Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 16, 1902, p. 11

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JANUARY 16, Ig02. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF MANA- GERS LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION. Orrice or THE LAKE Carriers’ ASSOcrATION. Burreaio, N. Y., January 4th, 1902. To the Members of the Lake Carriers’ Association: The Board of Managers submits herewith its Annual » Report, as follows: EE ORG: MEMBERSHIP AND TONNAGE. -+-/The tonnage enrolled in the Association during the past: year was 874,203 tons, an increase of 32,000 tons over the previous year. Considering the unusual condi- tions which prevailed at the opening of navigation last year, and which preyented some fleets that have always been members of the Association from coming in this season, the increase in tonnage makes a very gratifying showing, particularly as last year’s tonnage showed a large increase over all preceding years. table shows the tonnage of the Association for a series of years, beginning with 1894: TOGA CREE Cen ae Be 590,000 tons. 1895. .. 618,000 tons. 1806. .. .722,863 tons. 1897. ...687,237 tons. 1808. .. 686,014 tons. 1899. . .760,866 tons. $GOOTT. 8.) ee Ras nS tons. LOOT. sie en eee Oy A eURe TOS: In analyzing the tonnage figures for 1gor, Wwe find that of the total tonnage of 874,203 tons, 682,330 tons were made up of vessels of over 1,400 tons, paying the higher rate of dues, and only 191,873 tons were made up of ves- sels of less than 1,400 tons, paying the lower rate of dues. FEwery year the percentage of large vessels increases, in accordance with the well known conditions which are re- volutionizing the character of the freight carrying. vessels on the lakes. The fleets composed entirely of vessels - below ‘1,400 tons only furnished 55,812 tons to the total tonnage of the Association, as compared with 87,999 tons of the previous year. ‘The fleets of small vessels now only make up about one-sixteenth of the total tonnage of the Association. The past season has also been remarkable for concen- tration of ownership. The deers of the United States Steel Corporation and J. C. Gilchrist now make up about forty-four per cent cf our tonnage. » An unusually large . tonnage, principally of the iarger class of, vessels, is now in course of construction, and the Association may there- fore look for a considerable increase of tonnage next year. : FINANCES OF THE ASSOCIATION. The annual report of George P. McKay, treasurer of the Association, which is submitted herewith, is ‘unusu- ally interesting. It shows that:the receipts and disburse- ments during the past year have been upon a much larger scale than in former years. ‘Thirty-three thousand dol- lars worth of dues have been collected during the past year, as compared with $26,000 collected during the pre- vious year. The treasurer’s report also shows the receipt _ of one item of $12,816.14 being profit made by the oper- ‘ation of the grain shoveling at Buffalo during the season of 1900. “The treasurer reports all bills paid and a balance on hand of a little more than $1,000. ‘One of the items.of the treasurer’s. report shows the re- geipt of $1,675.00 from the United States Light-House Boatd. being a semi-annual pavment to the Lake Carriers’ ’ Association for maintenance of lights in the lower Detroit ‘river. ‘Lhis covers the half year from July -1st, 1901, to January 1st, 1902. A like amount will be due from the Light-House Board on. July tst, next, for the maintenance of the service during the navigable season in the first half of 1902. Following the precedent of last year, the treasurer's re- port'contains no information in regard to the grain shov- eling at Buffalo during the season just closed. A full detailed. report from the Grain Shoveling Committee will be submitted by its chairman, showing the -financial trans- actions in connection with grain shoveling during the sea- son just ended: he amount of grain received at Buffalo during the past year was somewhat smaller than’ in the previous year, and the price of shoveling was reduced. five cents per’ thousand bushels. The grain shoveling,. there- fore, will show but a small profit as compared withthe previous year. OPERATIONS OF THE SHIPPING OFFICES. Shipping offices have been maintained during the past year at Cleveland, Chicago, Toledo, Buffalo, Ashtabula, * Milwaukee, ‘South Chicago. and Conneaut. ‘This list. is the-same as in former years, except that the Conneaut _office. was maintained for the first time last season. The total number of men shipped during 1901 through all the offices was 16, compared with 14,987 in’ 1900’ and *“76:68r in 1899.; The number of men shipped’ through each office as compared with 1900, was as follows: . 1901 1900 Cleveland. . - 3,507 3,354 Chicago. . 2,228 2,515 Buffalo... .2:233 2,110 Ashtabula. . 2,320 2,289 Milwaukee... ... 1,881 1,773 Toledos os as ees 1,012 1,138 South Chicago. : 1,074 1,828 Conneaut. . T,551 “in I900. The following . THE MARINE RECORD. Owing to unusual conditions prevailing in the early. part of the season, and the addition of a new shipping office, the expense of maintaining the shipping offices shows a considerable increase over the previous year. In addi- tion to the regular expenses, including the salaries of ship- ping masters, rent, telephone and office expenses of the various shipping offices, which amounted to $12,463.11, there were extra expenses incurred by the shipping mas- ters during the spring of last year, amounting to $2,035.80, which .brings the total cost of the shipping offices up to $14,498.91, as compared with $11,322.67 during the previous year, or about forty-four per cent. of the total income of the Association for dues, as compared with forty per cent. This increase in the cost of shipping offices dur- ing the past season was unavoidable. For any explana- tion thereof desired by any member of the Association, such member is respectfully referred to the treasurer. It is expected that during the coming year such extra ex- penses will not be incurred and the cost of the shipping offices will return substantially to the figures of 1900, allowance’ of course being made for the establishment of the Conneaut office. GRAIN SHOVELING AT BUFFALO. The grain shoveling at the port of Buffalo has been done during the past year under the’ supervision of the Grain Shoveling Committee appointed at the last annual meeting, consisting of the following members of the Asso- ciation: Messrs. Edward Smith, W. C. Farrington, M. M. Drake, C. A. Brunn, A. W. Colton; I), C. Waldo, A.B. Wolvin, H. Coulby, James Corrigan and D. Sullivan. On account of.his residence at Buffalo, Mr. Edward Smith was made chairman of the sub-committee, having immedi- ate charge of the work. The work has.again been done under the superintendence of Thomas W. Kennedy. For a more detailed account of the operations at Buffalo in this department, reference is made to the detailed report which will be submitted at this meeting by the chairman of the Grain Shoveling Conunittee. PRIVATE 1IGSTING IN IQOI. One of the most important features of the Association’s work during the past vear has been in connection with the maintenance of private lights. For about fifteen years the vessel owners on the lakes have heen maintaining a system of private lights in the lower Detroit river at their own expense. These lights were situated either on Canadian soil or in Canadian waters. Inasmuch as the United States government could not construct or own lights on the Canadian side of the boundary line, an effort was first made in Congress two years ago to secure an appropria- tion which the Light-House ‘Board could use for the pur- pose of contracting with the Lake Carriers’ Association for the maintenance of these lights.. During the session of 1900 this. appropriation was inserted in’ the. Sundry Civil Bill in the Senate but was stricken ‘out in conference and failed. Last season the effort was renewed, and with the assistance of Senator McMillan, and Senator Hanna and Congressman Burton, provision was made in the Sun- dry Civil Bill for placing a small’sum of, money: in the hands of the Light-House Board,, which’ could’ be used to take care of these private lights. A contract was entered into between the Light-House Board and’ the Lake Car- riers’ Association for the maintenance of the lower*Detroit river lights, by* which the‘ Lake Carriers’ Association agreed to maintain them during the navigable sedson from July 1st, 1901, to July rst, 1902, at the price of’ $3,350.00, payable in‘ two semi-annual ~ installments. On- January ist, 1902, the first installment of 1,675.00 was received from the Light-House Board, as shown’ in the treasurer’s report. This practically ‘relieves the’ Association of the expense which it has borne since its organization for light- ing in the Detroit river, and the members. of the Asso- ciation are to be congratulated that a way has at‘last been found to: have these essential’ lights taken care’ of at gov- ernment, expense. It has never seemed a reasonable prop- osition to vessel owners that the United States govern- ment should construct a channel like .the Limekiln Cross- ing, at an expense of a million dollars, and should then leave this most important and difficult of the lake ‘chahn'ls to be lighted by the individual effort’ of vessel owners. Tt has taken a long time to bring about the desired result, but it has at last “been accomplished. » Provision, however, for these lights is made in. the form of an annual appropri- ation in the Sundry Civil Appropriation, Bill, and care must be taken during the present and future sessions of Congress to see that. that. this provision is not forgotten or left out of the bill; otherwise the expense will again be saddled upon vessel owners. ciation are especially due to Senator McMillan for his: in- valuable services, in this matter. Feat While the Association has thus been relieved of one important item of private lighting expense, it has.found itself confronted with a new lighting project, which has occupied the attention of the Committee on Aids to Nay- igation-during the past year. Numerois accidents and ‘de- tentions in the vicinity of South-East Shoal, Lake Erie, brought. an imperative demand from the members. of the Association that this properly lighted. Ata meeting: held in Cleveland a committee, of which Capt. George P. McKay. was made chairman, was ap- pointed to charter. a suitable vessel,. fit her out as a. light- ship and station her at South-Hast Shoal. . Capt. McKay’s associates on-this committee were. as follows: Messrs: H. Coulby, Edward Morton, William Gerlach .and W,:W, Smith. Acting with the authority thus..conferred.. upon them, this. committee chartered the- schooner Smith and ‘House Board that. in the future it would modify. its ar-:. The thanks of the Asso- «Harbor Committee of the Buffalo Merchants’ Exchange, ‘. Post and fitted her out as a light-ship; at an expen ; about $1,840.00. The lieht-ship was located at Sout East Shoal and was on ier station only a short time when it was entirely destroyed by fire. The matter was then taken up again, and at a meeting of the executive commit tee of the Association, the committee having the matter in charge was authorized to purchase the steamer Kewaunee — at the price of $10,000. ‘This vessel was purchased out of the fund made available out of the profits of the grain shoveling of 1900. A considerable amount of money had — to be expended to fit out'the new boat properly for the service, the cost of such fit-out being $3,742.14. ‘This in- cludes about $500 paid to the Light-House Board for. lanterns belonging to the government. Our certified check for this amount will be returned to us when we return the lanterns in good order. In addition to the cost of fitting out the vessel, the expenses of the committee in looking up suitable vessel, the wages of the crew. fuel, provisions, etc., required about $1,700 additional. ‘The an-- nual cost of maintaining this light ship, including the ser-_ vices of the crew, fuel, provisions and a reasonable allow-— ance for repairs and maintenance, is estimated at $3,500.00 a.year. An effort should be made during the present ses-. sion of Congress to increase the amount rendered availa- ble in the hands of the Light-House Board for private lighting, so that the Board can contract next season with the Association for the maintenance of this light ship as | well as for the lights in the lower Detroit river. We do. wot anticipate that there will be anv great difficulty in securing this provision in the Appropriation Bill or in- , ducing the Light-House Board to enter into a contract . with the Lake Carriers’ Association to maintain this, light- ship until.a government light is stationed at the shoal. As soon as the Association decided that a light at South-— East Shoal was necessary, the matter was taken up by the executive officers of the Association with the Light-House — Board, with a view to securing a government light at — this point. The Board ordered an investigation by the. district officers of the Tenth Light-House District, who reported in favor of a government light-ship, preferably © built of steel. This report has been approved by the Light- House Board and a communication, recommending an . appropriation of $50,cco for a steel light-ship has been . transmitted by the Treasury Department to Congress. A - bill has been introduced in the United States Senate: by © Senator McMillan and the matter in the House of Repre- . sentatives is in charge of Representative Burton, of Cleve- — land. It is important. to. the Association that favorable . action on this mattér shouid be obtained by Congress at this session. Be peaks ee ‘In one respect the Lake Carriers’ Association light-ship — has served as an admirable model for the light-ships in the: government service. The vessel remained on her station until December 17th, when the last boat belonging to: the Association had passed. , ere ee AON Before concluding reference to the lighting service on - the lakes, attention should be called once more to the: early closing of some of the important. light stations of the government on the Great Lakes. The officers of the. Association had this matter up with the Light-House | Board in connection with the closing of the Passage Island Light Station. Public announcement was made in No- © vember that this station would close on November 25th. — As.soon as this announcement was made the Lake Car- riers’ Association. requested. the Light-House Board to — keep the station in operation until the close of, navigation. - Considerable correspondence with the Board and with - Com. Wilson, Inspector of the Eleventh Light-House Dis- ° trict, followed, with the following result: The Board re- ported that they were unable to keep the station open any . later than the date advertised for closing, unless the: Lake , Carriers’ Association would -make. a clear guarantee to-- remove the keepers from the station, and-that this guar- : antee should be of such.a character. that there: would: be no doubt of our ability to carry it-into effect. .At a meet-. ing of the executiye, committee Cleveland, it was. decided that the. Association, was. not in position- to make. ; such a guarantee. It appeared, that a matter of life:and:,. death of the keepers was involved, as. they were, not pro- / vided with fuel and rations. suftcient to permit them tojre- ; main on the island for. the winter in case their removal at: i the close of navigation was rendéred impossible by weather. ; conditions. .The-Association then. urged upon the Light-.: rangements at this station and others similarly. situated, . so. that rations and fuel might. be. provided for the-keepers., , the lights kept open until the. close of navigation jand: the »; keepers then removed, if possible; otherwise, if the -re; |; moval of the keepers proved impossible, they’ could.remain on their stations during the winter.. We are happy to state,’ that the Board considers this proposal a reasonable one and has assured’ the Association that it ‘will take tp ‘the question of keeping Passage Island Light in. operation until navigation is closed on account of ice, and, make be- ., fore the, close of another. season suitable .arrangements .. whereby this can be accomplished. lis Creeneet Pyeats BUFFALO HARBOR. In the fall of 1900 thé members: of the: Lake. Carriérs’ - } Association residing in Buffalo; were urged -by.a+meeting. ; of the executive. committee held’ in Cleveland,; to take up * with. the. municipal authorities the improvement of the | - inner, harbor at Buffalo. It was:represented. that: vessels... of..the. Association were subjected to considerable delays, : at. Buffalo; on account. of low water. With the aid of:the’ - an agitation for the improvement of harbor conditions aj;

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