4 THE MARINE RECORD. Janvany, 23, 1908 ar.’ ay PICKANDS, MATHER & C0. PIG IRON. IRON ORE AND COAL. At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any time during Day or Night. at BUFFALO, FUEL LIGHTERS S20. ano CLEVELAN Mi. A. HANNA & Co... COAL, IRON ORE, AND PIG IRON. va Fuel scow ssh elevators and dlechasihal Steamboat Fuel’at“Ashtabula.:.;..... .. sommcreccremsetace tenet oneal 150 tons,,an hour.-into steamers. While Large Supplies of Best Quality. unloading cargo. ye : % baal , ! in ot LIGHTER’: MINERS AND SHIPPERS. a carrying different grades _ WESTERN RESERVE - BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. tn ovnce, Pamry-Payne sg, Clara, : at all times. THE W. L. SCOTT COMPANY ERIE, PA. WHO.ESALE DEALERS IN y hae Shamokin-Wilkesbarre ANTHRACITE Youshlogheny, Mansfield, PIFTSBURG., ae Steamboat. Fuel at Chicago. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, anager. ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 110 LA SALLE STREET. FUE C DOCKS: Xo PET enone te Mee FU E L LI G H T E R: a Equipped with 125 2-ton maces for Se aes ida PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL common AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. IN PRACTICAL USE ON THE BEST AND LARGEST LAKE STEAMERS Using. all Types of Boilers and all Pressures of Steam. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance, - ROBERT LEARMONTH, PATENTEE, 100 Waite BLoa., BUFFALO, N.Y; de on by rey a Spey sult Sa é i Ge toe eke ke MAIN OFFICE: " Scott Block, Long Distance *Phone’ 440: FUELING OFFICE: »)) ))\)) « vit Canal D ck, Long Distance *Phone 320; s ‘ 2 16 IONE VESSEL FUELING __A SPECIALTY by steam lighter or car dump at all hours. Electric Light. SINGLE.) . : ae 3 . | ee a 2 COMPOUND “AND FRIBLE TP ss » EXPANSION 99RD — = 7. =f ENGIN Eee) i. | JoHN E. Turopp & Sons Co., TRENTON, N. Je, U.S. A. SEND FOR CIRCULAR, . CONDENSERS. BOYER SECTIONAL NAMES OF STEAMERS ON THE LAKES USING THE BUFFALO. FEED WATER HEATER AND. PURIFIER ; WATER TUBE BOILERS. Zenith Transit Co.’s steamers Himpire City, . Crescent City, Zenith City, Superior’ City, Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W. Gates. The Republic Iron Co ’s steamers America, { Brazil,Thomas Maytham and Chili. f Mitchell. Temporation Co.’s steamer Hendriek S. Holden. Minnesota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle. American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex. McDougall. Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Trans- portation Co.’s steamer Manitou, __ Bessethet Steamship Co. 1s steamers s. FR, B. Mcrse and Douglas Houghton. American Transportation Co.’s steamers . John'Harpeér and Alex: Nimick. Red Star Line’s steamers Robert Mills and Wyoming. Wilson Transit Line’s steamers W. D. Rees and Andrew Carnegie. ,. PROPELLER WHEELS. Compasses Adjusted For deviation, and deviation .. tables supplied. Great facilities) -° for doing the work. by day or |. And the steamer William R. Linn. night. 3.8 9 208 3 9 Ue Ue ee e SHIPMATE John Maurice. * RANGES. CHICAGO... Tin, Sheet irah and © Office, N. W. Cor. Randolph and Market Sts. Copper V Works. Residence, 1213 S. Albany Ave. *Phone, Canal :767. You have doubtless experienced ‘the satis- faction which comes of having the best ‘there is—that which causes no regrets and needs no’ excuses. | Owning’ a Shipmaté “sppetnces al same [ A ee ge tae ona _ feelings: ‘MDheTinnerman Steel Racize| Co” “nh “803° Titan” Sires” Cleyeland, have a full assortment of tnese rats §) and can. fill ord ersif iit any size. ‘They are sold also by,. == Repairing geavens Furfiaces,; Etc: * Boat Work a cbr tgs sap 211 PEARL ST.. "PHONE A 1095. Clarence E. Long, CLEVELAND, 0. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Scientific Compass Adjuster. 50 YEARS" ::0= EXPERIENGE;: 5; | Parents) TRADE MARKS “’ DESIGNS.) 4 nb “CopYRIGHTs &t-""" Anyone seu Aine a seokih and description may ques. genes our. opinion free Bid bode an vention is probably patentable. om tions stridély cOnD dential. Handbook on Patented a sent free. Oldest agency ‘for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rece special notice, without, charge, imthe ‘Scientific Almericatt ® Rew forty-page pamphlet éontaining Cues. “tions . askéd by Examining Boardof Engin- year ; eee smonthat $1.80 aby ali newsdea sich ‘eers. Sent free. GEO. A. ZELLER, Publisher, MUNN & Co. 36 1Broadway, New) On % Room. 358, 18S. Fourth} Sty. St. Louis, Mo. Branch Office, 626 F St., Washingtou, D.G ea Compass Compensation, Tables of Deviation and Residual Errors for Wooden, Iron and Steel Vessels by Azimuths of the Sun,Stars, Moon and other Planets. SERVICE =DAY OR NIGHT. |. All adjustments: promptly and. accurately ,Jvexecuted. Estimates and Prices given upon application: , All work guargateed to be absolutely first-class. ENGINEERS’ LICENSE, MECHANICS, ENGINEERS, ‘ELEC- TRICIANS, FIREMEN, ETC. pacne ts Robt, C. Bialy, 923-925 ‘Water St. Ba ct ay ~ Soo Head ware Co., Sault Ste. Marie, ‘Mie iy . THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, » _ STAMFORD, CONN. - Batablshed 1830.