e arrived in the city, on ‘the, 11 o’¢lock. Omaha ‘train. at the | SEPTEMBER 12, I9QOI. away. “If the Canadian’Gévertiinent has the right to seize the Hartford at‘Port Colborne,” C.'B. Krenier, Hsq:, the aul- miralty lawyer, said,‘‘then“it will. have the tight to’ ‘seize the boat in-Canadian. waters anywhere ‘they find it. ° With the right to seize’ goés the’ right to use force; and if the Hartford should disobey the orders of the Canadian’ revénne eutter in Canadian waters the cutter might bring the Hart- - ford to time by sending a shot through her. I hardly thik | it is. likely affairs will go that length, but I presume they would if. Capt sate pha on oes way after wba ordered: ‘2 stop: ry) DULUTH-SUPERIOR. Special: Correspondence to the Marine Record. The wheat rate from Duluth to Buffalo is 21% cents with no immediate prospect of an advance, although some brokers declare that the tendency is upward. Major Clinton B. Sears, Corps of Engineers, U.S. A., is assigned to duty as officer in charge of the harbor improve- ments of the port of Manila, relieving Capt. William E. Cfaighill, C: of E., U.S. A. Several cargo boats ordered late last season or early this year are to be completed within the next few months, and they include the steamer being built at the Superior Ship- yards for W. H. Meyer, of Milwaukee, and others. The shipments of lumber from the head of Lake Superior for August were 62,000,000 feet—46, 000, « 000 from Duluth, 14,000,000 from Superior, and t, 599,900 from Two Harbors. The latter point is doing very little this year, and. nearly all the lumber cut in the north comes straight by to the at docks, twenty- -eight imiles further, om, | The lumbermen ¢ are protesting against the enforcement. of harbor rules regarding log towing and may work for a re- peal or modification of the existing laws. Capt. Gaillard, Corps of “Engineers, U. S. A., to whom i is entrusted the con- servancy and improvement F rivers and harbors within the dtstrict, believes in carrying out the spirit and intent of the laws in whatever form they are ‘placed before him and irre- gardless of personal leanings pro or con. ‘The grain firm of Spencer, Moore & Co. sue J ames David- son, the vessel owner, for failure to provide transportation for 200,000 bushels of grain at the time agreed upon. ‘The transportation was to have been available on May 20, of the present year, but was not provided until May a The grain is stated L to have been worth $75, 000 and was to be shit oped ‘to ‘Buffalo, N. Y., the extra elevator charges amounting to $500; insurance, $74; and interest $24. 61, the total’ amount sued for being’ $598. 61. It is ‘probable that next season a route will be established by the United States & Dominion line of boats (; Booth’s line) between Duluth and the Soo, and such an arrange-, ment will, without a doubt, be a source of much satisfaction to the People all along the. south shore of Lake Superior. The plan is to put on two new and up-to-date boats to. run the entire length of the lake, touching at all the important towns and running in connection with the smaller vessels now trading along the north and south shores from Duluth and Sault Ste. Marie. The steamer Preston, was sold at public auction by ibaty United States Marshal Sharvy in the federal building, Duluth, last week, for $3,200, Capt. Harlow, the Jate master of the vessel purchased her for Johnson, of Cleveland, who was also one of her former owners. The vessel was sold.on an order ‘by ‘Judge Lochren to satisfy claims amounting to $3,088. and for which she was libeled. The principal claim-, ants were Capt. A. R. Sinclair and Capt. Ed. England, A cifcumstance connected with it was the arrival of Capt. Sin- clair, ‘of Chicag 0, ‘representing the underwriters,. about five inidutes after the sale had taken place. was knocked down, to Harlow, for $2,300. less. _Mr, Sinclair moment the ‘sale took place, and reached’ the federal build- ing just in time to congratulate the successful bidder, Wisconsin Central Railway will rebuild its great ore dock at Ashland this winter and will probably spend $100, - 000" on the ‘improvement, , “The dock will be rebuilt throughout a and something Over 5,000,000 feet of timber will be sed i in the work, | The entire structure will be raised ten feet, making: the top deck sixty-five feet high and providing for the ready loading « of the largest boats now. inservice or that ch at all likely | to be built. In this work. it will be. necessary to rebuild the extension of the ‘present dock as the foundations have crept and settled... It is possible that the dock will be enlarged, though that has not yet been He. brought with . him. $5), 500. with which to buy the boat, if, necessary, but it. 4 a as yee THE MA ARINE RECORD. _ deterinitied: The dock at present is: one! of: ithe fuveak: on under construction dtithe. Wyéiudotte yards of tie Detroit the lakes, its capacity being 40,000 tons. *The largest'single Ship Building Co,’ “ dock is the Northwestern dock at Escanaba, which stores The or Union Assurance Co. has made a ‘43; 000 tons. If the enlargement contemplated at.,AsHland closure in the su it'tor 1 ; uthery is made, the, capacity ywill, beimot lesg.than 45aoontons; field and Arthur 'B. Slyfield, by B. B; and A, LD possih hy, 50,009, tang, making: it: the; iacuibil abielen soca Detroit. Phe disclosure ‘shows that. the boat: White ‘Star the world..7 sseronlli oT .ticy mi mony oct lo diye? #22 | wasdiieured in the cotipany for ‘$2,000 | but that Luther L,’ “The t total, sum. that, can, aes bE all Lclaims j ‘agains Slyfield had transferred his interest to George W. and Fred t e Whi it Tine. Traxsportation Co,,.owners sof ;the steamer T. Moore and Arthur B. Slyfield to Mary E. Slyfield.. The Bon Voyage, for their, losses in the, burning and sinking of company further claimed that it was not indebted to the that vessel. in May. last i is $599.62;.. saya ithe aluth. ~Naws- Slyfields but to their assignees.:;. -. Tribune, “This is the appraised. value of the,pemainp of the, United States Engineer EK, S.. Wheeler, of, Detroit, iain boat and her carge, $575 for the former and $24.62 for the Sault Ste. Marie for the purpose of investigating charges latter. Judge Lochren of the United States Court has filed which have been preferred against Supt, ae Mackenzi an order approving the appraisement as well as a stipula- of the ship canal; ‘and’ subordinates: Wheeler’ ‘wa tion filed by the White Line Towing Co. and surety com- formerly a resident |‘of: the “Soo” and tee scale yeats ‘Was pany, to the effect that they would ‘pay the equivalent of general superintendent of the ‘canal'and had chargé of the the appraised value‘to claimants as soon as awarded by the local government work. He was superseded ‘by ‘U\ 8! Ee! court, An order restraining the prosecution of the suit of gineer Joseph’ Ripley:’ “Mr.: Wheelér is eo gteetied colver- Allen & Burns against the owners of the vessel for losses sant withthe. conditions” existing’on the canal: af. Be incurred in her destruction and also'that of Bar Altman for Thebfirst’ drowning“in “shooting the ‘Soo’ Nabids & in’ 30° the death of his wife and other relatives in the same acei- years occurred on Sunday. The descent had ‘almost’: ‘been’ dent was also filed. The former suit is filed in the munici- résched whet ii’ bern too'short a turn, the boat stru¢k’a’ pal court here and the latter is now pending before the rocksandwehtover. Wim: ‘Boucher; a pilot, ‘and NathanieP United States Circuit Court of Northern. Michigan....The in- Pothetoy;' a totirist} from Oberlin,’ O., were drowned. The’ junction includes all other suits that may be brought against: otherocenparits; ‘Pomeroy” 's father, G: ‘L; ‘Brems, ‘Jose: SH” the company on account of the wreck, and action isordered Meyefs; Mathew’ Meyers,of Elyria, O07) and ‘Antoine’ Piquélte, stayed pending the disposition of the present matter. Bar. a iipifdt,/\saved’ themselves’ by tidping ‘to ‘the boat tintil’ Altman, Allen. &. Burns and all other persons claiming picked@upi!'Thé pilots, it is alleped; were “both intoxicated.* damages are cited to appear before T. H.’ Pressnell, of “Wrecking: ‘Master’ Harris Baker has returned with his out- Duluth, who is appointed commissioner, and present proof fitfrom’the'work of recovering the’ cargo ofthe’ schooner’ of, their claims, before December 19, 1901.. Upon presenta- William Home, off Seaul Choix Point, Lake Michigan,” ‘He! tion of the claims the court will probably order the..distri- siicceeded iti’ salving’the entire. pig iron cargo of the ‘boat; bution of the $599 62 among those entitled to it, ST. battalll Of his’ divers are laid up as ‘a result “df !the work.” oTSEEE ERE: CSE LCRA GE ST omen * William ‘Manning, one of the best men in‘the- business,” was .DETROIT.._ . "prayed from head:td foot and’is just: able’ to ‘be ap after’ Special Connmehondense to the Marine Record: . three weeks’ din‘bed! ‘The wotk was done’at a depth of over’. _A whole fleet of vessels stranded.off Port Huron this week 3° fathoms, and cacognesins se j ust neaige ‘Sontrecté: for a ae epéer owing to smoke covering the’mouth of the river. No lives” JoD'next'Sumimers "NT ee ae were lost. Capt. Plough of the Life Saving Service e dene” Supervisisy “Inspector-General Yames “Dumont, who's isblatiirlk: dnikize ccatnmcotercad, . niékitig at'inspection of thé ‘offices in his deparianent as far’ No Detroit divers seem anxious to undertake the work of West®as’ Detroit, came here on Wednesday. He advocates a raising the Smith drill, sunk by an explosion of dynamite law bringing:all small launches that catry freight and’ “pass at the Limekilns Crossing last Saturday. ‘The current wlhére S¢™gets under the regulations governing Jarger boats: -It* is” the drill lies is very swift and diving operations will Be at- generally well-known’ that Dumont ié.an old man after'siiall f tended with danger and difficulty. jou.» things “and” his’ ‘sind ‘soars. to! ‘dingheys if it ever expands. x Capt. Frank J. Hackett of Amherstburg, fvidedly mate of The supervising ‘inepector-general” of oe Steamboat” the steamer John QOades, has. been appoiiited by the’ Lake’ Inspection! Service is’ the weakést' link i in the ‘chain of’ ‘they Carriers’ Association as captain of the new lightship Ke-" ) Treasury radian and Splaeaieney makes the bests waunee., His three’ assistants have not yet been selected. laughing stock. * fice Ae hecKewaunee:will-bé placed next Saturday: ie S. F. Angus! aio has just returted from‘dn extended! $ Capt. John Smith, of theschooner Hatiaford, died’ at the. inthe Lake Superiorregion, was gréatly nape ee with® ‘the’ Marine Hospital on Monday and it is believed that’ Hé took ° , opportunities ‘for developmitnt of Duluth, Minn. ‘Diluth, 28 his own life.. His home was in St. Clair and it is said’ that said’he, ‘‘in’my ‘opinion, is going to be one of the big ak he-has been despondent for some time. Capt. Smith was of this country, and become for the gréat gente tle! found in a field where he had shot: himself in the” mouth country what Chicago is to the great middle'west.” The © and-swallowed an ounce of: carbolic acid. . grain shipments through Duluth are ‘increasing each” ede The following meterological observations are furnished and the Great Northern Railroad will this yeat bring” ifito’” by-the office of the U: S. Weather Bureau, Detroit, for the that city 75,000,000 bushels of-grain: Duluth is" now 4° week ending’ September 10, 1901. Prevailing wind direc- hustling city and I oe at the amount bet busines tionsfor the week, N-E.; highest velocity, 26, N. E., Sep- being done there. (303°. tember 7th. ~‘Mean: temperature for the-week,.70°; highest It is quite likely that masters and aatole will’ show’ tie temperature, 88°, on 7th; lowest, 52°, on gth. . hands'next winter and‘get Some ‘of ‘thé’ good’ which Take The Yosemite a sister ship to the Colonel was suc- engineers are now deriving from their sttike last spring.” a cessfully launched from the Wyandotte yards of the Detroit is said ‘that they “must now'assert themselves, ‘or’ becotrie Ship Building Co. on Saturday morning. Her general hull nonentities ‘aboard’ the craft that they’ are sailing.” With dimensions are 376 feet over all, 50 feet molded beam, and the lesson taught~‘owners ‘regdyding ” the “power ofthe” 28 feet molded depth, with a carrying capacity of 5,300tons, engineers’ !association:came more» consideration for the She was towed up to the Orleans street yards where the engine drivers, and the:cotiductors of ithe craftcbelieve thatr¢ work of installing her machinery and boilers will be rushed, . they should-no:longer play the milksop ‘tocowners\ ds'they\" After an absence of about a month, Commander J. Q,.. havé done'in the past, butineist apart proper. support ios! Wilson, U. S: N., Light-house’ Inspector, has returned to » . theirsauthority: -as. masters, better »tetms« and «radicallyr" Detroit from a tour of inspection of the light-houseson Lake different, that is-less’servile, “is fast becoming’ a “butt: for’”’ Superior... He reports all the property. of the United States owners to kick at;-or ignore, —_ they-see ais — —. ” in these waters as.being in,excellent.condition. .The houses, every day ofthe season: - ste pit will probably. be closed, and the -buoys. taken up about: De- See te Cer ee ere ee ee gibi cember Ist, or as near thereto as. the conditions of .the: pre- vailing weather may permit. fefpoo tuQ) inqtirys andicosfar, ad/that/éminenti nayal: authority is: cons )< The old passenger steamer icra howmAek: the White Star:oxcertied;sthe Admiral is vindicated tne advance}: “Without © Line, which. has been running between. Detroit .and.Port, {regard to the merits ofa squabble im itself-disgraceful) this’ Huron since 1877;; has made her. last trip. -. The,.Greyhound:; fashion::of »pre>jndging» differences» of “the” sort té0+often® was built originally for-the Goodrich line and was; known;.snakes a wildseyed! wanton of the goddess of justice!) ie as the Northwest. .Later she was sold.to the: Detroit \&»mot say, with they Irishman when dsked if He was guilty 0+ Cleveland line, being operated between Detroit and; Cleve- .not-guilty—“How-c’n I till;” said‘ Pat; ‘‘‘afoore Iv hear the’ land. Her machinerv will be placed in the new hull now ivvydince?” THE Chidagd: Hardwood Recotd-has disposed of the Seley