APRIL 3, 1902. THE MARINE RECORD. TGLEDO. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record: Joseph L, Skeldon, an old time vessel captain, who sailed the schooners Maize and Lyman Casey in the ’7os, died at his home here Wednesday morning. He brought out the “ag Dows, the only five-masted schooner ever on the axes. The Craig Ship Building Co., acting for New York parties, recently tried to purchase the steamer Puritan from the Graham & Morton line, but in spite of the fact that they offered $250,000 spot cash, the offer was turned down. The steamer runs between Chicago and Holland, Mich., and there has been considerable talk as to whether the route was paying or not; but it is very evident that it is, for J. H. Graham, president of the G. & M. Line an- nounces that the boat is on theroute to stay. The Puritan is 1,547 gross tons, 233 feet long, 4o feet beam and 21.9 feet deep. She was built by the Craigs in toot. The steamer Vera was the first big vessel to load coal here this season.-=“Slié=feeeived some light repairs at Craigs, and expects. to“be-ready to take cargo this week. The river coal trade will open this week by the loading of the steamers Lilly..and.Adventure. The Hocking docks are now ready to handle business, and will soon be busy. Orders have been received here by the Pittsburg Steam- ship Co.’s fleet to be ready to. sail Wednesday. It is not expected that this fleet wall take coal, but will go up for ore. Last year, the.trust boats took very little coal, and it is not thought the trust will go into the coal trade exten- sively this season. = There has bsen considerable talk of late in marine circles relative to the encroachment of the Sandusky Fish Co. on the fishing grounds of the local fishing companies in the westerly end of Lake Erie. The above named com- pany last fall received considerable unfavorable com- ment regarding their actions in this regard, but this spring they have made themselves more obnoxious than before, and ‘consequently the matter was brought to an issue yes- terday in Monroe. The Sandusky company has agreed to retire from this end of the lake and the entire matter was amicably settled. ‘There is an ancient and unwritten law that is generally rspected among fishermen to the effect that when a person or company has fished in a certain territory for a-certain length of time they can practically control that fishing ground to the exclusion of all others. The steamer Hiarlow, which is now at the Craig Ship suilding Co.’s ship yard undergoing repairs, will be one of the finest lumber craft afloat on the waters of the Great Takes, After her exciting experience on Lake Superior last fail she was brought to Toledo and has been thor- Oughly overhauled and strengthened. ‘Thirty-two tons of steel plate have been used in repairs and she is now a stronger and better boat than when she first came out. Her capacity is something over a million feet of lumber. Her cabins are a model of convenience and elegance, and everything is fitted up with a view to comfort and enjoy- ment. ‘The captain’s office, aft of the pilot house, the mates’ room, hallways, engine room and the engineers’ room, steward’s room, the bath and galley are all finished in black ash and are in size and accommodations equal to the average passenger steamer. The captain’s cabin and dining room are finished in California red-wood and mahogany. No liner is more tastily furnished, the carpets and curtains being in perfect harmony and in the dining room the oak buffet filled with silver and cut glass gives an air of richness to the surroundings. ‘The vessel will be fitted with steam steering gear, capstans and hoist, and the engine will have a steam reverse gear. The Harlow will carry a four-horse power gasoline launch. ‘The cost of the repairs and the improvements are estimated at $28,000. The repairs on the steamer J. C. Christie, which is at Gilmore's, are nearly completed and the steamer Fisk will also be out a few days. The steamer State of New York came down from De- troit Monday afternoon, and took her place in the Cleve- land-Toledo division of the D. & C. Line. She left again at 10 o'clock promptly, her schedule time for Cleveland. Down the Detroit river, the New York was saluted as if she were a. man-of-war or Prince Henry’s royal yacht. When she started; one of the car ferries saluted her, and all of the tugs and vessels under steam took it up as she passed down the river. Even the factories on the water front joined in the chorus. In her new dress, the New ‘York inside and out has all the appearance of a new boat. Her upper works are painted ivory white and the green of her hull is a shade lighter than it was last year. Her inside has also received c8nsiderable attention. It shas been repolished and repainted throughout. In no part of the boat is there evidence of long service. Besides the general improvement in the appearance of the boat, she has been equipped with a number of modern improvements. She comes out this year with electric signals and a new steam capstan. Although this was just fifteen days earlier than she made her first trip last season, she carried ten passengers and a good cargo of package freight. Last year on her first trip, which was on April 15, she only car- ried seven passengers. Rh re FOR SALE One Air Pump 31 inch diam- eter, 12 inch stroke, arranged for direct connection, in good condition, taken from S. S. Manitou to be re-placed by a larger one. : Also one hoisting engine 12 inch cylinder made by Chas. Elmes, never been used. Above can be seen at Chicago Ship Building Co.’s yard, South Chicago, Inquire of MANITOU S. S. CO., Chicago. Gio to Florida and Cuba Via Big 4—direct route. Get tickets at Collver’s 11 Euclid Ave. THe Coase MacuHine Company, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF Fog Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Power and Diop Hammers, and other Machinery, 111 ELM STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. Steering Engines Engineers’ Supplies and General Jobbing. JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pars. Automatic Towing Engines, CLEVELAND, O. STARTED, REGULATED, STOPPED With One Handle. .. THE... Send for General Catalogue Specialties. WATER THE EYNON-EVANS MFG. CO. 15th and Clearfield Streets, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. aan eee eee een ———— NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. Warranted 24 1b. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors, New York Office, 107 Liberty Street. Boston Office, 42 Oliver Street. FOR SALE. Passenger Steamer Eagle, formerly Gazelle; length, 123 feet; width, 25 feet ; depth, 9 feet. Thoroughly equipped_last spring. Capacity, 800 passengers. om- mercial Oil Co. 17 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. 53. tf. IF U Want a PUMP or SYPHON Write to the B. W. Vanduzen Co. of Cincinnati, O., for their cata- logue 76. They give you facts and figures about their Steam ont Pumps. A vostal will bring ull information by return mail free of charge. THE E. W. VANDUZEN CO., Cincinnati, O. No Adjustment Required for Steam Pressures Varying from 15 to 300 Lbs. Life Preservers. D. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice Pres. H. B. FOLGER, Treas. THOS. DONNELLY, Sro v THE DONNELLY SALVAGE i AND WRECKING CO,, Ltd. EYNON-KORTING ({OMPOUND [NJECTOR, ‘The BEST for Stationary, [larine or Locomotive Service. KINGSTON, ONT. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAII PUFIPS, ETC., SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Takes water of a temperature of 150 degrees. Will Lift Water 24 Feet. TO ~ BOILER ORAM FIX. : ESTABLISHED 1860, Has a Greater Range than any other Injector. Write us for Prices. Cor. LEONARD AND WINTER STS. Superior to all others. . Approved and adopted b Catalogue. METALLIC and WOODEN LIFE ; Ase BOATS. Sas cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. logue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere. KAHNWEILER’S SONS 437 Pearl St. §, Fix’s Sons, Successors to S. Fix & SON, Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Cleveland, 0, Consolidated Cork Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPEST. U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied. Send for Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition, Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the lightest, Send for illustrate New York City. J. W. FIX. A strictly first class machine at moderate cost. Perfectly auto- ‘matic, has wide range of capaci- fies, and raises water promptly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, has few parts and Is easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- ship. is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. JENKINS BROTHERS, Selling Agents New York, Boston, Puita, Cricaco cata-