water on sill. a Specialty. Craig Ship Building Co. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships NOVEMBER 28, Igol. TOLEDO, OHIO Metal | and Wooden aee— Ship Builders. Standard Books on Marine Subjects. NAVAL ARCHITECT’S AND SHIPBUILDER’S POCKET BOOK. Clement Mackrow. Formulae, rules'and tables, and ‘marine engineers’ and surveyors’ Handy Book of Reference. Fifth edition. 700 pages; pocket-book form. 5.00. A MANUAL OF MARINE. ENGINEERING. A. E. Seaton.: eae en construction and. working of marine machinery. » $6.00. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A MANUAL’ ON LAYING OFF IRON ‘AND STEEL VESSELS. Thos. H. Watson. ‘Valuable for naval architectsas well as beginners in ship yards. $5.00. RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS. » By William F.,Durand, Principal of the. School of Marine Construction, Cornell University. 431 pages, 116 figures. $5.00. PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR MARINE ENGINEERS. This is a valuable little book, with 64 illustrations. By ‘Charles W.‘Roberts. $1.00. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL.BOATS. N. M. Hopkins. and boiler making; ship design and construction; fifty illustrations. New methods of engine , $1.25. Sent to any address, prepaid, on receipt of price. The Marine Record Publishing Co. | Western Reserve Building, ' CLEVELAND, OHIO. q seem, 7 Evwon-ontine Gompounn |Avector, With One Handle. The BEST for Stationary, Marine or Locomotive Service. Takes water of:a'temperature of 150’degrees. Will. Lift Water 24 Feet. - 10 | Has a Greater Range than any : other Injector. Usend’ for General’ ty Catalogue 4 ¢dovering the — No Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Varying from 15 to 300 Lbs. THE EYNON-EVANS MFG. co. 15th and Clearfield: Streets, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. A ate New York Office,'107 Liberty Street. Lees hl tid bat Oliver Street. ‘oftice ‘and Machine Sines ee | Fourth Street, ‘ » Yards Sk , ur ee co Foot of Fapcola ao we Rots af i tapos bo Ae ee Bellevue 7:50 a. m., Cleveland 10:20 a. m., O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres, and Treas, i Steel: and Wood Ship Builders, E ea - Marine ‘Engines and elnie |: A Night Express Train on the Nickel Plate Road A change. of schedule for departure of trains from Chicago on the Nickel Plate Road, effective Sunday night, November 17, provides a convenient express train for Ft. Wayne, Findlay, Fostoria, Cleveland, Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo, New York City, Boston, and all points Kast. Leaving Chicago daily at I1:20 p. m., reaching all points east of Buffalo same time as heretofore. Reaching) Ft. Wayne at 4:00 a. m., Fostoria 6:49 a. m., JOHN C.JOLL SHIP CARPENTER, CALKER and SPAR MAKER. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. i MAIN 523 L. : PHONES { MAIN sos F, 6S Main St. Erie 2:15 p. m., Buffalo §:20p.m. All other trains will arrive and depart as formerly. For further information apply at any ticket office of the Nickel Plate Road, or EK. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A., Cleveland, O. 242-48 Res., 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0. SHIPMATE RANGES. No class of Range trade requires more prompt and careful attention than the ves- sel trade, and we give’ it just that kind: of attention. We have the Ranges and Repairs always.in stock, and we ship on receipt of order. Ask See Hee captains if they have ever had anyidifferent experience with us. The Tinnerman’ Steel Range Co., 797-803 Lorain Street, Cleveland, have a full assortment of these ranges, and can fill orders for. any size. They are sold also by Robt. C. Bialy, 923-925 Water St.; Bay City, Mich. Soo Hardware Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ‘THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, STAMFORD, CONN. Established 1830. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mg:. ey enks Ship Building Co. ‘Port Huron, Mich. ame F— WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS ——