Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), September 12, 1901, p. 15

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ee, eT ae eer ae SEPTEMBER 12, Ig01. THE HERMIT OF GARE: MALEA, About twenty- -five yeats ago there was a ‘young sailor HO, by dint of hard work; , integrity of character and firmness; of will, reached ‘at the age of 26 the: summit of’ his ambition . becoming master of what would then be called a good-sized steamship, some goo.tons register. Upon this accession to}. good fortune he married the girl of his choice, who had pa- tiently waited for him since,as boy and girl sweethearts they parted on-his first going tosea.. And with rare complacency his owners gave him the inestiniable ‘privilege of carrying his young bride to sea with him. How happy he wag! pride, as steaming down the grimy Thames he explained to the light of his eyes all the wonders that she was now wit- nessing for'the firsttime, but which he’ had made familiar to her mind by his oft-repeated sea stories during the few bright days between voyages-that-he had been able to devote to courtship. The ship was bound to several Mediteranean ports, the time being late autumn, and ‘Cons: quently the most ideal® season for a honeymoon tHat could possibly be imagined. - Cadiz; Genoa; . Naples, Venice, ’ ‘a delightful tour with not one weary moment wherein to wish for something @lse. Even a flying visit toold Ror e fron. Naples had been po ssible, for the two officers, rejoicing in their happy young skipper’s joy,, saw to it that no: “unecessary cares® Should trouble him, and bore willing testimony, in order that he should, get-as much. delight. out. of, those,’ -halcyon days as possible, that the entire crew were as docile as could be wished, devoted to their bright commander and his beauti- ul wife. Then at Venice came orders to procede to Galatz and Toad wheat for home. wife. “She ‘would see Constantinople and the Danube. Life would hardly be long enough to recount all the won. ders of this most wonderful of wedding trips. _And they How deep and‘all-embracing his Great was the glee of the girl sailed, with hearts overbrimnjing, with joy, as ithe, b} ne sky scame upon his lifeless Hodly“fallen forward: wide ‘its: cee at ie above them seemed welling over with’ ‘sunlight. he nae ‘“Wind and weather favored them; nothing occurred toe cast + a shadow over their happiness until, nearing Cape Malea, ati? ‘firmed in their opinion! 6f the sanctity of 1 mit: ecthé.dawisy whiB odMbilka. ea aS ‘Bullen, inthe London Spectator. 2 y,9 er time, they, were run! t stpamer coming Vhewthet way, s to the water’s edge. To their .., The Lumber Trade. Journal~rises, to, rem ‘pedteful’ Sleep or ‘quiet appretiation, of the: night’s silvern North Pole, it is believed,~will .be found, ‘that fatal hour of the morning just more collisions occur than at into, bya) blunderin sk ‘and’ cut ' ‘dowh" anidshi 2 the, little, unglazed window through whic + look, out upon the sea where his dear’ one, gpeoe Soy Reg FLOTSAM, JETSAM, AND. LAGAN. 30, peek splendors succeeded the overwhelming flogd the. ertte to) be tnade of cypréss*-no other ‘wood could’ last, from roar of escaping steami,' thie suffocating’ et embrace 0: In. that dread fight for life all‘perished but one, ‘he - the happiest of men, the skipper. afragment of wreckage, he had been washed ashore under Cape Malea at the ebbing of the scanty tide, and his strong physique reasserting itself enabled him to climb those rug- ged battlements and reach the plateau. Here be was found gazing ‘seaward by some goatherds, who, in search of their nimble footed flocks, had wandered down the precipitous side of the mountain. come with them back to the world, but in vain. He would live, gratefully accepting some of their poor provision, but from that watching place he would not go. And those rude peasants, understanding something of his depth of woe, sympathized with him so deéply that without payment or Fhope of any, they helped him to build his hut and kept, him supplied with such poor morsels of food and drink as suf- ficed for his stunted needs, - ‘ And there, with his gaze | ‘fixed during all his waking hours upon that inscrutable depth wherein all his bright hopes had suddenly been quenched, he lived until quite recent years, ‘“‘the world forgetting, by the world forgot,” a living monument of constancy and patient, uncomplaining grief. By his humble friends, whose language he never learned, he was regarded as a saint, and when one day: they ath. ately Instinctively clingitig to They endeavored to persuade hit to: Re bi ng ofthe world to the date of such discovery. aI fore the end of the present year two of the Jlargest.ships ever built in the United States, and the fourth, largest i im the world, will be floating on the: Deleware river, = (The vessels national Navigation Co., and will be the largest and fatost vessels ever constructed for that line. Twenty-five hundred men are now employed at the. _ ship. yard of the New York Ship Building Co., in Camden, N. i.) and the company has eight, vessels anita contract, four: ‘for the Atlantic Transport, Jjine, three for the Hawaiian- American Steamship Co., and one for Colonel J; M. Guffey, the millionairé ‘oit inab Mate! - - The last named ‘vessel is now being .converted.~into-a-bulk~oil carrier; “which will “havea carrying s at, ‘of ever, 1,000,000 gallons.: 7a hag 1B Assistan Hn dest Wim. T. Blunt is (realities the’ Take fot! the obstruction which-has been reported off Monroe. The obstruction,: which i is, supposed, to, be a‘sunken Doaty § was re- ported la year by. the steamer. Ravenscraig and by the Helena this year. The. bearings taken by either boat are not of’sufficient accutacy to locate.the’ ‘obstruction and Mr. Blunt has*been} instructed to keep up the ‘search until he finds it. Already he has covered an area of 32,0 ooo feet by 150 feetiay >. 3th ae THe CHASE Machine Company, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. : > MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE sages ohi OFS Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Steering ues: Netiaintic Towing Engines, | : Power ag Drop Hammers, and other achinery. Engineers’ Supplies and General Jobbing. hig ae ‘ TELEPHONE, /MAIN 994. eee ECARD, O.]. Pa 111 ELM ‘STREET. ; . JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. Cie ae A ae 3 ‘ Spee lied ‘to the requirements é PRACTICAL . ap pit sailor. By Thos. Mc- UL AKE T OU RS. Kenzie. eS 12 mou « : cloth, $1.50,, by mail, prepa. MECHANICS, The Marine Record, Western J’ ne Reserve Bidg., Cleveland, 0. ‘ : For further putt ip SEC om, ; Ne Passenger Lines on the Heke, Y: _ page 18, i DETROIT AND CLEVELAND.— = Detroit & Cleve- land Navigation Co., Detroit. CLEVELAND AND CANADA,— Lake ‘Brie Naviga- : tion Co., Walkerville, Ont. : CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, AND MICHIGAN PORTS.—Goodrich Transportation Co. i Chicago. CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO, ‘Ny Y.— Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Buffalo, TORONTO, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC.—Riche-] ; lieu & Qutario Navigation.Co., Montreal) , . pf ' CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH AND, BENTON HARBOR. aham, & Morton Line, Benton Harbor, Mich. pi TOLEDO, WINDSOR AND SAULT STE, MARIE, + ALSO ‘SOO TO MICHIPOCOTEN, Algoma "Cérntral” Steamship Line, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. BUFFALO,” CLEVELAND. DETROIT, ‘ S00,” AND DULUTH. —The Erie & Western Trans- ROK tation, Go. (Anchor Ijine), Buffalo. CAGO,: CHARLEVOIX AND. MACKINAW.— cape Steamship Co., Chicago,;,) « & SARNIA, DETROLT & St: CLAIR Warranted 24 1b. TO BPO. j i VER PORYS.—White Star Line, Detroit. yf, MGs 2 4 BUI ALO, CHICAGO AND INTERMEDIATE Bao. ‘OF €ALL,.— Northern -Steamship Co., a U Want a PUMP. or mae’ ety Seer > , ‘ Write. toth-: B. Ww. SS andliezens Co. of Cincinnati, 0), for their cata- logue 76 They give ‘you facts —_ figures. about their Steam Ast Pumps, A vostal-will bring information Dy return mei) love of charge. THE EB. W. VANDUZEN ¢ cO., a Cincinnati, oO. a6. & Life Preservers.- eo lets all others. » PROPOSED PATROL BOAT FOR USE OF OHIO "FISH. AND. GAME COMMISSION IN WATERS “OF LAKE ERIE, The Ohio Fish and Game Commission will - receive bids at Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio, 2 p..m., Saturday, Octo- ber 5th, for the construction of a patrol - poat. for use in the waters of Lake Erie. ‘Plans and specifications may be seen at Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio, or copies of same may be secured upon applica-, tion from the Secretary of Ohio Fish and’ Game Commission, Athens, Ohio, The. Commission reserves the right to reject any eer: all bids.. Bids may be mailed to Ohio © * Fish and Game Commission, care Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio. ““NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. “Bi oyan ait full Weight of Cork, as senitied by’ v. S. Ins is x cy Rings Buoys a and Fenders. Approved and adopted b the only sear Life Presetver. Catalogu METALLIC = - and ; =i LW OODEN = - LIFE sha at Pe - Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. logue, Get our prices before buying enema JOHN DONNELLY, MR: » Mice Pres. ectors, ae Cork peas SAFEST CHEAPEST, ; Be , Board of Supervising Inspectors, Also adopted by the p neipal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer it mes ‘as Vessels and trade supplied. Send for ‘Metallic | Life Rafts, Marine Dregetl iif ae Send for sits H. B. FOLGER, Treas. ».THOS. DONNELLY, Sxovy, pay =e GIN@STON” 6 “EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAM PUMPS, ETC., SUPPLIED ON SH Pad MY A strictly first class machine at moderate cost. Perfectly auto- ‘matic, has wide range of capaci- ties, and raises water prompfly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, has few paris | and !s easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- ship is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. JPJENKINS ORK qericuceer vanes mes TE port Bho Salk ms hae "Awardad four medals by World’s Commbian, i i “Son UP 2 UIE: htest, data. e i ate a Le 2 Re ate , ere ah es hee SRA Sa Rest ot Ss

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