JANUARY 23, 1902. ‘THE MARINE RECORD. FLOTSAM. JETSAM AND LAGAN. | Capt. ‘Samuel Neff, of Milwaukee, has let a’ contract 'to Johnson Bros., of Ferrysburg, Mich., for the construction of a Scotch type boiler to .be placed. inthe steamer, W..P, Ketcham. ‘The boiler willbe a duplicate’ of the dne it’ the steamer Pentland, about thirteen feet in length and diam- eer. t ‘walks athe wee, tue 2 TDhe Aidelst have been? taid “for2thé two 600- foot aba and’ New" York *passenger lnefsto be built by the Mary- land Steel Co., at Sparrow’s* Point; Md., for the Atlantic Transport Co. They will be twin-screw steel vessels, with a length of 600 feet, a breadth of 65 feet and*a depth of hold of 44 feet. They will register 13,750 tons, which isf2,09@ ‘tons greater than the. St. Louis or St. Paul. First- class passenget ‘accommodations will be made for 250 per- sons... Ihe -vessels -will fly the American flag. The submarine torpedo boats Pike and Grampus, which havé deen building at the YInion Iron Works, San Fran- cis¢o, ‘forthe United States Navy for some time, are now nearly completed_and_ itis expected they will be latinched about the first OF the coming month.’ Their trial trips, .both submerged and” Oi Tlie! surface, are scheduled to take place a few, days, later, as the boats. will. be prac- tically completed and’. ready’ for’ service when they are launched. The. transport’ Thofttas;. which, has. been under- going repairs at the Union Iron Works for the past two weeks has returned to the=transport docks. Work is pro- gressing..on the transport Sherman and it is expected’ she soon will be ready for service,~ ‘ Orders were received =at.Gonneaut on “Wednesday to lay up the car ferry Stenango, that runs between Con- neaut, O., and. Rort Stariley, Ont., for the remainder of the, winter season. .This tie up, which is the first in the history of the steamer, was induced by the great difficul- ties that the vessel has ‘experienced in the past few’ days vith: the. slush ice that:has..formed: along the southern shore of Lake Erie. The steamer has no difficulty cut- tHe” hef* “way “hrough “the “ordinary ice, even where it reaches a depth of two or three feet, but where the slush ice forms it rolls under, often forming ice of twenty feet in thickness. ‘The vessel had a large tonnage of advance orders for, shipments tor Canada. Co. haying already proven to be one mile long and, forty... ALGOMA COPPER MINES. ' Concerning’ the relative quantity and valite: Bad cous ¢ in Algcua, and in-the west, Thomas lay Harvey* “secte- ay, of. the Superior Copper Co., says in the Sault News ecord: “In the first place, the known copper deposits in the ‘Algoma district are as latge, if not larger, than the de- tposits at iButte; Mont., the vein of the “Superior Copper feet wide. This is larger than any ,single. company, oper ating at. Butte. himself with the district to-the extent of erecting a large: smelter at Rock. Lake, at which it is proposed. to: handle custom ore, has given an impetus to copper” mining in Algoma. “There are several other reasons why the copper mines of Algoma will be..attractive mining properties, one of which isithe comparison of copper; gold, ahd silver values carried in. Algoma ores to that carried inthe ores of Montana, Arizona, Utah, the’ Anaconda, which is. the largest copper producing mine im the world, averages ~’ 4.28. percent. copper, twenty cents: gold, and $1.50 ‘silver % per, ton... In Arizona, Senator Clark’s United Verde ‘mine, located at Jerome, produces 6 per cent. copper, gold $1.00 and silyer $3.00 per ton., The Arizona. copper’ ‘thine at Clinton, Arizona, produces 4 per cent. copper, no gold or* silver:- The Boston Consolidated at Bingham, Utah, ‘produces 334 per cent. copper, $1.00 in gold and $1.00 in silver per ton. The Mountain Copper Co., at Keeswick,. Cal.,.during the last six months of 1901 produced copper “of about 3 per cent with no gold or silver values. “The Superior: copper mine in the Algoma district will average 6 per cent. copper, $1.00 in gold and from $2.50 to $5.00 in silver per ton, and the»Rock Lake ‘will average about the.same as the Superior. “The Bruce mines will average about 3% per cent. cop- per and carry small values in ‘gold and: silver. The Ox-. ford Copper Co.’s’ properties at Massey will average. 5 per cent.’copper and carry gold and silver values. , “Another very important point in favor of the Algoma district is thatthe average wages in the western mines is $3.50.per day while in ‘Algoma it is $2.00 per day.” The fact. ofi John 1 Case identifying . _ Specifications and drawings, forms of; ‘pto- Buffalo, New York; to ‘Assistant Inspector” - limit.., “20th, ‘t902. tothe Superintendents of Construction ‘of . Life-Saving Stations, 17 StateStreet, New. * York Cify; to the Superintendent” of th - ib: 4th and 18th via the N ickel Plate Road to, Minfiesota, Iowa, Colorado, So. Dakota, “TREASURY DrpartMENT; U.S. Life- Savi ing. Service, Washington, DriCy : Jan Sealed proposals’ will “he “re: ceived at this office until 2 o’clock p.._m., of Tuesday, February 4, 1902, and then publicly, opened, for the ‘construction of foundations, retaining walls, etc., for a life- saving station at Buffalo, New York. posal, etc., can be’ obtained upon applicatio toth Life-Saving’ District, ,Custom House,’ roth and rith L/ife- Saving Districts, Room ~ 204 Postoffice, Building, Detroit, Michigan; -%/ 5 to the Keeper of the Cleveland ‘Life- ge Station, Cleveland, Ohio, or to. this Price cae S. I. Kimbail, General Superintendent. _ Reduced Rates for Homeseekers Arizona, all parts of ‘Texas including its oil fields, and all Western, Northwestern ~ and Southwestern poirits. Inquire nearest Ticket Agent of the Nickel Plate Road, or E. A. Akers, C. P. & “e A., Cleveland’ 0. 17-7 Liberal return ~ sige § THE CuHase Macuine Company, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. ManuractuRERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF : i , . Steering Engines _ Automatic Towing Engines, Paras bon aces: Sua ot er achiniery. eras pane matic Tow NObbINg.” es 111 abe dA cL TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. CLEVELAND, O. a .. THE .°: STARTED,® #150: REGULATED, STOPPED _. With Qne Handle. _ Send for General; Catalogue covering the Specialties. New York Office, 107 Liberty Street. Beston: Office, 42 Oliver Street. LOW RATES TO, HOMESEEKERS. On Fanuary ath and 2tst.the Nickel Plate i 2 will; sell round trip tickets to points in t West,) Northwest. and Southwest. at very.»low... tates... Liberal. return _. limit. Constit= Spearest” ‘deent of! the ‘Nickel Plate Road,-or- E.. A. Akers, Ge P: & To A;, Cleve- land, Sous eat "160- -3 IF v Want a PUMP or SYPHON Write ito the EB. .W. Vanduzen Co. ,of Cintid nati, O.; for their cata- Ipgue 76. They give you facts and figures about their Steam Jet Pumps. A°dostal will bring full information by return mail free of charge. "THE EB. W. VANDUZEN: CO., Ciactsinatt oO. t The BEST for Stationary, Marine or Locomotive Service. Takes water of a temperature of 150 degrees. No Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Varying from.15 to 300 Lbs. THE EYNON-EVANS MFG. 15th and Clearfield Streets, Warranted 24 1b. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U. S. auanen te. Life Preservers. Superior to all others. B JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. -Enr KORTING QOMPOUND |NJECTOR, = EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAM PUMPS, E SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. - Will Lift: Water 24 Feet. ORAM FIX, ESTABLISHED 1960. Has:a Greater Range than any other Injector. Write us for Prices. , Cor. LEONARD AND. WINTER STS. Co. PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. Rings Buoys and Fenders. Approved and adopted Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and the only Reliable Life*Preserver. Catalogue. ueeied four medals by World’s Columbian BERORUAE: METALLIC and WOODEN LIFE BOATS. Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. Send ogue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere. JOHN SONS ety: JR.,; Vice Pas. - THE DONNELLY SALVAGE AND WREGKING 0, KINGSTON, ONT. — is J. W. FIX. nt S Fix’s Sane. Successors to S. Fix & Son, Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Cleveland, 0, NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. Consolidated Cork EST.CHEAPEST, by U. S. Board of Super e Inspectors. tt ver Steamer Lines as Vessels and trade supplied.’ Send for Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, bing is the lightest, for illustrate: D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS, 437 Pearl: St, New York City. H. B. FOLGER, Taras. THOS. DONNELLY, Sco'v pipes. Very simple, ES and 1s easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- ship is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. New. York, Boston, Prita, Chicaco z cata- A strictly first class machine at | Ji moderate cost. ; Perfectly auto- “matic, has wide i range of capac!- { ties, and raises i | ' water promptly with hot or cold has few paris JENKINS BROTHERS, Selling apents