14 THE MARINE RECORD. AUGUST 29, I90T. eepares Fuel at Chicago. IVI. A. KHANNA & Co. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [lanager. 1 ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt: COAL, IRON ORE AND. ‘PIG IRON. MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. . sy ae Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 1 10 LA SALLE STREET. , Fuel watts ‘a8 ‘ ds aati FUEL DOCKS: 32:2 Nitiitcet 2"Sridge Spnone 7 Nori Steamboat Fuel af Ashtabula, Fut srw wih toy securing 4 .. 150 tons an hour into steamers while FUEL LIGHTER: rr oe eee sineling anywhere in Harbor Large Suppltes of Best Quality: Lerthae ceraye WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL nines ni Gain : LIGHTER AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. gle age ee cb iain Orrice, Perty-Payne Bl, Clovoland, 0, — PICKANDS, MATHER & CO. THE. W. L. SCOTT COMPANY ‘ PIG IRON. ERIE, PA. IRON ORE AND COAL. WHO.ESALE DEALERS IN ae pera Anca es’ Fu | Shamokin-Wilkesbarre ANTHRACITE Shaner Suits capbity af das Tene o> Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG a ERIE, ° Fu EL LIGHTERS. ASHTABULA, Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any no CLEVELAND. time during Day or Night. ‘ WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. - CO ALS re VESSEL, FUELING TAIN OFFICE: ae IN PRACTICAL USE ON THE BEST AND LARGEST LAKE STEAMERS) 4 sPectacry Scott Block. Long Distance “Phone 440. Using all Types of Boilers and all Pressures of Steam. by steam lighter or car dump FUELING OFFICE: ie s Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance. ee Cana -ck, Tene pistons a ae ROBERT LEARMONTH, ieee 1 th PATENTEE, announce the SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 100 Wier Bioc., BUFFALO, N. Y. 51TH EDITION] | JOHN E. THROPP & SONS CO., TRENTON, N.J., U. S.A. of this well-known and thoroughly practical hand-book, NAMES OF STEAMERS ON THE LAKES USING THE BUFFALO FEED WATER HEATER AND PURIFIER: BY E. P. WATSON. Send us $1.00 and we will mail you a copy. Zenith Transit Co.’s steamers Empire City, Crescent City, Zenith City, Superior City, Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W. Gates. ‘ The Republic Iron Co ’s steamers America, Brazil, Thomas Maytham and Chili, Mitchell ‘Transportation Co.’s steamer Hendrick S. Holden. Minnesota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle. SPON & CH AM BERL AIN : American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex, McDougall. Publishers, Take Michigan & Lake Superior Trans- ; portation Co.’s steamer Manitou. 12 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK. ‘Bessemer Steamship Co.’s steamers S. F. B. Mcrse and Douglas Houghton. ; Our new catalogue is just out. American’ Transportation Co.’s steamers John Harper and Alex. Nimick Red Star Line’s steamers Robert Mills and ENGINES. CONDENSERS. BOYER SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS. PROPELLER WHEELS. Wyoming. Wilson Transit Line’s steamers Ww. D. Rees and Andrew Carnegie. And the steamer William R. Linn, ' i : TRIPLE ENGINE. e . ‘ 5 i Compass Adjusters. ESTABLISHED 1054. someon ‘ SINGLE, COMPOUND AND TRIPLE EXPANSION Clarence E. Long, Compasses Adjusted MILWAUKEE, WIS. For deviation, and deviation ZA OS ERE F Bbc cai 2 . is oa pupae SEEN RADLS SME EE UN ENE NNEN S ae eRe SPs fk) «Nee OR Pat eam - Scientific Compass Adjuster. bis supplied. Ores fecitidiee Leer rat Ti, fe or, doing the wor ay or MACHINERY COMPLETE FOR PLEASURE Comaees Compensation, Tables of Deviation night. Sb Mebs UL pLak kia Dh sb akoF YACHTS, TUG BOATS AND LIGHT DRAUGHT Residual Errors for Wooden, Iron PASSENGER BOATS. and Steel Vessels by Azimuths of the saad Moon and other Planets. J ohn Maurice. All adjiistments promptly and abenrately Office, N. W. Cor. Randolph and Market Sts. executed. Estimates and Prices given upon Resid {213 S. Alb A application. All work guaranteed to be J iCencés - Albany Ave. ; sine first-class. "Phone, Canal 767. EOI P CELE SENSES NTE EEO! Edwards Miarine Air Pump. FOR LICENSE TO MANUFACTURE THESE WELL- MILWAUKEE, WIS. ENGINEERS’ LICENSE. KNOWN MARINE AIR PUMPS APPLY TO | ‘ MECHANICS, ENGINEERS. ELEC WHEELER CONDENSER & ENGINEERING CO. = Twenty-Day Limit Tickets sae after August 19th, to Buffalo and return, will} New forty-page 120 LIBERTY ST,, NEW YORK. : be sold for one and one-third fare via the Questions cd by eee ae oe 5 SEND FOR PAWPHLET. Nickel Plate Road. See nearest ticket] Engineers. Sent free. Gro. A. ZELLER, agent, or address KE. A. AKERS, C. P, & T. Az, Publisher, Room 358, 18 South . Fourth Cleveland, O. 153-35 Street, St. Louis, Mo.