20 THE MARINE RECORD. JANUARY; 16,° 1902, water on sill. a Specialty. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships Craig Ship Building Co, TOLEDO, OHIO Wy, : Metal BOE and Wooden 2ee— Ship Builders, THOS. MACBETH, President. (" LS. DICKEY,. Manager. ic . KBLLY, M. E., Vice President. Cc. J. SNOW, ‘Sec’y ‘and Tre : JOHN G ‘MESKER. Supt. of Machine Shop. THE MACBETH IRON Co. Machinists. - Pattern Makers. “IRON, BRASS AND STEEL CASTINGS, AETNA GRATE BARS PLATE AND SHEET IRON WORK. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 57 West Center Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BURTON & KENNEDY, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacturers of the BURTON STEAM PUMP and Reducing Valve Rae Blacksmithing, Steamfitting and Repair Work given Prompt Attention. PUMPS AND MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. Cor. Ma’n and Center Streets, Phone Cuy.'C. 500. CLEVELAND, 0. TELEPHONE WEST 244. RESIDENCE,-183 LAWN ST. LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS, J.J. KEENEN & SONS, PROPRIETORS BOILERS, TANKS and SHEET IRON WORK, COAL and ORE BUCKETS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Also Flues Taken Out, Pieced and Reset, New Flues always in stock. COR. ELM AND HEMLOCK S1S CLEVELAND, oO. The Electric Steering Gear Not a Steam Steering Gear Control. - Rudder is Operated by Electric Motor. Perfect Electric Control. Nine of the Largest Vessels Equipped. (Over 100,000 tons displacement). — The Electro- -Dynami¢. 00, 212-226 lonic Street, : Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. A. Cable Address: _ DCO, A B C Code. - ify oe, | Telephone West 702 G. WM. SWEENY, PRACTICAL Ship Carpenter and Caulker, Office and Yard, Whiskey Island, Near Willow Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, - = = OHIO. JOHN C.JOLL SHIP CARPENTER, CALKER and SPAR MAKER. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to, "PHONES { Wet cca x, 63 Main St. Res., 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0, T. LONG, GEN’L. MGR. D. J. MURPHY, Supt. : LONG & MURPHY BOILER CO. ANUFACTURERS MARINE BOILERS, COAL, ORE anpb CLAMSHELL BUCKETS, REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. NIGHT 'PHONE RIDGE 277 X, CLEVELAND, OHIO. PEGE | ELASTIC BLACK PAINT Wears We'l. Guaranteed not to crack or blister. Will not evaporate after . onceset. Is not affected by acids. Is =~. a fine water-proofing Material. BOILERS, SMOKE STACKS, STEAM PIPES, etc., can be painted either hot or cold. "PHONES: Main 786. A. 2265. 120-126 ELM ST. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY DAY'S VARNISH AND DRYER CO, CLEVELAND, 0. Edwards Marine Air Pump. FOR LICENSE TO MANUFACTURE THESE WELL- KNOWN MARINE AIR PUMPS APPLY TO WHEELER CONDENSER & ENGINEERING CO, 120 LIBERTY ST,, NEW YORK. PHONES: CUY. A 25. CUY. A 23. SEND FOR PAMPHLET. W. S. JENKS, President: — Oo. hee JENKS, Vice Pres. and Treas, Ae The J Jenks Shi p Building Co. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’l Mgr orb 2 Bel s ‘Steel ‘ani Wood Ship Builders. ote Port’ Huser. ain 3 Yards Moelod » sake vr oe geet of Lincoln Ave. ee Marine Engines and Boilers. . bbb ! fo bh ee STEAM WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS ——