Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), September 26, 1901, p. 15

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SEPTEMBER 26, I9OI. THE MARINE RECORD. 15 NOTICE TO MARINERS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS—MICHIGAN. as ‘TREASURY Slaninciee : OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-HousE Boa, | WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 24, 1901 ST. MARYS RIVER.—Notice is hereby given that, on or about September 25, 1901, owing to the widening ‘of Upper Hay Lake cut,’ Hay Lake channel, St. Marys river, the following’ changes will be made in the aids to navigation ; MiIppLe Hay LAKE RANGE FRonNvT Licut, No. 17.—The arc of illumination of this fixed white lens-lantern light, about % mile N. by E. % EK. of Six-Mile Point, and to the eastward of the,southerly end of upper Hay Lake cut, St. Marys river, will be increased to show an arc of 270° in place of 90° as at present. The light will show up stream and form a guide for vessels coming. down. stream on. the Frechette Point'range. The westerly edge of the light will mark the northeasterly edge of the newly widened upper Hay Lake cut, and vessels should not enter the dark sector. FRECHETTE POIN’ RANGE..REAR LIGHT, No, 22.—On the’same date this fixed lens-lantern light will be exhibited from a white, square, pyramidal, skeleton, iron tower, with white daymark of horizontal-slats, on a platform on piles, 172 feet south and 284 feet east of its former position, in about 10 feet of water, nedrly 34 mile above Frechette Point, o the northerly prolongation of the axis of the cut, and 2,500 feet N. 36° 49’ W. (N. Ww, m N,) in rear of the front light of this range. (By order of the Light- House Board : ; N, H. FARQUHAR, 4 : "-Rear-Admiral, U.S. Navy, Chairman. <THE Liverpool Underwriters’ Association report casual- ties to vessels of 500 tons register and upwards during last month. They numbered 348 as against 349 for August in last. year... Classified the casualties were:.. Weather damage, 33) founderings and abandonments, 3; strandings, (including 12 total losses), 113; collisions, 113; fires and explosions, 21; missing, 2, and other 63. “tirely satisfactory. official trip she will exceed her contract requirements of 18 - FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. Wreckage from the lost steamer Hudson is strewn along the beach of the Peninsula, near Houghton, fora distance of twenty miles.. Capt. Henry Corgan, keeper of the light- at Cooper. harbor, has picked up lifeboat No. 1 and other wreckage. ' Capt. John G. Crowley, Taunton, Mass., will have euother seven-masted schooner built, sods hat aichtiee to the one under contract atthe Fore River Ship & Engine Building Co.’s yards at Quincy, Mass., to be 365 feet long, 50 feet beam and 34 feet deep, with a cargo capacity of 7,000 tons. The Russian battleship Retvizan returned on Monday, after a preliminary trial trip off the Delaware Capes. Her structural tests, which were of an officiel nature, were en- It is‘ confidently expected that on'the knots. The re-christening a few days ago of the Barry Bros.” ' steamer Hartford, now the Charles H. Hackley, was.attended by over 2,000 people, 400 0f whom were invited guests and » were admitted on board the boat. ‘The bottle of champagne was broken over the bow by one of Muskegon’s popular young society leaders, Miss Kate Burrow Lee. attorney C. W. Sessions made a short address, during which he spoke of the generosity of Muskegon’s philanthropist, Charles H. Hackley, and gave this as the reason for re-nam- ing the boat after him. Press dispatches recently stated that Capt. Donnelly, of Kingston, engineering inspector for Lloyd’s, had’ been appointed inspector ef hulls at Toronto by the Dominion Government, a position vacant since the death of T. Risely, about three years ago. Capt. Donnelly has not received any appointment from the Dominion Government, and if he didit would not be that of inspector of hulls, as Capt. Don- nelly is an engineer, and not a surveyor of hulls. The office of inspector of hulls, at Toronto, has been filled for some years by W. Evans, and S. McKim isinspector of machinery. The appointment which Capt. Donnelly has received is that of inspector for the Western Assurance Co., which was given a chartemat the, last session of the Domiuiten Parliament to, _ transact a wrecking business in connection with its marine insurance business in Canada,—The cae and Shipping. World, Toronto. A at oo oo ass TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 11, Igor. SEALED PROPOSALS, on suber oe “FORMS, are invited and will be received at = > this department until 2 o’clock p. m., Satur- day, October 12, 1901 (at which time and place they will be opened in the presenceof. attending bidders), for the construction of © ~ ove steam propeller for the United States. ‘Revenue Cutter Service for harbor duty at’ ~~" ~ Boston, Massachusetts, to be known while © in course of construction or until launched - as No.-9, R. C. S., and for one steam ‘pro- © * © peller for said service, for duty in the St. ae Mary’s River, Michigan, to be known while in course of construction or until launched. ' as No. 10, R. C: S. Said vessels are to ‘be * constructed in accordance with plans and. specifications proyided by the Secretary of the Treasury, which, together with formis of | proposals, contracts, etc., may’ be obtained upon application to this department. Bids © must, be addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and be endorsed on the envelope ‘Proposals for Steamers for Revenue Cutter Service.’’? The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive defects if deemed for the interest of the Government so to do, (Signed), O. L. SPAUEDING, Acting Secretary. 38-39" THE CHASE Macuitel , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. Com PANY, Fog Whistle Machines, — Hoisting Engines, Steering Engines Automatic Towing Engines, Power and Drop Hammers, and other Machinery. Engineers’ Supplies and. General Jobbing. 111 ELMS STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. , _ CLEVELAND, oO. ; ‘ lied to the requirements PRACTICAL of The sailor. By ‘Thos. Mc- LAKE TO Kenzie. ale 12 m0. loth, mail, prepai MECHAN ICS. The deine Record:: Western oe further Si ciendlars! see’. aes * Passenger Lines on the Lakes, i page 18. BETWEEN DETROIT AND CLEVELAND.—Detroit & Cleve- land Navigation Co., Detroit. "4 CLEVELAND AND CANADA.— Lake Erie Naviga: tion Co., Walkerville, Ont. : CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND MICHIGAN PORTS. —Goodrich Transportation Co., Chicago. | CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO, N. Y.— Cleveland f & Buffalo Transit Co., Buffalo. { TORONTO, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC.— — Riche- lieu & Ontario Navigation Co., Montreal. CHICAGO: ST. JOSEPH AND BENTON HARBOR. ., Graham & Morton Line, Benton Harbor, Mich. TOLEDO, WINDSOR AND SAULT STE. MARIE, f-: ALSO ‘‘SOO” TO MICHIPOCOTEN. —Algoma . ‘Central Steamship Line, Sault’ Ste. Marie, Ont. i BUFFALO, CLEVELAND. DETROIT,’ “SOO,” AND DULUTH.—The Erie & Western Trans- po: tation Co. (Anchor Line), Buffalo. CHICAGO, CHARLEVOIX AND MACKINAW.—f’ Manitou Steamship Co., Chicago. TOLEDO & SARNIA, DETROIT) & ST: CLAIR eRIVER POR(S. —White Star Line, Detroit. BUFFALO, CHICAGO AND INTERMEDIATE raat oe OF-* CALL.— Northern ‘Steamship Co., uffalo ; rm IF U Want a Sus or SYPHON _, Write As the E. W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- logue 76 They give you facts and figures about their Steam Jet Pumps. A vostal will bring full information Dy return mail free of charge. | THE EB. W. VANDUZEN CO., Cincinnati, O. Warranted 24 lb. Buoyancy ‘and full Weight of Cork as required by U. S. Inepertere.. Life Preservers.. Superior to all others. B D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS, 437 Pearl St. Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, oO. PROPOSED PATROL BOAT FOR USE OF OHIO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION IN WATERS OF LAKE ERIE. The Ohio Fish and Game Commission will receive bids at Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio, 2 p. m., Saturday, Octo- ber 5th, for the construction of a patrol boat for use in the waters of Lake Erie. Plans and specifications may be seen at Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio, or copies of same may be secured upon applica- tion from the Secretary of Ohio Fish and Game .Commission, Athens, Ohio. ‘The Commission reserves, the right to reject any or all bids. Bids may be mailed to Ohio Fish and Game Commission, care Auditor of State’s office, Columbus, Ohio. NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. Consolidated Cork EST CHEAPEST, Inspectors, ver Steamer Lines as Vessels and trade supplied. * Send for Rings Buoys and Fenders. Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervisin Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and the only oe Life Preserver. Catalogu METALLIC 3 and WOODEN - LIFE JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice Pres. qntaad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition. H. B. FOLGER, Treas. THOS. DONNELLY, Srcy, . THE DONNELLY SALVAGE = AND WRECKING 00,, Ltd, KINGSTON, ONT. ‘EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAII PUFIPS, ETC., SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Sellers Restarting Injector A strictly first class. machine at moderate cost. Perfectly auto- “matic, has wide range of capaci- ties, and raises water promptly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, has few parts and is easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made’ of the best bronze, and the workman- ship. is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. JENKINS BROTHERS, Selling Agents » New.York, Boston, Pnita.,. CHicaco BOATS. cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. logue, Get ou: prices before buying elsewhere. - Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the pe por Send for illustrate New York City. cata- ===> = ICoNGRESS ST. E

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