FEBRUARY 20, I902. THE MARINE KECOKL. REPORTED BY THE LOOKOUT. The National Association. of Marine Engineers have elected the following officers: Grand: President, TI. J. S., Milne, Kingston; secretary-treasurer, J. A. Morrison, St. John; conductor, F. S. Henning, Toronto; doorkeeper, S. Beatty, Collingwood; auditors, Robert Craig and Bro. Gillie, Kingston. The matter of invading some of the ports is being con- sidered by the Independent Towing Co., at_the head of which is L,. S. Sullivan, of this. city, says the Toledo Blade. It is said that the Independent has. deals pending for some large tugs, which it intends to place in ports which are now entirely controlled by the Great Lakes Towing Co. Arrangements have already been completed for an addition- al tug at Buffalo, the Delta, which was purchased at Cleve- land last fall, will be added to the company’s fleet at that port. She is being:overhauled at a cost of $3,500, and the other tugs, the Butler and the Pallister, are being put into excellent condition. The steel steamer Etruria, built on the order of the Haw- good “Pransit €o., Cleveland; was launched from the yards at West Bay City, Saturday. She measures 434 feet over all; 414 feet keel, 50 feet beam; and is)28 feet deep. She will have. triple expansion engines with cylinders 22x35x58 inches, and’.with.a.42-inch stroke. The launching of this boat marks the beginning-of the rehabilitation of the Haw- good fleet, and also.practically the re-entrance of the com- pany into the lake business. The new steamer will have Capt. Thomes C. Ellis as her master, and R. B. Buchanan, of Cincinnati, as her chief engineer. Capt. Ellis is.one of the old mariners of the lakes, and has seen much service. The cost of the work to be done at the Milwaukee ship- yards this winter is increased by nearly $100,000, by the ex- pense of the repairs on the two Pere Marquette boats which went aground during the winter at Ludington. The total cost of “the grounding of the car ferry was estimated at the time.as being about. $50,000, including the-wrecking ex- pettses. The ferry is now in the south drydock, being put in shape for service at the earliest possible date. Her hull will be repaired and, she will then leave the dock to make room for other vessels: ‘The No. 3 was towed across from the ‘schooner. Ludington Friday, and she will go into drydock for imme- diate repairs. The decision, of the owners of the Mary: E. Boyce, to remodel that steamer will bring the additional work to be done here to $100, 000 above wee estimate made early in the winter. Marine men agree that Eagle river is he pine: for the new life-saving station and not Hagle harbor, says the Houghton: Mining Gazette. In a letter to that paper, Blight & Son, of Eagle river, say that the steamers Hudson and Fern went down off Eagle river, and not in Eagle har- bor, as has been so ‘many times reported. Also the, Col-, orado'and Pickands struck the reef in a fog at that ‘place and went to. pieces. The little steamer Fern was getting out the iron from the Colorado and the Pickands when a storm came up and she could not get away. No vessel can strike the reef at Eagle Harbor unless it runs on the beach. At Eagle river the reef is about one mile from shore and ex- ‘tends from Five-Mile point to Sand Bay, and in some places has only four feet of water over it. Eagle harbor and Eagle river are nine miles apart. The Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin says: An opinion of much interest to vessel owners was handed down. by Judge Seaman, in the federal court to-day, wherein the. court holds that ‘continuing secret liens upon vessels tend to incumber commerce, and connot be encouraged. . Be- - cause. Mrs. Anna Wagner, cook of the steamer: Toxteth, permitted her claim for wages as cook to run over two sea- sons, the court disallows the claim for services for those years, cutting down the claim from $210.67 to 43.33. Mts. Wagner was ; the wife of the master and managing owner of The ‘Toxteth was a pleasure yacht, and was brought to. Milwaukee last June, having been chartered ‘by Attorney John F. Burke, for a cruise about the lakes. When she reached Milwaukee she was seized by the mar- shal, and sold at auction. Mrs. Wagner filed claim for ser- vices at the rate of $20 per month, for services of 1899, 1900, and 1901. Judge Seaman sdys she-allowed her: claim to run, and: gave no public intimation of her claim, and her action comes within the ban of the rule that secret liens must be discouraged when their allowance will take the ° fund from bona fide lien holders. Mrs. Wagner’s claim for services rendered in roor is allowed. mat U. S$. Encrnerer Orrice, Buffalo, N.Y, > February I, 1902. Sealed proposals for re- ~ moval of wreck in harbor at Buffalo, N. vf Y., will be received here until at-a..m, = {. March 4, 1902, and then opened. - Informa- “tion furnished on. application. ° T. ; ee oy Major Engineers. 6-9. . THE CON DITIONS. Requisite for the ‘most MSs de beautiful and’ most |} durable painting are a |] dry “surface, drys fix>- weather, pure oil, a preponderance off fat ZINC WHITE, fe oe te and plenty of time for | drying between coats. ee rie Ptitie s READ OUR PRACTICAL PAMPHLETS: )... ji). ‘“PAINTS. IN. ARCHITECTURE,”’ “THE PAINT QUESTION.” FREE ‘TO ANY ADDRESS. THE NEW. JERSEY ZING C0, 11 Broadway, NEW YORK. THE Caer IVIACHINE Company, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF Fog Whistle Machines, nuietiog Engines, Steering Engines Power and Diop Hammers, and other [achinery. Engineers’ Supplies and General Jobbin 111 ELM STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. erat. e) oe BHE ss STARTED, U STARTED, FYNON-K ORTING poweou 40 [NJEGTOR, STOPPED ‘ With One Handle. = The BEST for Stationary, Marine or Locomotive Service. i Takes, water of a temperature of 150 degrees. MN - 08 | Will Lift Water = YNON EVA °c, ee AV =i ge heas ORAM FIX. ode We FIX. @ 2 ADA Us Le : iin Cle ESTABLISHED 1860. meh | EYNON KORE SEAM? “Range than any 568 Send for General other Injector: 1X S ONS Catalogue | , * covering the @; Successors to S. Fix & Son, | OVERFLOW Specialties. WATER THE Now York Office, 107 Liberty Street.° Boston Office, 42 Oliver Street. No Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Varying from 15 to 300 Lbs. ; EYN nage -EVANS MFG. CO. 15th and Clearfield Streets, PHILADELPHIA,.U. S. A. JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice Pres. Aritimnatlc Towing rel Htas THE DONNELLY SALVAGE = AND WRECKING CO., Ltd, H. B. FOLGER, Treas. THOS. DONNELLY, Sco'y. Ps, KINGSTON, db Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. ~ Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. _ Write us for Prices. CoR. LEONARD AND WINTER STs. Cleveland, 0, NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. Warranted 24 Ib. , Life Preservers. IF . Rant a PUMP or SYPHON Write to the E. W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- logue 76. They give you facts and figures about their Steam én Pumps. A vostal will bring information Sy return mail free of charge. ‘ |THE EB. W. VANDUZEN CO., Cincinnati, O. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by. U. S. Ins’ Superior to all others. péctors, the only Reliable Life Preserver. Catalogue. Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian vielen METALLIC Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. logue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Cospotidated Cork Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST. CHEAPEST. Approved and adopted by-U. §. Board of Supervising Inspectors. 3h Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as Vessels and trade supplied. Send for Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the lightest, Send for illustrate D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS 437 Peatl’St. New York City. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAM PUMPS, ETC., SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Sellers Restarting Injector | A strictly first class machine at moderate cost. Perfectly auto- “matic, has wide | ie range 6f capaci- ties, and raises water promptly with hot or'cold pipes. Very simple, has few parts and Is easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- ship. is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Inyector. JENKINS BROTHERS, Setting agents New York, Boston, PHita, Cnicaco cata-