Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 14, 1901, p. 13

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NOVEMBER 14, I9OI. SUN’S AMPLITUDES. The following approximate amplitudes of the Sun’s ris- ing or setting will be given each week in this column: dur- ing the season of navigation. A second bearing may be taken by compass at sunset, by reversing the east bearing given for the nearest latitude, as the change in declination for a few hours makes but a slight difference in the true bearing of the sun’s setting. The bearing may be taken when'‘the sun’s center is on the horizon, rising or setting. The elements which may be obtained by taking these am- plitudes are the quantities known as local attraction, va~ riation and deviation, or the total difference between com- pass and true, or geographical bearings. LAKE ERIK AND S. END LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 42° N Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. Noy.t14.. 4B.224° Sia 9. 575 EB. = BS. B.S. Nov. 38... 26° S.==S. 5% BE. = #H.S. Ei S. INOW. 21. 70 Oa S. 596 Be = HAS: Hise. LAKE ONTARIO, S. END HURON AND. CENTRAL PORTION LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 44° N. Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. NOV. 4. 75.. 25°.S. == S540 Be se SS: Nov. 18:...E. 27°°S. == S: 554 Eo) ==) BS) 36'S) Woy. 21.....09. 282:S. == Si 534; Bee Se eS, N, END LAKES HURON AND MICHIGAN, LAT. 46° N Date. © Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. Nov, 14... 262 S.'== Sig340R. eet WS. Hy YanSe Nov. 18....E. 289°S.=S.5%E. = E.S E.¥%S. Nov. 21....E. 29°S. =S. 53% E. = E.S.& %S. LAKE SUPERIOR, waa 48°N Date. -Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. NOW. 3.45.20 bs '27 Ss 5.596 Bo SBS. E. 34 SE NOV, I8:../E. 29° S.=='S8.534 BE. = .E.S. ES WiNOv. eT eo gl> So Oo by ee = SE: eS “With a compass correct magnetic, the difference between the observed and true bearing or amplitude will be the variation for the locality. Should there be any deviation on the course the vessel is heading at the time of taking the bearing, the difference between the observed and the true amplitude after the variation is applied will be the amount of deviation on that course. If the correct magnetic bearing is to the right of the compass bearing, the devia- tion is easterly, if to the left, the deviation is: westerly. or io or “NOTICE TO MARINERS. Malta a OF AMERICA—NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS— MICHIGAN. AND WISCONSIN. : TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Orrich of THE Licu’t-HousE Boarp, Wasuincton, D. C., November 11, 1901. ELEVENTH LIGHT-HOUSE DISTRICT. CiosE or NAVIGATION, 1901.—Notice is hereby given that the. following-named. aids to navigation in this district will be discontinued for the present season of navigation on or about the dates as follows: LAKE’ Huron.—Spectacle Reef light and fog Stent: De- cember 13 -gas-lighted. and other iron buoys, comfencing with Detour Reef Gas Buoy, November 10, and taking them up in succession from Detour south to St. Clair River as rapidly as possible. Their respective stations will be marked by winter markers. Lake Supertor.—Granite Island light and fog signal, November 27; Huron Island light and fog signal, Novem- ber 27; Stannard Rock light and fog signal, November PAS Outer [sland light and fog signal, December 1; Michigan Island light, December 1; “La “Pointe light and fog signal, Deceinber 1; Raspberry Island. light, December 1; Devil's Island light and fog signal, December 1; Sand Island light, December 1; Isle Royal (Menagerie Tsland) light, No- vember 25; Passage Island light and fog signal, Novem- ber 25. ; THE MARINE RECORD. All ccher light stations will be kept in operation as long as there is any navigation in their vicinity, and all light vessels and buoys; not herein mentioned, will be retained on their respective stations as long as the condition of the ice will permit. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—NORTHERN LAKES AND RIVERS— MICHIGAN, ILLINOIS, AND WISCONSIN. LAKE Micnican, Green Bay, Exc.—tLights and Fog Sienals Discontinued During the Winter—Notice is hereby given that during the, winter of 1901-1902: lights and fog signals will be discontinued in these waters as follows: At all stations on the easterly side of Lake Michigan to the northward of North Manitou Light Station, except South Fox Island Light Station, and on the westerly side of the lake at all stations to the northward of Sturgeon Bay Canal Light Station, excepting at Cana Island, Porte des Morts (Pilot Island), Plum Island, Pottawatomie, Poverty Island, and Seul Choix Pointe light stations; at all stations in Green Bay excepting 'Cedar River, Chambers Island, Menominee Pierhead, Green Island, and Sherwood Point light stations. On the easterly side of the lake all coast Jights and fog. signals at stations to the southward of and in¢luding North Manitou Light Station, and on the: wésterly ‘side, to the southward of and including Sturgeon Bay Canal Light Station’ will -be maintained. throughout the winter. All harbor the lake, south of the stations named, will be exhibited when vessels can enter the harbors. By Order of the Light-House Board: N. H. Farounar, Rear-Admiral, U. S$. Navy, Chairman. DOMINION OF CANADA—ON'TARIO. Uncuartrp SHOAL OFF Brack Rock, Entrance ‘0 Parry Sounp.—The neighborhood’ of Black rock, in the entrance to Parry Sound, Ontario, where the steamer Arthur Orr struck on the 3rd May last, as referred to in notices to mariners numbers 17 and 49:of 1901, has: been re-examined by Mr. W. J: Stewart, the officer in charge of the Canadian Hydrographic Survey, and a small pin- nacle rock with 16 feet water on it discovered. ‘The rock lies S 8 degrees 30 minutes W., 2.500 feet from Black rock beacon, and 450 feet. N. E. of Jones Island range. ‘The master’of the steamship Arthur Orr is satisfied that this is the rock on which he:struck. The black buoy, mentioned in notice to mariners num- ber 49 of 1901, has been moved to mark the newly discov- ered rock. Masters of vessels using this channel should keep the lights exactly in line, and reduce their speed between Red rock and Carling rock, Bar Point Cur—Gas Buoy.—With further reference to part 4 of notice to mariners No. 84 of Igor. a red gas buoy showing a fixed white light has been established by the Government of Canada at the south end of the dredged channel off Bar point, at the month of the Detroit river. The buoy is moored in 18 feet of water, about a quarter of a mile northerly of the Detroit river light-house. Information furnished by Capt. EF. Dunn, of D. G. S. Petrel: F. GourDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Departinent of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, 26th October, 1g9ot. All bearings, unless otherwise noted, are magnetic and are given from seaward, mues are nautical miles, heights are above high water, and all depths are at mean low water. Pilots. masters, or others interested are earnestly request- ed to send information of dangers, changes in aids to navi- gation, notice of new shoals or channels, errors in publi- cations, or any other facts affecting the navigation of Ca- nadian waters to the Chief Engineer, Department of Ma- rine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada. ————— a OS oe The Boston & Lockport Block Co., nall & Loud Block Co., 152.Commercial street, Boston, Mass., have published the late President McKinley’s last public address, delivered at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y.,,September 5, roo1, in a neat little pamphlet and are presenting copies to-their friends and customers. successors to Bag- 13 aS Nee UE Peek Sia cama PN DEN SE EASTERN FREIGHTS. Messrs. Funch,'Edye & Co., New York, furnish the Ricorp with the following report of, Eastern freights : During the.ctrrent week there has been more activity in cotton chartering from Atlantic ports, but the rates ob- tained do not show any improvement ‘The charters re- ported below have absorbed part of the prompt tonnage pressing on this market, but we regret to say has not had the effect of assisting the freight situation. Grain shippers are still unable to work new business and the further recent advaitce in price has tended to defer any possible opportunity of a resumption in grain chartering. Busi- ness from the Gulf seems almost irapossible, and one steamer has agreed to shift from Galveston and accept a charter from an Atlantic cotton port. A few fixtures have -been effected for timber, but the rates accepted in this case are, if anvthing, on a lower basis. ‘Tonnage on time charter can still be secured at rates favoring charterers. As is apparent by,.our.subjoined list of charters, the mar- ket shows no ‘inerease in activity as far as sail tonnage is concerned, nor has anythin~ occurred calling for speci mention. ¢ DOO Ol OO MARINE ENGINEERS’ ASSOCIATION. I have been handed a copy of a circular sent out by Geo. Uhler, national president of the Marine Engineers’ Bene- ficial Association : OFFIck oF THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT,.’ PHILADELPHIA, October 10, IgOT.' “DEAR Sir AND BrotHEeR:—It has been currently report- ed, and it is very generally believed, that the representa- tives of the larger transportation interests of the Great Lakes will present propositions’ and contracts for the ser- vices of their engineers. for the season of 1902, and make strenuous. efforts, supported by unusual and alluring if- ducements, to have these propositions considered favorably and the contracts signed witn a’view to the ultimate adop- tion by, all.the carriers of a, scale based upon a: few pre- mature contracts. “This scheme will in all probability be presented before the close’ of navigation, and-before the engineers have had an opportunity to -get -together and discuss the general features of the business of the coming season and deter- rane our action and schedule. “It is scarcely worth while for me to suggest what this nieans, and in order to maintain the strength and useful- ness of this organization and to uphold the fundamental principles of our order (which.have stood as the only pro- tection against the designing efforts of those who would unfairly and unjustly sacrifice our interests and our liveli- hood) I most earnestly, request yourself and your assist- ants to sign thesaccompanying blank and return it at once to the secretary. of your association so that we may have the assurance of your continued loyalty and support.” Nothing has yet-beenlearned of the whereabouts .of Capt. Taylor, who disappeared mysteriously from the schooner Schuette. The-owners have engaged Capt. Han- son to take Taylor’s place in command of the schooner. x oe a Oe we GE % MARVELOUS f i BAUSCH é LOMB-ZEISS ew: Binocular STEREO Gisssc. Used by the Armies and Navies of the World. Invaluable for Tourists, Sportsmen and Every-day Use. Booklet Free, Fas Bausch 6 Lomb Optical Co., | Rochester, N. Y. ] New York. Chicago. For sale by all dealers. = a eas “ane Boadine sh QPE matron anv yo. ve ee a E= PPR x sven n= pee ha ERT. Strom no ct Pten oo ag, TE wee im iw Bibs WE tance aARvan, SIRES ee od Re ain MARINE ENGINES ed oO) od Od DECK HOISTERS ! ; > % N " t , MARINE REPAIRS. Bp & ; @ 312 ATWATER STREET, THE —~ I ia) Bliss EIQUID Git COMPASS DETROIT, MICH. Made in seven sizes by JOHN BLISS & CO.,.; 128 Front Street, New York, sensitive, accurate and durable. and is extremely steady. pass ever made in this or any country. For sale by ship chandlers generally. Is the best Liquid Com- is finely finished } Moves quickly:

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