vos ee The structure is a brown, cylindrical, steel tower, sur- mounted by a cylindrical watchroom of larger diameter, and a black lantern, The keeper’s dwelling is about 350 Two lights, to feet apart vertically, are shown from cor- rugated glass lanterns hoisted between the masts. The up- per light is red, elevated 70 feet above the water, the lower being white. During thick or foggy weather a steam whistle situated in the fore part of the ship will give blasts of 20 seconds’ dura- tion, with intervals of one minute and forty seconds be- tween them. From the ship the following angles were taken: tangent Pelee island, 0° o’. Pelee island light-house 35° 30’. Dummy pier 50° 53’. F. GourDEAU, ; Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, 22d July, roor. South 4ay- All bearings, unless otherwise noted, are magnetic and are given from seaward, miles are nautical miles, heights are above high water, and all depths are at mean low water. _ Pilots, masters or others interested are earnestly requested to send information of dangers, changes in aids to navigation, notices of néw _ Shoals or channels, errorsin publications, or any other facts affect- ing the navigation of Canadian waters to the Chief Engineer, Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada. Rone ee te os, okey ai ie ay ee S av Re ht ated MCh ara ca cob ta abe sae