* Ambien: -. Kansas City and Omaha. THE MARINE RECORD. JANUARY 2, 1902, PGissthecs CHICAGO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record: ~The following meteorological observations are furnist:ed by the office of the United States Weather Bureau, Chi- cago, for the week ending January 1° Prevailing wind directions for the week, southwest; highest velocity, 33 miles from the west on December 30, 1901; mean temper- ature for the week, 32 degrees; highest temperature, 40 degrees on December 27th; lowest 24 degrees on January I. It is now given out that negotiations are well advanced for placing the steamers Badger State and Empire State, now being re-built at Manitowoc, in an opposition line be- tween Detroit and Cleveland. ‘The boats are owned by Barry Brothers, ncw operating a line between Chicago and Milwaukee. Favorable offers have been made to have them operate the company season between Detroit and Gleyeland. and it is probable that the new line will be established. Forty thousand dollars is to be expended in deepening and widening the waterway across Keweenaw Point, including Portage river, Portage lake and the two ship canals next season. The-channel is to deepened to twenty feet, with a. width of 120 feet. There will be. $40,000 available for this’ work, which will be sufficient to accomplish it. When the work is completed it will wind up the improvements on Portage lake and Portage river. The work will be commenced ag’soon as possible in the spring. The depart- ment will advertise for bids in a few weeks. » Because of a reduction of wages from 2c to 15 cents an hour, 115 freight handlers employed by the Crosby Trans- portation Co., at. Grand Haven, went on strike on Wed- nesday. ‘The cut has been made every year by the com- pary, bit the men decided to make a stand against it this year: A’meeting of the strikers was held at which a long- shoremen’s ‘union was organized and a committee appointed to wait on the company officials. The steamer Nyack re- turned to Milwaukee with only about half her Grand Haven cargo unloaded. The Pere Marquette car ferry, Muskegon, which went ashore at Ludington a week ago, after striking the bar,.was released and towed into port. The wrecking job was per- formed. by. Captain James Reid, of Sarnia, Ont. Good weather favored the wreckers. ‘The steamer was pumped dry ‘and then: floated in a -sixteen-foot passage dredged bythe Pere Marquette car ferry No: 15. It is believed the loss. to the underwriters will reach $60,000. The Mus- kegon’ will go into drydock at Milwaukee for a thorough overhauling and final repairs. _ “The steamer A. G. Brower, the first of the fleet building for the United States Transportation Co., by the American Ship Building Co., was successfully launched at the South Chicago yards on Saturday afternoon. .The christening cereniony was performed by Miss _ J. Florence Brown of Utica, N. Y. The new boat is 346 feet Icng, 43 feet beam and 28 feet deep. She will come out next spring Capt. W. W. Brown, of this city, who is general manayer of the United States Transporta- tion Co., witnessed the launch. It is likely that Chicago will have the call in the selection of the president for the Lake Carriers’’ASssociation for next year. The’ election will be held at the annual meeting of the-Lake Carriers’ Association in Detroit early in January, and it is now reported that'a boom is on for J. G. Keith, a prominent vessel owner of Chicago, and an energetic worker for the best interests of the Association. From this stand- point no better selection could possibly be made than in the unanimous election of Capt. Keith to the honorary position of president of the Lake Carriers’ Association. The death. of Mr. Peavey this week is a loss that wil! be felt by a parge portion of the western people. With the exception of Mr. J. J. Hill, who was his senior by 14 years, Mr. Peavey lias more finished work standing to his credit. than any man-in the northwest. Ther unfinished work was small. For Mr. Peavey to start anything was finish’ it successfully and expediously. A list of the en- 7 a enagia to’ : tetprises in which he was interested would’ be too large to pul biish, but in. the-grain business he owned or controlled four lines of coutry elevators, with a capacity of about 10,000,c00 bushels; three terminal systems at Duluth, with 12,000,000 bushels capacity; three at Minneapolis .with | 4,090,000 bushels capaciiy, and terminals at Chicago, _ During the past year he built and put, afloat four magnificent steamers, to ply between ; Buffalo and Duluth, at a cost of $1,250,000. The Lumber Transit Co., -with a capitalization of about $2,509,000,. a new trust’ that is being organized in Chicago, is ; other step in. the direction of the effort to control the a carrying trade of the Great Lakes. It is claimed that..50 to 60 boats are already in the combination, and that the details of the scheme aré being carefully worked out. ‘The boats that are to be purchased by the trust are to be paid for partly in stock and partly in bonds. A gen- eral meeting of the. owners’ of lumber carrying boats is scheduled to be held in Detroit shortly after the January meeting of the Lake Carriers’ Association. ‘The promoters think that if they can get a majority of the lumber carrying yesels into the new organization, the others will soon fall in line, and then the trust’ will be in a position to make rates and settle the questions that have caused the lumber carriers so much trouble during the past few seasons. Capt. D. D. Gaillard, United States Engineer in charge at Duluth, has prepared a statement for the coal receipts atthe head of Lake Superior for the season of 1901, to- gether with a comparative statement of receipts with other years. He finds that there has been an increase in the vol- ume of coal delivered at the docks on the Duluth-Superior harbor every year since 1895, which is as far back as the comparisons extend. According to one of the Duluth coal men the total of hard coal delivered to Lake Superior this season to December 1, was 794,643 tons (820,000 estimated for the season) while Duluth-Superior, according to the government engineer’s report, has received 921,531 tons. The coal men further claim that only about 80 per cent. of all the hard coal coming to Lake Superior is delivered at the head of the lakes. It is possible that the vessel masters have carelessly reported “hard” coal, when they should have reported “soft” coal. But the coal men say that the discrepancy is too great for it to be accounted for in that manner. Capt. Gaillard; Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., is satisfied with the accuracy of the figures coming from his office, and the mystery of where the discrepancy lies will doubtless be ultimately cleared up. A. special dispatch to the Chronicle from Washington says: ‘There will be no ship subsidy legislation by. the Fifty-seventh Congress. Senator Frye*s compromise bill introduced during the opening days of the session, is.as distasteful to a large element of Republican Senators and Representatives as was the original Hanna-Grosvenor bill, which failed to pass last winter. It is stated on high au- thority that, notwithstanding that the Senate Committee on Commerce was reorganized by Hanna and Frye for the distinct purpose of assuring a majority vote for the new ship subsidy bill, that majority is yet to be obtained. Sena- tor McMillan, of Michigan, and Senator Nelson, of Minne- sota, members of the committee, are opposed to the bill on principle and have said that they will not vote to report it to the Senate with a favorable recommendation. Elkins, of West Virginia, does not like it, and although he would be disposed.to report it to the Senate he will never consent to its passage. The defection of McMillan and Nelson, however, would be sufficient to condemn the bill to defeat in the committee. ‘The backbone of the ship subsidy lobby was broken by last session’s failure. It has not recovered its old-time assurance. It has failed to reorganize its press bureau in Washington. It has made scarcely any showing at the national capital sincé the bill was first introduced by Senator Frye. Senators ‘rye and Hanna wi!l make a serious effort to pass the bill. They will endeavor to have it made a special order of business very soon.after Con- gress te-assembles, in the event of their. being successful in sectiring a majority report on it from the Committee on Commerce. oe or DULUTH-SUPERIOR. ‘Special Correspondence to The Marine Record: Capt. M. Ryan, grand president of the Tugmen’s Protce- tive Association, has taken the position of chief engineer of the Great Lakes Towing Co. Capt. Ryan was the first president of the union and the success of the organization has been largely due to his efforts. He will continue a - member of the union, having been elected president of the local branch at its last meeting. The geological survey has just issued a special publica- tion on the iron ore deposits of the Lake Superior region, showing the output for last year to have been 19,121,393 long tons, as against 17,802,955 in 1899, and 13,799,308 in 1898. ‘The report states that Lake Superior ores are of a better grade than those from any other part of the United States, and that the actual amount of iron produced in the Lake Superior region is four-fifths of the total amount pro- duced.'in the United States. The maximum product of Great Britain, which is the greatest of iron ore producers, with the exception of the United States, was in the year 1882. In that year a little over 18,000,000 long tons was produced by Great Britain.. The production of the Lake Superior region alone for the year 1900 far surpassed: this maximum. The ore, also, was. of a much higher grade, containing more metallic iron than the product of Great Britain’s best year. It is therefore. evident,. says the .re- port, that the Lake Superior region is by all odds the most important single factor in the. world’s production of the one metal which is more important to man than all others. The steamer Imperial which went into winter quarters at Walkerville, sank at her dock, and is now resting on the bottom in about fifteen feet of water. It is thought that the frost burst the sea-cocks, permitting the water to enter the hold of the vessel. ‘The steamer plied between Pelee Island and’ Windsor during the past year, and is owned by the Lake Erie & Detroit River Railway Co., Walkerville., William -Woolett, general manager 6f the | company, says he does not know when the boat will be raised, and can give no estimate as to the probable damage. CLEVELAND. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record: The local lodge of the Marine Engineers have com- pleted arrangements for their annual reception and ball, which will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Audito- rium Friday evening, February 7. 153 The Seither Transit Co., of Mentor, was incorpotated by the Secretary of State at Columbus last week with $225,000 capital stock. ‘The company is to build, purchase, lease and operate vessels on the Great Lakes. ‘The incor- porators are: §. H. Holding, B. Seip, Frank S. Masten, George B. Marts and N. B. Snavely. The new company will operate the 5,000-ton ship building for Frank Seither. of this city, and others, by the American Ship Building Co. She will come out next season. Mr. Duncan Frazer, who is one of the best known engi- neers on the lakes, has taken the position as chief engi- neer with the United States Transportation Co., of which Capt. W. W. Brown is manager. Mr. Frazer was chief engineer of the Northern “Stearmsttip=Co. and later of the Bessemer Steamship Co. until- the consolidation of the Pittsburg Steamship Co., when by.virtue of his business contract he went over to the latter firm. He has now re- aered the position of assistant. chief engineer of the trust eet. The following meteorological observations are furnished by the oftice of the United States Weather Bureau for the week ending January 1: Prevailing wind directions for the week, southwest; highest velocity, 42 miles from the northwest on the 31st; mean temperature for the week, 32 degrees; highest temperature, 4o degrees on the 26th; lowest, 21 degrees on the ist. Sunrise and sunset data computed for local time: January 3, sun rises 7:29, sets 4:42; January 6, sun rises 7:28, sets 4:44; January 9, sun rises 7:28, sets 4:48. The Steel Steaniship Co., with a capital stock of $1,- 000,000, was incorporated at Columbus this week. ‘The incorporators are J. C. Gilchrist, F. M. Osborne, F.. W. Hart, W. H J,amprecht and A. J. Gilchrist. The new company will operate the five steel steamers ordered by Mr. Gilchrist and which are building at Lorain. ‘Two of the boats have beer launched. ‘They are the F. M. Osborne and F. W. Hart. All the vessels will be in commission at the opening of navigation next spring. . The capital stock of the Inland Star Steamship Co. was increased frem $106,000 to $500,000. Chief Engineer Hayes has classed all the steamers of the fleet and fixed the rate of wages that will be paid. In the first class there aré thirty-six boats and they will all carry three men in the engine room. There are twenty-three steamers in the second-class and the third-class has ten steamers. Mr. Hayes has signed engineers for all the steamers and made contracts with a few men for the Peavey Steamship Co. ‘The first-class engineers get $1,500 for the season; second engineers $960 and third, $720. On the second-class steamers the chief gets $1,350 and second $840. On the third class the chief is to receive $1,200 per ycar and the second $720. Mr. Joseph Hayes, chief engineer of the Pittsburg Steam- ship Co. has received a letter from general manager Wolvin ‘ instructing him to prepare a list of the engineers in the employ of the company that are entitled to the bonus that. the company has decided to pay. It was not expected that the men would receive anything but their: regular salary for the past season and the engineers are better off than they figured on. ‘he amount for the past season will not be large, but next year the men will receive from $100 to $150 in addition to their regular salary. Mr. Hayes has made contracts with his chief engineers and fixed the rate of wages for all boats next season. The annual meeting of Forest City Lodge of the Licensed Tugmen’s Protective Association of the Great Lakes was held at the lodge rooms on Superior street last Friday night, and was well attended. ‘The following officers were elected: President, Michael McDonaugh; vice president, Capt. Thomas McNaugh; recording secretary, Capt. John Ryan; corresponding secretary, William Tuft; financial secretary, Joseph Noyman; treasurer, Capt. Edward Kem- mett; trustees, Capt. Fred Hale, Capt. Harry Coulter, Thos. Agen and Herman Beers. Joseph Noyman was elected delegate and ‘Timothy Mahoney alternate, to the annual convention which will be held in this city on January 20. The members of the local lodge are making arrangements to give the visiting delegates a good time next month. Last year the annual meeting was held at Buffalo. A short time ago the anrouncement was made that the Pittsburg Steamship Co., at the instance of A. B. Wolvin, its general manager, has decided to give a bonus to each of its engineers. In this action the engineers’ department was only a little ahead of the office of the superintendent which has charge of the masters of the boats, for it .is learned now that a plan almost identical with that of the engineers will be followed with the masters. ‘The exact provisions have not been outlined so far, and the amounts have not been definitely fixed, but it is expected that they will b2 in a very short time. The plan is an enlargement of the old Carnegie idea of dividing the earnings of the ~ company with those who are in a position to. affect the cost of operation of the boats and to promote economy and effectiveness by industry and application. . There is some talk if its being carried further among the men em- ployed on shipboard, but this has not been official!y an- * nounced. Bae eT ee ASS