44 THE MARINE RECORD. JUNE 19. 1902, PICKANDS, MATHER & Co, PIG IRON. §RON ORE AND COAL. at BUFFALO, ERIE, ASHTABULA, ano CLEVELAND. Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any time during Day or Night. FUEL LIGHTERS WESTERN RESERVE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. Steamboat: Fuel at Chicago. YOUGHIOGHENY and LEHIGH COAL CO. J. T. CONNERY, [ianager. ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt: MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 110 LA SALLE STREET. FUEL DOCKS: 82.28 aeitcad Saridge. Phone 75, ee Rete FU E. L LI G Ki ag E R: F Equipped with 125 2-ton Puke ihe ee prea WE PRODUCE OUR YOUGHIOGHENY COAL AND GUARANTEE QUALITY. IN PRACTICAL USE ON THE BEST AND LARGEST LAKE STEAMERS Using all Types of Boilers and all Pressures of Steam. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance. ROBERT LEARMONTH, PATENTEE, 100 Wuite Bioc., BUFFALO, N. Y. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. NAMES OF STEAMERS ON THE LAKES USING THE BUFFALO FEED WATER HEATER AND PURIFIER: Zenith Transit Co.’s steamers Empire City, Crescent City Zenith City, Superior City, Queen City, Pennsylvania and John W. Gates: The Republic Iron Co 's steamers America, Brazil, Thomas Maytham and Chili. Mitchell Transportation Co.’s steamer Hendrick S. Holden, Minnesota Iron Co.’s steamer Presque Isle. American Steel Barge Co.’s steamer Alex. MeDougall. Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Trans- portation Co.’s steamer Manitou. Bessemer Steamship Co.’s steamers S. F. B. Mcrse and Douglas Houghton. American Transportation Co.’s stearhers John Harper and Alex. Nimick. Red Star Line’s steamers Robert Mills and Wyoming. Wilson Transit Line’s steamers W. D. Rees and Andrew Carnegie And the steamer William R. Linn. SHIPMATE RANGES. Seven sizes, styles, ranging « from No. 65 ( five - foot range,) for large ves- sels, down to No. 2, a small two-hole range, for the smallest vessels. It is more than 21 M, years since we com- -. menced- making Ship- * mate ranges. Let us send you, free, a catalogue and a small pamphlet giving the names of hundreds of vessels having our ranges. eleven THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY, STAMFORD, CONN. Established 1830, At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with | M. A. HANNA & Co. “COAL, IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, Large Supplies of Best Quality. f Fuel scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 650 tons. Discharges 150 tons an hour into steamers ‘whtl unloading cargo. 21,8) Be } MINERS AND SHIPPERS. KS Main Orrice, POfty-Payne li, Cleland, f LIGHTER carrying different grades at all times. THE W. L. SCOTT COMPANY ERIE, PA. WHO.ESALE DEALERS IN ~ Shamokin-Wilkesbarre ANTHRACITE Youghiogheny, Mansfield, PITTSBURG COALS MAIN OFFICE: Scott Block. Long D:stance ’Phone 440, FUELING OFFICE: Canal D_ck, Long Distance ’Phone 320, VESSEL FUELING A SPECIALTY by steam lighter or car dump atall hours. Electric Light. 17) FETA JOHN E, THROPP & SONS CO., | ” TRENTON, N. J., U.S. A. ie D, — ne Sheet hae and ~ Copper Works. Repairing Stoves, Furnaces, Etc. Boat. Work a Specialty. 211 PEARL ST "PHONE A 1095. CLEVELAND, 0. RR EAE RN RAR NRA A $28.20. to Charleston, S. C., Return. Get tickets at Coll- Via Big 4 Route. ver’s, 116 Euclid Ave. SHIPBUILDERS| Generally know that the only white pigment that © will stand marine exposure is «| ZINC WHITE | * COMPOUND ENGINE 5 ¢ . BUILDERS OF SINGLE, COMPOUND AND. TRIPLE EXPARGION ENGINES. | CONDENSERS. BOYER SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS. PROPELLER WHEELS. MACHINERY COMPLETE FOR PLEASURE YACHTS, TUG BOATS AND LIGHT DRAUGHT PASSENGER BOATS. eae a Resa $41.00 to Los Angeles and San Francisco. . Seattle, Portland, Tacoma, ete., via. Big 4 If there be any who are not Sapien tickets at Collver’s 116 Bir aware of the fact, it will pay them to learn it. Compasses Adjusted FREE- Our practical Pamphlet-, = ‘The Paint Question.” _ Paints in Architecture.’ House Paints: A Common Sense: Talk About Them.’ Epench Government Decrees.’ THE NEW JERSEY ZING 60, NEW YORK. For deviation, and deviation) © tables supplied. Great facilities. - © for doing the work by day or.. night. SALA AAA ASM John [lauri CHICAGO. Office, 33 Millwaukee aves Residenc -,°$330° West 20th’ St ’Phone, Canal 539. 11 Broadway,