14 THE MARINE RECORD. SEPTEMBER “12; Steamboat. el ‘at: Chicago: YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH! COAL. co, J.T, CONNERY, Tanager. ARCHIE Je HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt: ” MAIN. OFFICES! : 1238-1242 Clickeo Stock Exttiahge Bs eA Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 1 1:0" LAcSARLE STREE _ No. 1, Michigan Slip and Basin. Phone. 3946n ahaa ) TOM FU E L DOG KS. No, 2, N. Halstead St. Bridge. Phone 773) North Sia uipped with 125 2-ton Buck#ts for © fe ete ta E L Ll G aa ; E. R: = ee mRuéling wubgthesd in Hatbor ff eb 4 i sesaveoel AND GUARANTEE. a ieee ~ Prexnas, “MATHER 7 60. PIG IRON. IRON ORE AND COAL. At DETOUR, MICH., A, FUEL DOCK oaunppbe wheter Shute capacity of 600 Tons... - Best ee PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any ,» time during Day or Night. at BUFFALO, shou ERIE, ASHTABULA, AND CLEVELAND... t Fut Liores © WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. Wri) WN \ ro USE ON THE BEST AND LARGEST LAKE STEAMERS ‘Using all Types éf Boilers and ‘ali Pressures of Steam. eS Beat Purifier Warranted to Remove all, Sediment or Scale- Forming Substance. ota LEARMONTH, - a PATENTEE,S, > hy : 100 WHite BLpe., BUFFALO, N.Y. fs ee) FOR ‘CincuLar. a ee NAMES) OF STEAMERS"ON THE LAKES USING THE BUFFALO FEED WATER HEATER AND PURIFIER: Zenith Transit Co.’s steamers Empire City, Ry City, Zenith City, Superior City, “Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W: Gates. The Republic Iron Co ’s steamers America, . Brazil, Thomas. Maytham and Chili. ‘Mit ell Trabaportation Co.’s_ steames UNgond ick S. Holden. ¢ Minnésota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle. American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex. * MeDoug » Lake ‘chiigan & Lake Superior Trans- pntaeee Co.’s steamer Manitou. rt Sa age Steamship Co.’s steamers S. F, and Douglas Houghton. AYE gr Sere "eR ATER AND DupiFle hap Transportation Co.’s steamers i JohhiHarper and Alex. Nimick Red Star fine 's steamers Robert Mills and a» Wyoming. .« Wilson Transit Line’s steamers W.D. Rees and Andrew Carnegie. ‘And the steamer William R. Linn. | Compasses Adjusted For deviation, and~ deviation” — tables supplied. Great facilities for doing the work by day: or’ sO eeehastion ities ree Deviation night. PH I Te ol we ws si =. for: — Iron and. sels by Azimuths'6f the Sun, thon and ee Pinbete. s J ohn Maw r ice. _CHIC >. GO. ates ely Office, N. W. Cor. Randolph and Market Sts. 4 Residence, 1213 S. Albany Ave. © » [’Phone, Canal 767, wee the ve g ‘ $i Ae R, LICENSE. 13m NUFAGTURE 7 es “és ccigmesraa A wes <2 SSteeecs > ¥ a LER CONDENSER B ENGINEERING:CO,: -»~ BS, i eg ST, NEW YORK... wit si aul % ty “24 | SEND FOR TAMNHEET: oe 3 . WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY. COAL apes SHERIFFS MFG, C0, Mi. A. HANNA. & Co. f | ased AON IRON. ORE AND PIG IRON. oe -"eambaat. Fuel at’ Ashtabula, se ( Fuel ; scow with elevators and discharging | , spouts, Storage of 650 tons. Discharges agree, Supplies, of Best Quality. hobes 150 tons an hour into steamers le LIGHTER: geben 4 Nghe » 99 “carrying different aie ‘at all times. THE. W. L. SCOTT COMPAR ERIE, PA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Sooners ore ANTHRACITE KOMBMIOBHERY, Mansfield, PITTSBURG | TAIN OFFICE: ‘Scott Block. Long: Distance "PHote 440 "FUELING OFFICE: | _MINERS AND SHIPPERS. Main Orrice, «. Perty- Payne i, Cleland, 0 VESSEL FUELING A SPECIALTY by steam lighter or car dump — at all hours. Electric Light. | SINGLE, COMPOUND | Joun E. Tuades & Sons eG TRENTON, N. J., U.S. A. CONDENSERS. AND TRIPLE EXPANSION | ENGINES. —° BOYER SECTIONAL WATER TUBE ' BOILERS. PROPELLER WHEELS. MACHINERY COMPLETE FOR PLEASURE YACHTS, TUG BOATS AND LIGHT DRAUGHT PASSENGER BOATS. : We are pleased to , "announce the 51H EDITION Sg of this well-known, _ ESTABLISHED 1854. ang norouRnyy practical hand-book, — BY pa E. P. WATSON. ,Send us $1.00 and we? will mail youa copy. “SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, i Publishers, 12 Cortlandt Street, ‘NEW YORK: Our new. catalognes is just out. yg Railroad a Day at Buffalo, : ENGINEERS’ LICENSE, _... i al MECHANIGS, ENGINEERS, ELEG- AF UGIANS, FIREMEN, ETC. mi : New fay: -page a eg containing Questions asked by Examining Board of fee Sent free. Gro. A. ZELLER, ublisher, - Room -358,..18 . South. -Fourth © Street; St. Louis, Mo. he Pays ibe 52 ‘Copies 4 $2 >. 0 O- he Marine Record in- er soma aia Supplements,”