ig oh bare ae AON at Nl i SN Sc ll SEPTEMBER: 5, I90!. THE MARINE RECORD, 13 rer eerste eee nesnrieiees SUN’S AMPLITUDES. The following approximate amplitudes of the Sun’s' ris- ing or settirig will be given each week in this column dur- ing the season of navigation. A second bearing may be taken by compass at sunset, by reversing’ the east béaring’ given for the nearest latitude, as the change in declination for a few hours makes, but a slight difference in. the true béaring of the sun’s setting. The bearing may be taken' when the sun’s center is on the horizon, rising or setting. The elements which may be obtained by taking these am- plitudes are the quantities known as’ local’ atffaétion, va- riation and deviation, or the total difference between com- pass and true, or geographical bearings. LAKE ERIK AND S. END LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 42° N, Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. pept.¢5.... Bi 9°UN; — Ni 74K. == BE) 3f N: mept: 3.5... 8° N. =(N: 77 BE. == Ei of N: Sept. 13....H. 5° Ni. =N.74 E.=E.% NN... LAKE ONTARIO, S. END HURON AND CENTRAL’ PORTION LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 44° N. Date. Amplitude, Bearing P’ts. Bearing Conip. Sept, 5.... Bi, 8° Ne Ne 7 4ek. = B/N. Sept. 8....E. 8 N=N.74¥R=E YN sept. 13:.:.B. 6° N. =N. 7% EB. = Ey N: N. END LAKES HURON AND MICHIGAN, LAT. 46° Ni Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp.’ Sept. 5....E. 10° N.=NI7%E.=E. % N. Sept. 8... .E. 99. N.==N. 7 Bi = B, 36 N. Sept. 13....E,. 6°N.=N.74%E.=E. ¥%N. LAKE SUPERIOR, LAT. 48° N. Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. Sephii ges: By a1sN. = N37 ie BE. = by N. BEDE, Sens kr Oo N. == N. 7B, ==, 34 N, wept. 13....H. 6° N. = N. 74 EF. = E, WN: With a compass correct magnetic, the difference between the observed and true bearing or amplitude will be the variation for the locality. Should there be any deviation on the course the vessel is heading at the time of taking the bearing, the difference between the observed and the true amplitude after the variation is applied will be the amount of deviation on that.course. If the correct magnetic bearing is to the right of :the compass bearing, the devia- tion is easterlyssif.to the left, the deviation is westerly. roe THE NEW ORE-SHIPPING PORT. The following information relating to the Michipicoten harbor, Lake Superior, has been received from the general manager of the Algoma Central Railway Company. Four steamers, each drawing seventeen feet six inches of water, moved thirty cargoes of ore from the dock last sea- son without any difficulty. The Canadian government has arranged to build:a light-house this year on Gros Cap point. A small light will be maintained on Gros Cap point from the opening of navigation until the light-house is,erected. The railway company will maintain, also, a floating light to mark a shoal on the western side of the harbor entrance. * Accord= ing to the chart. furnished, a light is now shown on the west- ern of the two islands at the eastern side of entrance to the harbor. A light is also shown at the southeast corner of the freight,shed on the outer end of the commercial pier. Throughout the present season of navigation the Algoma Central Railway Company will exhibit a fixed white light on Mamainse point, in Rotsseau’s house or on one of his buildings. : This point is called Coppermine point, the name Mamainse being given to the point to the northward, thus reversing the positions of the two points as named: by the Canadian authorities. 3.F. HODGE &C THE ——~_ 7" & oe , o NOTICE TO MARINERS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS— MINNESOTA. TREASURY OrFicE oF THE Licut-Hovuse’ Boarp. Wasuincton, D, C., August 28, 1901. DututH Rance Licur Sration.—Notice is hereby given DEPARTMENT, } »that,°on or about September 1, 1901, the following de- scribed range lights and fog signal will be established on ‘the. new south pier at the entrance to Duluth Harbor from Lake Superior: Front Licur.—A fixed red light of the fourth order, 44 feet above lake level, on a buff-colored brick tower, sur- mounted by a black gallery deck and lantern, attached to a small fog signal house with a red roof, onthe outer end of the new south pier, from which will be sounded, during thick or foggy weather, a 10-inch steam whistle having the game characteristic as the present temporary signal, viz., blasts of 5 seconds’ duration separated by silent intervals: of 30 seconds, thus: _ Silent Silent Blast interval Blast interval 5 sec. 30 sec. 5 sec. 30 sec. 1 \REAR*Licut.—A fixed red light varied by a red flash every 10 seconds, of the fourth order, 69 feet above lake level, on a‘ white, square, pyramidal tower surrounding a- white cylinder, surmounted by a white cylindrical watch room and black lantern, near the inner end of the new’ south pier, 1,188 feet S. 60° 20’ W (SW. by W. % W.) in rear of the front light. i ‘On the same date the present temporary range lights and fog signal will be discontinued. By order of the Light-house Board: ae N. H. Farouw#ar, Rear-Admiral, U. S. Navy, Chairman. DOMINION OF CANADA—ONTARIO. INCREASE IN Power oF Wiarton Licut.—An anchor lens lantern, showing a fixed red seventh order dioptric light, is now used at Wiarton light station, near outer end of breakwater, head of Colpoy bay, Georgian Bay, replac- ing the lantern with pressed glass lens previously used. In other respects the light is unchanged. GopERICH Harsor Drepcep CHANNEL: Erratum.—The entrance between the two breakwater piers, protecting the ‘channel. leading into Goderich harbor, Lake Huron, bears S: 77° E. magnetic, and not N. 71° 15’ E., as stated in No- tice to mariners No. 36 of Igot. ‘ THorNBURY RANGE LicHTs.—The light heretofore main- tained on the outer end of the west’ breakwater pier at Thornbury, Nottawasaga bay, Georgian bay, shown from a lantern: hoisted: on a’ mast, has been removed to the east: side of the pier or wharf, and now forms the front light of a range. Re The light is, as heretofore, fixed white, shown from a 7th order dioptric lens lantern hoisted on a mast, and ele- vated 32.feet above high water mark. It should be visible 7 miles from all points of approach by water. Lat. N; 48° 34’ 10”... Long. W. 80° 27’ 10”. The mast has a wooden shed painted drab at its base, and is 25 feet high froin deck of pier to top of mast. The back light is a fixed white light, shown from a pressed lens lantern, hoisted on a mast standing on the “Government reserve for harbor purposes, on the west side “of Beaver river, in the town of Thornbury, at a point 376 féet.S. by W. % W. from the front range light above de- scribed. The light is elevated 36 feet above the level of the bay, and should be visible 7 miles in the line of range. The mast. has a wooden shed, painted drab at its base, and is 29 feet high from the ground to the top of the mast. ; The two lights in one bearing S. by W. % W.. lead in through the centre of the dredged channel to the entrance between the breakwater piers? This notice affects Admiralty charts Nos. 327 and 678; Georgian Bay and north channel pilot, 1899, page 351; and the substance of it should be entered in the Canadian list of lights and fog signals, rg01, under the Nos, 1289 and 1290. LIQUID (iit) COMPASS _ RonpeAu Front Rance Licut-Housr.—The front range lightshouse tower at Rondeau, Lake Erie, which was moveil 100 feet inwards to permit of repairs being made to. the outer end of the pier, was replaced in its former position, on the outer end of the east breakwater pier, on the rst - August, Igor. 4 F. Gourpgau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and Fisheries> ~~ 1 oe Ottawa, Canada, 16th August, Igor. ° All bearings, unless otherwise noted, are magnetic and are given from. seaward, miles are nautical miles, heights are above high water, and all depths are at mean low water.’ Ms Pilots, masters, or others interested are earnestly re- quested to send information of dangers, changes in aids to navigation, notice of new shoals or channels, errors in pub- lications, or any other facts affecting the navigation of Can- adian waters to the. Chief: Engineer, Department of Ma- rine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada. rr ocr iro ENLARGE THE WEITZEL LOCK. The attention of all interests was directed to the im- portance of enlarging the Weitzel lock at the time of the accident which: happened to the lower gates of the Poe lock several weeks ago, when the steamer W. R: Linn banged into them. The casualty was occasioned by an alleged mis- } take-of the engineer. The captain ordered the engineer to’ stop and reverse, and the latter thought he was doing so when the crash came. The gates were all but carried away. A similar accident is liable at almost any time, and, if the gates give way, would result in the closing down of the American’ canal for an indefinite period. The wonder of it is that an accident of this character has not’ occurred before this. : , Of course there is the Canadian canal to fall back upon, but it could: hardly. be depended on to take care of the com- merce adequately.“ It is reported that so far this season over a score of craft grounded at the entrance to the Canadian canal, because of the channel, and for this reason the larger class of carriers are chary of locking through the Canadian gateway. . ‘= The vesselmen are keenly alive to the situation, and it is said the Lake Carriers’ Association will, at its next annual meeting, arrange to forcibly present to congress the urgency for immediate action for the enlargement of the Weitzel lock. : > Plans were prepared last year for this undertaking by the, ' United States engineer corps, and the river and harbor bill contained an appropriation for the work, but it was killed with the’bill. |, Pas Ag oo oo “ THE Newport News Shipbuilding Co. has informed the! Navy Department that the battleship Illinois will be de; livered to the gdvernment at the company’s yard on Sept. | 10, Capt. George H. Converse is to be her commanding officer, and her crew is now being assembled on the receiv- ing ship Franklin and at the Norfolk Navy Yard. > a eres ares — na Cy Cae tate get o RSS Re Soe ane ot SE SG ae ae eS Aaa cer abees A ae ee ee ee te, SO SS hd [Py MARVELOUS|E THE NEW BAUSCH é LOMB-ZEISS STERE Binocular Glasses. Used by the Armies and Navies of the World. Invaluable for Tourists, Sportsmen and Every-day Use. Booklet Free. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. New York. Chicago. 8 For sale by all dealers. ial = Ee ae (ee = Pear eee - a LRAe IMR RX Min sce eRe Ne ica Oe, ue camibbeeth Arad S08: ver nonio drt yo ew eT ae ST RT Seda, nate weer ee —~ Le MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, ‘ DECK HOISTERS; MARINE REPAIRS. @ 312 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. - Made in seven sizes by JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, New York, is finely finished sensitive, accurate and durable. and is extremely steady. pass’ ever made in this or any country. For sale by ship chandiers generally. Moves quickly Is the best Liquid Com-