JULY 3, 1902. MARINE HOSPITALS ON THE LAKES. Contracts for care of seamen, etc. TREASURY DEPARTMENT’, Orrick or Suprrvistnc Surckon-GenrraL M. H. S,. ' Wasuincron, D. C., June 19, 1902. This circular is to be regarded as official notification of the acceptance of the proposals made by the parties designated, and must be cited, giving its number and date, on all bills for the treatment and maintenance of seamen, and for the burial of deceased hospital patients, as the authority for any expenditure incurred under its provi- sions. of a hospital patient, but not for the day of discharge or death. The right is reserved by the Secretary of the Treasury to terminate any contract whenever the inter- ests of the Service require it. All relief must be fur- nished in accordance with the revised regulations of the Marine Hospital-Service; and, in consequence of the large expenditure for relief, and of the limited sources of in- come, it has become necessary to give notice that, as pro- vided in the regulations, no allowance will be made for expenditures incurred at any port not.named in this circu- lar. Upon admissicn to a contract hospital of a patient with a disease or injury which, in the opinion of the medical officer, the acting assistant surgeon, or physician in charge of the case, will require. more than twenty days treat- ment in hospital, the officer issuing the permit will at once request authority from the Bureau to transfer such patient to the nearest marine hospital, provided the patient’s con- dition, in the opinion of the medical officers, the acting assistant surgeon, or physician in charge of the case, is such as to admit of transportation. The attention of customs officers, commissioned medical officers, acting assistant surgeons, or. other physicians in charge of patients of the Marine-Hospital Service at con- tract stations, is hereby called to the necessity of dis- charging patients promptly upon the termination of the necessary hospital treatment, and without awaiting the ex- piration of the period authorized in the permit. Ashland, Wis—Dodd’s Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, medical attendance, medicines, and ambulance service, at $1 a day; contagious diseases, $2 a day, and to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $15 each. Ashtabula, Ohio.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Mrs. Henry Whelpley to furnish quarters, subsistence, and nursing at $1 a day; contagious diseases, $1.50 a day; Gregory, Burwell & Co. to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $14 each. Buffalo, N. Y—The medical attendance to be furnished by a medical officer of the Marine-Hospital Service; Buffalo Hospital (Sisters cf Charity) to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines, at $1 a day; the health commissioners of the city of Buffalo to care for contagious diseases, at $2 a day; Thomas V. Ray to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $5.50 each. Chicago, Ill—Hospital patients. to be cared for in the United States Marine Hospital; B. E. Arntzen to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $15.50 each. Cleveland, O.—Hospital patients to be cared for in the United States Marine Hospital; Wm. Abel to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $13.50 each, and to furnish ambulance service, at $1 for each trip. Detroit, Mich.—Hespital patients to be cared for in the United States Marine Hospital; Chas N. Flattery to provide for burial of deceased patients, at $7 each. Duluth, Minn—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Luke’s Hospital As- sociation to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at 80 cents a day; Charles J. Stewart to pro- vide for the burial of deceased patients, at $16 each. Erie, Pa—vThe medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; the Hamot Hospital As- sociation, to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at $1 a day. Escanaba, Mich.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Delta County Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and necessary medicines, at $1 a day. Grand Haven, Mich—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; Anna Farnham to furnish quarters, subsistence, and nursing, at $1 a day; John J. Boer to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $11.75 each. Green Bay, Wis.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Ellen H. Hume to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at $1 a day. Houghton, Mich.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Joseph’s Hos- pital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and nec- essary medicines, at $1.15 a day. Ludington, Mich—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Mrs. H. D. Lins- ley to furnish quarters, subsistence, and nursing, at 80 cents a day. Manitowoc, Wis.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon, the Holy Family Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at $1 a day; C. & W. Frazier to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $12 each. Manistee, Mich—The medical attendance to be fur- Charges will be allowed for the day of admission’ THE MARINE RECORD. nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Mercy Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at go. cents a-day. 045, Rg Marquette, Mich.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting’ assistant surgeon; St. Mary’s Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at $r a day, and provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $6.45 each. Menominee, Mich.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Joseph’s Hos- pital to’ furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medi- cines, at $r a day; contagious diseases, $3 a day; M. H. Kern to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $12 each. Milwaukee, Wis.—The medical attendance to be furnish- ed by a medical officer of the Marine-Hospital Service; St. Mary’s Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nurs- ing, and medicines, at $1 a day; the commissioner of health of the city of Milwaukee to care for contagious diseases, at $2 a day; patients who require hospital treat- ment and whose condition, in the opinion of the acting assistant surgeon, will permit their transportation with perfect safety, will be sent to the marine hospital at Chi- cago, Ill. : Ogdensburg, N. Y.—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Ogdensburg City Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at $1 a day; contagious diseases, $2 a day; Fleming & Rutherford to provide for the burial of de- ceased patients, at $14.50 each. Oswego, N. Y.—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; the Oswego Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at $1 a day; John F. Dain & Son to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $15 each. : Port Huron, Mich+-The medical furnished by acting assistant surgeon. Saginaw, Mich—The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Mary’s Hospital to furnish quarters, stbsistence, nursing, and medicines at gO cents a day; contagious diseases, $2 a day. Sandusky, O.—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgecn. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; Saut (Michi- gan) General Hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at the rate of $1.10 a day; Ryan & Co. to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $9.35 each. : Sturgeon Bay, Wis.--The medical attendance to be fur- nished by an acting assistant surgeon; Mrs. Jane Waters to furnish quarters, subsistence, and nursing at $r a day; H. J. Hahn to provide for the burial cf deceased patients, at $13.50 each. Superior, Wis.—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; Belle Rosser to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at 85 cents a day; St. Mary’s Hospital to care for contagious cases, at $2 a day. Toledo, O—The medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; ‘he ‘I'cledo Hospital to fur- nish quarters, subsistence, nursing, and medicines, at 80 cents a day; contagious diseases, $1.50 a day, and to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $12 each. Under Department Circular No. 73, May 2, 1808, the United States Marine-Hospitals are made available, at the actual cost of maintenance, for the reception of the sick and wounded of the United States Army or the United States Navy, upon the written request of the proper military or naval authority. The rate of charge for the care of seamen from foreign vessels (admitted under the act of March 3, 1875) will be $1 a day at United States Marine Hospitals. At second and third class stations seamen of the United States Navy and seamen from foreign vessels will will be cared for at contract rates. attendance to be rr STATEMENT OF THE VISIBLE SUPPLY OF GRAIN. As compiled by George F. Stone, Secretary Chicago Board of Trade Saturday, June 28, ro02. CITIES WHERE WHEAT.| CORN. OaTs. RYE. BARLEY STORED, Bushels, | Bushéls. | Bushels. | Bushels. | Bushels Buffalo.............. 559,000 127,000 Chicago.............. 2,387,000] 3,559,000 Detroit .............- 196,000) )< cies sie 12) Duluth..............- 4,628,000 42,000 Fort William, Ont..| 1,213,000]. ....... Milwaukee.......... 83,000 123,000 Port Arthur, Ont.... BO;000) ficic eens RBIBGO. i cacannciens 21,000 250,000 POSTON oe see aie ne TF.O00) Hi hsiscvc-c sta On Canale. oie: 618,000 107,000 On Taree i cdse we nies 628,000 632,000 Grand Total..... 19,760,000! 5,687,000] 1,565 000 484,000 238,c0 Corresponding Date, TOOK cs ipevicvinne ere 30,793,C00| 15,158,000] 10, 782,000 619,000 436,000 Increase for week..|.......... AOS OOO! sicher lei ou foe eae ee Decrease ‘‘ pi E.A75 OOO sc acocsak 483,000 10,000 43,c00 While the stock of grain at lake ports only is here given, the total shows the figure for the entire country except the Pacific Slope. SHIPPING AND MARINE JUDICIAL DECISION . (COLLATED SPECIALLY FOR THE MARINE RECORD.) f ; PR ik Gs anne ‘ i Conformity to Pleadings—Whete’a’ complaint. by com missioned. branch pilots ‘seeks to ‘restrain a pilot from acting as a branch pilot, the decree cannot include his as sociates, agent. and employes. Olsen vs. Smith: et al., 68 S.. W. Rep. (Dex): 320g Privileges and Immunities.—The invalid provisions of the state statutes relating: onlyto.coastwise vessels, as distinguished from foreign vessels, do not.invalidate the act in toto; and the provision giving a pilot half ‘pilotage, etc., against a vessel outside the bar refusing his services, remains valid. Olsen vs. Smith et al., 68 S. W. Rep. (Tex:) 320. CEPI Maritime Liens—Towage Services—Contract for Lien.— Evidence held to sustain a finding that there was a commo understanding between the parties to a contract for to age services to be rendered to a dredge and scows that t services were rendered upon the credit of the vessels an not of the owner. The Newport, 114 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 713. : a Joint Lien for Services Rendered to Separate Vessels.— A joint lien cannot be enforced against a dredge and a number of scows used in connection therewith for towage services rendered to all the vessels, although they were rendered under a single contract. The Newport, 114 Fed. Rep. (U. $.) 713. : Supplies—Massachusetts Statute—vVessels which went from Boston to Scituate, where they were employed for two weeks, left the port ef Boston, within the meaning of Pub. St. Mass. ¢. 192 14 et seq., giving a lien for supplies where a statement is filed within four days after the vessel departs from the port where the supplies were furnished. The William E. Cleary, 114 Fed.Rep. (U. S.) 756. .. Statutes.—Rev. St. 1895, art. 3706 et.seq., prescribing the qualifications and regulating the appointment of branc!: pilots, is not violative of Const. U. S. Amend. 14, nor Const. Tex. art. 1, § 19, providing that no citizen shall be deprived of property, privileges, or immunities, except by due course of law. Olsen vs. Smith et al. 68 S. W. (Tex.) 320. Decree—Extent.—Under Rev. St. 1895, art. 3803, provid- ing that, if any person not appointed a branch pilot shall pilot any vessel when a branch or deputy pilot has offered such service, he shall forfeit a certain sum, a decree re- straining a defendant who has not been created a branch pilot from piloting or attempting to pilct any foreign ves- sels in or out of the Galveston port is too broad, since such article contemplates that under some circumstances an ‘un- licensed pilot may act. Olsen vs. Smith et al., 68 S. W. Rep. (Tex.) 320. Steam Vessels Crossing—Excessive Speed and Failure to Stop in Fog.—In a suit for. collision between two ocean steamships in a dense fog, while on crossing courses, it appeared that after entering the fog, both continued at more than half speed, in violation of the first provision of rule 16, that after hearing each other’s fog signals, both pro- ceeded with out stopping for some-time in violation of the second clause of such rule; the vessels when they saw each other being within 500 ft., and unable to check their momentum in time to avoid collision. Held, that beth must be held in fault, and the damages divided. The El Monte, 114 Fed. Rep. (U. S.) 706. Extra Pilotage—Exemption.—Under Rev. St. 1895, art. 3801, exempting from extra Pilotage all vessels owned in Texas, when arriving from or departing to any port in the state, and the statute subjecting certain coastwise steam vessels to pilotage, and the treaty to Great Britain, December 22nd, 1815, providing that no higher duties shall be imposed in any United States port on British. vessels than those payable in the same seaport by vessels of the United States, all British vessels are not exempt merely because certain coastwise vessels are relieved, since the exemption has not been extended to certain American ships, engaged in foreign commerce, and, until that is done, British vessels of the same character are equally subject to the statutes. Olsen vs. Smith, et al, S. W. Rep. (Tex.) 320, ‘ Right to Violate Rules—Contributory Negligence—Er- ror in Extremis.—A ferry boat had no right to call on a sloop to give way or change its course, there being nothing to indicate peril or difficulty to the former in conforming to the accustomed rules of navigation. Even if there had been apprehension of immediate danger, as contemplated by Act Cong. Aug. 19, 1890 (26 St. 327) art. 27, requiring due regard to be had to special circumstances rendering a departure from the rules necessary to avoid danger, the ferry boat should have resorted to all other practical methods of avoiding the collision before violating the statutory requirements. Even if the sloop, on the sig- nal from the ferryboat, luffed and changed its course for half a minute, and then suddenly again changed its course across the ferryboat’s bow, the. ferry boat would still be liable; the slocp’s negligence being error in extremis. The Elizabeth, 114 Fed. Rep. (U. S$.) 757.