8 CANADIAN TIMBER—LAWS AND TARIFFS. Few persons, except those directly interested in the trade, have been able to keep track of the sliding scale of Canadian timber and lumber tariffs during the past few years. The Toronto Globe has given a concise state- ment from the Canadian point of view, on the Ontario sawlog policy of the government from which we take the following : “The management of trade and commerce has always been regarded as being a Dominion Government matter. “The aim and desire of. the lumber trade has always been to secure free admission for Canadian lumber into the United States market. “The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 gave free admission to Canadian lumber, and under it there was nothing to pre- vent the export of Canadian logs. On the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty in 1866, an ad valorem duty was imposed on Canadian lumber. In the same year the Government of Canada imposed an ex- port duty of $1 per 1,000 feet on logs. was changed from an ad valorem to a specific duty of $2 per 1,000 feet without respect to quality. This struck a heavy blow at the coarser grades of Canadian lumber, ractically shutting them out of the United States mar- et. ‘The higher grades still went there. “The export of logs from Canada was confined to one province, Ontario, and to one part of that province, viz., the territory bordering on Lake Huron. “As long as there was plenty of pine in Michigan there was no export of pine from Ontario, and Canada had nothing to offer for free entrance of her lumber. “There was practically no export of logs prior to 1880, when the Americans, recognizing the disappearance of Michigan pine, began to buy Canadian logs to. supply their Michigan mills, and thus avoid the wiping out of their mill plant. The attention of the Dominion Government was called to the fact that there was now an implement in their hands to bring pressure to bear upon our American cousins to give a quid pro quo. The export duty on Canadian logs was accordingly in 1888 raised to $3 per 1,000 feet. “In 1889 the Dominion Government reduced the duty to $2 per 1,000 feet, as informal negotiations had sprung up locking to better terms for Canadian lumber. “The Ontario Government, recognizing that it would be a proper step toassist the Dominion Government, or, at any rate, to put an end to the unfair system prevailing of On- tario logs going out while our lumber was discriminated against, determined to put a conditon in the timber sale, cluded in that sale must be sawn in the province. Very shortly afterwards an agreement was arriver at by which the United States reduced the ‘duty on Canada lumber to $1 per 1,000 feet, and Canada thereupon removed the ex- port duty on logs. “In 1894 the position was further improved for Canada by the removal, under the Wilson Bill, of the $1 duty on Canadian lumber, which now obtained free admission to the United States markets. “From 1886 down to 1890 the government of Canada dealt five times with the question of the export of logs— four times by order in Council, and once by Act of Par- liament, in which they took general charge of the export of logs question. “It. will thus be seen that the Ontario Government had thus far no occasion to interfere, as the government of Canada could.stop the export of logs at any moment by raising the export duty. It had assumed to do this and had obtained what was regarded by the lumber trade as a satisfactory concession for the wiping out of the duty, viz., a lowering of duty on lumber from $2 to $1 per 1,000 feet. The placing of the condition in the sale, of 1890 by thé Ontario Government was made a strong plea at Washington for an increase in the United States duties on Canadian lumber. Then came a change. The Republican party being re- stored to power, protection was again the order of the day, and in 1897 the Dingley Bill was passed, re-imposing $2 per 1,000 feet on lumber exported to the United States, with an automatic clause adding to this sum any export duty that might be imposed by Canada, thus committing a breach of agreement and at the same time trying to tie Canada’s hands. “This completely changed the position of affairs with regard to the United States, and as, owing to the auto- matic clause of the Dingley Bill, the government of Can- ada could not restore the export duty on logs without entailing disastrous results, the Ontario Government was appealed to to meet and overturn the unfair and ungener- ous legislation of Congress. As a first step, when a tim- ber sale was held in 1897, the condition was re-imposed that the logs must be sawn in Canada. But the bad faith observed by the United States was so resented that the matter could not stop there and an agitation sprung up to apply the manufacturing condition to all licenses. The Hardy Government gave a full hearing to all the inter- ests affected and then made up its mind to protect the _ interests of the province. Pe _» “There was plenty of time, as it was not felt that the conditions of current leases could be changed until their expiry on April 30. But on October 13, 1897, the then “Tn 1872 the United States duty on Canadian lumber. of October 1, 1890, requiring that logs cut on lands in-. THE MARINE RECORD. MAY 22, 1902. a Premier wrote to the president of the Toronto Board of Trade that the Legislature would be asked at its coming session to enact such legislation as the public interests might require, when the whole matter was fully and openly discussed. ‘There was a clear intimation that a change was to be made; otherwise there would have been no need for any enactment. : “To prevent any possibility of disallowance, if such should be thought of, the government proceeded to make regulations under authority of existing statutes; and on December 17, 1897, an order in Council: was passed pro- viding for the sawing of all logs in Canada after April 30, then next. While the House met, it wasvasked’ to ap- prove the order in Council. The attempt on the part of the United States to outwit us was therefore thwarted, and the result has been to carry the war further than our American friends expected, for instead of our mills be- ing dismantled and removed to Michigan, as they expected under the automatic Digley tariff clause, the action of the Ontario Government has caused Michigan mills to be dismantled and moved over here or new mills erected in Ontario. The Ontario Government was not called upon to move as long as the Dominion Government could protect the rights of our people. It left the matter to the proper authority, viz., the Dominion Government, but when that government could not, without disaster to the whole lum- ber trade of Canada, do what was necessary, then for the first time the Ontario Government was bound to act, and it did so, to the extent of what was honorable, legal and necessary. sere: “Tn order to understand the position properly, it might be said that owners of timber berths are required to take out a license annually for the right to cut timber. This license expires on the 30th of April. In the Government Bill it was not intended to apply the manufacturing clause to saw logs until the close of the license year. Mr. Whit- ney and his friends contended that the manufacturing con- ditions should be applied forthwith. This would have been a breach of contract with the lumbermen, as it changed the conditions on which the license for the year had been issued. The Government felt that its contracts should be kept inviolate, and in this view the House con- curred. Had the manufacturing clause applied to the contracts then pending, it is all but certain that the courts would have set it aside. “Since then the right of the government to impose the manufacturing conditions upon logs cut in Ontario was argued before the Court of Appeal, and after an exhaustive discussion of the rights of the province, the court held that the Jaw was strictlv within the jurisdiction of the province, and now may be considered the settled policy of the country. “This action on the part of the government has brought prosperity to many Ontario towns and villages along the shores of Lake Huron. Saw mills which, owing to a hostile tariff, were idle and falling into disrepair, have been again put in operation. New mills have also been erected at several points, with immense sawing capacities, and involving the expenditure of large sums of money. These mills are of the most modern type, and there is no doubt that the saw-milling industry on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes has now been placed on that permanent basis which is warranted by the illimitable forest wealth be- hind it. Thousands of Canadian workmen are finding employment in sawing in our own country the logs which were formerly towed across the lakes in an unmanufac- tured state to feed the saw mills of Michioan, and thus contribute to the prosperity and trade of a country which has erected a tariff barricade against the importation of our sawn lumber.” OD OOO SS LAUNCH OF THE J. M. JENKS. The steel cargo steamer J. M. Jenks, building at the Lorain yards of the American Ship Building Co., to the order of Messrs. Hawgood & Co. was_ successfully launched on Saturday last. The general hull dimensions of the Jenks is 434 feet over all, 414 feet keel, 50 feet beam and 28 feet deep. She will have triple expansion engines with cylinders 22, 35 and 58 inches by 40-inch stroke. ‘Two Scotch boilers to be fitted with the Ellis & Eaves induced draft will furnish the setam. The new boat will cost $260,000, and on eighteen feet will carry 6,200 tons. She will come cut in about thirty days. Among those that witnessed the launch were: Capt. Newell, of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jenks, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hawgood, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haw- good, Mr. Arthus H. Hawgood, Mr. and Mrs. Shéldon Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Parks, Mr. A. Stearns, Mr. Henry Christy, Mr. N. S. Keller, Mr. Harold B. Nye, Mr. Charles Eveleth, Mrs. D. E. Bierce, Mr. H. E. Bierce, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Logan, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Drericx, Mr, S. W. Parsons, Mr. Thomas O’Brien, Mr. George Warner, Dr. and Mrs. F. O. Reeve, Mrs. 'T. C. Ellis, Mr. Robert Jenks, Mr. John Jenks, Mr. A. G. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smith, Mr. J. S. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hall, Miss Maud Lynch, Mr. R. B. Wallace, Mr. John Kane, Mr, and Mrs. Parker Shackleton, Mr. C. A. Payne, Mr. R. C. Wetmore and Mr. Jenkins. Capt. J. F. Ashlstrom, who recently took one of the Haw- good steamers from ‘Toledo to Seattle, will command the new steamer. The second of the Hawgood steamers now under construction will be launched in about. three weeks, and will be named the H. B. Nye. THE STEEL STEAMER HURONIC. The new steel passenger and cargo steamer Huronic represents the high skill reached in the construction of freight and passenger steamers on the lakes. This steamer was built at Collingwood, Ont., by the Collingwood Ship Building Co., Limited, to the order of the Northwest Transportation Co., and was designed by Mr. Hugh Cal- derwood on plans and specifications approved by Mr, Frank E. Kirby, the well known marine architect, of Detroit, who is consulting engineer for the owners. The following are the official dimensions as they appear in her certificate of building. “S. S. Huronic is built of open hearth steel throughout and is of the following di- mensions :—325 feet over all, 308 feet betwen Piss lars, 43 feet beam, and 27 feet molded depth. The steamer has very fine ends and a large water ballast capacity. En- gines are of the triple expansion type; diameter of cylin- ders, 26, 42 and 70x42 inch stroke, steam being supplied by four Scotch boilers, 12 feet 6 inches in diameter by 12 feet long at a presstire of 175 pounds per sauare inch. Horse- power 2,400, gross tonnage, 3,330, net tonnage 2,212.” The Huronic has a guaranteed speed of sixteen miles when loaded and eighteen miles when light. In addition, for the safety of the passengers, the steamer is so exten- sively subdivided in compartments by water-tight bulk- heads as to make her practicably unsinkable under all conditions. Again, the double bottoms, the one three feet six inches inside the other, will minimize the consequence. of a break in the outer, bottom, or shell plating, owing to grounding or accident from hidden rock, for the inner plating is in every respect as strong and as water-tight as the outer hull. The intermediate space will be utilized as usual, for water ballast for trimming purposes, the ca- pacity of which is 800 tons. This new vessel has first class accommodation of the best design for two hundred and seventy saloon passen- gers, having a double tier of cabins with outside state- rooms. The dining room is forward and is built the full width of the lower saloon, thus making it very spacious, and is well lighted ‘by large windows affording a view of the scenery and surroundings. It is finished in natural quartered oak and has a seating capacity for 150 people. -This compartment is also magnificantly lighted by electric lamps arranged in alternate panels, forming the center of the pattern, and not on the beams as is usual, and the steel stanchions which support the roof are encased in richly molded and carved pillars. The completeness which characterizes the whole of the new ship is very properly extended to the kitchen and pantries; for prompt service, so essential to a well ordered establishment, is impossible without ample accommodation. Large pantries have therefore been provided on the cabin deck immediately forward of the dining saloon and con- nected with it only by hallways and swinging doors, so that all undesirable odors are removed from that and other parts of the vessel. The kitchen and pantries are pro- vided ina most complete manner with all the details which a long experience of the company’s stewards suggested, and ample cold storage provided for the proper keeping of supplies. Every known device pertaining to a first class steamship, from the sub-division of the hull to the search light upon the bridge, is found on the Huronic, and this complete- ness in her construction has been carried out in all de- partments to the greatest degree. With this splendid ad- dition to the fleet of the Northwest Transportation Co.— whose route offers such splendid passenger attractions—it is confidently expected that a corresponding increase in the traffic will follow and that the steamship Huronic will amply fill the requirements of the service to the entire. satisfaction of the travelling public and shippers on the lakes. =e OOS LATEST MARINE PATENTS. 698,584.—Screw-propeller. Robert Thaler City, Mich. roe ee 699,043.—Apparatus for the hydraulic propulsion of ships. Leon Vidal, St. Rome du Tarn, Thence 607,442.—Row lock. Charles H. Butts, Norwich, Conn. 697,704.—Hydraulic dredger, excavator and elevator, Gustavus L. Cudner, New York, N. Y. 697,712—Paddle wheel. Henri Glardon, Galveston, Tex. 697,826.—Electrical steering apparatus for ships. Lieu- tenant Commander Bradley A. Fiske, U.S. Navy, assignor to Western Electric Co., Chicago, Ill. : 697,809.—Governor for marine engines. Bradford W. Storey, Mount Holly, N. J., assignor to the International Marine Governor Co. 699,144.—Means_ for cleaning ships’ hulls. Walter S. Burt, Albury, New South Wales, Australia. 699,356.—Coupling for ships’ propeller shafts. William W. White, New York, N. Y. 699,450.—Devise for correcting compass errors. Jorgen. Christensen, San Francisco, Cal. 699,451.—Hydraulic steering mechanism. Jorgen Chris- tensen, San Francisco, Cal. 699,518.—Tackle block. Edgar B. Hammond, New Bed- ford, Mass. 699,928.—Ship’s ventilator. Charles McVeety and John F. Ford, Philadelphia, Pa. 700,012.—Protective tumbling hood for ship’s hatches. John Bergensen, New York, N. Y. _ 700,051—Hoist for unloading ships. William E. Hutch- ins, Louisville, Ky.