MAY 22, 1902. aaa EEE SUN’S AMPLITUDES. The following approximate amplitudes of the sun’s rising or setting will be given each week in this column during the season of navigation. A second bearing may be taken by compass at sunset, by reversing the east bearing given for the nearest latitude, as the change in declination for a few hours makes but a slight difference in the true bearing of the sun’s setting. The bearing may be taken when the sun’s center is on the horizon, rising or setting. The ele- ments which may be obtained by taking these amplitudes are the quantities known as local attraction, variation and deviation, or the total difference between compass and true, or geographical bearings. LAKE ERIE AND S, END LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 42° N. Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. May 23........ E. 28° N. =N. 5% E.=N.E. by E. % BE. Mays 20... eee ee E. 30° N. =N. 53% E. =N.E. by E. % EB. LAKE ONTARIO, S. END HURON AND CENTRAL, PORTION LAKE MICHIGAN, LAT. 44° N, j Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. ay 23.0 ns BH. 29°N =N. 5% H.=N. E. by E KE May 29........ H. 31° N. = N. 54 B.=N. EB. by E. ¥ BE. N. END LAKES HURON AND MICHIGAN, LAT. 46° N. Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. May 23. ..... E. 30° N. = N. 53%, EK. =N. E. by E. % E. May29, .0..... E, 32° N. =N.5%E.=N.E. by E \% E. LAKE SUPERIOR, LAT. 48° N. Date. Amplitude. Bearing P’ts. Bearing Comp. AW 235 05s a.5%. E. 32° N. =N.5% HE. =N. E. by Ev % EB. May 29....... Be33°5N. == Ni 5 EH. = N. E. by EB. With a compass correct magnetic, the difference between the observed and true bearing or amplitude will be the vari- ation for the locality. Should there be any deviation on the course the vessel is heading at the time of taking the bear- ing, the difference between the observed and the true am- plitude after the variation is applied will be the amount of deviation on that course. If the correct magnetic beating is to the right of the compass bearing, the deviation is east- erly. if to the left, the deviation is westerly. ——— oO So Fog—Negligence of Tug—A tug, having in charge eight canal boats in three tiers, tied them up on reaching a pier in the East River at about 1 a. m., to await a favorable condition of the tide before proceeding further. The night was then clear, and the tug left the tow to.engage in other work. At 3 o’clock a fog came on, and later in the morning became very dense. ‘Ihe canal boats, when left, tailed down the river with the ebb tide, but when the tide rose gradually swung out across stream, and, while lying thus, about 6:30 a. m., a ferry boat collided: with one of the canal boats and injured it. When the fog. began to rise, the tug was a very short distance from the tow, and had only two light boats in charge, and could have re- turned to the tow. Held negligence on the part of the tug, and that it was liable for the injury. Hughes vs. Pennsylvania R. Co., et al., 113 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) gas. A OR ROSLE EE SNR ITEC ES ES TEE ER SRR RT NA ACRE I REE JAMES SPENCE ROBERTSON. If JAMES SPENCE ROBERTSON belong- ing to Dundee, Scotland, who was, it is believed, about 1889 in Tawas City, Michigan, U. S., and who was, it is understood, latterly acting as a Steward ona Lake Steamer running out of Bay City, Michigan, U. S., will communicate with the Subscribers, he will learn some- thing to his advantage. REID, JOHNSTON & Co., 34 Reform St., Solicitors. Dundee, Scotland. THE —_—~_ Va Vi, we my = "eal, (eos Fe \ Y Bees) ' a S.F HODGE &CO. Bliss THE MARINE RECORD. TABLE OF DISTANCES Table of Distances at which objects can be seen at sea, according to their respective elevations and the elevation of the eye of the observer. 7 4 [-) i ~ a Orn ~ a 2 =| $a eee 2 | ees [Sg" | 2 | be | 85 S| so [£38 | 2 | gos |Pes || s | s85 | gag DO Bw a@oi|/ |) as aga: || 4 ie a's Gime |Shs |] w |] 2s gfs || % | 25 ais WH) Aas |& sa d | AS % bog Oo} Az = bo te Bee ae ee ao a4 5| 2.958 | 2.565 || 70 | 11.067] 9 598]|| 250] 20 916| 18.14 TO} 4 184 | 3 628 || 75 | 11.456 | 9.935 || 300 | 22.912 | 19.87 15 | 5.123 | 4.443 || 80] 11 832 | 10 26 || 350 | 24.748 | 21.46 20 |. 5.916 | 5 130 || 85 | 12.196 | 10.57 || 400 | 26.457 | 22.94 25 | 6.614 | 5.736 |} 90| 12 549 | 10.88 || 450 | 28.062 | 24.30 30 | 7.245 | 6.283 || 95 | 12.893 | 11.18 || 500 | 29 580 | 25.65 35 7.826 | 6.787 || 100 | 13.228 | 11.47 || 550 31.024 26.90 40| 8 366.) 7 255 || 110 | 13.874 | 12 03 || 600 | 32 403 | 28.10 45 | 8 874 | 7.696 || 120 ; 14 490 | 12.56 || 650 | 33 726 | 29.25 50] 9.354 | 8.112 || 130 | 15 083 | 13.08 |} 700 | 35 000 | 30,28 55| 9.811 | 8.509 || 140 | 15.652 | 13 57 ||. 8co | 37.416 | 32 45 60 | 10.246 | 8.886 || 150 | 16.201 | 14.22 |} goo | 39.836 | 34.54 65 | 10.665 | 9.249 || 200 | 18.708 | 16.22 ||1,000] 41.833 | 36.28 EXAMPLE.—A light 100 feet above the water will be visible to an observer whose eye is elevated 15 feet above the water, 15.9 nautical miles; thus from the table: — 15 feet elevation, distance visible, 4.44 nautical miles. I0O “ ce “6 6 11,47 6c cc LAKE ERIE LEVELS. ‘A meeting of the Lockport Business Men’s Association has been called to take action relative to the proposed in- ternational commission, which is to consider the lake levels question. Lockport is not a lake port, but it is deeply interested in the question which has to do with the maintaining of the lake levels. The surplus water of the Erie canal, created by the operation of ten combined locks, furnishes water for a score of manufacturing estab- lishments 11 months in the year. ‘Ihe municipal water supply for fire protection and sanitary purposes is also taken from the Erie canal, which is fed from Lake Erie. It is understood that there is considerable sentiment here for the appointment of George Clinton, of Buffalo. —— oro Death of Passenger.—Where a girl takes passage on a steamboat, and is drowned upon reaching the point at which she expected to leave the boat in an attempt to transfer her to a skiff, the burden of proof rests on the carrier to show that such occurrence did not result from the fault of his officers or representatives. ‘There is dan- ger in attempting such transfer at night, and whilst the boat is in motion, of which the carrier ought to be aware, and to which he has no right to subject an ignorant and inexperienced passenger; and in so doing he assumes the risk of the consequences, Le Blance et ux. vs. Sweet et al., 31 «So. Rep. (La.)- 766. LIQUID (iii COMPASS ~ Government Proposals. SEALED ProposaAs will be received at the office of the Light-House Board, Washing- ton, D. C., until 2 o’clock p. m., June 6, 1902, and then opened, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the construction and delivery of the twin screw steel steam light-house tender, Crocus, for a fixed sum for said vessel, de- livered either at the Buoy Depot, Buffalo, N. Y., or at the light-house depot, ‘Tomp- kinsville, N. Y., as will be determin- ed upon by the Ljight-House Board. Proposals, plans and specifications can be had by applying to the Light-House Board, Washington, D. C., or at the office of the Light-House Inspector, Buffalo, N. Y. Norman H. Farquhar, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N.. Chairman. 2.6 U. S$. Encingeer Orrice. Jones Building, Detroit, Mich., April 19. 1902. Sealed proposals for dredging, and other work required for removing obstructions to navigation in main ship channel in Detroit river, will be received here until 12 noon, (Standard time), May roth, 1902, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. W. H. Brxsy, Major, Engrs. 17-20 One Air Pump 31 inch diam- eter, 12 inch stroke, arranged for direct connection, in good condition, taken from S. S. Manitou to be re-placed by a larger one. Also one hoisting engine 12 inch cylinder made by Chas. Elmes, never been used, Above can be seen at Chicago Ship Building Co.’s yard, South Chicago. Inquire of MANITOU S. S. CO., Chicago. $0. WE THE NEW BAUSCH & LOMB-ZEISS STERE Binocular Glasses. Used by the, Armies and Navies of the World. Invaluable for Tourists, Sportsmen and Every-day Use. Booklet Free. Bausch 6 Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. New York. Chicago. For sale by all dealers. MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. @ 3i2 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. : Made in seven sizes by JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, New York, is finely finished sensitive, accurate and durable. and is extremely steady. pass ever made in this or any country. For sale by ship chandlers generally. Moves quickly Is the best Liquid Com-