Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), September 19, 1901, p. 15

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SEPTEMBER 19, 1901. THE MARINE RECORD. A.SHIP-YARD RECORD. A force of 100 men of the Detroit Ship Building Co., have broken the world’s record in fitting out the hull of & steam- ship with machinery and other equipment, The freighter Yosemite was. launched ‘a week ago Satur- day and work was begun placing in her machinery Monday morning; At noon, three days-Jater, the 1,000 horse power | engities' were in place; the huge boilers had been set, with” the aid of a°swinging crane; the smoke stack was in position aud smoke rolled from the funnel of the vessel while the great propeller was already under control of the engines. Three and one-half days were sufficient for the work that usually réquires from three to six weeks and Supt. Calder believes that there is no record either in lake or ocean ship- yards to beat this. * No'work was done ‘on the steamer at night. Every day that the Yosemite lay at her dock meant a $300 loss to her owners.and they have been saved in:the neighborhood of $4,000 by the rapidity with-which the boat and her machinery have been completed. ‘It can also be stated that Mr, Calder i is one of the most ex- pert practical engineers on the lakes, A self-made man, he can handle men to the best: pemantige and so as to ~— each move count. i - King Edward’s yacht Victoria and Albert, 4,700 tons, is 380 feet long and 50 feet beam. The German Emperor’s yacht is 382 ft. 6 in. long by 45 ft. 9 in. beam, and displaces 4,180 tons, has greater. power, and is the fastest of royal yachts, having made 21 34 knots on trial as compared with 20% knots of. King Edward’s yacht, The Czar of Russia’s - yacht steams 19 knots, the French President’s 18 knots, the Austrian Emperor’s 17 ‘knots, the King of Italy’s 14 knots, aid the King of Denmark’s 14 knots. FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. H.W. Johns: Mfg. Co,, New: York, : ‘and ‘with branth offices at all the principal cities, have just issued from their’ Asbestos Department a neat pamphlet on. ‘‘Asbéstos : Pack. _diigsy’”’ Copies of the pamphlet will ik forwarded on appli- cation. When the schooner» Rand was lost on Lake’ ‘Michigan, early in the spring, carrying down Capt. Ralph Jefferson, there was a'sefious question as to whether the $1,000 in-— surance on the life of Capt.’ Jefferson collected.,., unless the body was recovered.” Weeks rolled by and, all efforts to find the body failed. The order was not legally bound to pay, but the treasurer paid to Mrs. Jefferson the money in full. The Kingston pilots are having considerable discussion among themselves in the press as to the 14 ft. channel in the St. Lawrence, and their respective abilities in taking vessels up and down. Outside the personal matters brought into correspondence by the pilots the important fact is brought out by officers of the Northwestern and the Northman, on . the Chicago-European line, that neither of these boats touched bottom while going through the St. Lawrence, and that the passage from Chicago to Montreal is perfectly safe and practicable for vessels drawing 14 ft. of water. The Northwestern went aground owing to a dredge and barge blocking the channel and not because of insufficient el tit of water. ‘ In speaking of the lumber trade, Fred Schrocdey, of the John Schroeder Lumber Co., Milwaukee, said: ‘Lumber business has been.good this year, the demand steady, and, 5 In all the higher — the prices better than for some time. grades especially have the prices been maintained, and only. in hemlock, of which there is a superabundance in the mar- ket, have the rates been weak. We shall clean up all our ‘rebuilt the sail iste, so Lites u is now, ery timber and logs tributary to Menominee and. Marinette this fall, ‘and shall-hetéafter get. ‘our supply front Lake Superior. » We:have about 200,000,000 feet of standing ber Bathe north shote of Lake Superior, in Minnesota, fi the Canadian border, that we are rafting tovot land. | We bought : a large tug at. Ashland this, pring, and ny Tanitoy DePinvinest “WASHINGTON, D: C., Sept: 11, 1907." “SEALED “PROPOSALS, ON SEPARATE . FORMS, are invited and will be received. at... this department until 2:0’clock p. m., Satur- . day, October 12, 1901 (at. which time and place they will be ‘opened. in, the presetice of attending bidders), for the-construction of ~oue steam propeller for the Usited Statés ~~ Revenue Cutter Service for ‘harbor duty at *” Boston, Massachusetts, to be known while in course of construction.or until launched as No. 9, R. C. S., and for one steam pro- peller for said service, for duty in the St. Mary’s River, Michigan, to be known while in course of construction or until launched ‘as No. to, R. C. S. Said vessels are to be constructed in accordance with plans and. specifications provided by the Secretary of the. Treasury, which, together with forms of proposals, contracts, etc., may be obtained ° «= upon application to this department, Bids ... must be addressed to’ the Secretary of the-' Treasury, and be endorsed on the envelope “Proposals for Steamers for Revenue Cutter Service.” The right is reserved to reject, any or all bids, and to waive ‘defects if” deemed for the interest of the Government ‘so to do. (Signed); ork: SPAULDING, Acting Secretary. € © 38-39" © THe CHase Macnine ENGINEERS AND: MACHIN MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF Fog Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Power and Drop Hammers, and other achinery. 111 ELM STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. ; : ; ; sr : lied to “the requirements PRACTICAL -° oF Rae eailor By “Thos. Mc- LAKE TOU RS. eae ea 12 ate clot 0. mail, prepa MECHANICS. he Marine Record: Western . For further particulars see _. ‘Passenger Lines on the Lakes,” : page 18. -BETWEEN ° DETROIT: AND’ CLEVELAND.— — Detroit & Cleve- land Navigation Co., Detroit. ° CLEVELAND: AND CANADA.— jake Erie Naviga- tion Co., Walkerville, Ont. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, AND MICHIGAN PORTS. —Goodrich Transportation Co., Chicago. CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO, N. Y.—Cleveland ‘& Buffalo Transit Co., Buffalo. TORONTO, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC.— Riche- lieu & Ontario Navigation Co., Montreal, CHICAGO. ST. JOSEPH AND BENTON HARBOR. —Graham & Morton Line, Benton Harbor, Mich. TOLEDO, WINDSOR: AND SAULT STE. MARIE, ALSO ‘*SOO” TO MICHIPOCOTEN.—Algoma Central Steamship Line, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. BUFFALO, CLEVELAND DETROIT, ‘SOO,” AND DULUTH.—The Erie & Western Trans- p2 tation Co. (Anchor Line), Buffalo. CHICAGO, CHARLEVOIX AND MACKINAW.— Manitou Steamship Co., Chicago. TOLEDO & SARNIA, DETROIT & ST. CLAIR RIVER POR'S. —White Star Line, Detroit. BUFFALO, CHICAGO AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS OF CALL.—Northern Steamship Co., uffa lo. Warranted 24 Ib. LP TEET IF U Want a FUMES or SYPHON Write tothe EB. W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O.. for their. cata- logue 76 ‘They give you facts and figures about their Steam Jet Pumps. A vostal will bring full information Sy return mail free of charge. HR E. W. VANDUZEN CO, : Cincinnati, O. Steering Engines . Engineers’ Sayeliss and General Jobbing. Life Preservers. Superior to all others. JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. Company,| I Sis :, Automatic Towing: Engines, ‘CLEVELAND, O. Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, oO. PROPOSED PATROL BOAT FOR USE OF OHIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION IN WATERS OF LAKE ERIE... . The Ohio Fish and Game Commission will receive bids at Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio, 2 p. m., Saturday, Octo- ber 5th, for the construction of a patrol. boat for use in the waters of Lake Erie. Plans and specification$ may be seen. at’- Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio, or copies of same may be secured upon applica- tion from the Secretary of Ohio Fish. and Game Commission, Athens, Ohio. The Commission reserves the right to reject any t or all bids. Bids may be mailed to Ohio Fish and Game Commission, care Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio. NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. - Consolidated Cork SAFEST CHEAPEST goer vd of Cork, as required by-U. S. Inspectors. Rings Buoys and Fenders. Approved and adopted by U. S.’Board of Supervisin, Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and 3 _the only Reliable Life Preserver. Catalogue. ‘Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition, \ TWETALLIC | and 1 WW ooneNy. \ {APRS hs BOATS. 1th Buoyancy and full Weight Inspr iver : _, , Metallic iornatts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’ 8 Patent Life Buoy, cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. logue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere, ‘D. KAHNWEILER’ S SONS, 437 Pearl St. New. York City...', wy jaay ree e * ee ed oo JOHN. DONNELLEY, JR. , Vick Pres. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE eee ||P WRECKING 60., Lid. téamer, Lines as | Vessels and trade supplied. Send for which is the’ i ‘htest, end casi illustrate H. B. FOLGER, Treas. THOS. DONNELLY, Sro'y. KINGSTON, ONT. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, ‘STEAM PUFIPS, ETC., . SUPPLIED ON ( SHORTEST NOTICE. Sellers Restartino Injector |} A ‘Strictly: ‘first’. class machine. at. moderate, cost. Perfectly auto- “matic; has wide range of. capaci- | ties, and raises water promptly with hot or cold. pipes. _ Very Simple, has few. parts and. is: easily repaired: _ All. parts “interchangeable, made of’ the Dest bronze, and the workman- ship is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector . ctors, a

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