Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 2, 1902, p. 10

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‘THE MARINE RECORD. DEVOTED TO NAVIGATION, COMMERCE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. ESTABLISHED 1878. PusiisHED Every THURSDAY BY THE MARINE RECORD PUBLISHING CO. Incorporated. coe Ruskin Stelle Ae Wears Gites cae Xs ... Manager Say Joun MEN GON Tires © ls Seed eel aedaa Editor - CLEVELAND, CHICAGO. ihwestern Reserve Building. Royal Insurance Building. ae SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one vear, postage paid............seeeees $2.00 ne copy, one year, to foreign COUMEPICS is 25s we wine oe $3.00 fie Invariably in advance. ADVERTISING. Rates given on application. All caenewinications should LG addressed to the Cleveland office, THE MARINE RECORD PUBLISHING CO. : Western Reserve Building, Cleveland, O. Entered at Cleveland Postoffice as second-class mail matter. ee No attention is paid to anonymous communications, but the wishes of contributors as to the use of their names will be scrupulously regarded. 3 ; CLEVELAND, O., JANUARY 2, 1902. AN ADEQUATE NAVY. At the launching of the battleship Missouri at Newport News, Va., on Saturday last, Hon. John D. Long, Secre- tary of the Navy, made an address in which he said: tes al have been interested in the circular signed by ae ‘eminent citizens, my friend E. E. Hale, at the head, i which they regret the estimate of $100,000,000 for the in- _-etéase of the navy. ‘The size of the navy, if there is to be “a navy at all, is a question like the tariff—of adjustment rather than of principle. Of course it is rather a taking thing to say as a°matter of theory, as this circular says, that $100,000,000 for the navy means a tax of $6 on every family _ in the United States. And yet, on the other hand, as a matter of practical fact, if that sum is spent there is probably not a family in the United States whose future income could be shown to be $6 less, and there are a good many families whose income would be $6 more, and still more families whose income would be many time $6 less if it were not spent. It is also rather a taking thing to say _ that $100,000,000 could be better spent for education and charity. And yet, on the other hand, $100,000,000 spent in the employment of labor is the very best use to which it can be put. “The great question of the day, as to wealth, is its dis- tribution. While few. would say that the community should be taxed for the sole purpose of distributing the proceeds of taxation, yet it is some comfort to know of a tax which, when it is levied on the community, all returns again to tte TE $100,000,000 shall be appropriated for the navy by the present Congress, a small part will go for the pur- hase of raw material, and something for salaries, but é great bulk of it for labor in every part of the Union. mehow it just now happens that with larger revenues han we have ever had before in times of peace, and there- re with more direct and indirect taxation, there is more spe ity and more money in the pocket of the citizen 12 before. Students may speculate over the eco- omic causes, but this is the “demnition total.” U loubtedly Uncle Sam ought to reduce taxation ever he can. On the other hand, it is shrewd and to run things so as to keep business good; and result his income is large he confers much more by spending it than he would by hiding it. When- Brest of the country require, he ‘should reduce he spends $r00,000,c00 for the navy, let us remember that while it is spent under the name, it is really spent, as I said before, in the employment of the people’s labor and in the purchase of the material they have to sell, and the people get rather more out of it than the navy does, for they get it all back again. “Nor is it true as suggested in the circular that a great navy necessarily inflames the fighting spirit, and leads to war. If my recollection serves me right, while Great Britain has had troubles in Egypt and Afriéa and else- where, she has had no conflict on sea for many years, and yet her navy has been twice as large as that of any other power. ‘The recent increase in our navy did not induce the war with Spain, which, as things were, seems to have been inevitable. On the other hand it is more than likely that if in the beginning of 1898 we had even as large a navy as we have now, certainly as large a one as now proposed, there would have been no war with Spain, and that country would have come to terms, as she was very near coming without battle. At that time, however, it was the general impression among foreign powers, and proba- bly in Spain, that her navy would blow us out of the water. All the foregoing details with questions of expediency, which are the only questions raised in the circular. But this is a question of principle, and that question strangely enough, the circular does not touch. The signers, it seems to me, instead of raising the question of how big the navy should be, should have raised the question of whether there shall be any navy at all. ‘This I do not propose to argue, as until the world moves much farther towards the millen- ium, it is hardly worth while to argue it. In determining the question what shall be the size of our navy, there are a great many things to be considered, some of which I have réferred to. For instance, our world relations have expanded vastly in the last three years in territorial extent, and vastly more in international extent upon the continent, but upon the ocean itself and the islands of the sea in both hemis- pheres. Our commerce has greatly increased in volume “and area, and our American marine is likely to follow suit; as on land, so on ocean, as you extend your commerce so you must expand your police force. If there is to be a navy at all it should be commensurate with all these ex- tended relations and demands. We are the richest nation of the world, with a larger income than any other. If then the size of our navy should correspond to our national and international size, and if we have the cash on hand. it would seem the simplest gocd business sense, the sim- plest good business care of our own interests, to increase the navy, and whéther this shall cost $20,000,000 or $75,- 000,000 or $100,000,000, it is not an extravagance to cut our garment according to our cloth, especially as last year there was no appropriation for such an increase. It is like the rich man grading his expenditures to his income, and thus making it serve the general welfare, as well as his own. Tt is like having police.enough instead of having a number so limited that the roughs are tempted to riot. There cer- tainly is a heap of comfort in feeling that if millions are now spent for the navy, the money is in the till to spend. Tt is a case where the people can have their cake and eat it, too: they can have their ships, and they can have in their pockets the money paid for building them. I will not pursue the topic further, but a United States naval vessel carrying our flag into the ports and harbors of the world is something more than a fighting machine. It means relations with those ports; it means an awaken- ing and lively respect there for our country; it means re- cognition of the outreach of our civilization, commerce and influence; it means just what would be meant if a fine rep- resentative of New York or Boston, carrying her prestige, exploiting her interests, were in every other city of the Union.” Oo or Shipping—Proceedings for Limitation of, Liability—In- terest on Bond for Release of Vessel—Where the owners of a vessel, in proceedings for limitation of their liability for a collision, gave bond conditioned for the payment into court on its order of the appraised value of the vessel “and the interest on the same as provided by law,” and thereafter contested their liability, the result being an award against the vessel exceeding its value, the stipu- the interest on the bond from the The George W. lators are liable for date of its execution at the legal rate. Roby, t11 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 60r. JANUARY 2, 1902, INCIDENTS IN-AMERICAN TRADE ABROAD. Punta Arenas in Tierra del Fuego is the southern- most continental spot on the globe, but the modern light house on the lonely coast is equipped with electrical machinery made in Schenectady, N. Y. The firm that manufactured it has also pushed electricity farthest north by installing dynamos at’ Hammerfest, in Norway, and, though it is a far cry from the deepest drifts of the Calumet and Hecla mine to Yanteles, in the Andes, 14,000 feet above the sea, two consignments recently left Schenectady, one for the deep mine. the other for the mountain. By the very bedside of the Pope is placed every night an American flashlight apparatus in the form of a cylinder with an incandescent bulb in one end—in effect an electric candle. At Bagdad, Aladdin has been replaced by a New York concern. Lamps of fanciful patterns are sent from New York to a point on the Persian Gulf, and thence conveyed over some 300 miles of desert on camel back. They are then placed on rafts and towed 100 miles up the Euphrates, and again loaded on camels and carried to. their destination 200 miles from the river. ‘These lamps decorate the palaces of the Sultan of Morocco, the Prince of Siam and several rajahs in British India; and they are also popular in Jerusalem. From the Falls of Couvery, one of the sacred rivers of India, to Kolar in Mysore American electrical en- gineers have recently set up an American transmission plant under somewhat remarkable circumstances. ‘There are still wild elephants in Mysore, and there will always be white ants. But as a white ant will venture not more than five or six feet up a spole in search of edible wood, the steamer from New York carried out to India iron post-sockets seven feet high in which to set the poles—to the discomfiture of the ants. To disconcert the ele- phants and prevent the, grounding of the current through any behemoth that might venture to test the wires with his trunk, the engineers, after careful measurements, strung the wires just beyond reach of the biggest possible ele- phant standing on hind legs and groping—The World’s Work. Sipe dee tab aera aN SG AS SE ee chee ee oe NOTICE TO MARINERS. DoMINION OF CANADA, ONTARIO. I. MIDLAND RANCE LIGH'SS. Two range lights, established by the government of Canada in the town of Midland, Georgian Bay, Ontario, were put in operation for the first time on the 2ist of ‘ November, Igor. The lights are. fixed red incandescent electric lights shown from lamps on electric light poles, on the hill in the southwest part of the town. The front light is elevated 30 feet above the ground, and 150 feet above the water level of the harbor. ‘The front pole stands on the hillside, 100 feet north of Ottawa street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. Lat. N. 44 deg., 44 min., 58 sec. Long. W. 79 deg., 53 min., 56 sec. The back range light stands on Ottawa street 1,320 feet south, 56 degrees west, from the front light. The light is elevated 30 feet above the ground and 190 feet above the water level of the harbor. ‘he two lights in one, bearing south, 56 degrees west, lead in from Midland point up to the wharves in the harbor, clear to the southeastward of Midland Bay shoal. F, GourDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES. Ovrawa, CANADA, 14th December, Igor. ———— i Oe THE WINTER FLEET AT TOLEDO, The Toledo winter fleet consists of forty-two vessels, as follows: Steamers—Aztec, Russel Sage, John C. Gault, James Fiske, Jr., Vega, Preston, Gettysburg, J. H. Outh- waite, S. C. Reynolds, Rube Richards, John E. Hall, John N. Glidden, Thomas C. Christie, Sachem, C. Hickox, Miami, Iroquois, Pastime, American Eagle. Schooners and barges—-Arthur, John Miner, John Schuette, Chippe- wa, Saveland, H. H. Badger, Miztec, William Brake, C. G. King, J. T.-Johnson, A: Gebhardt, C. C. Barnes, Poly- nesia, May Richards, J. I. Case, Emma C. Hutchinson, Sunshine, H. C. Sprague, John R. Noyes, Abram Smith, George B. Owen, Yukon. Sr or ior WE are in receipt of a handsome calendar from the Ashton Valve Co., manufacturers of the Ashton “pop” safety valves, at Boston, Mass. The picture which sur- mounts it—‘“La Madamoiselle”—is one that will be pleas- ing to all who recvive it. CP Pa a ey eee ee

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