Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 16, 1902, p. 13

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JANUARY 16, 1902, THE MARINE RECORD. straighter and shorter route. He also urged the need of a new channel on the west side of the present channel through the St. Clair Flats, and suggested the widening of the present channel at the Lime Kilns. Mr. Goulder said he had been encouraged to believe that all these improvements could be gotten into the Rivers and Harbors Bill, if the Lake Carriers would send a delegation to Washington. A special committee and an auxiliary committee to take the matter up were appointed, comprising: F. J. Firth, Philadelphia; A. B. Wolvin, Duluth; H. Coulby, Cleveland, James Corrigan, Cleveland; W. C. Farrington, Buffalo; C. W. Elphicke, Chicago; David Vance, Milwaukee; Howard IL. Shaw, Bay City; Dennis Sullivan, Chicago. Auxiliary to special committee—W. C. McMillan, De- troit; David Vance, Milwaukee; M. M. Drake, Buffalo; A. A. Parker, Detroit; C. W. Elphicke, Chicago; W. W. Smith, Edward Vance. The auxiliary committee is authorized to investigate the needs of navigation along the Detroit river and ad- jacent waters, and report to the special committee. In addition to the work mentioned, the committee will en- deavor to have the government assume the expense of maintaining certain lights in Lake Erie, which now cost the Lake Carriers $1,200 per year, and also draw up suita- ble regulations to govern the navigation of the lower portion of the Detroit river, regulations which, as Coun- sel Goulder observed, will prevent over-ambitious cap- tains from getting their boats into trouble, but which will not interfere with the rights of anyone navigating that section of the river. Alex. R. Sinclair, of Duluth, in a communication to the Lake Carriers, recommended the establishment of reci- procal wrecking privileges between the Canadian and United States governments. The grain handling ques- tion at Buffalo was disposed of by the adoption of a resolution, highly commendatory of Thomas W. Kennedy, the present efficient superintendent. The matter was officially referred to the committee on grain shoveling. A resolution by M. M. Drake requested that the at- tention of the proper government department be called to the conditions of the outlet of Lake Erie, accompanied by a request that some consideration be given the ques- tion of whether the deepening of the cut through the nat- ural barrier does not have a tendency to lower the level “of the lake, and also whether the increasing necessities of the commerce to Black Rock, Tonawanda, and below, may not be best served by enlarging the present Black Rock ship canal. Copies of the resolution, which was referred to the legislative committee, will be sent the members of Congress from lake districts. Buffalo harbor and that vicinity received more atten- tion than any other one locality. On account of the shallow spots in the river at Buffalo and the delay at- tendant on entering that port, the following resolution ‘was presented by Capt. M. M. Drake: “Whereas, during the past two seasons the channels of Buffalo harbor have been in such condition that ships loading at up-lake ports could not deliver their cargoes at the elevators and ore docks in Buffalo without delay and great expense owing to the want of sufficient depth of water; that the Lake Carriers here assembled urge the authorities of the port of Buffalo to take immediate action in having the necessary improvements. made, plac- ing that port on an equal. footing with other Lake Erie ports; and be it resolved that the secretary cause a copy of these resolutions to be forwarded immediately to the mayor of Buffalo.” Col. G. J. Lydecker, Corps of Engineers, U.S. N., re- cently transferred to Cincinnati, was remembered by res- olutions of regret. A resolution was adopted petitioning the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to provide and maintain under the supervision of the light- house establishment a vessel adequately equipped with the proper appliances for supplying with compressed gas the gas buoys now established, and such others as may hereafter be established. f The new series of colored charts issued by the United States Lake Survey were commended with the recom- mendation that the same be extended to cover all portions of the lakes and connecting waters. The executive committee was authorized to attach a moderate compensation to the position of chairman of the committe on aids to navigation. : The report of this committee submitted and adopted at the afternoon session, was as follows: Vice presidents—J. C. Gilchrist, Cleveland: T. T. Mor- ford, Buffalo; W. C. McMillan, Detroit; C. A. Eddy, Bay City; Dennis Sullivan, Chicago; W. H. Myers, Mil- waukee; A. B. Wolvin, Duluth; W. S. Brainard, Toledo; F. J. Firth, Philadelphia; M. J. Cummings, Oswego; M. A. Bradley, Cleveland; W. A. Rogers, Buffalo. Executive committee—William Livingstone, Detroit; T. T. Morford, M. M. Drake, G. L. Douglass, W._A. Rogers, Edward Smith, W. C. Farrington, Buffalo; Jas. Corrigan, J. H. Sheadle, W. H. Brown, Silas Hitchcock, M. A. Bradley, W. C. Rhodes, William Gerlach, J. (G Gilchrist, John Mitchell, William Becker, H. Coulby, J. E. Upson, H. A. Hawgood, W. C. Richardson, Cleveland ; A. W. Colton, Toledo; L. C. Waldo, M. E. Farr, Detroit; David Vance, W. H. Myers, Milwaukee; F. W. Smith, C. A. Eddy, Bay City; Dennis Sullivan, C. W. Elphicke, John G. Keith, Chicago; D. T. Helm, A. B. Wolvin, E. . Chamberlain, Duluth. : Board of managers—T. TT. Morford, E. T. Evans, G. L. Douglas, J. J. H. Brown, John Kelderhouse, W. H. Gratwick, Jr., M. M. Drake, Edward Smith, W. C. Far- rington, C. H. Donaldson, G. W. Maytham, L. H. Van Allen, M. A. Bradley, James Corrigan, D. R. Hanna, H. G. Dalton, George P. McKay, Harvey H. Brown, John Corrigan, William Gerlach, Henry A. Hawgood, W. G. Richardson, J. C. Gilchrist, W. D. Rees, John Mitchell, R. R. Rhodes, J. E. Upson, Charles 1. Hutchinson, W. H. Becker, W. A. Hawgood, W. H. Mack, H. Coulby, J. II, Sheadle, W. G. Mather, E. S. Mills, T. F. Newman, W. W. Brown, James W. Millen, William Livingstone, W. C. McMillan, W. A. Livingstone, A. A. Parker, L. C. Waldo, Alex. McVittie, J. W. Westcott, Thomas Adams, Edward Hines, R. J. Dunham, John G. Keith, Joseph Austrian, C. W. Elphicke, Dennis Sullivan, Henry Mc- Morran, J. J. Random, J. H. Colbrick, George J. Harris. W. S. Brainard, A.W. Colton, l. Si. Sullivan, -C), A: Eddy, O. W. Blodgett, B. Boutell, Thomas Cranage, Howard L. Shaw, J. W. McGraw, A. B. Wolvin, D. T. Helm, David Vance, H. J. Pauly, W. H. Myers, Albert Gibbs, F. W. Smith, F. L. Vance, James McBrier, F. J. Firth, F. W. Gilchrist, C. TI. Morley, Edward Mehl, R. E. Schuck. Committee on permanent organization—President, Wm. Livingstone; counsel, Harvey D. Goulder; secretary, Har- vey L. Brown. Committee’ on aids to navigation—George P. McKay, Cleveland; L. J. Weeks, W. W. Smith, W. A. Hawgood, Cleveland; J. J. H. Brown, Buffalo; M. M. Drake, Buf- falo; Edward Morton, J. G. Keith, Chicago; J. W. West- cott, Detroit; Howard L. Shaw, Bay City; William Ger- CAPT. A. B. WOLVIN, Ex-President Lake Carriers’ Association. lach, Cleveland; A. W. Colton, Toledo; A. Gibbs, A. E Stewart, Detroit. Committee on legislation—William Livingstone, G. L. Douglass, E. T. Evans, P. P. Miller, M. M. Drake, T. T. Morford, L. H. Van Allen, Frank J. Firth, W. C. Far- rington, G. W. Maytham, C. H. Donaldson, J. J. Mc- Williams, Edward Smith, L. C. Hanna, James Corrigan, John Mitchell, B. W. Parker, William A. Livingstone, C. A. Eddy, J. G. Keith, D. Sullivan, F. L. Vance. Committee on grain shoveling—Edward Smith, W. C. Farrington, M. M. Drake, T. T.. Morford, KE. T. Evans, A. W. Colton, L. C. Waldo, J. C. Gilchrist, D. Sullivan, A. B. Wolvin, W. W. Brown. The annual report of the board of managers shows that tonnage enrolled in the Association during the past year was 847,203, an increase of 32,000 tons over the pre- ceding year. The fleets of the United States Steel Cor- poration and J. C. Gilchrist now make up about 44 per cent. of the tonnage. ‘Treasurer McKay’s report shows that dues aggregatiny $32,668.50 were collected and $12,- 816.14 profit received from grain shoveling at Buffalo. Shipping Master A. R. Rumsey reported that 16,766 men had been shipped through the eight offices at lake ports. The meeting adjourned on Thursday, to reconvene the third Wednesday in January, 1903. ———— oo or A total of fifty-four vessels, with a tonnage of 21,623, and an estimated valuation of $745,500 passed out of ser- vice this season in the lake trade. Several 2,000 and 3,000 ton boats are included in the list but the greater pro- portion is made up of small and indifferent class and ton- nage. 13 eee ASSOCIATION OF LUMBER CARRIERS. _ Seventy-five men, representing all the vessels engaged in the lumber carrying trade on the Great Lakes, were in session in Detroit this week, trying to organize their in- terests into a combination or trust, which should control the traffic. It was given out after committees had worked continuously for six hours, that it seemed unlikely that a trust could be formed at the present time, owing to the inability of vessel owners to come to an agreement. In- stead of one corporation it looks as if the Lumber Car- riers’ Association would take up the fixing of minimum rates at which lumber is to be carried the coming season. These rates will be named if the trust plan ultimately falls through. The officers elected by the Association were: Presi- dent, F. W. Gilchrist, Alpena; secretary and treasurer, H. E. Runnels, Port Huron. E. W. Cottrell, of Cleve- land, was elected counsel. This organization will be con- tinued in case no trust is formed. A long conference was held with President Keefe and Secretary Barter, of the Longshoremen’s Union, over charges for handling cargoes the coming season. ‘The relations with the union were said to be harmonious and there was not much fear of labor trouble on the lumber docks on the question of wages. Either a trust will be formed or a scale of prices adopted for carrying lumber, which shall be binding upon the interests represented in the meeting. The probable price for carrying lumber from the head of Lake Superior will probably be fixed at $2.50 per thousand. rr a ei LINSEED OIL PAINT VS. ELASTIC PAINTS FOR HEATED SURFACE. A stranger walking along the docks of the various ports of the lakes is always impressed by the neat and cleanly appearance of our steamers, and wonders how they can be in such excellent condition considering the short time between ports. The only marring effect on a beautiful ensemble is the shabby appearance of their smoke stacks, which are almost always at variance with the rest of the boat, notwithstand- ing the constant efforts of the engineer's department to keep them looking well. The engineer of one of our large steamers was recently asked why every time his boat reached port he found it necessary to have his men at work painting the smoke- stacks, ventilators, etc. He replied: “It is on account of the paint with which we are supplied. Only one kind is put on board and that is expected to do all the work from painting the hull to painting the hot steam pipes.” However good a paint may be it will not mect the re- quirements of both the engineers’ and deck departments. A paint that may be all right on the outside of the vessel, will invariably cause dissatisfaction when applied to heated surfaces. Painting them often only makes a bad matter worse, as a succession of coats, in time, will cause the paint to blister and crack, and by permitting the water to enter will work injury to the iron beneath. ‘There are paints made especially for this purpose, among the best being the Wheeler Elastic Black, manufactured by the Day’s Varnish Co., of Cleveland, O. This paint will always be found satisfactory. both as to its non-cracking and blistering qualitiés, but in regard to the durability of its good appearance even after the wear of a whole season. When I have been supplied with this paint I have found that a coat in the spring and another in the fall is all that is required to preserve the durability and appearance of the article coated. It may cost a little more in the first instance, but it soon pays for that as less coats are necessary, the iron work is better protected, and the men may be employed at work’ around the engine which may add to its efficiency instead of being eternally painting smokestacks, etc. Time and labor would be saved by using the proper paint in the first place. : Linseed oil and lamp black are all right (if the oil is good) for the outside of a vessel, but it takes a very differ- ent composition for heated surfaces. or or THE NEW YORK MAIL BOAT. It is not generally known that the United States gov- ernment has in New York harbor a_ post-office: boat, similar in function to the railroad postal car. This boat, the “Postmaster General,” meets the incoming ocean liners in the lower bay at Quarantine, and takes from them the mail for this country, loading it in pouches on to the decks of the “Postmaster General.” As soon as the mail is loaded, the postal boat hurries to its dock in New York City, where it is met by a large number of government mail wagons, which receive the bags of mail and dis- ‘tribute them to the general post-office, the sub-stations and the railroads direct. By these methods the most rapid movement of the mail is had, each sub-station and the railroads getting their portions without delay and with- out the mail having to go through the regular post-office. In this way the movement of the mail is so facilitated that nearly always the mail brought up'the Bay by the postal boat is in the sub-stations, and frequently on the » railroad trains, hurrying out of New York City, before the ocean liner reaches its New York dock. ‘This scheme was originated by Postmaster Van Cott, of the New York City post-office, and is decidedly successful.

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