JULY 17, 1902. THE MARINE RECORD. HOW HOLLOW SHAFTS ARE FORGED. There are two ways of making a forging hollow. ordinary way of getting rid of the center of a forging is simply to bore it out. After boring, it is tempered) and thus the strength is restored which was taken away ‘with the material which was in the center. Another way of getting rid of the center of large forg- ings is to forge them hollow. A person who has not considered the subject carefully would naturally think that the first thing to do in making a hollow forging would be to cast a hollow ingot. It has been mentioned that there are various defects which occur in ingots, the most serious of which are “segregation” and “piping,” and that it is in the center and upper portion where those defects occur. If an ingot were to be cast hollow a solid core of fire- brick or similar material would replace the center metal, and instead of one on the outside there would be two cool- ing surfaces, one on the outside and one around the core, and the position of last cooling would be transferred to an annular ring midway between these surfaces where the “piping” and the “segregation”? would collect. ‘This would net be satisfactory, because the metal there is what must be depended upon for the strength of the hollow forging. It is necessary, therefore, to collect the “piping’’ and “segre- gation” in the center and at the top, where metal has been added to the original ingot for the purpose. Then, having cut off the top and bored out the center, the “piping” and “segregation” are entirely eliminated and what is left is as sound and homogeneous a piece of steel as can be obtained. After the hole has been bored in the ingot, the next pro- cess is to reheat it, and, as before explained, this process is not as delicate a one as if the ingot were solid. The heat affects the center equally with the exterior and the two expand together and the danger of cracking is not incurred. When the ingot is reheated a steel mandrel is put through its hollow center, and subjecting the two to hydraulic press- ure, the metal is forced down and out over the mandrel. Thus an internal anvil is practically inserted into the forging and there is, therefore, really much less than one- half the amcunt of metal to work on than if the piece were solid. When the work of shaping is complete the forging is re- heated to the proper temperature, and then either annealed in the usual manner or plunged into a tempering bath of oil or brine, to set the fine grain permanently that has been established by the reheating. A mild annealing follows to relieve any surface or other strains that may have been oc- casioned by the rapid cooling. Hollow forgings, oil tempered, and annealed, are con- sidered the best grade of forgings made, and any forgings made otherwise, although they: may be suitable for the ser- vice to which they may be applied, cannot be looked upon in any other manner than as that of an inferior grade—H. F, P..Porter, of the Bethlehem Steel Co. ———— OS The State Statutes—Constitutionality—-State statutes giving liens on ships for necessary repairs or supplies furnished on the credit of the vessel, which are enforceable by process in rem,-in a court of admiralty, as arising under maritime contracts, cannot be classed as laws intended to impose burdens upon interstate or foreign commerce, and for that reason held unconstitutional, though applied to foreign ships, but their purpose and effect, like liens given by the general maritime law, are to facilitate commerce by ena- bling the ship to obtain the things necessary to the prose- cution and completion of her voyage ‘Ihe Robert Dollar, 115 Fed. Rep. (U. 8.) 218. JAMES SPENCE ROBERTSON. If JAMES SPENCE ROBERTSON belong- ing to Dundee, Scotland, who was, it is believed, about 1889 in Tawas City, Michigan, U. S, and who was, it is understood, latterly ,acting as a Steward ona Lake Steamer running out of Bay City, Michigan, U.S, will communicate with the Subscribers, he will learn some- thing to his advantage. REID, JOHNSTON & Co., 34 Reform St., Solicitors. : Dundee, Scotland. TREASURY DECISIONS. Allotment of wages. Treasury Department, Burkau or Navication, WASHINGTON, Dp sCresittly.e3)}-.1002) To collectors of customs, shipping commissioners, and others: The Department circular No. 17 (February 8, 1899, re- lating to allotments of seamen’s wages, is amended by ad- ding thereto the following: 7. But the allotment to an original creditor under any of the preceding paragraphs shall not exceed twenty- five dollars, nor shall it exceed the amount authorized in the paragraph applicable to any particular case. FE. ‘I. CHAMBERLAIN, Commisioner. Approved: M. E. Airs, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Shipments of seamen. Services in shipping seamen on yachts will not be included in the accounts of shipping commissioners. Treasury Department, Bureau oF NAvIGATION, WasuHincron, D. C., July 1, 1902. U.S. Suiprinc Commissioner, Philadel phia, Bas: Sips This office is in receipt of your letter, dated the 30th ultimo, inquiring whether you should take credit in your accounts for services rendered by you in supervising the shipment of seamen on the steam yacht Jet the charge in the case amounting to $80. The act of June Pp eakoy pe authorizing the _ppointment of shipping commissioners, stated in its caption that it was an act authorizing the appointment of shipping commis- sioners “to superintend the shipping and discharge of seamen engaged in merchant ships belonging to the United States, and for the further protection of seamen.” The Bureau understands that it has not been the practice generally to apply the provisions of the act to shipments of seamen on yachts. Thus on March 1, 1887, it was held by the Bureau that the yacht Alva, bound to Ber- muda, was not engaged in. trade between the United States and the West Indies within the meaning of section 2, act of June 19, 1885, and that no charge for shipments on the vessel should be made by the shipping commis- sioner at New York. In a circular letter addressed by the State Department to consular officers it was stated that it had been held that the provisions of law relating to the shipment of seamen do not apply to yachts, but that shipping commissioners have been permitted to allow the shipment of seamen on such vessels before them if requested to do so by the private persons concerned (T. D. 18439). In view of the practice which seems to have obtained regarding the matter, and of the fact that the laws do not plainly authorize the charge you mention, the Bureau con- cludes that you should not take credit therefor in your accounts. Respectfully, E. T. CHameperriarn, Commisioner. Approved: H. A. Tayuor, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Boiler Plate Shearings. Boiler-plate shearings dutiable at $4 per ton as scrap steel fit only for remanufacture: TREASURY, DEPARTMENT, July 5, 1902. Sirs The! Department is in receipt of a report of the United States attorney for the Southern district of New York, in which he states that the case of United States vs. A. Milne & Co., was recently decided in the United States circuit court for that district adversely to the Government. The merchandise in suit consisted of certain so-called “scrap steel,” which was returned by the appraiser as steel boiler-plate shearings and assessed for duty as steel in all shapes, not specially provided for, at the rate of four- tenths of 1 cent per pound under paragraph 135 of the tariff act of July 24, 1897. The importers protested, claiming the merchandise to be dutiable at the rate of $4 per ton under the provisions for scrap steel in para- graph 122 of the same act, which claim has been sustained by the United States circuit court in this case, the court finding that the merchandise was in fact scrap steel fit only for remanufacture, thereby affirming the decision of the Board of United States General Appraisers (G. A. 4825 of December 11, 1900; ‘IT’. D. 22673). The Attorney-General advises the Department that no further proceedings will be directed in this case. You are therefore hereby authorized to forward the usual cer- tified statement for refund of the duties exacted in ex- cess in settlement thereof. Respectfully, M. E. AILEs, 73301 Assistant Secretary. Collector of Customs, New York, N. Y. NOTES. In THE presence of an enthusiastic crowd, the keel of the battleship Nebraska was laid in Moran Brothers & Co.’s ship yards, at Seattle, Wash., July 4, Governor Say- age, of Nebraska, and Governor Henry McBride, of Wash- ington, driving the first rivet. When this task had been completed, a representative of the company proceeded to pay off the distinguished workmen for their work. To each of the Governors he gave a check for three cents. With each of the checks was a voucher, which the re- cipients were required to sign. THE pipes in the plant of the Tesla Laboratory, War- dencliffe,, Long. Island, N. Y., were recently covered by the H. W.. Johns-Manville Go. “Mr! “Tesla writes: “I have watched this work with interest and am well satis- fied with the manner in which it has been done. ‘The coy- ering used in this instance is the well-known Asbesto- Sponge Felted Sectional pipe covering, constructed cf fibres of asbestos and a small quantity of. granulated sponge, thus combining the familiar properties of asbestos with the lightness and porosity ‘of sponge, the result being a wonderful insulator. ALL contracts made hereafter for transportation of merchandise from European Russia to Siberia and inter- mediate ports will contain a clause that such goods must be conveyed on ships flying the Russian flag. This refers mainly to naval supplies, but the Ministry of Finance has perfected arrangements for the shipping of Russian pro- Anes to the Far East. On May 1, 1902. the entire mari- time coast, from Posiet to the Behring Sea will be closed to foreign ships by imperial decree. This will seriously affect the coal interests of Sakhalin. At least twenty- four ships yearly are now necessary to bring the coal car- goes required for Vladivostock from Sakhalin. Proresscr Crocker tells us that the part played by Lord Kelvin in connection with the laying of the Atlantic cable is undoubtedly his strongest claim to high rank in the history of science and engineering. He possesses a two-fold mental make-up which was clearly exhibited in his work in connection with the cable. His mathematical knowledge and ability is of the very highest order, and it is, strangely enough, combined with the greatest amount of commen sense and practical faculties. He not only has carried on scientific research in abstruse and abstract fields, but he is also a man who can “do things.” He has accomplished practical results from the application of scientific discoveries. Among his many achievements may be mentioned his reflecting galvanometer, ampere balance, electrometers, siphon recorder, marine compass and deep- sea sounding apparatus. His ideas and methods are original. He always views any subject distinctly from his own standpoint, and without prejudice. Hon. Eucrnre T. Caamperiain, U. S. Commissioner: of Navigation, in Leslie’s Weekly :—-The influence of Great Britain in shaping the world’s history and growth—an influence entirely out of proportion to her population and natural resources, has radiated through her merchant ship- ping. Through it the English language and Anglo-Saxon ideals and methods have pervaded the world. We have only lately come to the last chapter in the history of an earlier dominion over the world which Spain held~ by virtue of her navigators and her ships. “Our future lies on the sea,” the watchword of the Kaiser, tersely expresses the laudable ambition of Germany to attain leadership among nations. It is not an unworthy ambition to aspire to be the most powerful nation in the world, the most pervasive influence in shaping mankind’s future. It is a proper ambition for Americans to entertain at the be- ginning of the twentieth century. MARVELOUS THE NEW BAUSCH & LOMB-ZEISS STEREO #2" Used by the Armies and Navies of the World. Invaluable for Tourists, Sportsmen and Every-day Use. _ Booklet Free. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. New Yor Chicago. For sale by all dealers. THE —=~ | | Bliss LIQUID iii COMPASS Made in seven sizes by JOHN BLISS & CO.,, 128 Front Street, New York, is finely finished sensitive, accurate and durable. and is extremely steady. pass ever made in this or any country. For sale by ship chandlers generally. Moves quickly Is the best Liquid Com-