Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 2, 1902, p. 7

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JANUARY 2, I902, The annual meeting of the local lodge of the Shipmas- ters’ Association held last Friday, was well attended. ‘The masters were in session for several hours, but most of the time was spent in selecting officers for the coming year. The following officers were elected: Capt. S. C. Allen, president; Capt. C. H. Woodford, first vice president ; Capt. A. J. Greenlev, second vice president; Capt. Thomas Jones, treasurer; Captain O. Oleson, secretary. Capt. S. C. Allen was elected delegate and Capt. J. A. Holmes alter- nate to the Grand Lodge which will meet at Washington the third week in January. ‘The new officers will be in- stalled next Friday. Capt. Allen, who was elected presi- - dent, has been a member of the Shipmasters for a number of years and has been a successful shipmaster. During the past season he was in charge of the steamer Robert Ful- ton of the Pittsburg fleet. First Vice President C. H. Woodford, is master and part owner of the steamer A. CG. Lindsay, and Second Vice President A. J. Greenley sails the steamer Corsica. ‘Treasurer Jones and Secretary Ole- son have been ashore for some time. Capt. Jones has been treasurer of the local lodge since it was organized. ‘The last boat he sailed was the steamer Iroquois. Mrs. Jones presented the lodge with a picture of the captain. - Capt. H. L. Savage was elected to membership. The Shipmas- ters’ annual reception and ball will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday evening, January 15. errr ae SE BUFFALO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. Government plans are be:ng prepared by Major Symonds, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., for two new light-houses necessitated by the breakwater improvements at this port. ' One of the proposed houses will be at the south end of the new north breakwater recently finished at the entrance to Buffalo river. The other proposed light-house is to be at the Stony Point entrance to the new. harbor for the bene- fit of boats bound for the steel plant and of other vessels. Major Symonds is hopeful of getting an appropriation from Congress for both lighthouses. The Lackawanna Iron and Steel Co. is about to build a new iron ore dock at Buffalo that will be one of the most complete on the chain of lakes. This will constitute much of the improved machinery for the handling of ore of which so much has been said of late. It is said that the dock will be capable of handling 2,000,000 tons of iron ore dur- ing a given season. This is about a duplicate for the C. & P. dock in this city, and therefore one of the largest at the receiving ports of Lake Erie. The Lackawanna rail- road is also said to be increasing its rolling stock in propor- tion to the increased demand that will be made upon that road as an iron ore carrier. Followitig are the officers elected by the Buffalo lodge of Shipmasters at the annual meeting held on Saturday evening: President, Capt. J. Hk Coleman; first vice pres- ident, Capt. Walter Robinson; second vice president Capt. Charles A. Potter; secretary, Capt. John Perew; treas- _urer, Capt. John Hall; Chaplain, Capt. Charles McMillen; marshal, Capt. Daniel Coughlin; warden, Capt. Alexan- der Kelley; sentinel, Capt. P. O’Neil; delegate io Grand Lodge, Capt. J. H. Coleman; alternate, Capt. Walter Rob- inson. Grand Lodge meets in Washington, D. C. Instal- lation of the above officers will be had in the lodge rooms: Saturday evening next, Capt. L,. P. Goodall officiating as installing officer. A banquet will follow. -W:°C. McMillan, president and general manager of the Detroit and Cleveland steamer line, and general mana- ger of the Detroit and Buffalo Line, spent Sunday in this city. He took occasion while here to familiarize himself with the dock privileges at the foot of Illinois street, where the new boats of the Detroit and Buffalo Line will arrive and depart next summer. It is understood that some im- provements about the offices and freight rooms will be made. Manager McMillan is sanguine of success for the new line. He states that the Eastern States will be ready to go into commission on June 1, and the Western States, which will be launched early in January, by the 1st of July. The new steamers will be scheduled to depart from Detroit and Buffalo every afternoon at 5 o’clock, dnd to arrive at the opposite port at 6 or 7 o’clock in the morning. It has not been definitely settled whether the run of 256 miles will be scheduled. for thirteen or four- teen hours’ schedule. News was received here on Friday last concerning the death of one of the best known engineers who has plied the Great Lakes for years past, Chief Engineer George Freitsche of the steamer Chemung, of the Union Steam- boat Co.’s line. Six weeks ago he was forced to leave his boat on account of ill health and was advised to go to Denver. He was accompanied to the western city by his brother, Ferdinand Frietsche, Jr., of Minneapolis, leaving for Denver on Wednesday of last week. His condition did not improve «pon his arrival there; in fact, he grew rapidly worse, the end coming quite suddenly on Christmas eve. The deceased was a resident of ‘Tonawanda, where he re- sided with his parents. He was on the lakes for more than a quarter of a century and for the past twelve years had been a chief engineer in the employ of the Union line. For the past eight years he had been chief engineer of the Chemung. He was one of the best known engineers on the lakes and was exceedingly popular ir all the ports. Ae was forty-two years old and a single man. He was a Mason, a Knight Templar, a Mystic Shriner and a mem- ber of the Royal Arcanum. He was only known to he liked, respected and honored as a man among men. ~% THE MARINE RECORD., Meee DETROIT. bid Special Correspondence to The Marine Record: The following meteorological observations are furnished by the office of the United States Weather Bureau, Detroit, for the week ending December 31. Prevailing wind direc- tions for the week, west; highest velocity, 34 miles north west on December 31; mean temperature for the week, 30 degrees; highest temperature 4r degrees on thé 25th; low- est, 23 degrees on the 30th. It is stated that hereafter all supplies for the steel trust’s fleet of steamers will be handled at Sault Ste. Marie. ‘This necssitates immense warehouses and docks, which will be located at the foot of Johnston street, on which -work will be commenced at once, plans having been accepted. ‘The buildings will be of stone, two stories high, and a steamer built on the tug plan will also be used in the river. The announcement of the incorporation of the Algoma Steel Tube Co., (a Clergue enterprise) in Ontario, with a capital of $30,000,000, has set citizens of the Michigan “Soo” to wondering where they are at. F. H. Clergue as well as his representatives, have repeatedly stated that the tube works was to be an American enterprise, but the Toronto dispatch says with authority that the Canadian “Soo” picks the plum. It is impossible. to locate Clergue or any one who has authority to affirm or deny the report. ! The Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association, Saginaw, — held its annual meeting and the following officers were elected for the year of 1902: President, A. G. Moll; vice president Richard EF. Mantell; chaplain, W. P. Whalen; treasurer, Jno. Henry; financial secretary, Walter Henry; recording secretary, Geo. A. Threasher; corresponding sec- retary, Harry E. McArthur; conductor, Alexander Frazer ; doorkeeper, Fred Pflueger. John Henry representative to the national convention, held in Washington, D. C., Jan. 20, 1902. ‘The association was organized Feb. 6, 1892, and has been one of the most prosperout institutions of its kind in the state, having a fair membership, and its financial standing being excellent. A large amount of wheat is being received at Duluth at present that does not figure in the daily receipts, or in the statistics of wheat in store reported on the Board of Trade. It comes in bond from Manitoba. Some author- ities on Manitoba railroad and grain matters have said that after this crop there will be little or no wheat ar- riving here from across the border in bond for the reason it will be hauled to Fort William by the Canadian North-- ern for storage in its own elevators and shipped in boats. But the rapid increase in production of Manitoba wheat makes it possible that considerable of it will still come this way as in the past. At least that is the impression of some Duluth grain authorities. ; The following vessels are in winter quarters here: George Stone, Gladstone, John B. Ketcham, Oneida, Emer- ald, Companion, Senator, Monitor, City of Erie, Living- stone, Clint, Eastern States, Paliki, Pennsylvania, Mon- guagon, Balize, Mystic Star, A. L. Hopkins, City of Buffalo, Idlewild, Stafford, Ed. McWilliams, Newell Hubbard, Charles Chambers, T'ashmoo, Greyhound, Ogemaw, Wil- cox, City of Alpena, City of Mackinac, Simon Langell, Aranac, Bay City, Saginaw, Mike Corry, Manitou, Oak Leaf, John Oades, State of Ohio, State of New York, Buell, Jesse Farwell, Maria Martin, Norwalk, Moonlight, Westford, E. A. Fulton, Koal Kabin, Search, William Case, Seattle, Hurlbut, Hackett, Forest City, William Mc- Gregor, Hayward, Bessie. Homer Warren, Ida Keith, Starkey, Newsboy, Wyandotte, Hattie, Barkalow, Mary, George Sturges, Tillie May, Richard Martini, W. H. Rounds, Embury, Champion Snook, City of Detroit, City of Cleveland, City of Toledo, Favorite, Reliable and Frank KE. Kirby. The wreck and casualty report of the lakes for the sea- son of 1901 is being put in shape for publication, and Nor- man B. Conger, inspector and marine agent of the Weather Bureau stationed at this port, furnishes the following de- tails: ‘There were 177 vessels damaged to more or less extent through weather conditions during the season, to the amount of $1,149,300. Of this amount, $688,700 was in the total loss of 37 vessels. Fog was responsible for dam- ages amounting to $230,200. The largest loss of life. and property occurred with the foundering of the steamer Hud- son on Lake Superior September 16, in which ‘24. lives were lost. ‘The total amount of losses this season nearly equals the combined losses of the season of 1899 and 1900. lake Superior heads the list this season with the largest loss, $524,450; Michigan, $199,000; Huron, 305,850; Erie, $39,000; Ontario, $16,500, and connecting rivers, $64;500. There were reported 90 lives lost through stormy weather conditions, and 100 from other causes. he latter includes loss of life from upsetting sailboats, etc. The report shows that the worst weather conditions prevailed in September. Of the total of 190 lives lost; 46 were lost during that month. The blast furnace deal, involving the expenditure of $1,000,000 for the erection of a large plant in Delray, wear the Solvay Process Co., has not yet been closed, says a De- troit dispatch. It was stated recently by Messrs. Baird & West, who have the matter in hand, that nothing would he done about it for some time. Ti is known that an arrange- rent was made with the Clergue syndicate to furnish the ore, but no steps have been taken toward the completion of the deal, owing to the uncertainty as to what action Congress might take regarding the tariff. ‘Contingent en the erection of the blast furnaces, the Detroit Southern has arranged to buy property and erect the larges’ coal — tipples on the Great Lakes,” said a gentleman interested in the deal. “It was not. the, intention to say an¥thing about the matter at the’ present ‘Pag iput as a portion’ of the facts have been made public, I*cam see no objec nto giving an outline of the plang It was and is thefihter ion of the Detroit Southern, if’ the blast furnace» deal goes through, to make Delray one of the greatest coal shipping points on the Great Lakes. The relations of the Detroit Southern. and the Norfolk & Western are very friendly, and arrangements between the two roads will undoubtedly be made by which the uper,lakes and Canadian ports.can secure coal at a much cheaper price than if handled from the present shipping points. ‘The statement has been made that the capital for the blast furnaces has all been sub- scribed, but I do not think this is correct. That it can be secured there is no doubt, provided the right men are se- lected to manage the blast furnace.” HEE Sa ne Wes PORT HURON. Special Correshondence to The Marine Record. t ‘The election of Ed. J. Kendall, the marine reporter, to Commissioner of Poor for St. Clair Co., will in no way ccutlict with his marine reporting business. He will ‘be found as usual at his marine office next spring. a “At the request of Mrs. Dilgren, of Fairport Harbor, O., HsC. Bristol, marine reporter of East Tawas, had the body first found off the Baltimore taken out of the grave and on close examination found marks sufficient for the iden- tification of John Dilgren, second steward of the Paltimoare. The body will be sent to Fairport. Only one body remains unclaimed. oh CRN ES Miss Mary Manion, of Twélfth street, and Capt. Ed. Carey, of Hose House No, 1, were married at St. Joseph’s church this morning, Father Spaeth performing the ceremeny. After the wedding the couple left on their bridal tour to Cleveland Mr. Carey has many friends in Port luron, and is held in high esteem by his associates, He was recently appointed captain of No. 1.’ Capt. Carey sailed ior several years before entering the fire department. On Jast Thursday night the engine room at Dunford & Son’s lower drydock was discovered on fire. The flames. had gained considerable headway before the arrival. of. the department, but by hard work their spread was pre- vented. One engine was practically destroyed andthe -in-. terior, of the engine rooni badly charred. Messrs. Dunford. & Son estimate their loss at ahout $9,000 which is covered. by insurance. It is helieved that cne of the engines can be repaired and started up on Saturday. How the fire started is a mystery. : a The members of Huron Harbor, Masters’ and ‘Pilots’ Association, elected officers as follows: - Captain, John ‘Ty’ Hanson; first pilot, Guy Geel; second pilot, ‘Thos. Fy Zealand; purser, J. W. Montgomery; chaplain, Robert’ Pardy: delegate to the Grand Harhor, J. W. Montgomery; ulternate, J. W. Kelley, The members. will hold: inforinal : parties in their rooms every two weeks and it is probable: that arrangements will be made for a ball in the: near’ future. Huron Harbor has the finest rooms of any other Harbor on the lakes. ‘The boys have worked late and early,; to eet their rooms in shape and their work shows good re-. sults. advantage of it now. _ OO oo or STATEMENT OF THE VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. . As compiled bv Board of Trade, December 28: CITIES WHERE WHEAT.| CORN. OaTs. RYE. George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago ‘Ba LEY ' Everything is in fine shape and the boys are taking — STORED. Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels. } Bushels Buffalo’. icc eek: 6,491,000} 602,000] 1,032,000 32,000] 1,434,000 ~ Pig HOR C re sie ciate 2,865,000 182,000 BZ OQ} ob /oteiy wel | eee eek Chicago: occ esses 6,876,000] 4,995,000] 943,000] 977 ,000 135,000 be atloatsne snore (Wey Aeon ee ass Pee Ue PH Re 3) Pee Detroit nis. sss tee 868,006 230,000 5,000 214,000 58,000 Duluthsiincaeases 9,040,900} 379,020 137,009]. . 438,000] ' 354,c00 to atlOatye. aan HIT O00 |e cs eee Mole nent aevcilic aie a ploewli ane fatte Fort William; Ont. -): 1;965,000|..5. 3. .200:}0) see odo ee heen ee Milwaukee.......... 316,000 76,00C| 171,000 55,000 Port Arthur, Ont.... Bi 000) 620) aie HAN calerbhac ka ope seae Poked. iv isis eas . 338,000} 616,000 751,000 253,000] 2.'), 600.8 MOLTONLO ca sce cane T5000} .:x's isiniersiasis'Pateniogcisjsiail y Samer geet ANE On: Canals ..0 ives os 46,000 3,090 I12,0co 37,000 Grand Total..... 58,648,000] 11,252,000) 5,266,000] 2,481,000] 2,453,¢00 Corresponding Date, ; : errs fongh gy TOQOO soc ida re edane 61,408,020] 9,053,000] 9,393,000] 1,262,000 _ 2,662,000. ; Increase for week..|.... ses T2TjO00) Fes eS 2 Set ' 462,000 Decrease ‘' ‘ 1575000) ee ane 391,000 99.000) <5. 4a% abs While the stock of grain at lake ports only is here given, ‘ the total shows the figures for the entire country except . the Pacific Slope. SE ESE ESN EM ESL We learn.from Capt. Benjamin F. Perkins, grand cape’) tain’s clerk of the “American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels” that the annual convention of the Grand Harbor will be called to order on January 15th; and that the headquarters of the delegates will be at the Metro- © . The date as previously” announced was January 6th, which appears to have been: politan Hotel, Washington, D-; C. an error.

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