16 THE MARINE RECORD. APRIL 3. 1992, Craig Ship Building Co. TOLEDO, OHIO Wy New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, 110 feet wide Metal Ba on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet TUS water on sill. . tia Wooden Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships fer Ship Builders. a Specialty. THOS. MACBETH, President. L. S. DICKEY, Manager. Telephone West 702 G. Cc. W. KELLY, M. E , Vice President. Cc. J. SNOW, Sec’y and Treas. JOHN G MESKER, Supt. of Machine Shop WM. SWEENY, THE MACBETH IRON Co. (SWEENY, 1 JOHN CG.JOLL SHIP CARPENTER, oni s(Dace Makers. Ship Carpenter 25 CALKER and Machinists attern Me scan wane, IRON, BRASS AND STEEL CASTINGS, AETNA GRATE BARS| @"d Caulker, - him Ce Office and Yard, Whiskey Island, REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Near Willow Street Bridge, ‘PHONES { We Scar, 63 Main St. ND, OHIO. Res., 1097 Franklin Ave. CLEVELAND, 0. 57 West Center Street, CLEVELA CLEVELAND, - = - OHIO.|& EES TES LR I ES TS ST OO IS ETS PI SS St SA SR ESSAI AAS Ek RB NS IES EES SSE SAS LCN BU RTON & KE N N E DY, T. LONG, GEN’L. MGR. D. J. MURPHY, SupT. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, LONG & MURPHY BOILER Co Manufacturers of the BURTON STEAM PUMP and Reducing Valve MANUFACTURERS OF Blacksmithing, Steamfitting and Repair Work given Prompt Attention. MARINE grea: COAL, ORE ano CLAMSHELL BUCKETS, PAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. PUMPS AND MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. ‘PHONES: M 786. ie Cor. Main and Center streets, Phone Cuy. C. 500. CLEVELAND, 0. ipa 120-126 ELM ST. =" GLEUEL AMG ule TELEPHONE WEST 244. RESIDENCE, 183 LAWN ST. LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS, J. J. KEENEN & SONS, PROPRIETORS. BOILERS, TANKS and SHEET IRON WORK, COAL and ORE BUCKETS - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Also Flues Taken Out, Pieced and Reset, New Flues always in stock. COR. ELM AND HEMLOCK STS. CLEVELAND, O. EvectricaL Macuinery. High-Class Electrical Hier "364-468 GANAL S' Appliances PEEL LI SL Edwards Marine Air Pump. DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR MARINE WORK. ges FOR LICENSE TO MANUFACTURE THESE WELL- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. KNOWN MARINE AIR PUMPS APPLY TO The ELECTRO-Dynamic Co. WHEELER CONDENSER & ENGINEERING CO, 212-226 lonic Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U.S. A. eee en Bhs, SEW Oe CasLe ApprREss: EDCO, A B C Cobe. SEND FOR PAMPHLET. W.S. JENKS, President. O. L. JENKS, Vice Pres. and Treas. ' A.M, CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen’! Mer The Jenks Ship Building Co. rn ee Por Off d Machine Sh hebh 4 sein ead . oe: Steel and Wood Ship Builders, oe Port Huron, Mieil Foot of Lincoln Ave. a : Marine Engines and Boilers, e ie ad —— STEAM WINDLASSES CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS —