JuLY#31, 1902. FLOTSAM, JETSAM AND LAGAN. Surveyors are at work surveying the Bessemer short line from Five Points, Pa., southwest of Conneaut, to Niles, O. ‘The road will be used in conveying ore from Conheaut harbor to the blast furnaces at the southern terminal. Eight mechanical, stokers, of.the,kind made by the Du- luth,, Stoker .Co., .Duluth;,.Minn.,;and which ate in ‘use on several large lake. cargo steamers, have been purchased by the Eastern Shipbuilding Co.; and«will be installed in the first of the big Hill Pacific liners-now building at Groton, Conn. The owners of the steamboats Monmouth and Sandy Hook have placed with the Cramps an‘order for a steam- boat that will be able to make twenty-five knots an hour. The boat is to be ready by Memorial Day of next year. The new boat is. designed to. make the’ journey between, . New York and Sandy. Hook in,not more than 55 minutes. It is reiterated that the White Star line has definitely de- clined to be managed by the Morgan syndicate in any shape until.the purchase money for the line is paid. ‘The syndi- cate has declined to ‘deposit the money until the English lines relinquish their #tdividual management. The tremend- ous price demanded for the White Star ‘Line may have caused a halt. During her last trip down the lakes from ‘Marquette with a cargo of'ore, the steamer Continental was’ twice made the object of attack by lightning. Her cabin was the mark for both bolts which struck the ship, and its woodwork was badly shattered, though none of the occupants suffered. Besides the damage to her cabin the steamer had a splint- ered rail. The Erie, Pa., fishing fleet of thirty-five tugs are laid up .as’the result of the announcement of the A. Booth Co. of a reduction of one-half cent on the price of herring and ciscoes.” Mafiy of the tugs have been: operated on shares. and it is the crews:of these boats that are affected. THE MARINE RECORD. tow of the Kalkaska. The Falcon should have fallen behind the Madagascar, but instead, attempted.to pass, with the result that the stiction from the’ vessel threw het into, collision. with ‘the Fryer. The Falcon is held for damages, and the Madagascar, which was made a co-de- fendant, was discharged from all liability. Inspection of the steamer Portage, which collided with the lumber barge Flint, in tow of the steamer Viking, off Grosse Point recently, shows that the vessel is out of line. about sixteen inches, Her stem, all main ‘stanchions, stringers and top frames forward are broken.” A‘completé rebuild of the entire forward part of, the steamer will be necessary. She has been turned over to the Buffalo’ Dry- dock Co. : Government Proposals. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Buffalo, N. Y., July 23, 1902. Sealed proposals for hire of dredging plant for excavation in Niagara River and Tonawanda Har- bor will be received here until 11 A. M., August 22, 1902, and then opened. In- formation on application. iis Symons, Major, Corps of Engineers. 30-34 U.'S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Milwau- kee, Wis., July 28, 1902. Sealed proposals for dredging at Menominee Harbor and River, Mich., and Green Bay Harbor, Wis., will be received here until 12 noon, standard time, Aug. 15, 1902, and then publicly "Become an . Officer ‘Our SpecialTrains —~ ing for Seamen in > Ocean Navigation, | Lake and Coast Navi- gation, and Marine Engineering has been ‘ endorsed by the best nautical experts in the country. y Str, sayy iy } ‘ pen? be satisfied with a low- The other fishermen, who work on salary, have joined the opened. EEA a Staal on appli- grade licensé or an ordinary Cation, y. . Warren, Major, Engrs. seaman’s berth. No matter in strike and the tie up is complete. In the United States Court at: Milwaukee last week, Judge Swan held the steamer Falcon responsible for the collision with the barge R. L. Fryer, in the Sault canal, in 1900, and severely censured her captain for violating the rules by running two steamers abreast through the canal. ‘The Falcon and steamer Madagascar were moving through the canal in the same direction when they met the Fryer in THE CHase Machine ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS, OF Fog Whistle Machines, Hoisting Engines, Power and Drop Hammers, and other [achinery. 111 ELM STREET. TELEPHONE, MAIN 994. JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice Pres. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE AND WRECKING C0,, Ltd. KINGSTON, ONT. EXPERIENCED DIVERS, TUGS, STEAII PUIIPS, ETC., SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Steering Engines Engineers’ Supplies and General Jobbing. U: S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Buffalo, N. Y., July 26, 1902. Sealed proposals for dredging and construction work at Erie Harbor, Pa., willi be received here until 11 A. M. August 15, 1902, and then opened. Information on application.. T..‘W. Sy- mons, Major Corps of Engrs. CLD DOF LDL DD DRE LADO DDD | A.d.MO Company, |} Py Automatic Towing Engines, CLEVELAND, O. H. B. FOLGER, Taras. THOS. DONNELLY, Sro'y ORAM FIX. ' ‘ ESTABLISHED 1860, SE&S Ne S, Fix’s Sons, Successors to S. Fix & Son, d. W. FIX. Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Write us for Prices, Cor. LEONARD AND WINTER STS. Cleveland, 0; NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. The Construction and Main- tenance of Vessels Built Warranted 24 lb.. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cor. Life Preservers. Superior to allothers. Rings Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST CHEAPEST. Approved and adopted be. U. S. Board of sapere s Inspectors. ver Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Vessels and trade supplied. Send for Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and Catalogue. Awardad four medals by World’s Columbian Exposition, k, as required by U. S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork what capacity you are engaged, whether on lake, river, or deep-sea craft, we can train you to pass any examination for license that may stand between you and a position of increased pay and responsibil- ity. Mark X, in the coupon, be-. fore the position you want, cut out.. the coupon, and send it to us.with your name, address, and occupa-’ tion. By return mail, we will ex-' plain our plan, gC : INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 4 Box 901, SCRANTON, PA. Please explain how I can qualify for the position marked.X below. a ist Assistant Engineer 2d Assistant Engineer Lake Captain 2d: Class Pilot: Electrician Refrigeration Engineer | A strictly first |} class ,machine at } moderate cost. Perfectly 1 matic, has wide | & range cf ¢ “Ha ties, and raises water promptly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, | has few parts , and. ts easily repaired . All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the workman- ship. is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. of Steel BY METALLIC it. : and: ENKINS BROTHERS, Selling Agents |] THO MAS WA LTON. WOODEN J New York, Boston, PHita, oe . : A Comprehensive and»Accurate Con= of EH eo LIFE > sideration of Modern Shipbuilding. BOATS. ie ie eens Illustrated, $7.50 Net. J.B. LIPPINCOTT Co. Philadelphia Metallic Life Rafts, Marine Drags. Manufacturer of Woolsey’s Patent Life Buoy, which is the lightest, cheapest and most compact Life Raft known. end for illustrated cata- logue, Get our prices before buying elsewhere. D. KAHNWEILER’S SONS 437 Pearl St. New York City