16 THE MARINE RECORD. SEPTEMBER 26, 1901s water on sill, a Specialty. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships me & Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO en Metal 5 and Wooden 4ee— Ship Builders. Standard Books on Marine Subjects. NAVAL ARCHITECT’S AND SHIPBUILDER’S POCKET BOOK. Clement Mackrow. Formulae, rules and tables, and marine-engineers’ and surveyors’ Handy Book of Reference. Fifth edition. 700 pages; pocket-book form. $5.00. A MANUAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING. A. E. Seaton. and working of marine machinery. $6.00. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A MANUAL ON LAYING OFF IRON AND STEEL VESSELS. . Thos. H. Watson. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners in ship yards. $5.00. i RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS. By William F. Durand, Principal of the : School of Marine Construction, Cornell University. 431 pages, 116 figures. $5.00. PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR MARINE ENGINEERS. This is a valuable little book, with 64 illustrations, By Charles W. Roberts. $1.00. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS. N. M. Hopkins. and boiler making; ship design and construction; fifty illustrations. Designing, construction New methods of engine $1.25. Sent to any address, prepaid, on receipt of price. The: Maririe Record Publishing Co:- ° Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Evi -ontiNg Cowrovro |NJECTOR, The BEST for Stationary, [larine or Locomotive Service. STARTED, REGULATED, STOPPED * With One Handle. wry Takes water of a temperature of 150 degrees. Will Lift Water 24 Feet. Has a Greater Range than any other Injector.’ Send for General _ Catalogue covering the No Adjustment Req ‘tired for Steam Pressures Varying from 15 to 300 Lbs. Co. WATER THE EYNON-EVANS MEG. fag) 15th and Clearfield Streets, F he ' Specialties. i thc New York Office, 107 Liberty Street. Boston ‘Office, 42 Oliver Street. PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. * ce W.S, JENKS, President. é * ~ lebt| . Olfice and Machine ‘Shops Fourth Street. bbe i Yards |efetoeto} VE Foot of Lincoln Ave. —_|efoefoefo ae | eb] O, L. JENKS, Vice Pres. and Treas, The Jenks Ship Building Co. "Steel and Wood Ship Builders, Marine Engines and Boilers, «. Tuesdays and Saturdays JOHN C.JOLL ,. SHIP CARPENTER, 7 CALKER and ~ SPAR MAKER. Jobbing of all kinds promptly atttnded to. ‘PHONES { "AN 525 “| 63 Main St. WEST 608 F. Res., 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0. round trip tickets Cleveland to Buffalo via the Nickel Plate Road will be sold at $3.35 on above days. Return limit 5 days after day of sale. Inquire of nearest agent of the Nickel Plate Road, or E. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A., 189 Superior St., Tel. Main 218. 199-43 SHIPMATE RANGES. Our vessel ranges have always worked well fronrthe time when we began making them; but we have not con- tented ourselves with that; we have improved them in many ways; and are ever ready to make them. better where we see an opportunity. The Tinnerman Steel Range Co., 797-803 Lorain Street, Cleveland, have a full assortment of these ranges, and: can fill orders for any size. They are sold also by err Robt. C. Bialy, 923-925 Water St., Bay City, Mich, Soo Hardware Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, STAMFORD, CONN. Established 1830. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’l Mgr. ’ Port H uron, Mich. ST tet Lae ae ey