16 THE MARINE RECORD. FEBRUARY 27, 1902. water on sill. a Specialty. New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO Metal Se and Wooden fee Ship Builders. bias MACBETH, President. . W. KELLY, M. E., Vice President. G: JOHN G MESKER, Supt. of Machine Shop. . DICKEY, Manager. J. SNOW, Sec’y ‘and Treas. THE MACBETH IRON CO. Machinists - Pattern Makers. IRON, BRASS AND STEEL CASTINGS, AETNA GRATE BARS PLATE AND SHEET IRON WORK. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 57 West Center Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BURTON & KENNEDY, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacturers of the BURTON STEAM PUMP and Reducing Valve Blacksmithing, Steamfitting and Repair Work given Prompt Attention. PUMPS AND MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. Cor. Main and Center Streets, Phone Cuy. C. 500. CLEVELAND, 0. TELEPHONE WEST 244. RESIDENCE, 183 LAWN ST. LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS, J. J. KEENEN & SONS, PROPRIETORS. poner TANKS and SHEET IRON WORK, COAL and ORE BUCKETS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY his Also Flues Taken Out, Pieced and Reset, New Flues always in stock. CLEVELAND, O. COMPLETE ELECTRIC PLANTS _ FOR MARINE PURPOSES. COR. ELM AND HEMLOCK STS WE CATER TO THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER. ic ELectro-Dynamic Co. 212- 226 lonic Street, CABLE ADDRESS: PHILADELPHIA, PA., U.S. A. EDCO, A BC Cops. W. ae President. Matas O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres. and Treas, Telephone West 702 G. WM. SWEENY, PRACTICAL Ship Carpenter and Caulker, Office and Yard, Whiskey Island, Near Willow Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, = = = OHIO. T. LONG, GEN’L. MGR. JOHN C.JOLL SHIP CARPENTER, CALKER and SPAR MAKER. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. PHONES { Weer eco #| 63 Main St. Res., 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0. D. J. MURPHY, SuPT. LONG & MURPHY BOILER Co. ANUFACTURERS MARINE BOILERS, COAL, ORE anpb * CLAMSHELL BUCKETS, REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 120-126 ELM ST. ‘PHONES: MAIN 786. A. 2265. | NIGHT "PHONE RIDGE 277 X. CLEVELAND, OHIO. al ee ries Lae BLACHEST BLACK BAKING JAPAN. BICYCLE ENAMEL. = [elep phones. INTS.OILS Etc Cleveland, O. A64~468 GANAL ST, (ERIE SSR SRR AS AOE RRR NSE SS RRR TOTES SEEM SEER EES REE SERN EE SEA TEMES ROSA SAE TE RT Edwards Marine Air Pump. FOR LICENSE TO MANUFACTURE THESE WELL- KNOWN MARINE AIR PUMPS APPLY TO WHEELER CONDENSER & ENGINEERING CO, 120 LIBERTY ST,, NEW YORK. SEND FOR PAMPHLET. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mgr. The Jenks Ship Building Co. Office and Machine Sh both : doe : rts st : sli ott chy i : aay siege ake *$¢| Port Huron, Mich. bi Foot of Lincoln Ave. [ : Iarine Engines and Boilers; = 3 $s see —— STEAM WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS ——