Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 21, 1901, p. 15

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: ty 3 NOVEMBER 21, 1901. : THE MARINE RECORD. : = ne t van MOTIVE POWER FOR. NAVAL GUN MOUNTING. Tae aces of ee here Pup tor ore Coe whichi Re: ie ; ae : controls the extensive railway steel works, pulp, works, iran, In discussing the choice of THOLEVG, POWsT for Operating mining and other enterprises, directed by FH, Clete, sayin’ the machinery of gun mountings aboard ship—the elevating their annual report: ‘The amount of net earnings which and training gear, the means of supplying the gun with willbe realized from June 30, 1901, to June 30, 1902, ‘upon ammnuition, etc.—Lient. A.. Trevor Dawson, of the Vick- ee ar baie ty eee eae ie ee wee ihe oe : ; * sees will alone be sufficient to pay ‘the entire preferred stock.” >“ ers. Company,, recently spoke of the importance of avoiding dividend of ‘the. company Sanit the pened named, ‘This any system which will cause the lower deck and compart. statement is based upon earnings now’ being realized, with= | 6+ ments ina ship to become heated, especially as there is out considering the increased value which will‘result from. usually great difficulty in ventilating. such places to make jmixing the Helen ore with the high-grade Bessemer ore ** them habitable. Steam engines with their pipe leads, valves, from the Josephine mine, The large earnings, therefore, ’ 4 ere, which must radiate much heat, are impracticable from which will certainly be derived during the same period this cause alone; but, in addition to this disadvantage, they of time from the steel works, government bonus, ground are next to impossible inside a turret owing to the danger wood and sulphite-pulp mills, férro-nickel works, sul- of the gunners being scalded in the possible contingency phuric-acid works, water-power rentals, railway and steam- of joints being damaged. or pipes broken in action.. Com- ship operations, timber sales, and the sales of ore from pressed air has one great advantage in comparison with other than the Helen mire, will all be‘tributary either to ES ak iad gon steam. No-return-pipe system is required, as all machines surplus account or for dividends upon the common stock “to increase your may exhaust into theatmosptrere, and by so doing’ mate- of your company.” marine trad rially assist in the ventilationof the turret. The noise, POS S| ay at however, made by the free exhaust is very objectionable. : : : : ei | war dt, Compressed air, ‘0 be economical, must be worked at a very Mutual .ault—Damages.—As a general ‘rule, subject to’ 120 me nt high pressure, and a damaged_pipe might, therefore, cause qualification in special cases, where three vessels ate all in | : shed easy an explosion, with serious results. Electricity, when com- fault for a collision resulting in damage to only-one of Gees to use:the advertis=:, 5%, pared with steam and air; has many advantages: On the them the total damage and costs should be equally’ di- ing columns +ofi .- M0 other hand, there are a nuniber-of serious disadvantages ‘vided between all of them; but where one of them, other: involved. All electric motors of reasonable weight and than the damaged vessel, although not so related ‘to ‘or size for the purpose must run at'a very high speed; necessi- . connected with the latter as to be a mere inert, passive or tating heavy gear trains, which:involve much loss of power helpless instrument, without accountability for the move- and a great deal of noise. Difficulty, tooy is frequently ments or signals of the latter, nor her mere servant, but a experienced in discovering the cause of failure ‘which occa- free agent, not bound to obey the.directions ofthe latter, | sionally occurs either in the motor, controller, or conduc- has been induced by the latter to do the precise thing which tors. Hydraulic power has practically none of the disad- constitutes her fault, the share of the damage and costs vantages enumerated for the other systems of power de- which she would otherwise be obliged to pay must be borne scribed. Pipes: can be laid anywhere, they give out no by the damaged vessel causing her to commit such fault. pate ta tek vs heat, if they are damaged no explosion takes place, and The Maling, tro ved. Rep. (U..S.) 227. i 4 Sate Seed vee: panies Mb Be espace 4 The Marine Record | the damage can easily be discovered and quickly repaired. SS a ee iene acon 6 emeee They work practically in silence. The vertical and hori- Capt. Thomas Higgins, aged 65 years, died at the hospital zontal running of the gun is under perfect control, the in Alpena, Mich., last Saturday, of typhoid pnetimonia. dead slow movement required being obtained with the The deceased, who was a widower, leaves a family of five greatest. facility and precision—From Cassier’s Magazine daughters at ‘Toledo. Miss Emma was at her father’s for December. % : bedside wher he passed away. ’ ; f nyse SA OUR RS VS JOHN DONNELLY, SR:, Pars. © hie H. B. FOLGER, Treas. JOHN DONNELLY, JR”, Vice Pres. “THOS. DONNELLY, Sco-y THE CHase MacuHine Company, : Ac eee ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. i THE DONNELLY SALVAGE a : MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF ; is ; Pig Fyfe ae ed aft: yee oie Fog Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Steering Engines Automatic Towing Engines, a aaNet is me SURE Power and D. op Hammers, and other Machinery. Engineers’ Supplies and General, Jobbing. : = ar | ‘ My ABT fi ie ia eed poe 111 ELM STREET. -, TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. CLEVELAND, O.| | A N H W R E CK ING C0., : Ltd, A — - = scam pa KINGSTON, ONT. © i Meo ctr! Yate ue, ae a Bee ae the requirements : Avon aa pees Shs o stoneil Son ebuncie oe ieietars Aiwa, Tourist Cars on the Nickel Plate]PRACTICAL of'the salior. “sy thos. we] EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAM PUMPS, ETE., 2 i eloth, $1.50, by mail, prepaid. } 1 ge re Re Seperate ap ee tid Road. : MECHANICS, The Marine Record, Western] SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. | , ey ath Pei ~auewes. Reserve Bldg., Cleveland,.O. Semi-weekly Transcontinental, Tourist |) eS ‘ eek Bees Cats? between the Atlantic and’ Pacific}? (os 58 .- Coasts, afte operated via the ‘Nickel Plate Road ‘and: its connections. Tourist Cars ; ORAM FX. ° J. W. FIX. referred to afford the same sleeping ac- s ESTABLISHED 1860.. °° °° commodations Lees cass of ce : os i za and other bed clothing that are provide 4 ae y ae fee) Acstrictly firs in the regular Pulman’ Sleeping Car ser- Low Rates for Thanksgiving Day. S Fix S SONS, ioe ; cuss. tnaiching vice. ‘These Tourist Cars leave Boston, i ( ¢ Mondays and Wednesdays, and leave San Via C.T. & V:.—B. & O. RK. R. Successors to S. Fix & Son, Perfectly auto Francisco, Tuesdays and Fridays. Same | at ; It ~ PHILA > “matic, ies wide : iss Pe i lat : S FI W ld oW k . PAWN) =x) range of. capaci- pk leave’ Buffalo ie ue Seats ate | Tickets on sale November 27th and 28ih. eal ue Q ih tf § SW hes and a oad at 1:00 a. m., Tuesdays an urs ‘ 7 ; |. Hatee peorneie dT days for the West, East-bound leave Chi- Good returning to and including ea Eads Sees ot with hot or cold, | cago, Tuesdays and Saturdays at*2:30.p.m. } ie ts ear : ; Ruek alece puieee aalee ail pipes. Berths in these Tourist iia are. sold at |: ovennper 27 (Dy 490t. : ‘ Se | greatly reduced rates. onyeniences are Jj. 74 _ ORC LEONERD. ——<e —— tae bebe offered without extra cost for heating food of AND WINT<cR STS. Cleveland, 0, Bae fon ae ne preparing coffee or tea, affording every repaired. acility for comfort, on a long journey, = ae Se a ; ms especially for families traveling with] — —— oh pate interchangeable ae children. Lowest. rates may be obtained | ship. is perfect. i special always via the. Nickel Plate Road for all NEVERSINK: CORK JACKET AND- LIFE: BELT. | catalogue descriptive of this Injector. points East or West. For special informa- |- F : tion regarding all trains on the Nickel Plate }, eee . ‘ = Wa ted 24 1b. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required hy U. S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork Road, ineluding these Tourist Cars, con- |" ‘Life Bredarvara Buperionite allothers. Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPEST. | . _ JENKINS. BROTHERS, Selling ap sult the nearest agent of the Nickel Plate ]; Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. , Mona: ; Road, ‘or E. A Piers CAPS & Bp A: f y Atte adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as New York’,” Boston, Prita, Cricaa Somes eae . eg a : apa the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied. Send for Cleveland, O. 234-52 Catalogue. . ipa Awardad four medals hv World’s Columbian Ex position. 3 2 ea san METALLIC oS oe 5 | M BRS paras sy and suis IF U- Want a PUMP or SYPHON WOODEN i) : \ Write to the B. W. Vanduzen Co. BOATS. . “of Cincinnati, O.. for their eata- ' logue 76 They give you facts and figures about their Steam Jet “Pumps. A tostal will bring full information Sy return mail free of charge. THE B. W. VANDUZEN CO., : ! : Cincinnati, 0. | ° D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS, 437 Pearl St. New York City: Metallic’ Lite Rafts, Marine Drags; sh Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy which is the lignrest, cheapest and most compact:L.fe Rafi known Send tor lus ratec eata- logue, Get our prices before hny'ng elsewhere,

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