NOVEMBER 14, I90%. NOTE? ON. MECHANICAL “EQUIPMENT. OF A SHIPYARD. ‘ The necessity for constant improvement in labor-saving tools is called attention to. ‘The division of the work ‘of a shipyard into iron and wood work sections is discussed, atid firther eonsidération is given only to some iron work- and the method of. Descriptions, ing. | tools,..The structure of a ship, shaping the different parts, are described. with an illustration of each, of the following machines and tools are given: Punching, shearing, countersinking, and planing machines; plate-bending rolls and straightening rolfs ;. plate-edge planing, bending, joggling, bexelling.machines; hydraulic punching, shearins; flanging, and riveting machines; pneumatic tools for riveting and boring, and a few electric-driven tools. ject of cost of nroduction,.and the relation between design of structure and shipyard’plant, are discussed. The gen- eral arrangement of plant in a shipyard is described, and the principal considerations determining the relative posi- tions of, numbers, and ~ower of different machines are dis- cussed. The general transportation plant of a shipyard is described. all latern slides—Abstract of Paper by Professor J. H? beam and Biles, M. Coun. IN. A,. read at the International Engineer-:: ing Coneress, Glasgow. y ——— ae owl CANAL BOATS FOR THE PHILIPPINES. Pie | ueet of steel canal boats, consiting of 4 steamers and 15 barges, belonging to the Clevland Steel Canal Boat Co®*hasheén: sold té the Philippine Transportation & Con- struction Coxe*which*has heen organized for the putpose of supplying modern ‘lighterave facilities in the harbor of Manila. and also conducting a general transportation busi-: ness in the Philippiuge Islands. ‘The present method. of handling freight to and from vessels at Manila is by means The general ‘sub-, . . . . ' The illustrations, about eighty in. number, are » THE MARINE RECORD. of ici native eal which are not in any Say fitted for, the business, and the steel boats will be very acceptable to merchants. and others doing Bi Gee there. ‘According to the New York :Nautical Gazette the boats are now at the Morgan Iron Works, being taken apart in large stetiobs. Fach baat’ will be divided into, 18 or 29 sections. "AS soon as this workis completed, the parts will “be loaded'in a steamship and catried ito Hong: Kong, where The boats will the#*proceéd to ies they will be put togetner. Manila. “ Mr. H..F. Lyman, of Cleveladtd, is president of the com- pany, and Mr. ‘Chas. T. Wheeler, also of Cleveland, is general -manager. Other »~rominent capitalists who are interested in the company .as officers. and directors, are Gen,. E. ‘Ci O’Brien, S:°H. Chisholm, Chas. EK. Sherman, W. P. Champney, C. A. Nicola and Ira Taylor. oi oO SS MARINE PATENTS. 685,368. Propeller rudder—W. S..Avard, Coffeyville, Ks., assignor of % to T. Geist and E. M. Perles, St. Louis; Mo. : 685,437. Propelling apparatus for boats... D, R. Sheen, Peoria, Ill 685,591. Cargo. vessel—F. A. Fernez and L. J. Bruer, Paris, France. 685,648. Boat—A. Schoenhut, Philadelphia, Pa. 685,757. Swimming-jacket: Herman J. ' Glocke ..and, Barnet Fenner, Philadelphia, Pa. 685,829. Boat.—Valdemar ’ Englehardt, Copenhagen, Denmark. 685,043. Sailboat—-James P. Pool, Brooklyn, N.Y. - 686,154. Automatic Stop and Emergency Gear for Ma- rine and Stationary Engines.——Henry J. Teiper; New Mork, N.Y. 685,154. Snatch-block—William Smith, La Crescent, Minn.. Design 35,263. Rope-coupling.—James L. Frazier, oria, Il. Term of patent 14 years. Pe- NOTES. : GENERAL ” Crnursrre, Chief of a pincer s, Coins of En gineers, WW. 8.) A., atinounces an error was made in his office in making up: the ‘estimates ‘for river and harbor work for the fiscal ' year ending June 30, 1903, and’ incorporated in. his..annual: report. these According to the original figure estimates aggregated about $12\c {000,000, _ whereas, ' ‘in fact, the-estimate totaled’ $20,000,000, exclusive ofthe @sti-3 thaté of $7,000,000 for’ works under continuing contracts. Advices from Port ‘Huron: say. that the: Botsford, Jenks & Duncan projected deal ‘for providing the Grand Trunk.. railway with an extensive lake connection is progressing. favorably and definite steps have: ‘been taken to” organize the branch of the industry contemplating the, operatio: of the steel ship building plant at St. Clair: “Articles of tie? association have been, filedj “and ‘the ” enterprise «willbe known as:the Columbiairoén iworks. .The capital’ iS $100,- 000, of which Messrs. Botsford and Jenks each ‘own 4,500, shares and Duncan, 1,000 shares. It: ‘must occur to any on@} that such an insignificant . capital stock as that quoted, above does not represent the financial ability of a ‘riew! company. : 2 « » ¢ Vem tt ; Ata meeting, of ‘the, stockholders: and directors of the Re White Star Line. at Detroit the capital stock of. the coms. pany was increased from $200, 000 to $500,000, This action was taketi on acdotint of the: constryction of the’ flew steamer ‘Greyhound: ‘Contrary to the usual custom when the capital stock 6f°a “Corpd¥ation ig increased, the bonded indebtedness ofthe White ‘Star Line will not:be increased, the present stockholders deciding to take up the new stock by paying at; the rate of} $i0. a sHare, upon their present holdings. If this way théeré will be no new stockholders. The only outstanding bonds of the company at the present » time’are abotit: $214,000, which were ‘isstied at the time the Tashmoo was built seyeral years ago. Tae CuHase MacHine Company, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres: Fog Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Steering Engines © ' wutomatte Towing Engines Power and Diop Hammers, and other Machinery, Engineers’ Supeiics and General Jobbing, 111 ELM. STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994.. CLEVELAND, O. } Bor Pi ehay panicdiie see £ ie “ Passenger Lines on the Lakes,” : page 18, & ; y Se aah be ; F o plied to the requirements a7 eS . a PRACTICAL ap the sailor. By Thos. Me- . AJ = 4 : e. aut e ae 12 sie : cloth, $1.50. mail, prepai ty MECHANICS, The Manne iecgra: ‘Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, oO. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice Pres. ; oO OW, B. FOLGER, Treas. _ ee THOS. DONNELLY, Sor. THE DONNELLY: SALVAGE Sy AND WREGKING C0., Ltd.” KINGSTON, ONT. =. ot EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAM PUMPS. pre? : SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Det it is BETWEEN DETROIT AND CLEVELAND.— Detroit & Cleve- land Navigation Co., Detroit. CLEVELAND AND CANADA.—Lake Erie Naviga- tion Co., Walkerville, Ont. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND MICHIGAN PORTS.—Goodrich Transportation Co., Chicago CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO, N. Y.— - Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.,B ffalo. TORONTO: MONTREAL AND QUEBEC.— Riche- lieu & Ontario Navigation Co., Montreal. CHICAGO ST. JOSEPH AND BENTON HARBOR. —Graham & Morton Line, Benton Harbor, Mich. TOLEDO, WINDSOR AND SAULT STE. MARIE, ALSO ‘*SOO”’ TO MICHIPOCOTEN.—Algoma Céntral Steamship Line, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. waa ee CLEVELAND DETROIT, ‘SOO,” D DU ULUTH:—The Erie & Western Trans- = Stati o. (Anchor Line), Buffalo. CHICA: 0. tasters co AND MACKINAW.— Ma teamship Co., Chicago. my SARNIA, DETROIT & ST. CLAIR . POR IS. —White Star Line, Detroit. CHICAGO: AND INTERMEDIA TE BUFFA PO VORSCALL,.— — Northern Steamship Co!, Write to the B. W. Vanduzen Co. - » of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- logue 76 ‘They give you facts and ‘ figutés about ‘their Steam Pk Pumps. A vostal will bring information’ Sy ‘return mail free of charge. aa THE’ is W.VANDUZEN CO.,. - Sea Cincinnati, O. Tourist Cars on the Nickel Plate Road. Semi-weekly Mewceantinental Tourist Cars between the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, are operated via the Nickel Plate Road and its connections. . Tourist Cars referred to afford the same sleeping ac- commodations with same class of mattress and’ other bed clothing that are provided in the regularPulman Sleeping Car. ser- vice. These Tourist Cars leave Boston, Mondays and Wednesdays, and leave San Francisco, Tuesdays and Fridays. Same cars leave’ Buffalo’ via the» Nickel’ Plate Road at.1:00 a; m., Tuesdays and ‘Thurs- days for the West, East-bound leave Chi-| cago, Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. Berths in these ‘Tourist Cars ate sold at — greatly reduced rates. Conveniences are offered without extra cost for heating food’ or preparing coffee or tea, affording every facility for comfort on a long journey, especially for families. traveling . with children. Jowest rates may be .obtained always via the Nickel Plate Road for all points East or’ West. For special infgrma- tion regarding all trains on the Nickel, Plate Road, including’ these Tourist Cars, .con- sult the nearest’ agent’ of the Nickel Plate Road: ots. As Akers, CP. & 1. A. Cleveland;, O: t 234-52 NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. Warranted 24 Ib. Buoyaiicy and full weight of Cork, as required by’U..S. re vrs Buoys and Fenders. SA “S' Approved and adopted b Also adopted by the principal'Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preseryer. Life Preservers. Superior toallothers. Rings Catalogue. METALLIC and, WOODEN LIFE : BOATS. logue, D. KAHNWEILER’ Ss SONS, 437 Pearl St. EST CHEAPEST. U.S,’ Board of Supervising Inspectors. Vessels and trade supplied: Send for Awardad four meda)s hy World? 8, Gajrin ian Exposition, Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy, which is the lighrest, cheapest and most compact Life Raft know? Get our prices befare 5uyi ng olen w hers, Send fdr iiustrated cata- ‘Hae York City. Consolidated Cork a Sellers Restartind Injector | A strictly: first class’ machine at moderate cost. Perfectly. auto- ‘matic; has wide range of capaci- ties,and raises | water promptly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, has few parts and is easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- ship. is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. ener eae ty ai ci cane JENKINS BROTHERS, Setiing agents New York, Boston, PHita., Cricaco