JULY 10, 1902. THE MARINE RECORD. 13. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. (TREASURY DEPARTMENT OUTLAY) ) In addition to the legislation advanced in the regular River and Harbor Bill, the Sundry Civil Bill has now be- come a lav. The items contained in the later legislation for the Treas- ury Department pertaining to aids to navigation and river and harbor improvements as just printed are as follows: Kewaunee light station, Wis.: For the erection of a dwelling for the keeper of the light-house $5,000. Saint Martin Island light and fog-signal station, Mich.: For completing establishment of a light and fog-signal sta- tion, entrance to Green Bay, Lake Michigan, $10,000. Tender for the inspector Ninth light-house district: For completing a steam tender for buoy supply, and inspection, $30,000. Tender for the engineet Ninth light-house dictrict: For completing a new steam tender for construction and repair service, $65,000. Calumet Harbor, Lake Michigan, Ill.: For the construc- tion of a keeper's dwelling, $7,500. Peshtigo Reef light-vessel, Wis.: For establishing a light-vessel with a fog-signal at or near Peshtigo Reef, Green Bay, Lake Michigan, Wis., $15,000. Toledo Harbor light and fog-signal station, Ohio: For completing a light and fog-signal station to mark the outer end of the main channel, $10,000. Crisps Point light and fog-signal station, Mich.: For the establishment of a light and fog-signal station on or near Crisps Point, Lake Superior, Mich., $18,000. Grassy Island range light station: For building a dwell- ing for the keeper of Grassy Island range (Ecorse), Mich., $5,000. Point au Pelee Passage light-ship: For constructing a modern steel auxiliary steamship with a fog signal, to be established on Southeast Shoal, Point au Pelee Passage, Lake Erie, $45,000. REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE. For the completion of one revenue cutter of the third class under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, for service on the Saint Mary’s river, Mich., $37,500. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Improving harbor at Buffalo, N.. Y.: provement, $20,000. Improving harbor at Cleveland, O.: For continuing im- provement, $107,000. Improving harbor .at Duluth,’ Minn., and Superior, Wis. : For completing improvement, $459,727.50. Improving waterway from Keweenaw Bay: to Lake Su- perior, Mich.: For completing improvement of water com- munication across Keweenaw. Point, $10.000. Improving harbor at Ashtabula, O.: For continuing im- provement, $200,000 Improving harbor at Black river, O.: improvement, $300,000, Improving harbor at Calumet, Ill.: For continuing im- provement, $215,000. Improving Detroit river, Mich.: For completing im- provement, $136,500, S Improving Hay Lake Channel, Saint Mary’s river, Mich. : For completing improvement, $144,115. Improving harbor at Toledo, O.: ‘provement, $223,000. LIGHT-HOUSES AND FOG-SIGNALS. To enable the Secretary of the ‘Treasury, under the su- pervision of the Light-House Board, by contract or other- wise, to maintain a light-ship on Southeast Shoal, Point att Pelee Passage, Lake Erie, $4,000. Conneaut Harbor light station, O.: For constructing a For continuing im- For continuing For continuing im- JAMES SPENCE ROBERTSON. If JAMES SPENCE ROBERTSON belong- ing to Dundee, Scotland, who was, it is believed, about 1889 in Tawas City, Michigan, U. S., and who was, it is understood, latterly acting as a Steward ona Lake Steamer running out of Bay City, Michigan, U.S, will communicate with the Subscribers, he will learn some- thing to his advantage. REID, JOHNSTON & Co., 34 Reform St., ' Solicitors. Dundee, Scotland. light-house on the new pier head for the front light, and to raise the existing structure on the old pier head to a proper height to have it serve with the proposed new front light as a range for vessels approaching Conneaut Harbor,’ . $8,400. Ashtabula Harbor light station, O.: For establishing a light and fog-signal station on the new pier head at the end of the west breakwater, $18,000. MAINTENANCE OF LIGHTS ON CHANNELS OF GREAT LAKES. To enable the Secretary of :the “Treasury, under the su- pervision of the Light-House Board, by contract or other- wise, to maintain lights necessary for ‘the’ safe navigation of those channels in.the connecting waterways of the Great * Lakes, which have been constructed or artificially im- proved by the Government of the United States, where the same can ‘not properly be lighted from the American side, $4,c00, LIFE-SAVING SERVICE, 2 omy For one superintendent “for the life-saving and _life- boat stations on the coasts of Lakes Ontario and Erie, $1,800. For one superintendent for the life-saving and life- boat stations on the coasts of: Lakes Huron and Superior, $1,800. } For one superintendent for the life-saving and life-boat stations on the coast of Lake Michigan, $1,800. For pay of crews of surfmen employed at the life-saving and life-boat stations, including the old Chicago station, at the uniform rate of sixty-five dollars per month each during the period of actual employment, and three dollars per day for each occasion of Service at other times; .com- pensation of volunteers at life-saving and life-boat. stations for actual and~deserving service rendered upon any occa- sion of disaster’ or in any effort to save persons from drowning, at such rate, not to exceed ten dollars for each volunteer, as the Secretary of the Treasury may deter- mine; pay of volunteer crews for drill and exercise. or LATEST MARINE PATENTS. 703,303.—Blank for Life Preservers. Hachig A. Ayvad, Hoboken, N. J. 703,400.—Fog-horn. Ernest A. Gill, Gloucester. Mass. 703,413.—Construction of Composite Vessels. Edward Hayes, Wolverton, England. ’ 703,487..-Marine Brake. Henry. Simpson, Liverpool, England, 703,004.—Boat-lashing Device. Swen Nilson, Boston, Mass. 703,713.—Safety Releasing Device for- the Sheets of Boats. ‘Tow Lines, Etc. Charles Smith, South Croydon, and George J. Hone, Romford, England. 703,739.—Anchor.—Jacob E. Rech. Philadelphia, Pa. ——— oo oo EASTERN FREIGHTS. Messrs. Funch, Edye & Co., New York, reports the condition of the eastern freight market as follows: “Whilst continued rains in the agricultural section of our country have given speculators the opportunity to drive up grain prices, thereby prohibiting new business, it is not generally believed that any serious damage has been done to the wheat crop, whilst it is admitted that the growing crop of maize has been materially benefitted »v the wet weather, and if this cereal is henceforth favored by warm and forcing conditions, there is every prospect that this country will produce a phenomenal crop of maize. If wheat has been injured it cannot effect. the quantity, and anv deterioration in the quality is apt to produce prices which are likely to favor the export, of the cereal. Cotton crops continue to promise well and altogether the outlook for next season’s export movement of the products of the soil is most promising. In the meanwhile the advanced prices are checking business almost altogether, and there is practically no demand for early tonnage in any direction. Charterers for deals from the British Provinces, and timber from the Gulf appear to have filled their most pressing re- auirements, and it is difficult to secure charters of this description. Whilst the coal situation appears. somewhat more favorable, exporters are not yet prepared to extend their operations until the strike’ question has been defi- nitely settled. As regards sail tonnage, the only item of interest has been the fixtures of case oil vessels at a further decline in rates. ‘The market generally remains stagnant, the low rates prevailing apparently being no inducement to shippers or owners. Grain to Glasgow, 2 cents; to Liverpool or London, 3 cents; Bristol, 3% cents, and Hull or Leith, 4 cents. REPORTED BY THE LOOKOUT. The Emperor of Russia has expressed his entire satis- faction with the warships. built by the Cramps. - It is now given out that the revenue cutter Tuscarora, © approaching ,complétion at Richmond, Va., will not reach . Milwaukee. until the.advent,.of the fall season. The builders’ trial trip of the American steamer Ne-- braskan, built for the American-Hawai'an Steamship Co., by the New York Ship Building Co., of Camden, was made on Wednesday, and was successful in every particular, The speed trial ofthe new steamer Tremont, built byt: the Maryland Steel Co., of Sparrows Point, Md., for the Boston “Steamship -Co., was made last week, and was suc- cessful. The ‘remont developed’ a ‘speed cf 13.57 knots, which was more than the speed guaranteed in the con- - tract. Ore receipts at Erie, Pa‘, for the first three months of the season aggregated 525,0co tons, breaking all previous records for Erie. It is fully 50 per cent. greater than in many former years. Receipts and ship:nents of merchan- dise have. been correspondingly large. By months the ore receipts have been as follows: April 118,000 tons. May 185,coo tons, June 222,000’ tons, The London Board of rade has awarded a handsome piece of plate to Capt. Freeman, of the British steamer Roddam, in recognition of his gallantry at St. Pierre, Martinique,.when that town was destroyed. The steamer Roddam was almost completely wrecked and the majority of the crew. lost their lives in the eruption of Mont Pelee, which destroyed St. Pierre, May 8. Capt. Freeman, who - was badly burned, succeeded in bringing the first news of the disaster to Col. Lewis Aymo, consul at St. Lucia. W.-A. Reid, secretary of the Skagway Y. M. C. A., has returned to ‘Tacoma, Wash., from the interior of Alaska, where he talked with Indians whose earnest statements he believes fully confirm the previous reports that the In- dians of the Lower Yukon have discovered a petrified ship 1.2c0 feet long on the Porcupine river, near Arctic circle and north of Rampart, Alaska. Indians familiar with the Bible are convinced that the ship is none other than Noah's Ark. It is located near the top of a high hill thousands of feet above sea level. Any and all men “before the mast’ take exception to the term so regularly and glibly used by shore people. When designating their work on’shipboard it is usual for landlubbers to call Jack a “common sailor,” and this goes against his grain, he is willing to acknowledge at all time, that he is a sailor, whether he is or not, but the common part of it seems to stick in his gizzard, as if the word un-. common was applied or intended. An A. B. seaman is — common enough, goodness knows, he is willing to admit . and is aware if it, but the common becomes the uncommon in the ears of Jack at all stages of the word, how, when, cr wherever applied. d In the case of the action of the schooner J. F. Card, registered at Detroit, against the steamer Hiawatha, hail- ing from Cleveland, an action for damages sustained in a collision between the two off Thunder Bay on May 12, 1900, during a fog, Justice McDougall has rendered an exhaustive judgment in which he finds that both the schooner and the steamer were running at an immoderate rate of speed, and that, therefore, the schconer can re- cover only one-half the amount of damage she sustained. If. the parties cannot agree upon this amount the same will be decided by the court after hearing evidence. ‘The case was first tried at Sandwich last February. A. H. Clark~ and A. H. Bartlet of Windsor, for the Card and W. D. McPherson, of Toronto, for the Hiawatha. BAUSCH & LOMB-ZEISS STERE Binocular Glasses. Used by the Armies and Navies of the World. | Invaluable for Tourists, Sportsmen and Every-day Use. Booklet Free. Aes Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., | Rochester, N. ¥, H New York. hicago. For sale by all dealers, THE —_~ Ba [1| Bliss LIQUID (it COMPASS Made in seven sizes by JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, New York, is finely finished sensitive, accurate and durable. Moves quickly and is extremely steady. Is the best Liquid Com- pass ever made in this or any country. For sale by ship chandlers generally.