NovEMBER 14. 1901. THE MARINE. RECORD. a Toast tN “nthe aManee Transportation Con, ipaeatiine: ithe. car ferries St. Ignace and Ste, : Marie dieross the Straits of Mackinac, has Secidied ale 3 coffices in an “TSREVELAND. oe Se eT ROT: Spectal:Gorréspondence ‘tothe Marine Record. °' Special” Corresbondence’ ‘to The Marine “Record. © 2 Capt. John M!: Fields, compass adjuster, left here’ this The Work of dismantling the old ‘stédmer Silent is week for San ‘Francisco, ‘where he will carry on his bei progréssiti rapialy at thé Otfidans’ Street yard of the” e- fessrduring the winter snonths. NENG OP atSit hip! Hating eg ausiataaes a OTS AEE th & he i Wvetag Delta; owned ‘by Ranney Bros.; has pia soldi “Eddy Brosi'& Ob RAVE" purchaséd’ the’ tug Annie Mojles: roads) ee the! ae ctect | in “fie futurg! will, be eithien at to:the new tug line at Buffalo:’ The Delta i's a’ small craft’ from the’ Saginaw’ Bay’ ‘Towing’ Association and ‘will take Sty, gee ok Mackange: City, This action was: taken, Be- and ‘was! sed: inthe ‘fish’ tfade out of ‘this port. °'” ~ the boat to Blind River, Ont. £6 tow logs. 77" ee catts Neo The work of superintending construction of the’ light- “The Detroit Ship’ Biutdihe Co. could’ give nore, men. thendgdggarént rolls» “at! $300,004, das 44 Was Saeed that as house tetider Hyacinth, to be ‘built “by the Jenks’ Ship work at’ its yard at ‘Wyandotte. Supt. ae ei ‘says long as “the company got tio- Wines here it uate peter: Building? Co.’of Port Huron for the engineer of the ninth that there ‘are openings for about 100 men ‘and’ ‘that. the pay taxes where its boats ‘do business, lighitthousé distri¢t, will be sore’ from the office of positions will be good for the entire winter. bes diabiat ic. enn Sek: aioe MreWalter Miller. . The body of Frank Bemen of Toledo, one of the crew of ‘BUFFALO. ae SAO Ly ac wane ope O([@he official announcement ‘has not been made, but it is the tug Christian, which was run down by the steamer J. J. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record: betivas at a expected that the’ Cleveland & Buffalo Line boats will be Albright, was found on the beach a few miles below Am- ‘Tonawanda ports. received. 12,000,000 “feet, of, lumber on. _ withdrawn: from-their route‘abotit November 29, when the her stbutg. Thé Christian was lost about two weeks ago, Tuesday. Large winter stocks are being, elie up Hop hoeai : last boat will ieave this city, the last trip out of Buffalo to and’ this ‘isthe only body to come ashore. ~ supply. hee PO AER peed “be‘inade on’November 30. The best water at the Limekiln Crossing on "Tuesday The. official tonnage of the , new aii ee " Chieaper oPhe’ steamer Paraguay left Lorain'on ‘Wednesday for was'15 feet 10 inches, and the larger class of boats simply as issued by, the Bureau. of Nayigation, is, 3,105 gross, aoe Marcus ‘Hook. © The Paraguay ‘came up from the coast -had fo lay at anchor until a change of wind took place. 2,546 net tons. es AT during ‘the latter part of July, and was converted into an ‘This is the new meaning of being windbound. ‘The wooden Capt. Lautenslager,,. local. _manacer, for dee new, ee Ree cil'boat:, The Paraguay will carry oil from the Beaumont” steamer Shenandoah grounded abreast of. Soe sae an has bought another tug in Cleyeland and, she will he brought, wells,*ii'‘Dexas, to Philadelphia, aind take supplies back! ° while trying the passage. here for harbor towing purposes, etc.. eis They United 'Statés Weather Bureau has been notified by The passenger steamer City of Cleveland came out of the Grain is not being shipped out of ‘he on ON, Aca the authorities 6f the ‘approvement'of the plans for the ‘Detroit drydock on’ Monday, the repairs on her hull having count of a lack of, cars,and unless there is.a, change, the erection of three new Sstotin ‘warning towers in this térri- been completed. She will be taken down to the dock near next couple of. weeks, will, see, the harbor blockaded with,, tory. ° The towers’ will be erected at ‘the ‘weather stations the foot of Fitst street to have the interior work com- - grain laden, yessels,, Sania ne aMer CaN Real HRY atsHuton; ‘Kelley's Island and Put-in Bay. New electric pleted and her cabins refitted. This will take some time _ Geo. B. Drake, late “superintendent, of ihe: "Baftaio’ renin lightsignals wiHbe placed’ inthe towers now’ at Lorain, and she will hardly go into service again this season. of the American Ship Building Co,,,c considers that as, a. Conneaut’ harbor'and at Fairport. © The new steel ocean steamer Buckman got ” away from vessel surveyor, and, superintendent. of construction. ,for As darge steel steattier built at the Lorain’ yards of the’ Craig’s shipyard this week. Capt. Armstrong, of the White individual, interests, he will have.,a. more, profitable field Aumerican ‘Ship ‘Building Co: to’ the’ order of J. C. Gil- Star Line steamer Arundell, will pilot the’ new ship to salt than by continuing his. salaried. position.,.= . 4. slok Rhee christ & Co. will be launched on Saturday next. The’ water; while Capt. Israel, the master, will assume command The steamer. George : A. Flagg, ‘owned .,by- D. ane Hapa: proposed inathe of the boat is FM.’ Osborne.» She will be when she reaches the sea. F. W. Wheeler, the owner, and Cleveland, is now,.on, her twelfth and last ,trip. to., ‘Lake ; modérn’ in’ every respect—in design of engines and other a party of friends will be passengers on her maiden voy- Linden for copper ore. A new boat, ber,season record is} equipinents. The boat’ will be 400'feet long; and is built for’ age. as above and each down bound.cargo.has been valued) at general freight use. A large party is expected oo Cleve- The following meteorological observations are furnished nearly $1,000,000.,...In other words. she has carried ,in six,’ land:to witness the launch: ' ' by the office of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Detroit, for the. _ months cargoes a copper ore alone, worth $10,009,000... ‘Phe following’ metéorological observations are furnished week ending November 12th: Prevailing wind directions Cargoes loaded .from, Buffalo, elevators into canal, boats: by: the office of ‘the U. S. Weather Bureau for the week for the week, S. W.; highest velocity, 37 miles S. W. on destined to points east of Syracuse, after, Noyember. 18;,; ending November 13th: Prevailing’ wind direction during the 12th; mean temperature for the week, 41 degrees; 1901, are not to be insured, , If destined to. Syracuse and, the-week; southwest; highest velocity, 52 miles from the highest temperature, 56 degrees on 11th; lowest, 28 degrees points west thereof the times of ceasing be. northwest. on’ November 13th;° mean temperatiré, 44; on Oth. : midnight November. 23, 1901, The. time, of ceasing insur- highest. temperature, 62 on the 11th; lowest, 34 On the The Longshoremen’s Union here is in eadaitt of a reso- ance from, Oswego, will -be, midnight, Noyember.21, 1901... 13th.» Sunrise and sunset data computed for local time: lution adopted by the marine workers of Milwaukee, to Extensive improvements in.,the terminal facilities ofthe. November 15th, sun risés 6:50, sets'4:40; November 18th, urge upon the officials and members of the Longshoremen’s Western; Transit: Line, the, lake. line of the,, New. York, ‘sun’ risés ‘6:53; sets: 4 37; November 21st, sun rises ‘6 :57, Union the organization of a marine council, in all the Central railroad, will be made during the coming .winter Oy Selig gy.) bar sara: leading ports of the lakes, for the purpose of maintaining and be completed. by the opening of navigation. The grain’: el uocnictantniio dasiie by the’ Detroit: & Cleveland Line the rights and principles of the organization, and settling handling capacitv will be increased. toa, per; cent: and, the. that! the#'stéamets “between this ‘city and Detroit will ‘be’ all’ labor questions which concern the union. . package freight 59 ner :cent., as compared: wath present fe withdrawn on December 10. ‘The custom heretofore has The D. & C. steamer City of Mackinac rescued Fred. ‘ cilities. béen to‘run until the*boats were frozen in. Tt has become Cook and Olan Cook from the waterlogged schooner The Board ie Public Wonks ake that it, abould bejem-), négessary, however, to: Set a date’ on’ which’ the mail con-’ George Irving Sunday morning, on Saginaw Bay. The powered;to award the Buffalo Dredging Co.. contracts, for, tratts’may térmihate, and ‘after ‘which freight’ will’ not be Irving was bound with a load of Shee from Alpena to Ma-- dredging the City Ship Canal from the Buffalo river to,Qo00 | received. “It is also ‘anounced that the Cleveland & Toledo’ rine City. She was caught in the gale Saturday night on feet, at $40,375, and for dredging the, Buffalo.. river 1,000..' Line ‘will discontinue its service between this’ city and To- Saginaw Bay, sprung a leak and became waterlogged. The feet southeast from the easterly line of Evans’; slip at.a ledo.-on: Novéinber 28, when the State of Ohio will make “men sought refuge*on top of the cabin and were numb cost of $50,340. These requests. were referred, to the Har- hertdast’ trip. She will’ go into winter quarters at Detroit. with the exposure when picked up by the City of Mackinac: bor. Committee. “ ree The: €. <C> Buckman, launched from’the yards of the One of the gentlemen connected with the Detroit Ship The following misiese oneal oh epekone. are, farmiciede Craig Ship Building Co., Toledo, October 28,’ wads named © Building Co. says that there is no doubt but that the bv the office of the U. S, Weather bureau. Buffalo,-for the~ after ‘C.'C) Buckman, of Maryland, manager of the Mary-’ American Ship Building Co. will declare a dividend on the week ending November,.13:., Preyailing. wind. directions: | land Provision arid United’ Fruit Co., and will be used in’’ common stock by the first of the year. He states that all during the week, west; highest velocity 42, miles: west on. . the*Boston and Porto Rico fruit trade. A sister ship, the of the big indebtedness is about wiped out.aud that there November 12; mean temperature for, the) week, 40.) de, — Watson; isbeing built by the Craigs for the’same purpose, -is a very handsome surplus on hand. He can see no reason. greess, highest temperature, 56 degrees on-yth; lowest, ao antl will belfammched in’a few weeks. The dimensions of why a dividend should not be declared and intimates that »degrees:on roth. oa { foro the:Buckman "are : ' Length, 253.1 feet; beam, 38.4 ‘feet.’ he has received information that leads. him to believe that A number of the different : ialea Taek have aaa Halicen F Therboat was designed for freight and passenger traffic, such a course will be pursued, + to-the. effect that November 22).will.-be the last day on. — antorsitowned by! the ‘Wheeler Steamship Co. She ‘has’ The facilities for handling repair work on hulls, engines which freight will be New.- York, Philadelphia: beet chartered ‘by the’ United’ Fruit Cé., of Boston, Mass. ~ or boilers, while they are of the best, what there is of and, Baltimore, to, be, transported, by,,steamer, to Duluth, ;: it is fully time that the antagonism between the railroad’ ‘them, haye proved inadequate and it is now thought that Gladstgne, Milwaukee. ‘and, Chicago. ». Similar: notices ares! bridgetenders and the tugmen was ‘smoothed out. ‘There is before long steps will be taken. a new drydock or issued about the same time each year and all the freight. evil exhibited very. strongly. at night, while during the day, sreatly improve the present property.. The Riyers and:the shipped from the east generally. arrives in Buffalo; in time i whe Busters” ‘is’ being catried © on, matters seem fair Limekiln Crossing is the most dangerous stretch of..water. ,to catch.the, last west bound steamer. fey io aah sbi eng Brigeteniders must ‘surely be obstinate or ‘it on_ the chain of lakes and damage cases are: becoming so; W. C. Farrington, vice-president and caked manbeene nd’ be found necessary to ‘waste tons of fuel in frequent that Detroit. is entitled to, the largest, and: best. ,,of the Northern Steamship Co., confirms the report: that. the ::! cedBin sevétal Steam whistles” blowing wide open ‘for dry dock and one fit to handle anything afloat. .. . ‘steamers North, Land,andNorth.West would,continue next’ sevéral ‘Nurs each! night and for weeks ‘past. The shore ,. According to. John Craig Jr., there are berths for ee summer, ,on.the . Buffalo-Chicago.runs.|. The. rumor :-that conthiiniity exhibit’ a great degre of patience in not ‘lodging more boats at the yards of the Craig Ship Building Co.,.at.,..the, boats. would .run-between Mackinaw and Chicago was a pHtest Wi ith “the: Mayor regarding "the useless nightly Toledo, The labor troubles at the Craig. yards. haye ee never taken seriously. “It is early now-to;think: of. making: fice?” ‘Some’ at’ ‘least ‘supposed the continuous _tooting adjusted, according to Mr. Craig, who says that the plant...a schedule ..for,:next; season,” said. Mr. Farrington, “but it was necessity ike! the’ fog horn. is now operating without the 200 machinists, who, recently, , maybe, relied: upon. that :the- North Land’ andthe North oils sme ts 3s ie a struck. Their places have been filled by non-union. men. West will season in the same trade they hadi oe oe Tie ‘steamship Northwestern | arrived in Montreal on Instead of. getting an eight- hour. day the. Craig: Co.,.gave.. the. last. summer.. We are not making.any.,atrangements “ Friday last’ from’ “Chicago eh route*to Philadelphia. After the men. a Saturday. half-holiday, which. the strikers. re- ..for an..exclusive, Chicago-Mackinac .trade. and would not»: loading a cargo of coal at Montreal she will sail direct to. fused to accept in lieu of their demands, and their .ser-.. attempt. it, .,deny:.the statement.that: Buffalo: is Wabatia, Nfid., to load a ¢argo of iron ore for Philadelphia. vices were ‘dispensed with entirely. .., 1 to be abandoned by the big steamers next season.”