JULY 17 1902. BUFFALO. Capt. Pierre Boville has been appointed master of the steamer ‘Tacoma. The steam barge Alexander Maitland, 3,351 gross and 2,998 net tons, built at and hailing from this port,'*has> been. granted an official number. this week by the Bureau of Navigation, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. George S. Potter, Esa., attorney for the tugboatmen in the inquiry before the local inspectors of ‘steamboats re- garding a cancellation of their licenses, wherein his con- tention was supported by the government officers, is being he on all sides on his gallant vittory'’ for the oys. Capt. Campau, of the Crystal, was arrested for violat- ing the harbor rules. It is charged that Capt. Campau was running his boat at a much higher speed than the city ordinance allows. All the pleasure boats, it is said, are run at too high a rate of speed in the harbor and the move is the beginning of an effort to stop the practice. Capt. Campau was released on bail. The charges of blowing cross-signals, preferred by the captain of the steamer Niagara against Capt. John Golden, a non-union tugman employed. on the tug Danforth by the Great Lakes Towing Co., were dismissed by the steam- boat inspectors on Saturday. ‘The trial was another chap- ter of the war between the tug trust and the tugmen’s union. The Cleveland: & Buffalo Transit Co. announce that the special daylight trips advertised to leave Cleveland at 8:00 a. m. and Buffalo at 9:00 a. m. Saturdays during July and August, are cancelled. Until December rst, steamers will leave Cleveland daily at 8:00 p. m., Cen- tral Standard time; Buffalo, daily, at 9:00 p. m., Eastern Standard time. The Illustrated Buffalo Express is sending out a large and beautiful engraving entitled “Buffalo’s Harbor,” showing the entrance to Buffalo river and: the principal types. of steam craft now doing business at that port. The picture, which is worth framing, was issued as a supplement to the Buffalo Express of June 15. The Canadian, Government survey boat, Lord Stanley, from Montreal, reached here Tuesday, on a tour of, in- spection of the breakwaters, buoys, and beacons along the Canadian shore as far as Port Arthur. The trip will consume a month and stops will be made at Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee and Duluth, to study the methods of the States. Captain James Howden, master of the Stanley, is superintendent of dredging of the Dominion. Minister Israel Tarte, with a party of friends, is. the guest of the boat. The organization of a new elevator combine formed by the seceders from the Western Elevating Association, has been perfected, and the following officers elected: Pres- ident, Spencer Clinton; secretary, Howard J. Smith. It is said that Leonard Dodge will be elected vice president. Secretary Smith is at present treasurer of the Western Elevating Association, but will resign and take his new office as soon as the new “combine” is ready for business. The new pool will be known as the Elevator Owners’ As- sociation, and every effort is now being made to get bus- iness away from the old association. ‘There is little grain coming forward, and both sides admit that the situation is most uncertain. Harvey L. Brown, one of the attorneys for the Great Lakes ‘Towing Co., is not slow in expressing his sur- prise at the decision of the local steamboat inspectors on: the evidence submitted in the tug strike case. He states that the case will be carried to a higher tribunal. It has been understood ever since the case was begun that the verdict of the Buffalo inspectors would not be final, no matter which side won. Had the decision been favorable to the Great Lakes Towing Co., the tugmen would have appealed to the supervising inspector. It is said that the trust cannot do this, but will be obliged to carry their appeal to Washington, either to Chief Inspector Dumont or to the Secretary of the Treasury. It has been positively stated ever since the complaint was entered that it was the intention of the tug owners’ syndicate to settle the point for all time, and such, it is stated, is still their determination. The Detroit & Buffalo Steamship Co. cut rates this week between this city and Detroit, making the charge each way only $2.50, or $5.00 for the round trip. In ad- dition to this reduction, there is announced a week end excursion. rate of $3.00 the round trip, going either way on Saturday and returning the next day. This cut is to meet the week-end rate of $4.00 on the railways between this city and Detroit, and means the inauguration of per- manent cheap rates to the west, not only to Detroit and other Michigan points, but to Chicago as well. General Passenger Agent Schantz, of the D. & B. Line, said that the step taken by his company was the result of a deter- mination to hold the great volume of business that has come to the D. & B. Line with its very beginning of busi- ness. “We have two of the finest boats ever seen on the inland waters of any country in the world, and our low rates with the superb accommodations have brought us a splendid business from the first of the season. We in- tend to hold our patronage.” THE MARINE RECORD. CLEVELAND. Ashtabula reports a co-operative tug company as being formed and having plenty of work. A meeting of the members of the executive board of the American Ship Building Co, was held on Wednesday, but only routine business was transacted. General Manager Newman, of the Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., announces that the special daylight trips ad- vertised to leave Cleveland at 8 a. m. Saturdays, during July and August, have been canceled. Capt. Samuel Gould, of this city, who has during the past few years sailed vessels of the Bradley and Corrigan fleets, has been appointed shipping master at Buffalo in place of Capt. Nesbitt, who has been engaged by the Great Lakes ‘Towing Co. The Bureau of Navigation, Treasury Department, has granted official numbers this week to the steel built cargo steamer Harold B. Nye, 4310 tons gross, and 3365 tons net, built at the Lorain yards of the American Ship Build- ing Co., and hailing from this port. Capt. Daniel Hodgson, who has been on the retired list of the revenue cutter service, has been restored to active duty by the Secretary of the Treasury. He has been assigned as inspector of the tenth and eleventh life-saving districts, comprising Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron and Superior. His appointment dates from July 1. When the report came of the change in the officials of the Pittsburg Steamship Co., it was said that the offices of Marine Superintendent W. W. Smith and of Chief Engineer Joseph. Hayes would be moved to Duluth. This report, ‘however, is denied by the officials of the company and Cleveland will continue to hold the operating offices as it has done. A naval recruiting station will be cpened in room No. 83 in the postoffice building next Monday. Recruits are wanted for all branches of the service. Those ac- cepted will be sent’ to a training ship at the Norfolk navy yard and apprentices will be sent to the naval training station at Newport. The énlisting party will remain in Cleveland a week. =, The specifications governing the work that is to be done in the way of dredging the Cleveland harbor have been re- turned to Major Kingman, Corps of Engineers, U S. A.. with the approval of the .department attached. These specifications provide for the expenditure of the money for maintaining a harbor here. They have been submitted to the contractors, and bids «will be received as soon as advertised for. 4 W. F. Herman, the general passenger agent of the Cleveland & Buffalo Line, is setiding out handsome little trays for cigar ashes as ‘summer souvenirs of the line. In the center each tray bears the picttire of the steamer City of Erie, the “Flyer of thé Lakes,”’“and on the edges are the records which the Erie made in the race with the Tashmoo a year ago. ful. In the matter of advertising his line no passenger agent. can equal Mr. Herman. |: The investigation into the charges made by the Great Lakes Towing Co. against the striking tugmen, that they were a menace to navigation by refusing to tow boats, and that their licenses should be revoked, came to a close with the examination held by the inspectors Wednesday morning. The session was brief and the matter is now under consideration. The briefs’in the case have been prepared and will be gone over injdetail. The charges were made against Capt. Sweeney. | F. S. Masten, Esq., attorney of the Great Lakes Tow- ing Co. said that the adverse decision of the steamboat in- spectors at Buffalo was not on the question at issue, and that no more of the cases against the members of the tugmen’s union would be prosecuted until the United States Solicitor General has ruled in regard to the ad- mission of the testimony of the tugmen. An effort will be made to have the cases now on trial postponed and if that cannot be done the charges will be withdrawn until a decision is. received from: Washington. Lake coal or that shipped ex-lake, is being delivered. into the eastern trade. Most of the eastern cities which have. ordinances prohibiting the use of soft. coal within certain limits, have suspended the regulations.. ‘The. re- sult has been to create a new demand for high: priced soft coal., With the demand from that quarter, lake and rail trade is receiving very little attention from the Pittsburg and Eastern Ohio districts. ‘There is stilla good demand for coal at the head of the lakes. It is said that most, of the coal there belongs to the railroads which are, protecting themselves against the possibility of lessened production. A fireman on the steamer: Hutchinson threw some fresh meat overboard on Saturday. when in this port because he said it was not good enough. The steward remonstrated with the fireman on the willful waste and backed: up his views of the matter with a coupling pin; an instrument something like a norman, which hitherto has been known universally as “the second mate’s friend.” Steward Hodg- son was given a hearing before Commissioner Meals on Monday and bound over on $300 bail. The steward The trays are both unique and ‘use- ' -mean draft of 18 feet. must surely have heard some Western Ocean stories re- — lating to the palmy “bucko” days. Such forceful argu- ments are now, however, in bad odor, and the steward will likely have a chance to ruminate while cooling his — heels in the calaboose. eet se a Edwin S. Mills, assistant manager of the ‘Pittsbur Steamship Co., is going to leave Cleveland to take a more important position with the United States Steel Corpora- tion in New York. Mr. Harvey, who succeeds. Mr. Mills, is a young man who got his business training in this city. For a number of years he was in the employ of Pickands, Mather & Co., as assistant to M. H. Coulby, in the vessel. department. Mr. Harvey went to Duluth with Mr. Wol-. vin when the latter took charge of the trust fleet, where he has had charge of the movement of ore from ports at_ the head of Lake Superior. Mr. Collins, who will have | . charge of the local office, has been with Mr. Mills for a -number of years and before he went with the Pittsburg — Steamship Co. he was with M. A. Hanna & Co, This port. will soon be headquarters for the United — States. revenue cutter Morrill, if the recommendation of — Capt. Shoemaker, chief of the revenue cutter service, is approved by Secretary of the Treasury Shaw. ‘The chief city of Ohio, and the second in size and commercial impor- tance on the Great Lakes, is, in Capt: Shoemaker’s opin- ion, a suitable place to station a cutter, and his judgment in such matters is usually followed by the Secretary. The Morrill is now stationed at Milwaukee, but before the end of ‘the summer the captain hopes to have her trans- ferred to Cleveland. A new revenue cutter, the Tusca- rora, now nearing completion in the shipyards at Rich-_ mond, Va., will be assigned to the Milwaukee station in place of the Morrill. The Morrill is one of the trimmest vessels of her class. She is 145 feet long and 24 feet beam, and draws eight or nine feet of water. Her arma- ' ment consists of a six pound rapid fire gun, and her com- — plement consists of six officers and thirty-six men. She has been in the service on the lakes for some years. If the Morrill is assigned to Cleveland, as now seems quite certain, she will patrol Lake Erie and lower Lake Huron . in search of smugglers and other violators of the customs and revenue laws. At a meeting of the directors of the Great Lakes Tow- ing Co., held on Wednesday, a resolution was adopted ap- proving the acts of the officers of the company so far as they have proceeded in. the tugmen’s strike, and leavy- ing the matter in their hands for further action.. This was gratifying to the officers of the company, the Buffalo decision had very little or no direct bearing on the issue of the tug strike. As far as that goes, many of the friends of the Great Lakes Towing Co. are under the be- - lief—their claim being just or unjust—that it was a mis- take to ever proceed against the tugmen in that way, as such proceedings smacked of vindictiveness. | Announce- ment was made by one of the attorneys for the Great Lakes Towing Co., that it is the intention of counsel presently © toask the Secretaryof the Treasury to overrule the decision ~ of the Local Inspectors, which prevented the collection of evidence from the witnesses. If the department refuses to overrule the decision, it is desired to request that some changes be made in the regulations which will admit the ‘desired evidence, as it is deemed impossible, by the at- torneys, to obtain’ a trial with the ‘ruling permitted to stand as it was made. irr or ior ' ' CONTRACT FOR A STEEL CARGO STEAMER. The American Ship Building Co. closed a contract this week with Mr. C. W. Elphicke, of Chicago, for the con-: struction of a steel steamer of 5,200 tons capacity on a - She is to be named the G. Watson French, in honor of, the vice-president of the Republic Iron & Steel Co. The contract is for early delivery next - season, and the estimated cost is $250,000. : The general hull dimensions of the French will be 376 feet’ over all, 356 feet. keel, 50 feet beam and 28 feet deep. . She will have triple-expansion engines, with cylinders 20, 33% and 55 inches, with 4o-inch stroke. She will have two Scotch boilers 12% feet in diameter and 11% feet long, to be fitted with the Howden forced draft. It has not been decided at which of the branch yards she will be built. This makes twenty-three vessels that the American Ship Building Co. has under contract in addition to the boats that are building for this year’s delivery. "Twenty of the boats are freight steamers, one is a large car ferry steamer and two are passenger steamers for the Detroit & Cleveland line, one of which will not come out until 1904. ———— OS Major ‘I. W. Symons, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. has made his annual report concerning river and harbor work in the district of Buffalo, N. Y. ‘The estimates for the fiscal year, 1904, are as follows: Erie Harbor, Penn- sylvania, $127,000; Dunkirk ‘Harbor, New York, $25,000; Buffalo Harbor, New York, for the maintenance of. im- provement, $75,000; Niagara River, from Tonawanda to — Port Day, $35,000; Charlotte Harbor, New York, $75,000; Harbor at Little Sodus Bay, New York, $68,500; Oswego Harbor, New York, $50,000; Cape Vincent Harbor, New York, $102,000; Improvement of the shoals of the St. Lawrence River, between Ogdensburg, New’ York, and the foot of Lake Ontario, $40,000.