yal! J@NVARY 23; 1902) andievery master or, mate,of, any barge or canal boat, who neglectsor refuses ‘to..observe the provisions of this Act, orgthe tegulations established in pursuance of the preced: ingsection :¢2),;.shall.be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars, andor all> damages.sustained by any, passenger .in, his person or baggage by such neglect or, refusal! “Provided, That nothing ‘herein shall relieve any vessel, owner or ‘cor= poration from any’ liability ittcurted by réason-‘ of ‘Such neglect or refusal,, @for, Atlantic and Pacific coast in- Janid swatens.) (igo ossipt sail. ts aes mareae Sec., 2; > Act;:.of. Congress “approved February’ 8; "1805. That.a fine, not, exceeding two hundred‘ dollars,’ may ‘be imposed; for the.violation of any of the provisions of this Act... The, vessel. shall be Jiable for the said penalty, and may be seized and proceeded against, by way of libel, in the District Court of the United States for any district within which such vessel may be found. (For the Great rakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal.) Sec. 4445, Revised Statutes. Every master, chief mate, engineer, and pilot, who receives a license, shall, before entering upon his duties, make oath before one of the in- spectors herein provide for, to be recorded with the cer- tificate, that he will faithfully and honestly, according to his best skill and judgment, without concealment or reser- vation, perform all the duties required of him by law. Every applicant for license as either master; mate, pilot, or engineer under the provisions of this title shall make and subscribe to an oath or affirmation, before one of the inspectors ‘referred to in this title, to the truth of all the statements set forth in his application for such license. Anv person who shall make or subscribe to any oath or affirmation duthorized in this title and knowing the same to be false shall be deemed guilty of perjury. ' Every licensed master, mate, pilot, or engineer who shall change, by. addition, interpolation, or erasure of any kind, any, certificate or license issued by any inspector or inspec- SHOES. referred to in this title shall, for every such offense, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment at hard labor for a term not, exceeding three-years. . Sec. 4446, Revised Statutés. Every master, mate, en- gineer, and pilot whoshall teceive.a license shall, when employed tipon any vessel, place his certificate of license, which shall be framed under glass, in some conspicuous place in such vessel, where it can be seen by passengers and others at all times; and for every neglect to comply with this provision«by any such master, mate, engineer or pilot, he shall be subject to a tine of one hundred dollars, or to the revocation of lis License. Sec. 4455, Revised Statutes. It shall not be lawful to take on board of any steamer a greater number of passen- ‘gers than is stated in the certificate of inspection; and tor -every violation of this provision the master or owner shall be liable, to any person suing for the same, to forfeit the ‘amount of passage-money and ten dollars for each passen- ger beyond the number allowed. ' Sec. 4467,‘ Revised Statutes. The master of every pas- senger steamer. shall keep a correct list of all the passen- gers received-and. delivered from day to day, notirg the places where: received and where landed, which record shall-be open-to the inspection of the inspectors and officers of the customs at all times; and the aggregate number of “passengers shall be furnished to inspectors as. often as called for but on rotites not.exceeding one hundred miles, the number of passengers, if kept, shall be sufficient. Sec. 4468, Revised Statutes. Every master of any pas- senger steamér who fails, through negligence or, design, to keep a list-of passengers, as required by the preceding section, shall’ be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Sec. 4441, Revised Statutes... * * *.,Whenever com- ~plaint is made against any engineer holding a license au- thorizing him to take charge of the boilers and machinery -of-any steamer, that he has, through negligence or want of skill, permitted the boilers in his charge to burn or other- wise become in*bad condition, or that he has not kept his sweengine and machinery in good working order, it shall be the duty of.the inspectors, upon satisfactory proof of such negligence or want of skill, to revoke the license of such engineer and.assign him to a lower grade or class of en- gineers, if they :find him fitted therefor. Sec. 14, Rule IX, Rules and Regulations. When it is o:known, or. comes to the knowledge of the local inspectors a“that any steam vessel is or has been carrying an excess of d%steam beyond that which is allowed. by her certificate of in- {asspection, the local inspectors in whose district said. steamer ig isibeing navigated, in.addition to reportng the fact. to the ey Wanted States District Attorney for prosecution, under sec- tion 4437, Revised Statutes, shall require the owner or » owners of said'.steamer to place on the boiler of said ic steamer a: lock-up safety; valve that will prevent the carry- huang of an: excess:of steam and shall be under the control of gi said local inspectors... -, pe aes tess i, »pbis-@ni the placing: of lock-up. safety. valve upon any boiler, of it:shall be the: duty..of the,engineer in charge of same to sdiblow or cause -the said valve to blow off steam at least once im each=watch: of six hours or less, to determine otawhether the valve is.in working order,.and it shall be his yilatity:to report to. the local inspectors any failure of such suamakve to operate. gdm wcase ho<'such report is made, and a safety valve is sfound thathas-been.tampered with or out of order, the 16 lteense of the engineer having such boiler in charge shall be revoked. set’T It shall be the duty. of the local inspectors to send a copy jiszofvthisorule to severy: steamer, in. their district; when said '- copies are furnished by the Department. THE MARINE RECORD. Sec. 4448, Revised Statutes. All ojcers licensed under the provisions of this ‘Title shall assist the inspectors in their examination of any vessel to which such licensed officers belong, and shall point out all defects and imperfec- tions known to them in ‘the hull, equipments, boilers, or machinery of such vessel, and also shall make known to the inspectors, at the earliest opportunity, all accidents or occurrences producing serious injury to the vessel, her boilers, or machinery; and in default thereof the license PF sian officer so neglecting or réfusing shall bé re- voked;. ,, : us eee: 4, 5ee. 5344, Revised Statutes. Every captain, ‘engineer, pilot, or other person employed on any steamboat or vessel by.,whose, misconduct, negligence, or inattention to his duties on such. vessel, the life of any person is destroyed, and every owner, inspector, or other public officer, through whose fraud, connivance, misconduct, or violation of law, the life of any person is destroyed, shall be deemed guilty of manslaughter, and, upon conviction thereof before any Circuit Court of the United States, shall be sentenced to confinement ‘at hard labor for a period of not more than ten years. 3 The attention of masters of steam vessels is particularly directed to the following rule of the Board of Supervising » Inspectors in relation to station bills: Sec. 15, Rule V, Rules and Regulations. It shall be the duty of the master of every inspected steamer of 30 net tons and over, carrying passengers on the ocean, lakes, gulf[s], or bays, when such steamer is under way, to cause to be prepared a station bill for his own department, and one, also, for the engineer’s department, in which shall be assigned a post or station of duty for every per- son employed on board such steamer, in case of. fire or other disaster; which station bills shall be placed in the most conspicuous places on board for the observation of the crew. And it shall be the duty of such master, or of the mate or officer next in command, once at least in each week, to call all hands to quarters and exercise them. in the discipline, and in the unlashing and swinging out of the life-boats, weather permitting, and in the use of the fire pumps and all other apparatus for the safety of life on board of such vessel, and to see that all the equipments required by law are in complete working order for imme- diate use; and the fact*80 okd in contemplated, shall be entered upon the steamer’s log- book, stating the day of the month and hour when so ex- ercised, and any neglect or omission on the part of the officer in. command of such steamer to strictly enforce such rule shall be deemed cause for the revocation of the license of such officer. Upon navigable rivers the cap- tians of all passenger steamers of 30 net tons and over shall be required to maintain a strict discipline and organ- ize the officers and permanent crew so as to. act with promptness in case of fire or, other. disaster; and the cap- tain shall cause to be prepared at least two station bills, assigning the officers and permanent crew to definite places. Said station bills shall be conspicuously placed, under glass, near the inspection certificate. Licensed officers are notified that in case of the loss of their license through any cause, they can obtain a certi- ficate of such loss (Form 2162) to take the place of the lost license, which certificate will hold good until date of expiration of the lost or destroyed license, or grade of license is, raised, in which case the certificate may be sur- rendered, and. new license issued indicating the new grade. The attention of officers named therein is particularly directed to.the following resolution of the Board of Super- vising Inspectors, adopted at the meeting of January and February, 1900: Resolved, That masters, mates and pilots of all vessels be required to exercise due caution in the use of their search lights so as not to throw the rays of the light into pilot house of passing steamers. 3 A willful violation of the above requirement will sub- ject the offender to a suspension or revocation of license. Local inspectors are hereby instructed to furnish a copy of this circular (which supercedes No. 13, dated February 7, 1900) with every master’s, mate’s, pilot’s and engineer’s license issued. Copies will be furnished by the Department on requisi- tion. Jas. A. Dumont, Supervising Inspector-General. Approved: IL. J. Gace, Secretary of the Treasury. — DO SOO OS According to the plans of the lake members of. the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association Mr. Evan Jen- kins of Cleveland, who was elected second vice president of the association at the convention at Washington Tues- day, will have charge of the lake lodges. That means that he will remain ashore and devote all his time to the office. ‘The lakes will be. divided into five districts and a business agent will be selected for each district. to work under the drection of Vice President Jenkins. A. schedule of wages for the lakes has been prepared and if it is adopted at the Washington meeting it will presented to the vesselmen when the delegates reach home., Mr. Jenkins, who took an active part in the strike last spring, has been in the employ of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland, for a number of years and last season he was chief engineer of the steamer Presque Isle. —_——_—_<$—_—_ 8 OO Shipping —Charter—Prior Representations.—Represen- tations made by a shipowner prior to a charter respecting the speed of his vessel, but which are not embodied in the charter, are superseded by that instrument, in the absence of fraud or mutual mistake. Matthias vs. Beeche.et al. 111 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 940. : “Mataafa.../..+Tohn Reed.) ses... Steamer. Chief Engineer; Second Engineer. Bartlett........Aubrey Rivard......George Moiles Bessemer... v8 Ji ohn B... Heyward. ». William Clucas Black..,.':.,.. John Hegemer...... Jay A. Popp Britons <3. weA. G. Haig. \.02.2 He M.-Lubahn Bunsen........ Richard .Masten..... C. L. Birtrand Cambria.......E. H. Learned. ..... J. A. Bennett ColbYinsiitc sees Er. B. Satiders: v4: (We cE Roach ne Colgate........WarrenWelch........A. Armstrong Coralia,........ Alex. McKenzie....°. A. W. Carlisle ~) :/ Cornell. .j.sseAe b. Boeent, ot. e. John H. Riggin Corona -+++++++Warren G. Tilton... Daniel Milloy Corsica. .....2.J. J. Noreéross. .iv.;.:Morriss. Carroll. > CORE ane _.+++Joseph Taylor....... Harry Firby oh Crescent City..Irwin Marshall...;..A. E. Buddemeyer ACS ies vee A. J. Smithe. 2.4... John Beaubien Edenborn..,...E.“S. Stoddard,.,... Peter A. Rivers Ellwood....... George.C. Lawrence. John B. McDermid * Empire City...Frank Mansfield.... G. Barnhardt Fricsson.......Ansel P; Williams. ..M. J. Huber Fairbairn...... David A. Black, ......Neil McNeil Fulton. .... ++eeJames I. Walker.:..Ross Leedham __ Gates...... -+«+Julius. W, Greiner... George A. Gardner , German........Fred Warning....... Roy B. Huston’ ~~" Gilbert. seengee A, McGillivray. iia George Trivillion Grecian.......-John Dupont........Joe Hasler Griffin. ......+.Bernard Woods..... Joseph W. Popp Harvard.......C, H. Burke........ J. F. Wood lad beg eee es see W. -L. -Campbell.....Harry Roberts E Houghton. ....+.J..W.- McEachern.... F. I. Smith “7 Hoyt isc seeee Je Bu, Millen: > as sade. oe Watumpee a JOMEES A cmcwet George Lynn:....... Joseph. Walyer eS Lafayette......Levi Walder.....,-; 9. D. Graham 3). Ta Salle... ...<Joseph: Ro tial. ea ee Linn........¢+. Herman Dupont..... Albert J. Armson © Manola. -+ee+es, William Densmore. :.James' McNamara Mariska....... Silas H. Hunter..... Charles A: Tyler . Maruba........«George Arnold...... Alva W. Smith Matoa..... were ER. J. Rae.....2..2...Frank McDonald Marina........Gavin' A. Brown.... A. H. Meldrum. — Masaba..... wl. Fo DeMay.......-».John Cowley 6 Maritana...... John McLaughlin....’Thomas McKenzie” Mariposa...... W. W. Tyler...:... John Hutty Maricopa......F. A.\Smith.....-. "Daniel D. Hayward Charles Wiltoncox., Mauna Loa... Frank Harringer.... John Hall ' Malietoa.......’T. Treleaven......--.William J. Baird Mat eR ics ace George McLaughlin. John Hoff ee McDougall.... James Wilson...:... William J. Davidson Morse...... 003 B, Wo nPOX cick snes H. McLeod. Neilson... A. P. Williams. ...:. Walter T. Smith Poe... sees es - William Most....... J. A. McPhee Palmer ore. August .Dumars..... aa RRS IS Eke ee Princeton....-+M. Toner... , s-00% Bernard Cassady Queen City....F G. Carey. ....0... Ray T. Snyder Rensselaer..... John F. Walsh...... A. J. Dwyer . Rockefeller: ... Thomas Kelly.......Frank Sweeney Roman....... -S. A. Wells......... William Dornbrook AXON. ores +s FA... Steadley...... E. H. Pelton } Siete phe Be - Duncan McVicar.... Charles B. Culver. Stephenson.... S: W.: Armstrong... William Morrow. Superior City..Brank Schiwartz.....James D. Stewart, Thomson.....+-J. H.-McGlenn....... Bugene, Gunther Trevor......+. Walter J. Harsant...John Marz Van Hise...... W. Je Gervin. wi. 0s. Harry Flood Wrattiicn cima y Arthur W. Armson. H. E. Schmidt Wawatam..... William P: Tindall... W. B. Clarke Wilson....... C. A. Fletcher. .:... .John A. Larmer Wolvyin..........E. E. Stimson....... W. D. Killett Zenith City....R. W. Hunter....... Andrew Jackson Marine Insurance.—Subrogation—A marine insurance company, which ‘pays a loss due to the wrongful act of another; is subrogated to the rights of the insured, and may, in the name of the insured, for its use, prosecute a suit against the wrongdocr and reimburse itself, especially where the policy provides that the insured shall assign to the insurer such right of ‘action. Evans vs. British & Foreign Marine Ins. -Co:, 61'N. E.: Rep. (Ill.) 1081. : f -Seamen.—Settlement on Discharge.—Conclusiveness: of Statutory Release.—-Under the provisions of Rev. St., Sec. 4540, 4552, reqtiring’ seamen: to be discharged and. naid their wages ‘before.a shipping commissioner, in whose presence a mutual release shall. be signed and attested by him, if the parties agree upon a settlement, and further providing that “such release shall operate as a mutual discharge and settlement of -all-demands for wages be- tween the parties thereto,on, account of wages in respect of the past voyage or engagement,” a release so executed and attested: ‘without fraud or coercion is conclusive on the parties. Pettersson; et, al., vs. Empire Transp, Co., 111 Fed. Rep. (U...8.). 931... eines: